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LifeFuel LF for whites: More whites are becoming racially conscious



Sep 18, 2018
I know the typical thing to do is to call everybody cucks and claim they will just lay down and rot until the brownies kill them (and in fact I have made threads in the past where I did just this) but the loony left is going ballistic with it's anti-white hatred too quickly and it's redpilling too many white people. Even when factoring in the high non-white birthrates it will be decades before whites in most European nations come even close to being a minority and odds are they will be mostly redpilled by then. Already I am noticing a large increase of redpill videos on youtube compared to before and the leftist parties in Europe are slowly starting to implode. The only nations that I consider truly fucked are the USA (which already had passive but consistent immigration long before modern political correctness became a thing), Canada, and Sweden. Otherwise it seems perfectly possible that most of the west will go nazi mode soon largely in thanks to the far-left (which is more and more being composed of mostly just anti-white non-whites) not having any impulse control and failing to keep it's blatant racism towards whites under control. In addition, it seems possible that many of the big corporations will turn on the left and start siding with the far-right once it becomes clear what the end-game of the anti-white far-left is since said corporations are largely controlled by whites.

Granted that whites going nazi mode again isn't exactly lifefuel for ethnics, but for whites there is some chance that the race might actually survive after all thanks to leftist incompetence and lack of impulse control. Granted that we will live under fascism and lose all our freedom but oh well.
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Ethnonationalism in whites is better for ethnics, because it reduces the likelihood of young ethniccels being born in predominantly white countries and thus suffering inceldom.

Many of the ethnics here would probably be ethno-chadlites in their parents home countries, but trying to compete with 6ft white aryan donkeydick chads is impossible.
breaking free from the programming
Stop coping mate, whites are going to be bred out of existence (all races are going to be bred out of existence), the last stand with be asian countries like Japan and especially China, and even they will be "invaded" via migration and bred out of existence too. Its in human nature to "assimilate" more and more genetic variation into the gene pool to increase the likely-hood of "healthy" offspring, key word is "healthy" not "genius".

Stephen Hawking was a genius, and he still had the genetics that allowed him to get ALS and basically be rendered useless, if he was not born in this age of technology he would have died in his 40's or even earlier. People who are mixed have a higher survivability and resistance when it comes to diseases and other conditions.

Humans have forgotten the name of the game, the name of the game is survival not "scientific advancement", we have time to do that, but dur to lack of genetic variation it is quite easy to genetically engineer a specific virus to kill off specific populations, or something like this could literally just spawn into existence because viruses adapt too.

You ever notice that its mostly whites you see with all these weird ass genetic conditions?


I'm not sure if you are aware of this channel but its one discussed on this site a bit, because its basically a chad going around mogging genetically inferior people, but that's beside the point, let me get to the point JFL.

Scroll through his video list, and look at the ratio of darker skinned people to lighter skinned people, are you seeing the drastic difference. Ethnics are just less likely to develop such conditions based on my observations on sources online and in real life. I've talked to a few white people and a lot of times they mention some family member with a condition and I'm always confused thinking - "wtf, how do you guys keep getting this shit". Black people barely if ever at all get any of these rare conditions.

So when you think about genetic superiority, I think "white nationalists" are being disingenuous and only looking at one single criteria (intelligence, IQ), whats the point of being the smartest is if you just end up also being the most genetically inferior (in the physical sense) - More prone to certain diseases and weird genetic conditions, etc.
Ethnonationalism in whites is better for ethnics, because it reduces the likelihood of young ethniccels being born in predominantly white countries and thus suffering inceldom.

Many of the ethnics here would probably be ethno-chadlites in their parents home countries, but trying to compete with 6ft white aryan donkeydick chads is impossible.

White ethno-nationalism, at least in its current incarnation, would be anything but good for ethnics. There's no guarantee that white ethno-nationalists would be isolationist and leave ethnics alone. Actually, history proves entirely to the contrary. If white ethno-nationalists win, then ethnics would lose massively as has happened historically. Ethnics are still getting cucked in their own countries by even white normie-tier or below guys today when the world is shifting to ethnic control, if white ethno-nationalists took over, we would see a return to the days of imperialism when entire countries got invaded because some white tourist got lynched by the locals for fucking their women.

Even today when white ethno-nationalists are on the losing foot, they can scarcely hide their aggressively expansionistic mindset. All their talk of isolationism and wanting peace with ethnics immediately falls apart as soon as they get pissed off. For ethnics worldwide, it's quite clear that if white ethno-nationalists took over, the future would either be genocide or slavery.

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