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Cope Leftist Americans exaggerate and overdramatize too much.

Babica Yaga

Babica Yaga

Untermensch genetic trash
Jul 28, 2020
I've even noticed it on this forum lately. My fat 27yo obese incel cousin was so happy yesterday that Biden won, celebrating and letting everyone know in the family how shite Trump was. Nigger you're still incel no matter who's fucking president, what are you so happy about legit? These liberals also really believe anyone outside of America gives a rats ass about who's president. No, the outside world hates America and its imperialism regardless, and they don't give a shit that you have elected a leftist president in office. Nothing will change that.

Even at my college everyone was celebrating Biden (wtf...). Jfl at all the Dutch cucks caring about American politics. I swear some of these retards here have no clue what's going on in their own country or in the world, and then when the US elections arrive suddenly become political experts? Fucking clowns. I swear in my undergraduates I've only come across one right-wing leaning guy who was actually grounded and whom I had interesting conversations with, all other people I met were immensly retarded lefties 9/10 times. Over for unicels, either fake having leftist views or be cast out during your uni period.

Note: I'm not anti-American, nor anti-leftist, I'm anti-overdramatizing and anti-bullshit, just saying it how it is. If you're like my cousin, "celebrating" that this dipshit won, you're coping hard and it's really over for you. Well it's over for you if you post here anyway.
Yeah plus is doesn't matter if Republicans get the Senate
My mother was stress drinking well after it was pretty much a lock that Biden was gonna win. It wasn't enough for him to be in the lead, she needed the confirmation. My mom is very old and recently had her thyroid removed. But she still felt the need to drink heavily because "But what if Trump wins again?"
I think a lot of them are libs, who haven't swallowed the god cop - bad cop -pill yet.

I think there was a real possibility of a second trump presidency to be a turning point for either fascism or corporate fascism in the long term. If history told us something, that most attempts to stop it were to late and obvious signs were ignored for to long.

It's not that trump itself is the devil, but it was a dangerous road he could possibly have paved for the future. also dems are obviously no angels either. The dems pretty much brought the country to it's pretrump position. So I wouldn't call it a victory, more an imminent crisis fought off. But we are still pretty much in the same condition, that caused the crisis and there is a chance it will stay this way or get worse again. The rich like to have this country on a razor edge.
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I've even noticed it on this forum lately. My fat 27yo obese incel cousin was so happy yesterday that Biden won, celebrating and letting everyone know in the family how shite Trump was. Nigger you're still incel no matter who's fucking president, what are you so happy about legit? These liberals also really believe anyone outside of America gives a rats ass about who's president. No, the outside world hates America and its imperialism regardless, and they don't give a shit that you have elected a leftist president in office. Nothing will change that.

Even at my college everyone was celebrating Biden (wtf...). Jfl at all the Dutch cucks caring about American politics. I swear some of these retards here have no clue what's going on in their own country or in the world, and then when the US elections arrive suddenly become political experts? Fucking clowns. I swear in my undergraduates I've only come across one right-wing leaning guy who was actually grounded and whom I had interesting conversations with, all other people I met were immensly retarded lefties 9/10 times. Over for unicels, either fake having leftist views or be cast out during your uni period.

