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Blackpill Lauren Southern is A conman, which should surprise no one



Jan 12, 2019
Lately, Lauren Southern split from Rebel Media and permanently (at least for now) left social media as well as her Youtube career. This came as a surprise to many people because of how sudden it was. Her channel was actively growing, and there were no signs of slowdown or any mental health problems she might've had that would push her to quit social media.

Then, came the """surprise""".

Basically, Lauren Southern's gay producers who were helping with her shows and """documentaries""" were taking the donation money given to her by alt right cucks and wasting it on a lavish lifestyle. Both these producers and Southern laughed about taking the money and, more importantly, mocking her fans for actually believing in the garbage she spews. It would then make sense as to why she would just leave abruptly. She like many other online conservatives and youtube thots are conning retarded alt right men into giving their money while giving NO FUCKS about the situation for us. Lauren Southern used to date black and muslim men, do you actually think she gives a shit if theyre immigrating to europe? Thats just more cock for her. Heres a great video that summarizes the general problem with this situation and youtube thots.

There isnt any great replacement, muslim immigrants arent going to ruin Europe. Instead the far more logical explanation is that these countries are running their course. Just like the Caliphate, or the Roman Empire, or like any other great countries like them they all rise and fall. The rise of degeneracy, fiat currency, ruthless business, stagnating wages, the behavior of women, the effects of feminism, and mass immigration (which is still bad imo) that is creating lots of cheap labor so the 500 billionares or whatever can keep growing their wealth. The (slow) collapse of the united states IS happening, in fact we've already started the decline. This video is great on the collapse.

So whats the lesson to all the guests lurking here? Dont give your patreonbux to thots (if she breaths). In the end she won anyway cause now she can retire early and keep fucking tyrones.
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Lauren ((( Simonsen ))).
What do you expect ?
Candy ?

Oy vey.
all of those "alt-right" e-celebs worship jews and shill for israel constantly
all of those "alt-right" e-celebs worship jews and shill for israel constantly
Some are joos themselves.
Lauren, and Stephan muh 1 dollah donation Molyjoo.
92435517 6154 40C7 A6D3 E04944540FF1
i never watch those thots
Even though she was exposed as a coalburner they still dreamed of marrying her and vied for her attention.

TBH this is why i have no respect for modern day conservative men. In a way they have no true beliefs, most of them (like shapiro or crowder) are just classical liberals who are racists. Rather than these young men understanding that feminism and the U.S fucked them over instead they cope that its shit like cultural marxists or immigrants or whatever, instead of the very real problem that is feminism. Of course i expect nothing less than a movement whos commodified and milked to oblivion by people who dont even believe in this shit.
JFL at giving a shit about some e-based pseudo politician
all conservative women are just chameleonmaxxing, tradcucks are easily manipulated. No foid is ever going to go against her interests
Cuckservatives: "Lauren Southern just knew that her faggot employees were scamming people for their money, were disloyal and trouble with everyone they got into contact with, not even really right-wing or conservative and she admitted that she knew they were meeting with an antifa doxxing organisation and she accepted the excuse "We are just going there to troll them. Even though no one is there to laugh at our prank." and even met with them at least once herself. So that means she is obviously innocent about all of this. We can't expect women in our movement to act better than this."

Okay, then why do we have them? The women should just be the gf and wives of politically active people, so they have some sort of guidance.

How the fuck can you talk about "Oh, we have pathological altruism and a false sense of empathy" about muslim and african migrants, while at the same tolerate these faggots being subversive saboteurs? Tommy Robinson had 10,000 dollars of bitcoin stolen from them, but that wasn't the end of their relationship right then and there. It continued.
Don't talk shit about Muslims.
Even on /pol/ the whiteknighting for Lauren Southern was disgusting, the justification typically being that she was "doing more for the white race than 99% of /pol/" because she spouts PG-13 redpills and went on holiday to South Africa.
Even on /pol/ the whiteknighting for Lauren Southern was disgusting, the justification typically being that she was "doing more for the white race than 99% of /pol/" because she spouts PG-13 redpills and went on holiday to South Africa.
Her documentary borderless was pretty weak, tbh.
Her documentary borderless was pretty weak, tbh.

It was so fucking shit I couldn't finish it. Lauren Southern played alt right cucks and got that big money, she's settled for life and is totally independent right now.
there are billions of arabs and Asian mongoloids that take one look at Lauren Southern and can bet their life saving that Lauren Southern is a whore without even understanding one syllable of English.

The tradcucks should revaluate their intelligence and start learning some real knowledge instead of listening to their school teachers and pastors
who cares, don't even know why politics shit gets posted here, caring about politics as an incel is cope, if you donated money to her you deserved to get scammed regardless of what she did.
who cares, don't even know why politics shit gets posted here, caring about politics as an incel is cope, if you donated money to her you deserved to get scammed regardless of what she did.

