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leaguecels, i am hardstuck gold since a week ago, i need to know why i dont do damage

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3129
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Deleted member 3129

Deleted member 3129

90 iq at best
Jan 30, 2018
tell me why i dont do any damage on the bludclart meters. i need to do more dmg so i dont have to rely on having a good mid/adc. i do like 20k dmg over a fucking 30 min game as garen/sion. i would post on reddit but im banned and i dont have another email to fucking ask so leaguecels which are high elo, enlighten me
Your avi reminds me of jackbud for some reason
Top cant carry games

i am too mechanically handicapped to play any other role cuz if i play mid i just feed
maybe i should just play tryndamere/jax and split push the entire game.
theres your problem have you tried playing camille? Fiora? Ornn? Irelia?

ah i wish i could. unfortunately i am honor level 0 due to the game destroying my mental state when i was silver and i flamed team mates constantly, unfortunately i cannot afford the champs since i never get any free chests and keys
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just wasted £5 on ornn cause im at honor level 0 and am required to spend my mothers money on this game. nice.
You play shit champs... I guess, that's the only explanation

If u keep playing u will improve tho
When I see someone pick fiddlesticks/ahri/LB I wish I got to slit their throat slowly and painfully before they picked it

Anyone who does that doesn't want to even win, they want a meaningless, guaranteed victory screen and are enough of low IQ scum to trick themselves into thinking they deserve it
Every match is literally so pre-determined it's nauseating, I watch the replay and I perfectly & clearly see that my 3 game loss streak is not because I am tilted and playing worse or whatever, it's precisely because it's pre determined that I lose and couldn't have done anything better, normals = cancer, so glad I disabled chat and unbound enter key
i am too mechanically handicapped to play any other role cuz if i play mid i just feed
maybe i should just play tryndamere/jax and split push the entire game.

ah i wish i could. unfortunately i am honor level 0 due to the game destroying my mental state when i was silver and i flamed team mates constantly, unfortunately i cannot afford the champs since i never get any free chests and keys
Leagues a waste of time we mostly join in thinking we're gonna be hired by professionals and mad people will find us cool but in reality nobody give a fuck about our ranks. I quit after getting perma banned 7 times
Leagues a waste of time we mostly join in thinking we're gonna be hired by professionals and mad people will find us cool but in reality nobody give a fuck about our ranks. I quit after getting perma banned 7 times

I have 24 or so bans, fatalass has 70-80 banned accounts and tyler1 has 21
Defeat > dodge > defeat > dodge > dodge > defeat > intentionally feeding, then tried but there was literally no way because the match was a 100% perfect example of how winning/losing is entirely pre determined by team comp > dodge
League is a dead game.

IF you want to win with an easy win the Taric Top, Yi Jungle is the most OP thing at this moment.

Honestly though I’ve been playing Blazblue and Mario Odyssey so can’t say I’m still in the League Loop.
tell me why i dont do any damage on the bludclart meters. i need to do more dmg so i dont have to rely on having a good mid/adc. i do like 20k dmg over a fucking 30 min game as garen/sion. i would post on reddit but im banned and i dont have another email to fucking ask so leaguecels which are high elo, enlighten me
tell me why i dont do any damage on the bludclart meters. i need to do more dmg so i dont have to rely on having a good mid/adc. i do like 20k dmg over a fucking 30 min game as garen/sion. i would post on reddit but im banned and i dont have another email to fucking ask so leaguecels which are high elo, enlighten me
The only tops that will get u high elo are riven/jayce/trind/Jax and maybe akali since they can hard carry so just one trick a face rool champ and spend time cause u won't improve unless u play alot.
High skillcel here, was D1 season 4, I dont play much now but Garen and especially Sion dont do that much dmg as they are tanks.
theres your problem have you tried playing camille? Fiora? Ornn? Irelia?
Garen is easy to carry, play aggresive witj ignite thunder for FB them SLOWPUSH means only last hit and let do enemy mistakes,ward your bush from time to time and roam if you pushed in or your opponent is SS, they dont care about top that much in low elo d o just buid an advantage and win

Trundle and jax are pretty good too ,xin aswell , trynd needs some skill early game so thats not recommendef, always bann teemo and or jax if you can and play super passive vs pant excepr your a caster
When I see someone pick fiddlesticks/ahri/LB I wish I got to slit their throat slowly and painfully before they picked it

Anyone who does that doesn't want to even win, they want a meaningless, guaranteed victory screen and are enough of low IQ scum to trick themselves into thinking they deserve it
Lb is op now
Yi Jungle is the most OP thing at this moment..

