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Lettre de Marc Lépine

  • Thread starter lonelysince2006
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Cumming in Amelie Cheung is my life goal
Jan 10, 2024
Excusez les fautes. J'avais 15 minutes pour l'écrire (Voir aussi Annexe)

Veillez noter que si je me suicide aujourd'hui 89/12/06 ce n'est pas pour des raisons économiques (car j'ai attendu d'avoir épuisé tout mes moyens financiers refusant même de l'emploi) mais bien pour des raisons politiques. Car j'ai décidé d'envoyer Ad Patres les féministes qui m'ont toujours gaché la vie. Depuis 7 ans que la vie ne m'apporte plus de joie et étant totalement blasé, j'ai décidé de mettre des bâtons dans les roues à ces viragos.

J'avais déjà essayés dans ma jeunesse de m'engager dans les Forces comme élève-officier, ce qui m'aurais permit de possiblement pénétrer dans l'arsenal et de procédé Lortie dans une rassia. Ils m'ont refusé because associàl. J'ai donc attendu jusqu'a ce jour pour mettre à exécution mes projets. Entre temps, j'ai continué mes études au grès du vent car elles ne m'ont jamais intéressée sachant mon destin à l'avance. Ce qui ne m'a pas empécher d'avoir de très bonnes notes malgré ma théorie de travaux non remis ainsi que la carence d'étude avant les examens.

Même si l'épitète Tireur Fou va m'être attribué dans les médias, je me considère comme un érudit rationnel que seul la venu de la Faucheuse on amméné à posé des gestes extrèmistes. Car pourquoi persévéré à exister si ce n'est que faire plaisir au gouvernement. Etant plûtot passéiste (Exception la science) de nature, les féministes ont toujours eux le dont de me faire rager. Elles veulent conserver les avantages des femmes (ex. assurances moins cher, congé de maternité prolongé précédé d'un retrait préventif, etc.) tout en s'accaparant de ceux des hommes.

Ainsi c'est une vérité de la palice que si les Jeux olympiques enlevaient la distinction Homme/Femme, il n'y aurait de Femmes que dans les compétitions gracieuses. Donc les féministes ne se battent pas pour enlever cette barrière. Elles sont tellement opportunistes qu'elles ne négligent pas de profiter des connaissances accumuler par les hommes au cours de l'histoire. Elles essai toutefois de travestir celles-ci toute les fois qu'elles le peuvent. Ainsi l'autre jour j'ai entendu qu'on honoraient les canadiens et canadiennes qui ont combattus au front pendant les guerres mondiales. Comment expliquer cela alors que les femmes n'étaient pas autorisés à aller au front??? Va-t-on entendre parler des légionnaires et galériennes de César qui naturellement occuperont 50% des effectifs de l'histoire malgré qu'elles n'a jamais exister. Un vrai Casus Belli.

Désoler pour cette trop compendieuse lettre.

Marc Lépine


[Suit une liste de 19 noms]

Ont toutes Failli disparaitre aujourd'hui. Le manque de temps (car je m'y suis mis trop tard) à permis que ces féministes radicals survives.

Alea Jacta Est
it sucks that I was too dumb to learn French. It’s Over.
it sucks that I was too dumb to learn French. It’s Over.
Chad doesn't need to learn French to score bitches in France. :feelsrope:
Plus grand canadien de l'histoire :smonk:
Il écrit comme un cul ce pucix.
Last edited:
C'est tres interessant. J'aime Marc Lépine. Ils sont le ER originelle. Il exécuter le foids exclusment. [High school French probably all wrong].
C'est tres interessant. J'aime Marc Lépine. Ils sont le ER originelle. Il exécuter le foids exclusment. [High school French probably all wrong].
Ne t'inquiète pas. Je ne sais pas non plus parler français. :shhh:
Va te faire enculer.

@LeFrenchCel Regarde cet enfoiré qui vient ici pour se moquer de Marc Lépine.
En vrai il a pas tort sur ce point il y a quand même pas mal de fautes d'orthographe
Excuse the mistakes. I had 15 minutes to write it (See also Appendix)

Please note that if I commit suicide today 89/12/06 it is not for economic reasons (because I waited until I had exhausted all my financial means, even refusing employment) but for political reasons. Because I decided to send Ad Patres the feminists who have always ruined my life. For 7 years that life has not brought me any joy and being totally jaded, I decided to put spokes in the wheels of these viragos.

