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LIFE IS DIRT as a sub-8



Jan 13, 2018
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]I was in the Navy with a guy named Graham who had super model good looks, if not better.[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]Perfect dirty blonde hair, green eyes, permanent tan, muscular build, washboard abs...etc. Hell, I even saw once when showering that the dude was thoroughly hung.[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]When a group of us would go out to hit-up the bars, girls would just flock to Graham. He would get free drinks all night from girls. I'd never seen that.[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]At the end of the night, he would just brush them off and head home. Sometime, if one of the girls was spectacular, he would take her home...once.[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]Meanwhile, I did fairly well for myself. I wasn't anything great to look at, but I'll admit, I'm pretty charming and charismatic. But next to Graham, it hardly mattered.[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]One day, he turned to me and said, "Man, I really envy you."[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]I looked confused and asked, "Why ever for?"[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]"You just have such an easy way with women."[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]"What the hell are you talking about? They throw themselves at you!"[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]"Yeah, but I don't know how to talk to them. You have it so easy. You make them laugh, and you make it all look so simple."[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]Moral to this story... From the outside looking in, his life seemed great, but inside, he had just as many insecurities as most of us.[/font]

[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]One of my close friends could be a model if he wanted to. 6'2, muscular physique, chiseled face. To say he gets tons of female attention would be an understatement. He's had groups of girls approach him randomly during the day asking for his number and girls groping him and physically throwing themselves on him at parties. One time, a girl knocked on the door to his suite and when he opened the door, the girl gasped and said "....wow." Girls all across campus gossip about how hot he is, and how he's one of the most attractive guys in the university. People are also super friendly to him, and eager to be his friend. Not to mention, he's a funny, kind, and overall a great dude. It seems like he'd have everything, right?[/font]
[font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,]Thing is, he has pretty much no experience with girls and has given up on them. Even though he gets so many opportunities, he's too apprehensive about taking advantage of them. All of his friends joke that when girls throw their pussies at him, he goes "Here, you dropped this," and it really is true. In the rare case that he does go for a girl, she's always interested at first, but he never makes a move and treats her like a friend instead. Eventually, they lose interest despite the initial attraction. Life may be a lot better for really attractive dudes, but they still need to take the initiative if they actually want to benefit from all the perks.[/font]

Life is dirt as a sub-8 male
Mothefucking aspie chads don't have to do shit and women come to them, they friendzone women
Meanwhile redpillers and PUA's spend months on self improvement so they can game one woman into reluctantly kissing them on the cheek
The discrepancy in life quality between normie and chad is like the discrepancy in mass between a ping pong ball and Jupiter.

If you're sub-8 just LDAR, you will ALWAYS be inferior in the eyes of a woman.
RE: Reddit askmen makes me want to jump off a bridge

reddit makes me want to jump off a bridge
RE: Reddit askmen makes me want to jump off a bridge

The initiative is simply responding.
JFL if you are sub 8 in 2018. Just LDAR, ER or rope.
All of us are failures. Each and every one of us were doomed from the start
Now imagine being sub-human
TheVman said:

sub 5's are physically repulsive to women (subhuman). 5-7 are invisible to women (subhuman). 8+ is the minimum to be seen worthy as a man
We may as well not exist. FML.
Yeah, at this point I'm just giving up. I'm tired of whining about this shit. What else can I do, my years of looksmaxing brought me up 1 point at best. It's time to accept I'm subhuman trash and there's nothing I can do about it. I was born to fail. Being born as a black male already put me at worse odds since blacks on average are less attractive than most other races. I never even had a chance. It's OGRE. I just wish I could've been born a blackpilled Chad, Tyrone, Super Pajeet, Chang, Juan Diego. I'd be living life as a Demi God.
Nautica1983 said:
Yeah, at this point I'm just giving up. I'm tired of whining about this shit. What else can I do, my years of looksmaxing brought me up 1 point at best. It's time to accept I'm subhuman trash  and there's nothing I can do about it. I was born to fail. Being born as a black male already put me at worse odds since blacks on average are less attractive than most other races. I never even had a chance. It's OGRE. I just wish I could've been born a blackpilled Chad, Tyrone, Super Pajeet, Chang, Juan Diego. I'd be living life as a Demi God.



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Being an ugly man is truly a fucking scam
_incelinside said:
sub 5's are physically repulsive to women (subhuman). 5-7 are invisible to women (subhuman). 8+ is the minimum to be seen worthy as a man

5-7 can get noticed, but they have to looksmax, exercise and remain 10-12% bodyfat year around. Under 5 is subhuman
Grain_of_sin said:
5-7 can get noticed, but they have to looksmax, exercise and remain 10-12% bodyfat year around. Under 5 is subhuman

They will never be aggressively perused, that's the only gauge of whether women truly value your existence
Life is easy for a sub 8 you mean. Hard life is being sub 5, anyone that says sub 8 is deluded.
Life is easy for 8+, life is meh but getting worse for 5-7, life is hell for 4-.
TheVman said:
what a giant cope

Agreed. Stop spreading this bullshit. Guys 6/10 are in the 20%. According to the charts only 2% of guys are an 8+ and do you see 98% of males single. I thought we already squash this sub8 meme
makes me wanna leave the crooked west and move to SEA.......as usual
_incelinside said:
sub 5's are physically repulsive to women (subhuman). 5-7 are invisible to women (subhuman). 8+ is the minimum to be seen worthy as a man

Stop trying to make the standards seen unobtainable. The numbers just don't support the evidence
Not even dirt. More like shit
Saying sub 8 should result in an instant ban
Saleem said:
TheVman said:
what a giant cope
Agreed. Stop spreading this bullshit. Guys 6/10 are in the 20%. According to the charts only 2% of guys are an 8+ and do you see 98% of males single. I thought we already squash this sub8 meme
I was pissed while I made this post so it may come off as a bit hyperbolic. Im not saying it's over for 5-7 men obviously. They are still capable of garnering a womans attraction but I'm speaking in relative terms. A 8/10 is the level at which women act like men in terms of showing overt signs of attraction and aggressively perusing like men would do for woman. 8+ is the magic number that a man receives that same validation as a average woman.
tldr by no means is it over for sub 8s but the attention they receive are chicken scraps

War of rail ost said:
Saying sub 8 should result in an instant ban

Saleem said:
_incelinside said:
sub 5's are physically repulsive to women (subhuman). 5-7 are invisible to women (subhuman). 8+ is the minimum to be seen worthy as a man
Stop trying to make the standards seen unobtainable. The numbers just don't support the evidence

Saleem said:
TheVman said:
what a giant cope
Agreed. Stop spreading this bullshit. Guys 6/10 are in the 20%. According to the charts only 2% of guys are an 8+ and do you see 98% of males single. I thought we already squash this sub8 meme
dont skip personality day

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