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TeeHee Kimchiwhores choosing Danish sperm part 3

ER gonna be reborn
Peak degeneracy, sperm banks should be banned for anyone that is not in official relationship and are infertile but only allowed after fertility clinic couldn't fix their problem. Those fucking nasty whores just come there asking for a Chad sperm to impregnate them, it's not just degenerate due racemixing but also inhumane and soulless since dad will never be there, that's how foids and jews are destroying family unit. It no longer exists it not existed for a long ass time, since my mom was raising me solo in 90s. South Korea is the most dystopian country on earth and i'm truly glad it will disappear with those demonic foids.
If it really was about "muh pERsoynality" why would these kimchiwhores go to Denmark (the place where the men's avg height is like 6 ft) just to get Nordic whitu sperm? Do Danish sperms have better pERsoynality than Ricecel sperms? :feelshaha:

IT and coping cucks will nevER give us any reasonable answer for this jfl

@Biowaste Removal @pyromancer1234
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If it really was about "muh pERsoynality" why would these kimchiwhores go to Denmark (the place where the men's avg height is like 6 ft) just to get Nordic whitu sperm? Do Danish sperms have better pERsoynality than Ricecel sperms? :feelshaha:

IT and coping cucks will nevER give us any reasonable answer for this jfl

@Biowaste Removal @pyromancer1234
Remember they said Asians have bad personalities when denying us from universities. That's how far the pERsoynality pill goes.
glad Korean men are waking up. soon that will change
All the statistics show that children raised by single mithers have more mental probles and perform worse in every aspect of life. The same is not the case for children raised by single fathers.

And yet one is praised the other is looked on as creepy.

Their children will be future ER's once their asian genes take over and they'll realize they are just a bunch of mutts, ashamed of their asian ancestry.

Sad to look at, honestly
Peak degeneracy, sperm banks should be banned for anyone that is not in official relationship and are infertile but only allowed after fertility clinic couldn't fix their problem. Those fucking nasty whores just come there asking for a Chad sperm to impregnate them, it's not just degenerate due racemixing but also inhumane and soulless since dad will never be there, that's how foids and jews are destroying family unit. It no longer exists it not existed for a long ass time, since my mom was raising me solo in 90s. South Korea is the most dystopian country on earth and i'm truly glad it will disappear with those demonic foids.
The main problem is that no father will be present.
Then there is race mixing.
If the kids end up beautiful, they ssre fine, for the most lart, but if they end up ugly, they are screwed because they are also mixed and will most likely be excluded by their pure peers.

It is so selfish and fucked. It is human baature to be at least suspiceous of the "other".
Genes want to survive and that "other" is a threat to that.
It is an instinct that isn't even wiped out in mongrelized nation such as Brazil.

Brazil to me seems like the India of rhe west.
I have read that prople with lighter skin complexion simply live better lives on average. Light skin complexion there is strongly associated with success or potential for success.
Their tv hosts / moderator are always very light skinned and extremely beautiful, afaik. Probably a lot of Euro admixture.

Imo, judhing by both India and Brazil, racism will never disappear.
All we men can do is keep to our own but respeect other races and judge other men by their character not their herritage.
glad Korean men are waking up. soon that will change
Bro, I hope they will fuck shit up and enslave these foids.

I hope they will remove the cucked government and keep corporatism in check.
All the statistics show that children raised by single mithers have more mental probles and perform worse in every aspect of life. The same is not the case for children raised by single fathers.

And yet one is praised the other is looked on as creepy.

Their children will be future ER's once their asian genes take over and they'll realize they are just a bunch of mutts, ashamed of their asian ancestry.

Sad to look at, honestly
Yeah, one is praised and the other is frowned upon because that has always been the plan.

Uproot all people and turn everyone into and individualist egoist without a common history, a group, a family, roots.
Nothing to fight for, nothing to protect. Just consooooooooooooom.
Btw the thumbnail says "Going to Denmark looking for sperm bank : Husbands are not necessarily needed anymore!?"
Btw the thumbnail says "Going to Denmark looking for sperm bank : Husbands are not necessarily needed anymore!?"
I feel so fucking bad for kimchicels.

With thay being said i think thats where it will boil up first.