Note: I'm not anti-American, nor anti-leftist, I'm anti-overdramatizing and anti-bullshit, just saying it how it is. If you're like my cousin, "celebrating" that this dipshit won, you're coping hard and it's really over for you. Well it's over for you if you post here anyway.
Same experience. For example: If you ask an average American/European where Belarus is they won't know it. But as soon as the media told people about Lukashenko and his alleged exploits they were complete experts on Eastern Europe. They watch an opinionated documentary and suddenly they are experts.
This is a normie trait in general: A catastrophe happens and through pop culture osmosis they think that they know more than the actual experts. This could be seen on the new years celebration in my country where a defect rocket burnt down a zoo that housed apes: After that many normies attacked zoos for being cruel/anachronistic or attacked pyrotechnicians for producing dangerous stuff although this was an isolated case that has never happened before and will likely never happen again.
Leftists are hysterical and the boomer shills who think that the neoliberal Biden will somehow bring communism are also retarded as fuck (but in Europe where leftists dominate the leftists annoy me more). In general people have become so fucking hysterical and that mass hysteria is amplified by social media.
They always accuse the other of living in a echo chamber, but in the end everyone does live in an echo chamber to a certain degree and will surround himself with like-minded individuals - that's human nature, but wrong when their enemy does it.
For American politics: Just fucking lol, if you think that Trump/Biden makes a difference when it comes to hard facts, there is no difference except in the choice of words because they are both neoliberal shills.
My mother was stress drinking well after it was pretty much a lock that Biden was gonna win. It wasn't enough for him to be in the lead, she needed the confirmation. My mom is very old and recently had her thyroid removed. But she still felt the need to drink heavily because "But what if Trump wins again?"
It's all the fucking same no matter who wins anyway. (((They))) have won long ago.
This is a normie trait in general: A catastrophe happens and through pop culture osmosis they think that they know more than the actual experts
Is there a formal word for this phenomenon? It think it parallels the Dunning-Krugger effect: stupid people thinking they know a lot about a certain topic when in reality they don't know jack shit
Yeah plus is doesn't matter if Republicans get the Senate
Yeah they're gonna stonewall creepy sleepy Joe. There's still some things the president can do but he can't pass any new laws, and can't start a war. Joe will probably do what he, Obama, and Hillary did and just take in millions in bribe money for presidential favors. His son Hunter Biden will snort half of the profits up his nose.
The past year has really opened my eyes to what fucking sheep most people are.
The past year has really opened my eyes to what fucking sheep most people are.
This. Imagine thinking a bunch of multi-millionaire pieces of Jewish property actually give a fuck about you or will change your life in anyway? These tards actually think their one vote in a sea of tens of millions actually means something. Every politician has to be kike-vetted before they can even have a career in politics and as such only serve Israel/big corps, not everyday people.

People are so fucking stupid. If the elites don't like your vote, they burn it, throw it in the trash or just stuff the ballot box like Pedo Joe did.
What a joke. Why can't I just die in my sleep and leave this cursed place?
This perfectly describes the right-wing MAGA apes on the forum who have a persecution complex, they unironically believe that we'll all be thrown into incel concentration camps.
American "leftist" Biden supporters :lul::lul::lul::lul:

Yeah I'm a leftist! Wait socialism? Workers of the world unite? Whoa there buddy! Lets not get carried away there!
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there's no one you can vote for to give you a better face
This perfectly describes the right-wing MAGA apes on the forum who have a persecution complex, they unironically believe that we'll all be thrown into incel concentration camps.
If anything, the victory of Joe Biden will translate into more passive and peaceable politics, since he has a passive and peaceable personality. This is appealing to the bourgeoisie and managerial class, who are threatened by violence and disorder.

The committees that Biden is supposed to organize to look into right-wingers will be utterly ineffectual, just like Trump's committees (e.g. the Kobach Commission) meant to look into the scandalous machinations of liberals/leftists were.

Presidents cannot accomplish much of anything unless it concerns doing what billionaires want or killing people in the Middle East (a tautology, tbh). Which is precisely what makes popular investment into the outcomes of electoral politics so absurd. American voters have literally 0% influence on policy matters, and are perceived by the ruling class to be little more than dogs (hence the expression "red meat," or telling voters what they want to hear when necessary).
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They're a bunch of cucks. Imagine being incel and voting for libtards

these fuckers know shit about what's like a leftist government, libtards nowadays are nothing like the old, mostly social-democrats of the past. They're straight up marxists. The fact that we have politicians in the US today that openly support socialism should tell you something about how the overton window has moved in america.

And now most right wing governments worldwide will also get fucked by this cuck policies. Just be ethnic and vote for a uber racist pro slavery party who suddently changed sides for votes bro, wholesome :soy::feelstastyman:
They're a bunch of cucks. Imagine being incel and voting for libtards

these fuckers know shit about what's like a leftist government, libtards nowadays are nothing like the old, mostly social-democrats of the past. They're straight up marxists. The fact that we have politicians in the US today that openly support socialism should tell you something about how the overton window has moved in america.

