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Blackpill Kid chads: an undiscussed phenemenon



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
kid chads are young boys who get loads of girls when they are around age 10-12 (usually before age 10, boys and girls go through their "the opposite gender is icky" phase) and many girls find them attractive and then when they go through puberty and finish it as a teenager, all the real chads develop masculine facial features such as tall height, deep voices, jawlines, cheekbones etc while the kid chads' faces don't develop much and they descend into normies or perhaps even sub5 incels.

some kid from 5th grade was like this. i remember he and i were initially friends, had a falling out later, and when he and I finally became friends again, he held a grudge and backstabbed me. he was a narcissist always bragging about how handsome he was when he became that way. and he got loads of girls hanging out with him at school and had that justin bieber haircut that was big back in 2009. in his teenage years, his face didn't develop much and his face looks like the way it did before puberty (but the difference is his face looks post-pubescent). he doesn't have a tall height, jawline, cheekbones, deep voice, heavy brow ridges, etc. he looks average now. still mogs me.

anyone remember a kid chad growing up?

@ReturnOfSaddam @ordinaryotaku @ThoughtfulCel @Robtical @Mainländer thoughts?
I feel like "kid" chads are kids that enter puberty early and mog hard because of it. I never saw anything like what you described.
I feel like "kid" chads are kids that enter puberty early and mog hard because of it. I never saw anything like what you described.
those people usually remains chads throughout life
Good bone structure becomes apparent as early as 3 to 5 years of age, well before the 10-12 year mark.
it develops more through puberty. before puberty, girls don't value bone structure as much because you're still prepubescent. sexual dimorphism hasn't even developed yet.
I feel like "kid" chads are kids that enter puberty early and mog hard because of it. I never saw anything like what you described.
I think he is talking more about being dark triad and less about looks (since almost no male kids look masculine enough to be chad)
If your ugly as a kid you’ll be ugly as an adult.
Puberty doesn't change your fundamental proportions. If you have a bad maxilla, bad orbital structure/depth, or a bad dento-alveolar profile, you won't get a boost in puberty.
Doesn’t matter. Girls don’t value this shot before puberty
The kid Chad pill destroyed me.
Well. My point is, Chads are always Chads.
Puberty doesn't change your fundamental proportions. If you have a bad maxilla, bad orbital structure/depth, or a bad dento-alveolar profile, you won't get a boost in puberty.
If your ugly as a kid you’ll be ugly as an adult.
I agree.
They do. We all do because we are born ingrained with beauty proportions in mind. Its fundamental to our biological imperative.
No they don’t. Hardly any boys have a jaw before puberty. Kid chads exist and puberty ruins it for them
Really? The good looking ones sure do.
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And jaws are not the only source of attractiveness. Its normie tier thinking to just focus on the jawline when imagining male attractiveness. Attractivness is built upon the proportions and projections across your entire cranium. Besides jaw, you need good maxilla, orbital structure and depth, dento-alveolar profile and cranium shape. All of these become apparent in your early years, well before puberty.
Those are barely jawlines
Really? The good looking ones sure do.
View attachment 509680View attachment 509683View attachment 509684View attachment 509685View attachment 509687View attachment 509688
And jaws are not the only source of attractiveness. Its normie tier thinking to just focus on the jawline when imagining male attractiveness. Attractivness is built upon the proportions and projections across your entire cranium. Besides jaw, you need good maxilla, orbital structure and depth, dento-alveolar profile and cranium shape. All of these become apparent in your early years, well before puberty.
Suifuel, btw. Those kids mog me hard.
I know a few cases like this as well. There was this prettyboy slightly thugmaxxed dude in high school who got a lot of foids. He was the chad of our school.

Except that he didn't really develop after that point, and is now normie or even below in the adult world. I think he has a noodle gf though :feelshaha:
Pretty boys have to have their faces develop after 18 to continue being chads. Women stop liking pretty boys after high school
I was one :feelskek: but sleep apnea and mouth breathing ensured I remained small and became ugly and here we are.

The funny thing is that I pretty much have high-attraction confidence because of being attractive in my formative years. I never really dropped the confidence that comes with good looks but this has turned against me when my acts have often ended in humilation.
Very true. Sometimes they stop developing, and thus peak in HS. Must be suifuel for them tbh :feelsmage:
I peaked in elementary school, but i was never a kid chad. however, i did look less odd before puberty (not speaking pedophilically btw).
I was a toddler-Chad tbh. I was popular in school up until I turned 10, and that's when I became ugly, fat and as a result became ostracized (I lost all the weight though and I also moved away from all of my old friends around then). Used to throw parties all the time with my popular friends. They would invite me to their parties too, and would invite me to their houses to play Need for Speed Underground or some shit. We would talk about Tony Hawk and X-Games, along with the new games coming out like THPS. I tried to convince my mom to buy me Marc Ecko clothes, because that stuff was cool back then, and all of my friends wore it.

