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It's Over Keto and low-carb diets are not for incels



Buff Auschwitz Escapee
Jan 17, 2018
Ever wonder why comfort foods tend to be carb-heavy? It's because carbs keep you relaxed. Being carb-deficient is stressful, just like being touch-starved and rejected by society. You can't get a girlfriend or bend society to your will as an incel, but you can eat more carbs. Hardly anybody needs to be eating low-carb. Trust me, it sucks. Keto is for roasties.

Every incel should be eating oatmeal. Oatmeal should be the incel staple. It's literal life fuel. You can flavor it any way you like. You don't even have to cook it if you let it soak in water or milk overnight. Rice, barley, potatoes, and bread are good alternatives. Fruits in moderation. Just lay off the refined sugary junk unless you want to be a fatcel.
yep, keto is a meme. The keto advocates are just meat, dairy, egg industry shills.
No need for keto but too much carbs and too regular meals is one of the primary reason most of us end up skinnyfat. It's not natural.

Good carbs = oatmeal, lentils, beans, buckwheat, a bit of brown rice.

But most people are eating bread, potatoes, pasta etc.
Disagree completely. I am a keto-whore... it is a magnificent diet that is the best I've encountered for hunger control, which in my opinion is the most important thing about a diet. In March of this year, I was 210lbs and rotting. Now, I'm about 170 and I look thin now (didn't fix my face unfortunately, turns out the problem` was BONES not fat). The two real negatives about keto: more expensive than most diets and more prep/cooking time.

It is important to not that with any diet, keto or not, CICO (calorie in calorie out) is still the basic princpile. You can eat 1200 calories/day of chocolate and lemonade and lose weight. You can eat 5000 calories worth of baked meats, fruits, and vegeables and you will gain weight. That's why I'm so big on keto, because it HUNGER CONTROLS withing the calorie limit better than any other diet I've tried.

That said, oatmeal (and cream of wheat) are the foods I miss the most on keto. Thick oatmeal with brown sugar fulls you up really well, little cleanup other than a pot and a spoon, is super cheap, and has no real expiration date or qualifications. I also miss pierogies alot.
No need for keto but too much carbs and too regular meals is one of the primary reason most of us end up skinnyfat. It's not natural.

Good carbs = oatmeal, lentils, beans, buckwheat, a bit of brown rice.

But most people are eating bread, potatoes, pasta etc.
You get skinnyfat from not eating protein and not lifting. Incels who want to lose weight should be restricting fats instead.

Disagree completely. I am a keto-whore... it is a magnificent diet that is the best I've encountered for hunger control, which in my opinion is the most important thing about a diet. In March of this year, I was 210lbs and rotting. Now, I'm about 170 and I look thin now (didn't fix my face unfortunately, turns out the problem` was BONES not fat). The two real negatives about keto: more expensive than most diets and more prep/cooking time.

It is important to not that with any diet, keto or not, CICO (calorie in calorie out) is still the basic princpile. You can eat 1200 calories/day of chocolate and lemonade and lose weight. You can eat 5000 calories worth of baked meats, fruits, and vegeables and you will gain weight. That's why I'm so big on keto, because it HUNGER CONTROLS withing the calorie limit better than any other diet I've tried.

That said, oatmeal (and cream of wheat) are the foods I miss the most on keto. Thick oatmeal with brown sugar fulls you up really well, little cleanup other than a pot and a spoon, is super cheap, and has no real expiration date or qualifications. I also miss pierogies alot.
I haven't noticed the hunger control. When I was on it, I kept trying to replicate high-carb foods with low-carb ingredients because I missed the carbs so badly. I was also irritable all the time and had hardly any energy for anything. Now I'm on high-carb low-fat and have hardly any cravings. Greasy foods taste awful to me now.
im too stressed and depressed to put my self under any more strain
I feel mentally gud when I'm doing keto and fasting.
Fakecel if you don't fastfoodmaxx.

no thank you I rather eat real food once a day and not fill myself up with crap 3 times a day
I just eat whatever I can get tbh, there is no hope anyway.
just fuck junk food
Lol I just ordered lasagna and opened a bottle of wine. I should've read this earlier.
Go plant based and don't get heart disease
Keto takes incredible mental power because your body will constantly be screaming for carbs the entire time. It's also got other shitty side effects like lowered pH levels so that your sweat becomes acidic and leaves red burn marks.
If you want to do a meme diet do IF.

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