I wonder what will happen to all the mutt children once shit hits the fan
Blue pilled delusions end at the sperm bank.
Eugenics has been revived through economic and cultural liberalism.
Eugenics has been revived through economic and cultural liberalism.
Yeah and the outcome is the same: nobody is looking for ricecel or nigger genes, aryan chad only.
All the statistics show that children raised by single mithers have more mental probles and perform worse in every aspect of life. The same is not the case for children raised by single fathers.

And yet one is praised the other is looked on as creepy.

Their children will be future ER's once their asian genes take over and they'll realize they are just a bunch of mutts, ashamed of their asian ancestry.

Sad to look at, honestly
Those kids will be raised by a crazy, self-hating foid. They never stood a chance…
Those kids will be raised by a crazy, self-hating foid. They never stood a chance…
They're gonna be so fucked up. They'll have to be separated from society and put in camps.
Peak degeneracy, sperm banks should be banned for anyone that is not in official relationship and are infertile but only allowed after fertility clinic couldn't fix their problem. Those fucking nasty whores just come there asking for a Chad sperm to impregnate them, it's not just degenerate due racemixing but also inhumane and soulless since dad will never be there, that's how foids and jews are destroying family unit. It no longer exists it not existed for a long ass time, since my mom was raising me solo in 90s. South Korea is the most dystopian country on earth and i'm truly glad it will disappear with those demonic foids.
Can we ban sperm banks
IT and coping cucks will nevER give us any reasonable answer for this jfl
IT admits Oxford study but they blame whitecels instead of noodlewhores bc muh precious innocent wahmenz
Some nights, I pray to God to empower Kimchi Emperor and Supreme Leader Kim Jung Un to cross the partition and destroy the kimichiwhore menace. If Satan exists on the mortal plane his takes the form of a kimchi whore
If it really was about "muh pERsoynality" why would these kimchiwhores go to Denmark (the place where the men's avg height is like 6 ft) just to get Nordic whitu sperm? Do Danish sperms have better pERsoynality than Ricecel sperms? :feelshaha:

IT and coping cucks will nevER give us any reasonable answer for this jfl

@Biowaste Removal @pyromancer1234
Remember they said Asians have bad personalities when denying us from universities. That's how far the pERsoynality pill goes.
It's the fate of all Western-controlled Asian countries to disintegrate under the pressure of White supremacy causing Asian women to self-hate. It's happening to Korea; it's happening to Japan; it'll happen to Taiwan, and SEA is already a full-on White man's brothel. The only country in Asia that isn't White owned, that can conceivably promote Asian genes and Asian men, is China. And China doesn't do a great job of that itself.
Imagine being raised by a Korean mother who had you with a sperm donor. You will always look different from everyone else and never know your dad
The only country in Asia that isn't White owned, that can conceivably promote Asian genes and Asian men, is China. And China doesn't do a great job of that itself.
NK is better.
North Korea punishes Race Traitors even with other Asians, South Koreans white worship :feelsugh:
plus comments are filled with Korean Feminists and Simps, ya explains their abysmal birth rate.
it's not just degenerate due racemixing but also inhumane and soulless since dad will never be there, that's how foids and jews are destroying family unit.
Foids absolutely despise the idea of family.
And there's no healthy society without proper families.

Essentially, foids anti-social psychopaths. Giving them any power is the worst thing a civilization can do, they will destroy it.
FIlthy racemixers, ruined your entire lineage for an ugly abomination.
Miscegenation is demonic.
Essentially, foids anti-social psychopaths. Giving them any power is the worst thing a civilization can do, they will destroy it.
this is exactly why kikes implemented feminism with "free love" and abortion all around the west and east. While in Israel they still have feminism but cut minimalist version of it, they promote strong families and showcase every outsider as their enemy - it makes foids more willing to having kids since their subconscious brain will think they may get mass murdered at any time
glad Korean men are waking up. soon that will change
Hope those half danish hominid weeds will be genocided in the future
Central Asians = Hapa = Worthless Racial Mutts
The only compliant mutts are dead one
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If it really was about "muh pERsoynality" why would these kimchiwhores go to Denmark (the place where the men's avg height is like 6 ft) just to get Nordic whitu sperm? Do Danish sperms have better pERsoynality than Ricecel sperms? :feelshaha:

IT and coping cucks will nevER give us any reasonable answer for this jfl

@Biowaste Removal @pyromancer1234
Soys: Korean society is patriachal and korean men are usually misogonysitic bastards! :soy::soy:
Its perfectly justified for the woman to get sperm that has good personality!
Those jews really are going to extremes now.

Dont worry. NK is about to take SK.

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