While I agree that people who donated to her deserve to get scammed, IMO i think saying "politics is cope" is an incomplete statement. I'd argue that the discussion of economic and political theory, as well as showing these news updates that further prove our point, are not only not cope but theyre also important. Electoralism, on the other hand, the idea that mainstream politicians and elections will solve our problems are indeed cope.

good post

Thanks bro your always so nice

By the way, Weev completely called everything in the OP back in like 2016 or 2017. I mean everything. But his youtube account has been purged as far as I can tell.

Voices of reason always get drowned out by the mob that only thinks with their dicks. 99% of people no matter what political or religious affiliation are non-player characters, that's just a fact.

The best social/political commentary channels are always the ones with like 1k or less subs.
Im happy alt right fags got scammed. Fuckin hate those aryan female worshipping cucks.
Alt kikes btfo!!!!!
Even though she was exposed as a coalburner they still dreamed of marrying her and vied for her attention.
JFL at right wingers acting like they arent cucks themselves.
Crazy how whores get away with shit like that, hope some alt right cuck takes revenge on the bitch
What a complete joke but this shouldn't surprise anyone.
i pirated her book and read it. literally the worst book I've ever read. one of the few books I've read were you could tell it wasn't edited at all. had typos and stuff that didn't even make sense. at the time i thought she was just a bad author but now i think she just wrote some bullshit so people would have something to buy.
Crazy how whores get away with shit like that, hope some alt right cuck takes revenge on the bitch
She deserves some punishment tbh. It's over for alt right they don't have true leaders, it's over for them.
She deserves some punishment tbh. It's over for alt right they don't have true leaders, it's over for them.
Tbh, as long as a man isnt gay and isnt blackpilled, he will always white knight foids because its in his nature, we must simply remove women rights and their donations
Tbh, as long as a man isnt gay and isnt blackpilled, he will always white knight foids because its in his nature, we must simply remove women rights and their donations
That is very hard to happen bro, maybe a big war can reverse the actual status quo
Foids aren't conservative and will never be conservative because of the illogical degeneracy of our society.
LMAO at extreme-wing politicalcels (both far left and far right), pathetic cope artists trying to find meaning in their lives.

Makes me think though, I think there’s a market right now for an alt right ethniccel. So if anyone here is immoral and low inhib enough and wants to make a few bucks, I recommend jumping onto the scene.
Women should have no say in how society is run so I never payed any attention to her.
Women destroy civilisation if they have any kind of freedom
There's one named Ashley St Clair who is also a grifter. Some random jew girl who used to sell nudes now just tweets the same tired worn out lines about Democrats being racist and something about hillary clinton

It will happen, but we'll be old men or dead when it does. They'll have a few more decades of open debauchery and then they will be flogged in the streets and covered from head to toe.
I want to see that
Thats why I hate fucking incels who post here the youtube links to altright fags. They are not our friends. They would laugh in your face if you told them about your problems. They don't give a fuck about us and probably secretly want us dead just as much as the leftfags do. We have nobody on our side. The whole world wants to fuck us in the ass. Sometimes it's too much and incels take it upon themselves to get fucked by the world like NEET did JFL.
The absolute STATE of cucked tradcons.

Foids rejected chivalry. It's time to stop begging them to take it back.
I never found her attractive
don't get me wrong i would have fucked her repeatedly and made her my trad wife (consensually of course)

but JFL if you're a fucking cuck who listens to women's opinions about fucking ANYTHING

like an early 20s bitch is going to know fucking anything about politics. she's literally been playing life in tutorial mode with cucks giving her patreon bucks just for existing and making amish-tier wank material on youtube

fucking idiots

IT'S FUCKING OVER if you've EVER given a girl on the internet money. This is the sort of shit you get.

If I'm a get my politics, it's going to be from some grizzled old man who is an asshole and probably banned from every platform. no political blogger is legit because they aren't blackpilled. and if they aren't blackpilled, they are a fucking cuck
Every day this species strays further from the road.
The tradcucks seem like a mass of children who realize that their favorite youtuber "just wants to earn money".

Seriously, what's wrong with these people? These guys are giving money to youtubers just to watch them spreading platitudes, or worse they give money to some random gamers. Just fuck them. Fuck these cucks. Fuck this gay planet.

This e-whore did a great job scamming this huge mass of retarded people.
Fucking right wingers worshipping women if they wear a MAGA hat, when they're no better than the unstable left wing obese tumblr woman with hair dye.
Thats why I hate fucking incels who post here the youtube links to altright fags. They are not our friends. They would laugh in your face if you told them about your problems. They don't give a fuck about us and probably secretly want us dead just as much as the leftfags do. We have nobody on our side. The whole world wants to fuck us in the ass. Sometimes it's too much and incels take it upon themselves to get fucked by the world like NEET did JFL.

I've been saying this for a while. Stormfags OUT OUT OUT

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