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Kind of a controversial opinion.



Julias dracul romanov the 2 eyed abyss
May 20, 2019
This is just my opinion you can feel free to disagree with it but i don't give a fuck what other people do with their live's that includes chad and foid's provided they do the same courtesy i encourage culturally clamping down on it like shaming whoring around but i don't want men with gun's to come in and force an Islamic fascist state on everyone i don't give a fuck what some random stacy does in her spare time i encourage clamping down on it culturally by shaming them but men with gun's i will pass maybe it's controversial cause every time i try and argue with normies for this system they always say bu-h bu-h people cannot be left alone to their own accord why it's their life not our's.

We can all reason no matter what your genetic's are you can still reason and live as a rational being even you should see that forced statism isn't the answer on anyone know culturally clamping down on it would be much better but actual men with gun's at gun point forcing a look's match pairing up that is immoral it's their life and as long as they leave me alone i'm fine do what ever you want even identify as a tranny or a gay man i don't give a fuck it may be biologically delusional but guess what it's your life not mine.
This apathetic mindset is why the west is spiralling into a state of degeneracy.
Just please
I don't care if you
Don't know how to use
Commas, or anything, besides
Two full stops for two long sentences
But please
Stop putting apostrophe's for every plural word
We should care what others do with their lives because they are indirectly ruining ours
This apathetic mindset is why the west is spiralling into a state of degeneracy.

Their is no the west their never has been if you wanna go down this road you can include Russia into this and you can't claim this is degenerate cause russia crack's down with state force i'm for leaving people be it's their life not mine
Over the years I've become more or less numb to degeneracy, maybe because I'm older and I just came to terms with it, because back around when I was in my early to mid twenties, I used to hate degeneracy, somewhere in my late twenties I began to stop caring and me being in my thirties I stopped caring completely. So whatever if someone wants to be degenerate, let them, they know what they're getting themselves into and the dangers and risks of partaking in gross activities. As for Islam I'm only for it, because I want women to be put in their place, that's the main reason I'm an advocate for Islam.
We should care what others do with their lives because they are indirectly ruining ours

What i mean is not to crack down with state power you should care but only on a cultural level you should crack down on it
Just please
I don't care if you
Don't know how to use
Commas, or anything, besides
Two full stops for two long sentences
But please
Stop putting apostrophe's for every plural word
RegisterUserName; the Punctuation
polices, bright;Est. champ'ion.

Over the years I've become more or less numb to degeneracy, maybe because I'm older and I just came to terms with it, because back around when I was in my early to mid twenties, I used to hate degeneracy, somewhere in my late twenties I began to stop caring and me being in my thirties I stopped caring completely. So whatever if someone wants to be degenerate, let them, they know what they're getting themselves into and the dangers and risks of partaking in gross activities. As for Islam I'm only for it, because I want women to be put in their place, that's the main reason I'm an advocate for Islam.

Yeah exactly i'm saying we should as a people criticize bad idea's but we shouldn't aim gun's at anyone's head also i'm not for the last premise fuck that i would prefer maximum free will for everyone unfortunately foid's happen to be the ones that mostly argue for guess what policies that benefit them welfare socialism all these bullshit i prefer more voluntarism
This is just my opinion you can feel free to disagree with it but i don't give a fuck what other people do with their live's that includes chad and foid's provided they do the same courtesy i encourage culturally clamping down on it like shaming whoring around but i don't want men with gun's to come in and force an Islamic fascist state on everyone i don't give a fuck what some random stacy does in her spare time i encourage clamping down on it culturally by shaming them but men with gun's i will pass maybe it's controversial cause every time i try and argue with normies for this system they always say bu-h bu-h people cannot be left alone to their own accord why it's their life not our's.

We can all reason no matter what your genetic's are you can still reason and live as a rational being even you should see that forced statism isn't the answer on anyone know culturally clamping down on it would be much better but actual men with gun's at gun point forcing a look's match pairing up that is immoral it's their life and as long as they leave me alone i'm fine do what ever you want even identify as a tranny or a gay man i don't give a fuck it may be biologically delusional but guess what it's your life not mine.
So you just want purely individualism freedom type of world? That's fair tbh it would also mean there would be no state stealing our money and no police protecting foids from rapists.
Bratty subhuman ingrates like you make me wish that islam would disappear just to see how you'll make it then, whites themselves are suffering due to the free sexual market, how are you gonna survive?
Funny thing is you think you're sticking it to the jews by being some rootless brown exmuslim, jews and whites love nothing more than a good brown bitchboy who hates islam
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So you just want purely individualism freedom type of world? That's fair tbh it would also mean there would no state stealing our money and no police protecting foids from rapists.

Yes i want the maximum freedom of the individual provided they leave other people alone i mean seriously we all find job's hard to get but all the data statistically show's we all get richer under freedom freedom work's it produces more happiness that should be our goal not more statism that's just my view's i don't hate foid's for being foid's i hate their dishonesty they don't go for equality they alway's say they do the moment you actually let the free market decide what happen's they complain it's to hard and they move more toward's welfare statism you can see why i hate most foid's not intrinsically not cause i think their inferior cause a lot are more smarter than me on a lot of level's not that i believe people have specific nature's determinism is so deluded it's not funny but i hate them for the dishonesty they promote and egalitarianism for the most part is wrong but they are correct we are all different but the difference is superficial no one gender is intrinsically better than the other it is about how much they reason ayn rand pointed this out reason is our tool for living a rational life on this earth for today not for someone else but for ourselves.
Bratty subhuman ingrates like you make me wish that islam would disappear just to see how you'll make it then, whites themselves are suffering due to the free sexual market, how are you gonna survive?

