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Blackpill Life between low-tier normie and incel is the most miserable state of existence



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
I would say at the PSL bordering low-tier normie and incel is the most miserable state of existence. You are not ugly enough to truly resign and call it a day. If you are truly truly ugly in the way someone like Messiah Sam is, even low tier normies, truly pity you, and everyone tends to root for you. They would make up lies in your favor just because they feel so bad for you. You are less likely to get shitty unsolicited advice, or even be ignored, because everyone is looking to virtue signal. You can even leverage your ugliness for clout and possibly ascend like this guy:
2023 06 22 13 57 52 unlikely couples   Google Search

But if you look something like this:

2023 06 22 13 50 49 Evermos banks 39m to expand into lower tier cities

2023 06 22 13 52 48 indian guy   Google Search

2023 06 22 13 53 38 mediocre white guy   Google Search

If you look like this, NOBODY is gonna pity you. You are just hated and ignored because you are so fucking pedestrian. But even worse, you are slightly below pedestrian. Not an abomination. People see you as a school shooter and pedophile possibly. People are also gonna tell you to shower and work out, change up your clothes and dating profile. Yet no matter what you do, nobody will match with you on tinder, because this looks tier is the LARGEST MOST COMPETITIVE pool. You are fighting tooth and nail with other low-tier men for the dozen or so non-landwhales on dating apps that can easily get Chads. It's insane.

On that border of low-tier normie and incel, you are prone to constant social upheval, constantly shifting between being a liberal or conservative, bluepill, redpill, blackpill, and bullying other men at similar tier of looks category. It's a schizophenic life where one day you are voting for bernie, the next day you are making fun of SJWs, then you are listening to Andrew Tate and are on nofap, and then Destiny. Low-tier men at this looks level are inherently the least honest men, because they have NO REASON TO BE HONEST. They are in constant need to optimize and chameleonmaxx, because this is the only card they have.
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the problem with low tier normies is that they're too forgoten and ignored by everyone.
there's nothing special about them and they're too "average" so very boring but if a toilet have sex with a trucel then she could use that sex to virtue signal to other foids that she's a good person who isn't superficial and doesn't give a fuck about sex
The curry"cel" or whatever race he is looks pretty Chaddy, but otherwise sure might be legit. Not sure if I fit in the category or if I'm too ugly, I look more like a mixed race version of incel #3 so maybe
It's also really hard to view yourself as this great tragic figure when, in all honesty, you're just plain boring and millions have it worse than you
It's also really hard to view yourself as this great tragic figure when, in all honesty, you're just plain boring and millions have it worse than you
It’s similar to how incels who live in the west are told “there are starving kids in Africa”
It’s similar to how incels who live in the west are told “there are starving kids in Africa”
Well, the niցցers in many aspects are less complex than the animals that inhabit the continent.
Niցցers enjoy their squalor, they enjoy eating poo and drinking piss and therefore I can't have pity for them, since they all are more or less content with what they have.
They can't strive for more since they can't even be cognizant of the fact that there can be "more".
They do not have the conscience that I have, they posses no romantic spirit. I spit on them because it's only right.
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Well, the niցցers in many aspects are less complex than the animals that inhabit the continent.
Niցցers enjoy they squalor, they enjoy eating poo and drinking piss and therefore I can't have pity for them, since they all are more or less content with what they have.
They can't strive for more since they can't even be cognizant of the fact that there can be "more".
They do not have the conscience that I have, they posses no romantic spirit.
Genuinely chatting shit
The same is arguably true for being non-NT. If you're a 50 IQ turbo autist, you will be sheltered by society. You won't ever be expected to work and it's not socially acceptable for people to bully you.

The opposite is true for spergs. Despite how debilitating your condition is, you're expected to fend for yourself and compete with socially savvy NTs. Everybody will treat you like shit and judge you very harshly.
You always look in the mirror and say, "hey I'm not so bad looking after all." And it takes nothing to lift you up and make you think you got this, same way any little conversation can destroy your incredibly fragile ego. It's a true hell
You always look in the mirror and say, "hey I'm not so bad looking after all." And it takes nothing to lift you up and make you think you got this, same way any little conversation can destroy your incredibly fragile ego. It's a true hell

This is very true and this is what aspiecels go through everyday
It's also really hard to view yourself as this great tragic figure when, in all honesty, you're just plain boring and millions have it worse than you
False nobody has it worse than me
Just be truecel theory
Always thought the same. Someone like Chris Chan knows its over and can move on. But a 9 to 5 wageslave, that looks average is literally in Purgatory.
Second guy (curry) looks normie
This thread should be pinned. Hello, ADMIN BOARD!?!?!? Slayer, just pin it, you are on administrator group.
Being non NT is worse.