And now most right wing governments worldwide will also get fucked by this cuck policies. Just be ethnic and vote for a uber racist pro slavery party who suddently changed sides for votes bro, wholesome :soy::feelstastyman:
You are engaging in the exact over-dramatic, histrionic language that the OP is criticizing shitlibs for, but from a right-wing perspective. By doing this, you paradoxically legitimize the American political system, as if anything it has to offer is genuine.

Joe Biden is the furthest thing from a socialist, and Kamala Harris being called "the most liberal member of the Senate" means little when you consider the fact that Jim DeMint, who was once purported to be "most conservative member of the Senate," served as the president of the corporate Heritage Foundation from 2013-17 which was responsible for appointing the many swamp creatures who infested Trump's cabinet when he was elected in 2016.

American politics is fake and gay.
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You are engaging in the exact over-dramatic, histrionic language that the OP is criticizing shitlibs for, but from a right-wing perspective. By doing this, you paradoxically legitimize the American political system, as if anything it has to offer is genuine.

Joe Biden is the furthest thing from a socialist, and Kamala Harris being called "the most liberal member of the Senate" means little when you consider the fact that Jim DeMint, who was once purported to be "most conservative member of the Senate," served as the president of the corporate Heritage Foundation from 2013-17 which was responsible for appointing the many swamp creatures who infested Trump's cabinet when he was elected in 2016.

American politics is fake and gay.
third way centrist cope

shit doesn't happen overnight dude, I saw all that "reconciliation" "think beyond right and left" "let's break the wheel" bs in my country over the last two decades. Of course that's not even the main thing, tbf I couldn't care less about politics atm, fuck republicans too. IMHO you guys should be more worried about saving the economy and do some damage control over the leftist thing.

just tax rich people and increase expenditures with healthcare in a consoomer economy with a debt the size of the GDP. Maybe bombing some shithole in the old american way so they can induce some meme growth by autophagous means through the army. :bluepill:
third way centrist cope

shit doesn't happen overnight dude, I saw all that "reconciliation" "think beyond right and left" "let's break the wheel" bs in my country over the last two decades. Of course that's not even the main thing, tbf I couldn't care less about politics atm, fuck republicans too. IMHO you guys should be more worried about saving the economy and do some damage control over the leftist thing.

just tax rich people and increase expenditures with healthcare in a consoomer economy with a debt the size of the GDP. Maybe bombing some shithole in the old american way so they can induce some meme growth by autophagous means through the army. :bluepill:
I am not saying that the "two party system" is fake and gay and you should vote for a fake and gay third party instead.

I am saying that electoral politics as a whole and the entire structure of American government is fake and gay.

Donald Trump delivered on absolutely none of his radical promises from 2016, and only re-vamped some of them during his re-election campaign in order scam people again.

Likewise, Joe Biden will deliver on absolutely nothing substantive and of interest to the people while he's president, and neither will Kamala Harris, who literally ascended to the top of American politics by being a whore to men more powerful than her.
They're a bunch of cucks. Imagine being incel and voting for libtards

these fuckers know shit about what's like a leftist government, libtards nowadays are nothing like the old, mostly social-democrats of the past. They're straight up marxists. The fact that we have politicians in the US today that openly support socialism should tell you something about how the overton window has moved in america.

And now most right wing governments worldwide will also get fucked by this cuck policies. Just be ethnic and vote for a uber racist pro slavery party who suddently changed sides for votes bro, wholesome :soy::feelstastyman:
Keep going left and we will get legal abeit price gouged prostitution
I am not saying that the "two party system" is fake and gay and you should vote for a fake and gay third party instead.

I am saying that electoral politics as a whole and the entire structure of American government is fake and gay.

Donald Trump delivered on absolutely none of his radical promises from 2016, and only re-vamped some of them during his re-election campaign in order scam people again.

Likewise, Joe Biden will deliver on absolutely nothing substantive and of interest to the people while he's president, and neither will Kamala Harris, who literally ascended to the top of American politics by being a whore to men more powerful than her.
I got you now, I agree with you in some of that but not so sure about the last part. In the best scenario it'll just make room for more and more libcuck candidates who'll eventually fuck you all in the ass. At least Trump in the worse case was some kind of "counter reformation" figure, preventing more progressive policies to sneak through the government. Also moving overton window which was completely on the other half of the spectrum. Sure, some things may seem unthinkable now, but in the future when most people think it's fine, a certain policy won't be frowned upon, especially by the excuse of national security or some bs, and this affect incels directly.