I had already tried in my youth to enlist in the Forces as a cadet, which would have allowed me to possibly enter the arsenal and to proceed Lortie in a rassia. They refused me because associàl. So I waited until this day to carry out my plans. In the meantime, I continued my studies with the wind because they never interested me knowing my destiny in advance. Which did not prevent me from having very good grades despite my theory of unsubmitted work as well as the lack of study before exams.

Even if the epitet Mad Shooter will be attributed to me in the media, I consider myself a rational scholar that only the arrival of the Reaper has led to make extremist gestures. Because why persist in existing if not to please the government. Being rather backward-looking (exception science) by nature, feminists have always had the gift of making me angry. They want to keep the advantages of women (e.g. cheaper insurance, extended maternity leave preceded by preventive withdrawal, etc.) while seizing those of men.

So it is a truism that if the Olympic Games removed the distinction between men and women, there would only be women in the free competitions. So feminists do not fight to remove this barrier. They are so opportunistic that they do not neglect to take advantage of the knowledge accumulated by men throughout history. However, they try to distort it whenever they can. So the other day I heard that we were honoring the Canadians who fought at the front during the world wars. How can we explain this when women were not allowed to go to the front??? Are we going to hear about Caesar's legionnaires and galley slaves who naturally occupied 50% of the workforce in history even though they never existed. A real Casus Belli.

Sorry for this overly compendious letter.

Marc Lepine


[A list of 19 names follows]

They all nearly disappeared today. Lack of time (because I started too late) allowed these radical feminists to survive.

The die is cast
Excuse the mistakes. I had 15 minutes to write it (See also Appendix)

Please note that if I commit suicide today 89/12/06 it is not for economic reasons (because I waited until I had exhausted all my financial means, even refusing employment) but for political reasons. Because I decided to send Ad Patres the feminists who have always ruined my life. For 7 years that life has not brought me any joy and being totally jaded, I decided to put spokes in the wheels of these viragos.

I had already tried in my youth to enlist in the Forces as a cadet, which would have allowed me to possibly enter the arsenal and to proceed Lortie in a rassia. They refused me because associàl. So I waited until this day to carry out my plans. In the meantime, I continued my studies with the wind because they never interested me knowing my destiny in advance. Which did not prevent me from having very good grades despite my theory of unsubmitted work as well as the lack of study before exams.

Even if the epitet Mad Shooter will be attributed to me in the media, I consider myself a rational scholar that only the arrival of the Reaper has led to make extremist gestures. Because why persist in existing if not to please the government. Being rather backward-looking (exception science) by nature, feminists have always had the gift of making me angry. They want to keep the advantages of women (e.g. cheaper insurance, extended maternity leave preceded by preventive withdrawal, etc.) while seizing those of men.

So it is a truism that if the Olympic Games removed the distinction between men and women, there would only be women in the free competitions. So feminists do not fight to remove this barrier. They are so opportunistic that they do not neglect to take advantage of the knowledge accumulated by men throughout history. However, they try to distort it whenever they can. So the other day I heard that we were honoring the Canadians who fought at the front during the world wars. How can we explain this when women were not allowed to go to the front??? Are we going to hear about Caesar's legionnaires and galley slaves who naturally occupied 50% of the workforce in history even though they never existed. A real Casus Belli.

Sorry for this overly compendious letter.

Marc Lepine


[A list of 19 names follows]

They all nearly disappeared today. Lack of time (because I started too late) allowed these radical feminists to survive.

The die is cast
This is a better translation of the letter:

Lepine letter

This is a reading of the letter from a scene in Polytechnique (2009):

Quite well spoken and cultured
Va te faire enculer.

@LeFrenchCel Regarde cet enfoiré qui vient ici pour se moquer de Marc Lépine.
Je me moque pas, je constate la pauvreté de sa prose. Nuance.

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