I never had any childhood gfs, but those were great times. Now I'm a 21 year old loner incel who rots in college, JFL. I literally peaked in fourth grade.
I was a toddler-Chad tbh. I was popular in school up until I turned 10, and that's when I became ugly, fat and as a result became ostracized (I lost all the weight though and I also moved away from all of my old friends around then). Used to throw parties all the time with my popular friends. They would invite me to their parties too, and would invite me to their houses to play Need for Speed Underground or some shit. We would talk about Tony Hawk and X-Games, along with the new games coming out like THPS. I tried to convince my mom to buy me Marc Ecko clothes, because that stuff was cool back then, and all of my friends wore it.

I never had any childhood gfs, but those were great times. Now I'm a 21 year old loner incel who rots in college, JFL. I literally peaked in fourth grade.
I’m glad I at least got to enjoy midddle and high school. I didn’t get dates but at least I had friends back then. After high school I never made friends and rotted. I liked elementary the most. I literally peaked there. Closest I ever got to the chad life even if I never dated or got laid back then (because I was in elementary school ofc)
Not sure about the phenomenon as described, but by mid high school there is definitely a division between
some highly masculine, fully developed moggers and a lot of androgynous little boys (that was me and my little friends)
this can happens but Chads were always good looking. example of a model as a child and his kids;

Lachowski as a child
Images 11

his kids
Images 8
My cousin was a kid chad, we used to be best friends and did everything together. But around 2nd grade he totally turned into a bully and beat me up to prove worthy to the other bully chads (like some kind of prison gang), that was one of the first times I started losing hope in life.
Really? The good looking ones sure do.
View attachment 509680View attachment 509683View attachment 509684View attachment 509685View attachment 509687View attachment 509688
And jaws are not the only source of attractiveness. Its normie tier thinking to just focus on the jawline when imagining male attractiveness. Attractivness is built upon the proportions and projections across your entire cranium. Besides jaw, you need good maxilla, orbital structure and depth, dento-alveolar profile and cranium shape. All of these become apparent in your early years, well before puberty.
a kid chad is basically a white boy

in this case I can agree
My cousin was a kid chad, we used to be best friends and did everything together. But around 2nd grade he totally turned into a bully and beat me up to prove worthy to the other bully chads (like some kind of prison gang), that was one of the first times I started losing hope in life.
What’s he like now?
What’s he like now?
He’s not as cruel as he used to be, I see him at all the family gatherings and shit but he still hangs out with those punk kids getting in trouble all the time and shit.
He’s not as cruel as he used to be, I see him at all the family gatherings and shit but he still hangs out with those punk kids getting in trouble all the time and shit.
How olds he now?
I had something similar happen when I was 10 or 11. I hit puberty early so girls actually like me for a couple years. I still got mogged by the taller better looking boys though
I was a short, weird looking kid. But by age 12-13, I had a head start with puberty and was one of tallest kids in my class. Was called cute by foids on various occasions, some wanting to know my name, phone number and shit. Even got a taste of the halo effect. That was pretty much my peak. It was like a different life.
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kid chads are young boys who get loads of girls when they are around age 10-12 (usually before age 10, boys and girls go through their "the opposite gender is icky" phase) and many girls find them attractive and then when they go through puberty and finish it as a teenager, all the real chads develop masculine facial features such as tall height, deep voices, jawlines, cheekbones etc while the kid chads' faces don't develop much and they descend into normies or perhaps even sub5 incels.

some kid from 5th grade was like this. i remember he and i were initially friends, had a falling out later, and when he and I finally became friends again, he held a grudge and backstabbed me. he was a narcissist always bragging about how handsome he was when he became that way. and he got loads of girls hanging out with him at school and had that justin bieber haircut that was big back in 2009. in his teenage years, his face didn't develop much and his face looks like the way it did before puberty (but the difference is his face looks post-pubescent). he doesn't have a tall height, jawline, cheekbones, deep voice, heavy brow ridges, etc. he looks average now. still mogs me.

anyone remember a kid chad growing up?

@ReturnOfSaddam @ordinaryotaku @ThoughtfulCel @Robtical @Mainländer thoughts?
When I read the title, I was nervous you were baiting to get banned again JFL. But no, I’ve never seen this phenomena because jewish girls are sneaky to try to keep their reputation as holier than thou
:feelshaha::feelshaha: Yes, yes I have not sure if they continued being chads or not since I moved away but they were taller,stronger,faster,more handsome etc it’s likely they developed deeper voices,masculinized faces,and even more taller height, I can imagine them being 6 foot looking down on my subbumanity. I was incel tier even in childhood since I was smaller and acted more autistic then the other kids.
it never began for me tbh

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