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JFL KEK!1!1!



The Matrix Has Attacked Me
Nov 22, 2022
From Quora

"Incels are very easy to understand. They're just losers who are deeply committed to remaining losers. Many are objectively unattractive, had bad experiences with women, noticed double standards in dating, relationships, and modern social biases favouring women over men, and got frustrated with feminism.

And for sure they have a point, and it's not good to pretend that they don't. Love is unjustly a lot harder for men who aren't tall or handsome, than it is for men at the top. (But most men are not conventionally good–looking at all. If you look around in your workplace, supermarket or train station, who do you mostly see? Unattractive people.) And women are no angels, there's plenty that's wrong with them (and with men too, I can say that despite being straight and not on the receiving end of any male flaws). And society is stupid and full of contradictions. And radical feminism is a very loopy school of thought and its influence has been dangerously out of control for decades.

These boys got a raw deal. But I think 90 percent of humans face very unfair constraints in life, including women. What makes incels different is that they got fanatically obsessed with the idea that they are individuals fatally, irrecoverably disadvantaged at birth. They are completely fixated on identifying and complaining about every little bitty way that life isn't fair. They're convinced that biology, psychology, economics, government, society and culture have all aligned together to doom them to a shitty existence they cannot change. And it's these huge abstract forces that need to change instead of them. Good luck with that.

The more incels discuss their lives with other incels, the more their beliefs are confirmed through affirmation bias until these beliefs become written in stone. Incel communities have even fashioned these convictions into an impressive formal pseudo–science, which they call Lookism and Looksmaxing among other things.

Elliott Rodger is the best case study of an incel, because unlike most incels he left behind a rich written record of his worldview, My Twisted World. I’ve read it. It wails of many fascinating tragedies such as

Why did ER have to be 5 foot 7 and half–Asian, while his toddler half–brother was fully white and looked like he'd grow much taller?
How come a black classmate, the descendant of slaves, was able to get a beautiful girlfriend, while ER, the descendant of British aristocracy, was not? It was understandable that 100% white guys (ER's racial superiors) could pull girls with effortless ease, but how could blacks, Hispanics, and full Asians (his ugly inferiors) still experience superior romantic outcomes?
ER was so well–dressed and well–mannered. His hair was gorgeous. Why did no beautiful girl ever approach him and beg him for sex?
How come a group of rowdy party teens beat ER up instead of treating him like a rockstar when he tried acting like an asshole? (Since women love assholes.)
Why should a magnificent specimen of humanity like ER have to get a normal job, and especially suffer the humiliation of sweeping and mopping?
How could ER be expected to study textbooks or attend college classes, or try to make anything of himself in life, as long as he wasn't having sex? How could ER enjoy his money, life in California, or anything else the world had to offer, knowing that this burning need was going unfulfilled?
Surely ER's looks, height and half–Asianness made it impossible for him to ever get desirably laid. His only hope would be to get rich at a young age. To accomplish this, he bought hundreds of lottery tickets on multiple occasions and prayed really hard, and also tried to guilt his mom into marrying a millionaire who liked her.
How dare women deny ER erotic pleasure, and how dare other men get girlfriends and have sex when ER wasn't able to?
Perhaps most strangely, ER was known by his parents, roommates, and his one or two friends to sink into grief and uncontrollable rage whenever he saw any man with an attractive, specifically blonde girlfriend around him. This happened frequently at restaurants. On 3 occasions in My Twisted World, ER claims to have stalked couples afterward, spilled his drink on them, and sped off in his car, before going home and weeping bitterly for hours. He referred to this as “striking back at my enemies.” But it still was never satisfactory, since the man who got a drink spilled on him was still having “heavenly sex" with the kind of girl ER couldn't get, hence why ER kept crying afterward. On 2 other occasions, he claims he was prevented from staging a soda assault by the presence of his father or a security guard.
All these injustices prove that human society and the female sex at large unprovokedly doomed ER to a life of virginity, misery and loneliness. Therefore ER had the right to exact deadly retribution, against all women and against all male sex–havers.