Worst possible jungler for carrying EUW silver/gold
Every match is literally so pre-determined it's nauseating, I watch the replay and I perfectly & clearly see that my 3 game loss streak is not because I am tilted and playing worse or whatever, it's precisely because it's pre determined that I lose and couldn't have done anything better, normals = cancer, so glad I disabled chat and unbound enter key

Every match is pre-determined by team comp, nothing else matters when deciding who will win or not, you can't prove me otherwise
Worst possible jungler for carrying EUW silver/gold

Every match is pre-determined by team comp, nothing else matters when deciding who will win or not, you can't prove me otherwise

better macro wins and hardcarry champ like fiora, xin , yi , jax, dudes who can 1v2 or even 1v3 if ahead, forget fucking assasins, late game your trash and late game in lowe elo is general trash, i had yesterday fucking loosing streak playing autopilot even with that i carryed like xin 15/7 still loose and then i fucking played with brain and shotcalls game was 23 mins long bc i knew what i was doing and won easily 10 / 1 xin, and after that i hard loose bc of random invates and bullshit that caught me, things like this can rly put you offguard , when i play lb i can carry hjard easily butr still cant win bc no one has gameplan even myself and dont know how to snowball that lead hard, shes not meant to be1v2ing like a hardcarry can thats why assasins get useless pretty fast low elo

i can carry with yi if i play an early game style (im a yi main yea trololol ) but playing autopilot as usual with him ( farm the shit out for you and carry then ) is useless bc the enemy is so ahead at that time bc your team throws fucking everywhere and you simply cant win,

early game hardcarry or die thats low elo why fiora? bc you can abuse her q auto e cancel auto combo and deal massive dmg everytime, she has a pretty good early game and scales extremely well sadly just works top or mid the best , maybe i will spam her mid again getting to your powerspikes early is so brutal with her but will see

all in all have good macro
play hypercarrys ( low elo )
dont get invaded or makes absoulutly sure to net get invaded ( dont autopilot early on and ward the bush between crab and mid bush ( there is a little bush in the bottom river site near midlane ) to make sure to see those brainlets coming , same goes with top lane there is a little bush between the top site crab and the middle lane bush aswell
You don't get any opportunities unless your enemy is horrible, so it boils down to how many lanes win and then more importantly what your team comp is
You don't get any opportunities unless your enemy is horrible, so it boils down to how many lanes win and then more importantly what your team comp is
yea meke your lanes win by playing an early game jung xin zhao is perfect now with hail of blades, , and dont ever let late game happen, no one secures rift herald too in low elo so thats a + and dont help those who feed the most, help the ones who carry to further extend their lead

in solo q you cant expect teamcomps everyone play what they fucking what, your usual low elo yasuo zed fagqs, your mf is so broken faq, etc pp
better macro wins and hardcarry champ like fiora, xin , yi , jax, dudes who can 1v2 or even 1v3 if ahead, forget fucking assasins, late game your trash and late game in lowe elo is general trash, i had yesterday fucking loosing streak playing autopilot even with that i carryed like xin 15/7 still loose and then i fucking played with brain and shotcalls game was 23 mins long bc i knew what i was doing and won easily 10 / 1 xin, and after that i hard loose bc of random invates and bullshit that caught me, things like this can rly put you offguard , when i play lb i can carry hjard easily butr still cant win bc no one has gameplan even myself and dont know how to snowball that lead hard, shes not meant to be1v2ing like a hardcarry can thats why assasins get useless pretty fast low elo

i can carry with yi if i play an early game style (im a yi main yea trololol ) but playing autopilot as usual with him ( farm the shit out for you and carry then ) is useless bc the enemy is so ahead at that time bc your team throws fucking everywhere and you simply cant win,

early game hardcarry or die thats low elo why fiora? bc you can abuse her q auto e cancel auto combo and deal massive dmg everytime, she has a pretty good early game and scales extremely well sadly just works top or mid the best , maybe i will spam her mid again getting to your powerspikes early is so brutal with her but will see

all in all have good macro
play hypercarrys ( low elo )
dont get invaded or makes absoulutly sure to net get invaded ( dont autopilot early on and ward the bush between crab and mid bush ( there is a little bush in the bottom river site near midlane ) to make sure to see those brainlets coming , same goes with top lane there is a little bush between the top site crab and the middle lane bush aswell

whats ur peak rank
yea meke your lanes win by playing an early game jung xin zhao is perfect now with hail of blades, , and dont ever let late game happen, no one secures rift herald too in low elo so thats a + and dont help those who feed the most, help the ones who carry to further extend their lead

in solo q you cant expect teamcomps everyone play what they fucking what, your usual low elo yasuo zed fagqs, your mf is so broken faq, etc pp

I don't want to be good at league, also I meant the champions individually and combined

I'm planning to make a starcraft youtube channel and twitch stream, had a little success with that in 2016, now I am more skilled (not that much at the game, just top 18% or so) at making videos and have a better voice
I don't want to be good at league, also I meant the champions individually and combined

I'm planning to make a starcraft youtube channel and twitch stream, had a little success with that in 2016, now I am more skilled (not that much at the game, just top 18% or so) at making videos and have a better voice

starcraft in 2018, gl with 5 viewers ngl :feelscry::feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
starcraft in 2018, gl with 5 viewers ngl :feelscry::feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

JFL at streamers, gonna make youtube vids/other stuff first, just gonna use twitch later on for my existing audience which is what many good twitch streamers did

Both ways it's good to wait for a new RTS
JFL at streamers, gonna make youtube vids/other stuff first, just gonna use twitch later on for my existing audience which is what many good twitch streamers did

gl with 5 views on yotuube videos ngl :feelscry::feelscry::feelscry::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
peak performance, i always can carry when those brainlets play their fucking pattern but not when they invade like shit and your team throws around everywhere


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peak performance, i always can carry when those brainlets play their fucking pattern but not when they invade like shit and your team throws around everywhere

Invaders = idiots who don't want to earn wins
Invaders = idiots who don't want to earn wins
no when i get invaded, need to unlern waiting in that buff bush and go into river bush instead to see it coming

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