I've seen this film before, trust me in no time you will have a foid president and hate speech laws just like we have here. Don't ever fool yourself that things can't get worse. They can, they did and they will.
Keep going left and we will get legal abeit price gouged prostitution
jfl eventually america will push some cucked laws like in nordic countries where prostitution is legal but buying it is not :feelstastyman: so bad inkler goes to jail and whore gets money without fucking :feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:

and people in america have no idea of how much their country influence others', it's not even funny.
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This perfectly describes the right-wing MAGA apes on the forum who have a persecution complex, they unironically believe that we'll all be thrown into incel concentration camps.
says the dumb rice head who is not even american and who cant even vote ; with a biden avi and numerous pro biden threads, JFL.
I got you now, I agree with you in some of that but not so sure about the last part. In the best scenario it'll just make room for more and more libcuck candidates who'll eventually fuck you all in the ass. At least Trump in the worse case was some kind of "counter reformation" figure, preventing more progressive policies to sneak through the government. Also moving overton window which was completely on the other half of the spectrum. Sure, some things may seem unthinkable now, but in the future when most people think it's fine, a certain policy won't be frowned upon, especially by the excuse of national security or some bs, and this affect incels directly.

I've seen this film before, trust me in no time you will have a foid president and hate speech laws just like we have here. Don't ever fool yourself that things can't get worse. They can, they did and they will.
Trump did not prevent any leftist cultural rot or accretions; on the contrary, he provoked leftists into becoming more rabid than ever. And what's worse is that he did nothing to combat them.

He enticed his supporters into rallying and organizing, only to see them mobbed and imprisoned without so much as lifting a finger to help them.

Fuck Trump and may death and suffering be upon him and his degenerate family.

You have a point though that over the long-term, the overton window has shifted as a result of Trump such that radicalism in politics is much more conventional, but in a way this only serves to make radical politics gay. Just look at antifa: a collection of faggots, homeless drifters, and the offspring of rich Jews, politicians, and bougie liberals. Their right-wing equivalents are hardly better.
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Leftists in general are 30/40 years old jerking off to Harry Potter or the Avengers. Trump is not Voldemort and you have no superpowers.
Trump did not prevent any leftist cultural rot or accretions; on the contrary, he provoked leftists into becoming more rabid than ever. And what's worse is that he did nothing to combat them.

He enticed his supporters into rallying and organizing, only to see them mobbed and imprisoned without so much as lifting a finger to help them.

Fuck Trump and may death and suffering be upon him and his degenerate family.

You have a point though that over the long-term, the overton window has shifted as a result of Trump such that radicalism in politics is much more conventional, but in a way this only serves to make radical politics gay. Just look at antifa: a collection of faggots, homeless drifters, and the offspring of rich Jews, politicians, and bougie liberals. Their right-wing equivalents are hardly better.
I don't really disagree, Trump could've done way more, he shied away. But I still fail to see how Biden's win is somehow not a bad thing or even beneficial as some cucks here are saying.
Leftists in general are 30/40 years old jerking off to Harry Potter or the Avengers. Trump is not Voldemort and you have no superpowers.

Many left wingers are either children or mentally children. And i'm sure nobody in my generation is growing out of the retardation, they will only bring it with them into old age.
I don't really disagree, Trump could've done way more, he shied away. But I still fail to see how Biden's win is somehow not a bad thing or even beneficial as some cucks here are saying.
Trump only did as much as he needed to do in order to obtain political power. You make it sound like he had good intentions, but was too meek for his own good, whereas he is actually a brash narcissist who manipulated the people who voted for him and made no secret of it.

In 2016, Trump suggested that he'd go to Washington DC and utterly purge the bureaucracy. He did not do this at all and not a peep of such an effort was heard again until the re-election campaign, with Steve Bannon (a former CIA asset) talking about beheading bureaucrats and putting their heads on pikes. How convenient :feelshaha:

The pill you need to swallow is that for the common people, it makes absolutely no difference which scam artist or puppet is in the oval office. You are highly bought into propaganda about the Democratic Party being socialistic/Marxist, which only serves to legitimize the Democratic Party as being somehow principled. It is not. The inverse of this is the idea that the Republican Party is racist and fundamentalist Christian or whatever (again, legitimizing it by implying it has principles outside of serving its billionaire donors).