I know a low tier normie rice, quite ugly possibly a full incel - yet because he's NT he has legions of friends and has fun every weekend.
So you re saying being an incel is better than a normie?
I would say at the PSL bordering low-tier normie and incel is the most miserable state of existence. You are not ugly enough to truly resign and call it a day. If you are truly truly ugly in the way someone like Messiah Sam is, even low tier normies, truly pity you, and everyone tends to root for you. They would make up lies in your favor just because they feel so bad for you. You are less likely to get shitty unsolicited advice, or even be ignored, because everyone is looking to virtue signal. You can even leverage your ugliness for clout and possibly ascend like this guy:
View attachment 786815

But if you look something like this:

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If you look like this, NOBODY is gonna pity you. You are just hated and ignored because you are so fucking pedestrian. But even worse, you are slightly below pedestrian. Not an abomination. People see you as a school shooter and pedophile possibly. People are also gonna tell you to shower and work out, change up your clothes and dating profile. Yet no matter what you do, nobody will match with you on tinder, because this looks tier is the LARGEST MOST COMPETITIVE pool. You are fighting tooth and nail with other low-tier men for the dozen or so non-landwhales on dating apps that can easily get Chads. It's insane.

On that border of low-tier normie and incel, you are prone to constant social upheval, constantly shifting between being a liberal or conservative, bluepill, redpill, blackpill, and bullying other men at similar tier of looks category. It's a schizophenic life where one day you are voting for bernie, the next day you are making fun of SJWs, then you are listening to Andrew Tate and are on nofap, and then Destiny. Low-tier men at this looks level are inherently the least honest men, because they have NO REASON TO BE HONEST. They are in constant need to optimize and chameleonmaxx, because this is the only card they have.
Why is this thread describing me so badly? I'm literally called school shooter by everyone lmaoooo

Yes, being LTN-INCEL sucks as fuck.
My parents tell me I have things better because of money I have no control over. And also they think I eat too much food; when this is their standard for a "ridiculous amount of food".


  • IMG_20230830_075029695.jpg
    1.6 MB · Views: 46
The same is arguably true for being non-NT. If you're a 50 IQ turbo autist, you will be sheltered by society. You won't ever be expected to work and it's not socially acceptable for people to bully you.

The opposite is true for spergs. Despite how debilitating your condition is, you're expected to fend for yourself and compete with socially savvy NTs. Everybody will treat you like shit and judge you very harshly.
But if you look something like this:

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If you look like this, NOBODY is gonna pity you. You are just hated and ignored because you are so fucking pedestrian. But even worse, you are slightly below pedestrian. Not an abomination. People see you as a school shooter and pedophile possibly. People are also gonna tell you to shower and work out, change up your clothes and dating profile. Yet no matter what you do, nobody will match with you on tinder, because this looks tier is the LARGEST MOST COMPETITIVE pool. You are fighting tooth and nail with other low-tier men for the dozen or so non-landwhales on dating apps that can easily get Chads. It's insane.

On that border of low-tier normie and incel, you are prone to constant social upheval, constantly shifting between being a liberal or conservative, bluepill, redpill, blackpill, and bullying other men at similar tier of looks category. It's a schizophenic life where one day you are voting for bernie, the next day you are making fun of SJWs, then you are listening to Andrew Tate and are on nofap, and then Destiny. Low-tier men at this looks level are inherently the least honest men, because they have NO REASON TO BE HONEST. They are in constant need to optimize and chameleonmaxx, because this is the only card they have.

Those images are (at least 2 of them) from image banks which means those posing are very likely literal models with girlfriends or even wives and children :feelskek: you're deluding yourself if you think they're anything below normie-tier.
The same is arguably true for being non-NT. If you're a 50 IQ turbo autist, you will be sheltered by society. You won't ever be expected to work and it's not socially acceptable for people to bully you.
Socially being the key word here. You'll still be "silently" bullied to hell n back
My parents tell me I have things better because of money I have no control over. And also they think I eat too much food; when this is their standard for a "ridiculous amount of food".
That's a lot of food. Count the calories...
The curry"cel" or whatever race he is looks pretty Chaddy, but otherwise sure might be legit. Not sure if I fit in the category or if I'm too ugly, I look more like a mixed race version of incel #3 so maybe
This. The curry dude is chadpreet. Probs tall too.
It's also really hard to view yourself as this great tragic figure when, in all honesty, you're just plain boring and millions have it worse than you
That's because they are all me
The curry"cel" or whatever race he is looks pretty Chaddy, but otherwise sure might be legit. Not sure if I fit in the category or if I'm too ugly, I look more like a mixed race version of incel #3 so maybe
there is no universe in which he looks chaddy, but i agree he doesnt look too bad. But do you honestly think looksmatched women will have wet dreams about him? I doubt it..hes a normie.
At least when you're a truecel, you know it never began. A low-tier-normie has a chance, albeit small, to reverse the game, but he often fails. So close, but so distant. That's hell on earth.
Welcome to limbo
Nah, The More truecel you get The worse it Gets. Manlets Have it The worst. People only Pity you when you Are disabled. I was a caretaker For a student in wheelchair. He had one Guy he sometimes Ate with in cafeteria.
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Suffering as a low-status male is immense. :cryfeels::cryfeels::feelsrope::feelsrope:
see my avi fuck em foids
Very fucking relateable. I got stuck in a conversation about dateing when I was a youngcel with some coworkers and I told them I could not get anything.
And they were like " why is that, ur not ugly" :lul:

