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JFL Korean anti-feminist discord



Nov 19, 2017

:dab: @mcmoohyun @Adolf Hitler @AsiaCel
I wish I understood chink languages because this seems interesting
Turbo based ricecels
What does prussian flag do with this lmaoo
Its always funny to me when chinks use white man flags and ideologies
Its always funny to me when chinks use white man flags and ideologies
It's a easy way to grab international attention and be edgy. Asia was very isolated so there was (still is) not much racial related ideologies.
We were all once a grey boyo.

Treat greycels with respect mang



I've seen niggas with paragon rank post like greys
I've seen greys post like paragon
When I see it I call it boyo
It's an alternative to nazi flag, greycel
So ricecels claim that noodle foids are race traitors who always desire white men but also they use white supremacist flags when they create an anti feminist group? Sounds cucked asf.
So ricecels claim that noodle foids are race traitors who always desire white men but also they use white supremacist flags when they create an anti feminist group? Sounds cucked asf.
Nazis wouldn't have allowed wide scale racemixing.
So ricecels claim that noodle foids are race traitors who always desire white men but also they use white supremacist flags when they create an anti feminist group? Sounds cucked asf
At this point they are just begging for white guys to fuck their women
So ricecels claim that noodle foids are race traitors who always desire white men but also they use white supremacist flags when they create an anti feminist group? Sounds cucked asf.
>White supremacist
>WW1 flag

Bro I'm sick of this talk about "west" and "east".

Using Nazi flags in Asia is mostly a socially acceptable way to get attention (international and domestic) whereas using imperial japanese flag would land you punches or arrested.

This has little to do with race actually, also, the west has anything from LGBT faggotry to anti race mixing, the crazy feminism in Korea came from the west as well.
You're retarded, if nazis won none of this would've happened.
You are coping hard, chink, they would just colonize you. Worshipping white ideologies if you aren't white yourself is cucked PERIOD
because Germany was known for living race mixing right?
German women wouldn't race mix but german soldiers would be happy to bleach a few noodlewhores
You are coping hard, chink, they would just colonize you. Worshipping white ideologies if you aren't white yourself is cucked PERIOD
Wtf is a "white ideology"? Does using Arabic numbers make you an Arabic terrorist?
German women wouldn't race mix but german soldiers would be happy to bleach a few noodlewhores
Also the idea that "worshipping a western ideology" means inviting them to colonize you, is laughable. Ho Chi Minh worked with the French, learned from their institutions, then kicked them out of Vietnam.
Wtf is a "white ideology"? Does using Arabic numbers make you an Arabic terrorist?
Nazi symbolic is all about white supremacy. By using their symbolics you are inherently admitting that you are beneath whites
You are coping hard, chink, they would just colonize you. Worshipping white ideologies if you aren't white yourself is cucked PERIOD
Hitler wanted to colonize Russia not East Asia :feelsjuice:

It was the libcucks who wanted to (and in fact did) colonize Asia and constantly push racemixing with noodlewhores. Also all ideologies are white ideologies since it was whites who created modern society. Liberal capitalism, communism, fascism, all created by whites.

German women wouldn't race mix but german soldiers would be happy to bleach a few noodlewhores
Jfl you know nothing about nazis. They would get executed for Rassenschande. Race mixing was forbidden especially for soldiers.
Hitler wanted to colonize Russia not East Asia :feelsjuice:

It was the libcucks who wanted to (and in fact did) colonize Asia and constantly push racemixing with noodlewhores. Also all ideologies are white ideologies since it was whites who created modern society. Liberal capitalism, communism, fascism, all created by whites.

Jfl you know nothing about nazis. They would get executed for Rassenschande. Race mixing was forbidden especially for soldiers.
Also, basing ideology on whether it's "white" or not is stupid. Many ideas developed in parallel to the west. Fascist idea, the idea of class collaboration is very similar to Confucius' "respect the above, be benevolent towards below", so on ideological level, they may not be worshipping the "west" at all.

Regardless, the world is so globalized these days, in a twisted way, there are things to learn from both "west" and "east". The west shows us the damage of multiculturalism, while we show the world benefits of a homogenous society.
I did some research about this and it seems like the discord server was originally owned by foids, they were sharing dick pics male creepshot etc. It was raided by Kimchi anti-feminist battalion though. Very Based.
@sulpuda 주갤 해외진출했노 ㅋㅋㅋ

Btw discord link where? Seems like its pretty based
I did some research about this and it seems like the discord server was originally owned by foids, they were sharing dick pics male creepshot etc. It was raided by Kimchi anti-feminist battalion though. Very Based.
WTF KEK :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I did some research about this and it seems like the discord server was originally owned by foids, they were sharing dick pics male creepshot etc. It was raided by Kimchi anti-feminist battalion though. Very Based.
Based :dab:
also the comments ranting about the group using german flag are retarded. the closest thing to a 'nazi' flag would be imperial japan or north korea flag (NK literally abort babies from mixed parents).

but these two would literally land you into a jail cell in south korea
You are coping hard, chink, they would just colonize you. Worshipping white ideologies if you aren't white yourself is cucked PERIOD
Yes. The only true ideology for ricecels is the ricepill.
So ricecels claim that noodle foids are race traitors who always desire white men but also they use white supremacist flags when they create an anti feminist group? Sounds cucked asf.
Yes. The only true ideology for ricecels is the ricepill.
Nah that's cucked because it offers no solutions. The solution to the ricepill is taking foid rights away, either by adopting fascism or something like sharia law Islam.
Nah that's cucked because it offers no solutions. The solution to the ricepill is taking foid rights away, either by adopting fascism or something like sharia law Islam.
If there were solutions we’d have them. Unfortunately there aren’t any. We are victims of mother nature make the most out of it
Kek. Kimchicels turning brown (nazi). A true historical classic!

Anyhow Asiatic incels adopting a reactionary ideology is pretty unimaginative. They should rather just invent something of their own that takes care of their specific problems, not some ideology that worked for 20th century Germany.

I don't have anything against fascism or Nazism, these are political ideologies that have proven their worth in the past within a specific context. However nowadays Nazism is almost like a cargo ship cult: "If we only expel all the Jews out of Korea and kill all communists / leftists then all of our demographic problems will disappear"

Ideology doesn't work like that tho. Asiatic countries obviously have more men than women and that is an issue, perhaps the Kimchicels aught to address the specific issues of their society than chase after these ideological specters.
If there were solutions we’d have them. Unfortunately there aren’t any. We are victims of mother nature make the most out of it
That's just cucked, taking roastie privileges away would fix most of our problems.

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