And then you have a weird fusion of these beliefs: that the Democratic Party is both socialistic/Marxist and racist :feelskek:
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If you're like my cousin, "celebrating" that this dipshit won, you're coping hard and it's really over for you.

My major problem with this is the principle behind it or the mentality of this. Remove the question of if they could actually do something for America or anything along those lines. Does your cousin actually know Joseph Biden? Does your cousin even know Joe is a shortened version of Joseph? What about the majority of normies? This is what confuses me so much. They are so happy for Biden's alleged victory, but for what? The majority of them have absolutely no clue who the person they voted for is, but yet they are ready to berate everyone and everything that opposes him.

Do you want to know who actually is knowledgeable about the person they voted for? Trump supporters. Even then, Trump does not factor into it. The majority of his supporters, myself included, are on the right (or at the very least right-leaning) and people on the right actually research before they formulate opinions/decisions. Braindead normies that make up the overwhelming majority of the left does not do this. It is insane how much power the media has over these people.

We on the right like to believe that both sides have legitimate opinions because it is their 'opinion' etc etc. However, the simple fact of the matter is practically all of the supporters of the left have not the foggiest idea of what it means to brainstorm an opinion or make a decision for themselves. They get all of their opinions, how they are supposed to think and the 'right' decisions to make from the media they listen/watch/read. How could we ever take the left seriously? It is quite literally like debating with children and I think this is the fundamental difference between the left and the right. It goes far beyond what Trump, Biden, or anybody can do for the country. The point is that people are not thinking for themselves and that is arguably the most dangerous thing someone can do.
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Trump is significantly superior to Biden. Fuck democrats.
Do you know want to who actually knows about who they voted for? Trump supporters. Even then, Trump does not factor into it. The majority of his supporters, myself included, are on the right (or at the very least right-leaning) and people on the right actually research before they formulate opinions/decisions. Braindead normies that make up the overwhelming majority of the left does not do this. It is insane how much power the media have over these people.

We on the right like to believe that both sides have legitimate opinions because it is their 'opinion' etc etc. However, the simple fact of the matter is practically all of the supporters of the left have not the foggiest idea of what it means to brainstorm an opinion or make a decision for themselves. They get all of their opinions, how they are supposed to think and the 'right' decisions from the media they listen/watch/read. How could we ever take the left seriously? It is quite literally like debating with children and I think this is the fundamental difference between the left and the right. It goes far beyond what Trump, Biden, or anybody can do for the country. The point is that people are not thinking for themselves and that is arguably the most dangerous thing someone can do.
Trump supporters do not know who they voted for anymore than Biden supporters. They conceptualize him as a man of the people, whereas the leftist rejectionist critique of Trump as an uncaring billionaire is actually much closer to the truth.

Trump never cared about anybody but far-right Israeli Jews and a certain number of his fellow billionaires, the only demographics which benefited from his presidency.
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Psychological conformity. Even FBIcels and CIAcels try not to think they are sheep wageslave pawns.
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Trump supporters do not know who they voted for anymore than Biden supporters. They conceptualize him as a man of the people, whereas the leftist rejectionist critique of Trump as an uncaring billionaire is actually much closer to the truth.

Trump never cared about anybody but far-right Israeli Jews and his fellow billionaires, the only demographics which benefited from his presidency.

You say that Trump did/does not care for anybody but the elite of society and that they were the only ones who benefitted from his presidency. I think you are quite far from the truth. Trump was the incumbent president over the largest economic growth America has seen in decades. This provided jobs for a whole lot of minorities. In fact, unemployment for minorities has not been this low for quite some time. Trump has also seen the biggest demographic shift in voters between the two parties/candidates, where more minorities voted for Trump in 2020 when you compare the two democrat candidates and their respective election results. If anything, Biden gained more of the white vote than he did the minority vote. This was discussed by the polls, but they are not exactly trustworthy. You could see the demographic shift if you look at the electoral map to see the places where Trump won and their respective demographic populations.