Dude if islam disappeared that is my dream cause i'm suffering from that cancer as i'm typing this i have to pray to their kiked god and if i ask question i get circular reasoning i'm a rational animal i need answer's to question's.Also i live in the west i don't see your point Islam is not a racial thing.3rd oh no how will i ever survive in a free market where their would be hyper realistic sex bot's who can literally fulfill more need's than female's how will i ever cope with a partner that will never cheat on me and will look exactly human how will i ever cope (sigh)
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Dude if islam disappeared that is my dream cause i'm suffering from that cancer as i'm typing this i have to pray to their kiked god and if i ask question i get circular reasoning i'm a rational animal i need answer's to question's.Also i live in the west i don't see your point Islam is not a racial thing.3rd oh no how will i ever survive in a free market where their would be hyper realistic sex bot's who can literally fulfill more need's than female's how will i ever cope with a partner that will never cheat on me and will look exactly human how will i ever cope (sigh)
white jewish brainwashing has gone straight into your mind bone, you're gonna be the same subhuman reject sex bot or not
I don't care what gays do unlike 99% of this forum, so long as they aren't being degenerate and furthering their own self interest. For example, I'm okay with gay marriage, but near where I live they're changing some traffic lights to be men holding hands and shit. That stuff pisses me off. I don't care if you're gay, I don't care if you get married or go out in public, but stop trying to enforce your aberrant lifestyle as an equal norm. It's not.
When it comes to foids however, I think they should be slut shamed as female promiscuity has terrible consequences.

Your misunderstanding i'm saying don't crack down on slutty behavior that is ruin's sexual deregulation i'm saying crack down on but don't send men with gun's to crack down on it do it socially i'm for that why is thing's always framed as do this or i will get men with gun's you and i see eye to eye on every issue i'm for shaming however i'm not for men with gun's i'm culturally right and economically right like full right not the subvertor's who subvert right wing belief's like ethno nationalists but rather right wing in idea's
white jewish brainwashing has gone straight into your mind bone, you're gonna be the same subhuman reject sex bot or not

The Kikes are already moving to ban it what are you on dude they have already called for law's and christ cuck's are moving more and more to Christianize America what do you think is pushing prostitution ban ? who do you think is pushing this kiked system your not for anything edgy your for just going back to the old status qou i'm actually for something revolutionary cause mine has never been tried your's has and it has let to this system you followed the system of the kike's what happened 500 k dead trade sanction's 48 billion dollar's to jizzreal you tell me who is really brainwashed cause every kike is opposed the view's i spout they call me far right racist i don't know what is racist for leaving people alone but ok
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I don't understand a word you just said

Fair enough tldr

You and i agree for the most part.
It's fine to culturally crack down on something..
Tribalism is cancer.
How the kike's push it.
The examples of it.

their are main point's
A society where everyone can do whatever the fuck they want is doomed to fail. You need strong cultural rules that stop people from becoming degenerates. Libertarianism is retarded.
All i ask from society

Exactly but they don't they keep pestering you
A society where everyone can do whatever the fuck they want is doomed to fail. You need strong cultural rules that stop people from becoming degenerates. Libertarianism is retarded.

Muh culture even though culture changes ever 5/10 year's and has nothing to do with freedom the idea's of that society does culture is more superficial and it changes every 20 year's and degeneracy is a inevitable conclusion of stat-ism you know what the islamic nation's practice bachi bazi men dressing up in women's clothes you think that won't occur in a fucking statist shit hole like gtfo leaving people alone is the ultimate goal here but normie's never want that they want us incel's to suffer they want us to worship women you think women hate us like gtfo their not stupid they love that we worship them you notice the advice they give is alway's just get more confidence it's never stop going after women in general it's never just give up no they like that worship one's that are aware of our exsistance why do you think i hate their dishonesty
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A society where everyone can do whatever the fuck they want is doomed to fail. You need strong cultural rules that stop people from becoming degenerates. Libertarianism is retarded.
Bitch, i want full anarchism. fuck mans laws, and fuck slavery. Pardon my french.

Would you rather be a slave Incel, or a free incel? It should be obvious.
Just please
I don't care if you
Don't know how to use
Commas, or anything, besides
Two full stops for two long sentences
But please
Stop putting apostrophe's for every plural word
I had a hard time reading that tbh(OP)
Op should take that advice ngl
I already hate the amount of control the (((authorities))) have over me already. The last thing I want to do is live in some dystopian autocracy
I already hate the amount of control the (((authorities))) have over me already. The last thing I want to do is live in some dystopian autocracy

How is this a autocracy i am confused this is anarchist private country their is no force here you want to stay stay you don't leave we don't care
How is this a autocracy i am confused this is anarchist private country their is no force here you want to stay stay you don't leave we don't care
I was referring to what some members here want Western nations to become
2IQ post. Laws to fix this degeneracy are more important than 99% of the cuck laws currently in place. Just make it palatable for middle class slightly below average normies.
2IQ post. Laws to fix this degeneracy are more important than 99% of the cuck laws currently in place. Just make it palatable for middle class slightly below average normies.

Fuck that go full anarchist
How can we not care when these degenerate sodomites are in the open exposing their own filth
How can we not care when these degenerate sodomites are in the open exposing their own filth

Again if they want to be gay and be degenerate who am i to stop them however i am saying call it out call it degenerate just don't get big brother to come in cause he is not our friend and again most gay's are not bad people nor most trannies a few degenerates will do jack shit
I want racially conscious sharia.

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