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Kids in my town keep shouting "pedo" and "nonce" at me and I really don't know what to do



Sep 18, 2024
So I went for a walk and turned into the park and i ended up walking behind this big group of 13-14 year old girls and they turned around to look at me and they literally started kinda running away and then they shouted pedo at me, this happened all last summer too, I literally couldn't walk past a group of teens without them yelling nonce at me and they clearly haven't forgotten about me during the winter because they're still shouting this at me, they shout it pretty loud too, like loud enough for people in the distance to hear, thankfully all the times its happened there wasn't any other people around but surely one day it'll happen in front of a bunch of adults and I will literally rope the day that happens

This all happened because last summer a group was walking past me in super revealing clothing and I looked for like a second and now pretty much every kid in my town thinks I'm a pedo now

What should I do? I'm not just gunna stay inside and never go outside but this is legit dangerous, I have no doubt people have been literally killed over some kids saying they're a pedo, and these little pieces of shit are fucking shouting it at the top of their lungs every time I walk past, what if some roided up whiteknight hears this and comes up to me and fucks me up, should I get the police involved? If I just ignore them and completely pretend they don't exist will the eventually get bored of yelling this at me?

I'm at a loss man this is genuine er fuel tbh

What's your guys honest opinion on what I should do? I know you guys can be pretty serious when you wanna be
Best advice I can say is not to go near said foids. Avoid confrontation at all costs.

I would say to document the harassment, but a grown man filming teenagers isn't exactly a good look. Maybe only if it persists.
those kids know about your grAY status on is.
There is nothing much you can do except try your best to avoid them because no matter what you do you'll be painted as the bad guy in this scenario and that pedo tag will always stick to you
in video
shave your moustache
and I looked for like a second

Accounts like this are jewish subversives. This content is created to make rage bait for IT. The maority of incels are giga low inhib cucks and would NEVER stare at a 14yo (code for 10yo) schoolgirl. This pedo shit is the sort of shit a high confidence chadlite who thinks he's chad would try to pull.
I am an incel and know many incels, and not one has ever had a false rape or pedo accusation. So if you are being accused of it, then probably you are guilty. Yet, I think this story is entirely made up to entertain Jewish IT lurkers. Pedophilia is the short of shit chadlites try to pull (and Chads, but they get away with it). Incels don't do that. You are a JEW.
Younger people suck its not your fault they were dressing like hoes and theres nothing you can do socity just gone too far always beliving people even when they deceive I feel bad brocel :cryfeels:
Try and stay away, brutal I know try not to give them what they want mate.
With all the love in the word
thankfully all the times its happened there wasn't any other people around but surely one day it'll happen in front of a bunch of adults and I will literally rope the day that happens
I think adults will realize those kids ain't screaming in earnest. Terrified screams sound different from jocular ones.
If I just ignore them and completely pretend they don't exist will the eventually get bored of yelling this at me?
I think this is your best bet. As much as I don't think you should have to cede, since you've done nothing wrong after all, maybe try putting on conspicuous earphones so they think you can't hear them?
I know you guys can be pretty serious when you wanna be
You're not living up to the legend brocel
Never, it makes me look so much more dark and tough looking. Beard + moustache mogs
yup I haven't shaved since my beard first sprouted out nearly a decade ago. but a moustache without a beard makes u look like a pedo.
just live your life and stop worrying. fuck em all.
it's guilty until proven innocent for men when it comes to sexual harassment or pedo cases so unfortunately u do have to worry.
Accounts like this are jewish subversives. This content is created to make rage bait for IT. The maority of incels are giga low inhib cucks and would NEVER stare at a 14yo (code for 10yo) schoolgirl. This pedo shit is the sort of shit a high confidence chadlite who thinks he's chad would try to pull.
You mean high inhib?
This is brutal and a real conundrum especially if you are from the uk which im guessing cause no one else uses nonce. You might get shanked if you arent carefull and those kids tell other people
So I went for a walk and turned into the park and i ended up walking behind this big group of 13-14 year old girls and they turned around to look at me and they literally started kinda running away and then they shouted pedo at me, this happened all last summer too, I literally couldn't walk past a group of teens without them yelling nonce at me and they clearly haven't forgotten about me during the winter because they're still shouting this at me, they shout it pretty loud too, like loud enough for people in the distance to hear, thankfully all the times its happened there wasn't any other people around but surely one day it'll happen in front of a bunch of adults and I will literally rope the day that happens

This all happened because last summer a group was walking past me in super revealing clothing and I looked for like a second and now pretty much every kid in my town thinks I'm a pedo now

What should I do? I'm not just gunna stay inside and never go outside but this is legit dangerous, I have no doubt people have been literally killed over some kids saying they're a pedo, and these little pieces of shit are fucking shouting it at the top of their lungs every time I walk past, what if some roided up whiteknight hears this and comes up to me and fucks me up, should I get the police involved? If I just ignore them and completely pretend they don't exist will the eventually get bored of yelling this at me?

I'm at a loss man this is genuine er fuel tbh

What's your guys honest opinion on what I should do? I know you guys can be pretty serious when you wanna be
no I would confront them and ask what school they go to to get there names and report them to the headmasters office for harassment.
Something similar happened to @Pancakecel he was called nonce for no reason by kids playing football
Brutal, I've accidentally gone for girls as young as 12 on three separate occasions, I'm at the point where I assume any scantily dressed young foid my parent's friends bring over is well underage unless informed otherwise(they always are),
Accounts like this are jewish subversives. This content is created to make rage bait for IT. The maority of incels are giga low inhib cucks and would NEVER stare at a 14yo (code for 10yo) schoolgirl. This pedo shit is the sort of shit a high confidence chadlite who thinks he's chad would try to pull.
14 year old girls look fully developed and youthfully breedable, there's no way to know their age without risking pedophilia accusations what the hell are you talking about?
Brutal, I've accidentally gone for girls as young as 12 on three separate occasions, I'm at the point where I assume any scantily dressed young foid my parent's friends bring over is well underage unless informed otherwise(they always are),
What do you mean accidentally gone for them bro jfl
Brutal, I've accidentally gone for girls as young as 12 on three separate occasions, I'm at the point where I assume any scantily dressed young foid my parent's friends bring over is well underage unless informed otherwise(they always are),
tbh these girls won't mind you even if you are 40 if you are CHAD. Chad can get away with diddling because really it all depends on whether the foid reports or not. Why would they report Chad? Likewise they will go ham on (((social media))) if the 5'2" balding Indian janitor at school even accidentally looks at them in the eye for 0.0000000001 seconds

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