I am not here to discuss politics, my point is people's capacity to think for themselves. Over 71M+ persons voted for Trump, amidst the constant media degradation of him and scarce mention of his objectively good accomplishments. With the current culture, this would mean that these individuals either had to independent research or are just braindead as their leftist neighbors. I would put my bets on the prior. OP even said himself how the only grounded person he had conversations with in his university years, was someone that leaned to the right.
You say that Trump did/does not care for anybody but the elite of society and that they were the only ones who benefitted from his presidency. I think you are quite far from the truth. Trump was the incumbent president over the largest economic growth America has seen in decades.

"Largest economic growth in decades" = billionaires invested in the stock market became richer than ever, while the peasants got a proliferation of minimum wage jobs (until the Covid pandemic, that is) to be fulfilled not by them but rather illegal immigrants, which Obama deported more of than Trump. The peasants themselves continued to die from opium overdoses at record rates.

In fact, unemployment for minorities has not been this low for quite some time. Trump has also seen the biggest demographic shift in voters between the two parties/candidates, where more minorities voted for Trump in 2020 when you compare the two democrat candidates and their respective election results. If anything, Biden gained more of the white vote than he did the minority vote. This was discussed by the polls, but they are not exactly trustworthy. You could see the demographic shift if you look at the electoral map to see the places where Trump won and their respective demographic populations.

Why does your account have the trappings of Nazism when you are basically just a liberal? Lol.

The fact that Trump gained in the shitskin vote and lost in the White working class vote is precisely why he didn't win the election. Congratulations on being endorsed by Lil' Pump instead of David Duke this time around, Drumpf :feelskek:

I am not here to discuss politics, my point is people's capacity to think for themselves. Over 71M+ persons voted for Trump, amidst the constant media degradation of him and scarce mention of his objectively good accomplishments. With the current culture, this would mean that these individuals either had to independent research or are just braindead as their leftist neighbors. I would put my bets on the prior. OP even said himself how the only grounded person he had conversations with in his university years, was someone that leaned to the right.

You have a point about the mental retardation of shitlibs, but Trump is not the antidote to it. He is a ridiculous narcissist who scammed you and all of his other supporters, although his scam was perhaps the most convincing in American politics for decades. He really made it seem like he was going to purge Washington DC and revolutionize things in 2016.

Not so in 2020. And that's why he lost.

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"Largest economic growth in decades" = billionaires invested in the stock market became richer than ever while the peasants got a proliferation of minimum wage jobs, to be fulfilled not by them but rather illegal immigrants, which Obama deported more of than Trump. The peasants themselves continued to die from opium overdoses at record rates.

Why does your account have the trappings of Nazism when you are basically just a liberal? Lol.

The fact that Trump gained in the shitskin vote and lost in the White working class vote is precisely why he didn't win the election. Congratulations on being endorsed by Lil' Pump instead of David Duke, Drumpf :feelskek:

You have a point about the mental retardation of shitlibs, but Trump is not the antidote to it. He is a ridiculous narcissist who scammed you and all of his other supporters, although the scam was perhaps the most convincing in American politics for decades. He really made it seem like he was going to purge Washington DC and revolutionize things in 2016.

Not so in 2020. And that's why he lost.

I am the furthest thing from a liberal, friend, and although the occasion to argue about Trump is tempting, I will decline.

You acknowledge that there is some validity in my original point about the low mental capacity of lesties and that is all I am here for.
Trump only did as much as he needed to do in order to obtain political power. You make it sound like he had good intentions, but was too meek for his own good, whereas he is actually a brash narcissist who manipulated the people who voted for him and made no secret of it.

In 2016, Trump suggested that he'd go to Washington DC and utterly purge the bureaucracy. He did not do this at all and not a peep of such an effort was heard again until the re-election campaign, with Steve Bannon (a former CIA asset) talking about beheading bureaucrats and putting their heads on pikes. How convenient :feelshaha:

The pill you need to swallow is that for the common people, it makes absolutely no difference which scam artist or puppet is in the oval office. You are highly bought into propaganda about the Democratic Party being socialistic/Marxist, which only serves to legitimize the Democratic Party as being somehow principled. It is not. The inverse of this is the idea that the Republican Party is racist and fundamentalist Christian or whatever (again, legitimizing it by implying it has principles outside of serving its billionaire donors).