Is that supposed to make me feel any better? Apparently im not ugly but a female has never even bothered to give me a simple smile:feelsautistic::feelsrope:

Being slightly below average looking and non nt is a sure way of having a shit existence on this planet
I hate the lack of respect from the lower normies, he thinks he is as far ahead of us as others and he is not.
Well, the niցցers in many aspects are less complex than the animals that inhabit the continent.
Niցցers enjoy their squalor, they enjoy eating poo and drinking piss and therefore I can't have pity for them, since they all are more or less content with what they have.
They can't strive for more since they can't even be cognizant of the fact that there can be "more".
They do not have the conscience that I have, they posses no romantic spirit. I spit on them because it's only right.
What’s wrong with inferior people?
I would say at the PSL bordering low-tier normie and incel is the most miserable state of existence. You are not ugly enough to truly resign and call it a day. If you are truly truly ugly in the way someone like Messiah Sam is, even low tier normies, truly pity you, and everyone tends to root for you. They would make up lies in your favor just because they feel so bad for you. You are less likely to get shitty unsolicited advice, or even be ignored, because everyone is looking to virtue signal. You can even leverage your ugliness for clout and possibly ascend like this guy:
View attachment 786815

But if you look something like this:

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If you look like this, NOBODY is gonna pity you. You are just hated and ignored because you are so fucking pedestrian. But even worse, you are slightly below pedestrian. Not an abomination. People see you as a school shooter and pedophile possibly. People are also gonna tell you to shower and work out, change up your clothes and dating profile. Yet no matter what you do, nobody will match with you on tinder, because this looks tier is the LARGEST MOST COMPETITIVE pool. You are fighting tooth and nail with other low-tier men for the dozen or so non-landwhales on dating apps that can easily get Chads. It's insane.

On that border of low-tier normie and incel, you are prone to constant social upheval, constantly shifting between being a liberal or conservative, bluepill, redpill, blackpill, and bullying other men at similar tier of looks category. It's a schizophenic life where one day you are voting for bernie, the next day you are making fun of SJWs, then you are listening to Andrew Tate and are on nofap, and then Destiny. Low-tier men at this looks level are inherently the least honest men, because they have NO REASON TO BE HONEST. They are in constant need to optimize and chameleonmaxx, because this is the only card they have.
True very high iq
This is why all sub-5s belong here. The more of these fuckers get blackpilled the more likely societal change will occur.
I always said, sometimes I wish I had the courage to burn out my face with big ugly burn scars so people wouldnt just treat me bad just because Im ugly, most people would feel pity for me and I bet $10.000 my quality of life in society would improve a lot.
I would say at the PSL bordering low-tier normie and incel is the most miserable state of existence. You are not ugly enough to truly resign and call it a day. If you are truly truly ugly in the way someone like Messiah Sam is, even low tier normies, truly pity you, and everyone tends to root for you. They would make up lies in your favor just because they feel so bad for you. You are less likely to get shitty unsolicited advice, or even be ignored, because everyone is looking to virtue signal. You can even leverage your ugliness for clout and possibly ascend like this guy:
View attachment 786815

But if you look something like this:

View attachment 786809
View attachment 786812
View attachment 786813

If you look like this, NOBODY is gonna pity you. You are just hated and ignored because you are so fucking pedestrian. But even worse, you are slightly below pedestrian. Not an abomination. People see you as a school shooter and pedophile possibly. People are also gonna tell you to shower and work out, change up your clothes and dating profile. Yet no matter what you do, nobody will match with you on tinder, because this looks tier is the LARGEST MOST COMPETITIVE pool. You are fighting tooth and nail with other low-tier men for the dozen or so non-landwhales on dating apps that can easily get Chads. It's insane.

On that border of low-tier normie and incel, you are prone to constant social upheval, constantly shifting between being a liberal or conservative, bluepill, redpill, blackpill, and bullying other men at similar tier of looks category. It's a schizophenic life where one day you are voting for bernie, the next day you are making fun of SJWs, then you are listening to Andrew Tate and are on nofap, and then Destiny. Low-tier men at this looks level are inherently the least honest men, because they have NO REASON TO BE HONEST. They are in constant need to optimize and chameleonmaxx, because this is the only card they have.
Ltns get very similar treatment to inkwells. That's why I think a good portion of this forum is probably ltns who think they are incel tier
I agree. Sometimes I watch manosphere and another normie low-tier bullshits for know about the normie world. All the reclamation is about behaviour and status. Normie talking about "work hard" and take a shower.

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