So we were in this mediterranean forest (we had a camp) chilling, then we heard a loud noise, yknow like an artillery shell flying through the sky, and then there was this small explosion which kicked up a lot of dirt and blinded me, I fell to the ground and coughed uncontrollably. Our leader was an asian guy with a Hitler moustache and he concluded that the Army has found our location and that they are going to kill us.
So we walked out of the forest while my eyes were still burning and you could hear a lot of helicopter flying above us, and since this was a dream the environment changed rapidly, we ended up by some train tracks, a train was passing by, we just pointed our guns at it and it stopped, the driver guy walked out and let us use the train. This part was kinda weird since I shot him with my revolver several times but the bullets didnt hurt him they just passed through him without leaving a wound, nevertheless he started panicking and begged me to not kill him. Asian Hitler forced me to board the train and we were driving through a jungle (enviroment changed once again) and then a fucking gorilla appeared in front of our train, it killed the animal and I remember its corpse getting pushed out of the way by the train, it was very wobbly.
I started losing balance for some reason and I fell off the train, I remember everything went white, then I found myself at my house surrounded by my highschool classmates. One of them was this tallfag psycho (he existed in real life too btw) he started pinching me in the back, I reported this to the teacher and he looked at me like I did it while the tallfag played dumb. Then they kicked me out of the house, I walked to my local football stadium and then I was surrounded by fit nigger foids, I remember being very aroused and then I woke up with an erection