And then you have a weird fusion of these beliefs: that the Democratic Party is both socialistic/Marxist and racist :feelskek:
If he had good or bad intentions is really up to each one to judge, but he had intentions. I don't believe he would want political power for the sake of being powerful, there's a reason why we have this neverending battle between different ideologies for the opportunity to apply what they believe is the right way of doing something.

But utter low IQ if you think one can really get up there and change everything without actually beheading a few people. There's a limit of what you can do within a democratic regime, especially if you don't have enough support from the other powers that rule the nation. That's why a lot of rulers engage in corruption, you just can't go there and do whatever you want without consequences. Why do you think modern dictatorships are basically military regimes desguised as theatrical democracies, so technically they appear to be under the rule of law.

People overestimate the power of a president. Not to mention that the executive power is probably one of the most fragile one's, your power basically rely on the approve of the two others.

Now, we can argue how much of a difference it makes depending on the context, or how much power we actually hold when it comes to choosing our "leaders" (which are mostly pre determinated figures in a big popularity contest), but I think it's completely bs to say it doesn't make no difference when it comes to common people.

Actually that's what I meant when addressing firstworldcels, you guys take too many things for granted since you all live in stable, democratic countries which solid institutions. I'm only 22 and I have been through at least three big recessions in my country (which is not even that of an unstable country, compared to many others out there) where I saw 10, 20 years of growth being throwed away in weeks thanks to a single pen move by some retarded libtard politician.

I don't like that determinist view of politics, maybe in a more philosophical way idk, but that'd be ignoring all the past events in the world's history where it did make a difference. That's like saying it didn't make any difference when people in Argentina chose to elect Perón or people in SA elected Mandela.

For god sake, you just need to take a look at the dolar price downfall since Biden's win to see how it does affect you in a lot of ways.

And who told you marxists can't be racist? In fact the biggest names within marxism where racist af (they were also mostly jews). As for democrats that's not a belief, that's a fact. They were a pro slavery party, they supported and proposed Jim Crow laws. The KKK was founded by democrats.

Just because they decided it was smarter to switch sides for votes doesn't mean they are any less racists.
I am Dutch and I wanted Trump to win but I am also anti-American. :feelsokman:
I am Dutch and I wanted Trump to win but I am also anti-American. :feelsokman:
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Joe Biden is the furthest thing from a socialist

He doesn’t have to be, but he is a democrat, and his authority helps enable the marxist-feminist blocks of the party, AOC and all the other ones.
the outside world hates America and its imperialism
You made a point here. I actually fear Biden has neocons relations trying to finance another war to sell their fucking weapons to your state. The only good thing with your previous autistic president that is Trump is that at least he was on his own most of the time and hated by the deep state and the usual political intelligentsia.
Note: I'm not anti-American, nor anti-leftist, I'm anti-overdramatizing and anti-bullshit, just saying it how it is. If you're like my cousin, "celebrating" that this dipshit won, you're coping hard and it's really over for you. Well it's over for you if you post here anyway.
Based. Though there's no reason to consider Biden a "leftist". From a european point of view, a leftist is someone actually advocating for the kind of society you had on the other side of the iron curtain during the cold war. The american political landscape is literally everything but leftist, and being a "liberal" has nothing to do with the actual real left. Also, actual leftists are kind of based.
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My mother was stress drinking well after it was pretty much a lock that Biden was gonna win. It wasn't enough for him to be in the lead, she needed the confirmation. My mom is very old and recently had her thyroid removed. But she still felt the need to drink heavily because "But what if Trump wins again?"
My mom drank champagne when Biden won jfl.
The past year has really opened my eyes to what fucking sheep most people are.
This. Imagine thinking a bunch of multi-millionaire pieces of Jewish property actually give a fuck about you or will change your life in anyway? These tards actually think their one vote in a sea of tens of millions actually means something. Every politician has to be kike-vetted before they can even have a career in politics and as such only serve Israel/big corps, not everyday people.

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