My Twisted World is a masterpiece of profound reflection. It ranks next to Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy.

I'm sure Lenin, Tesla, Ataturk, Francisco Pizarro, Steve Jobs, Ernest Hemingway, Patrice Lumumba, etc. found themselves just as perplexed and totally disabled by these injustices as ER was, and only through the intervention of God and the Universe were they able to build the lives they did."


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It was never because I wanted to hate anyone , it was because they went out of their way to hate me.
I leave them be but they refuse to.
Normies act surprised as if its not natural for a person to want to protect himself if he's being treated hatefully.
Read the SS.


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Why did ER have to be 5 foot 7 and half–Asian, while his toddler half–brother was fully white and looked like he'd grow much taller?
Half-Moroccans are considered fully white? Good news for Sandcels looking to breed with white stacies I guess kek
From Quora

"Incels are very easy to understand. They're just losers who are deeply committed to remaining losers. Many are objectively unattractive, had bad experiences with women, noticed double standards in dating, relationships, and modern social biases favouring women over men, and got frustrated with feminism.

And for sure they have a point, and it's not good to pretend that they don't. Love is unjustly a lot harder for men who aren't tall or handsome, than it is for men at the top. (But most men are not conventionally good–looking at all. If you look around in your workplace, supermarket or train station, who do you mostly see? Unattractive people.) And women are no angels, there's plenty that's wrong with them (and with men too, I can say that despite being straight and not on the receiving end of any male flaws). And society is stupid and full of contradictions. And radical feminism is a very loopy school of thought and its influence has been dangerously out of control for decades.

These boys got a raw deal. But I think 90 percent of humans face very unfair constraints in life, including women. What makes incels different is that they got fanatically obsessed with the idea that they are individuals fatally, irrecoverably disadvantaged at birth. They are completely fixated on identifying and complaining about every little bitty way that life isn't fair. They're convinced that biology, psychology, economics, government, society and culture have all aligned together to doom them to a shitty existence they cannot change. And it's these huge abstract forces that need to change instead of them. Good luck with that.

The more incels discuss their lives with other incels, the more their beliefs are confirmed through affirmation bias until these beliefs become written in stone. Incel communities have even fashioned these convictions into an impressive formal pseudo–science, which they call Lookism and Looksmaxing among other things.

Elliott Rodger is the best case study of an incel, because unlike most incels he left behind a rich written record of his worldview, My Twisted World. I’ve read it. It wails of many fascinating tragedies such as

Why did ER have to be 5 foot 7 and half–Asian, while his toddler half–brother was fully white and looked like he'd grow much taller?
How come a black classmate, the descendant of slaves, was able to get a beautiful girlfriend, while ER, the descendant of British aristocracy, was not? It was understandable that 100% white guys (ER's racial superiors) could pull girls with effortless ease, but how could blacks, Hispanics, and full Asians (his ugly inferiors) still experience superior romantic outcomes?
ER was so well–dressed and well–mannered. His hair was gorgeous. Why did no beautiful girl ever approach him and beg him for sex?
How come a group of rowdy party teens beat ER up instead of treating him like a rockstar when he tried acting like an asshole? (Since women love assholes.)
Why should a magnificent specimen of humanity like ER have to get a normal job, and especially suffer the humiliation of sweeping and mopping?
How could ER be expected to study textbooks or attend college classes, or try to make anything of himself in life, as long as he wasn't having sex? How could ER enjoy his money, life in California, or anything else the world had to offer, knowing that this burning need was going unfulfilled?
Surely ER's looks, height and half–Asianness made it impossible for him to ever get desirably laid. His only hope would be to get rich at a young age. To accomplish this, he bought hundreds of lottery tickets on multiple occasions and prayed really hard, and also tried to guilt his mom into marrying a millionaire who liked her.
How dare women deny ER erotic pleasure, and how dare other men get girlfriends and have sex when ER wasn't able to?
Perhaps most strangely, ER was known by his parents, roommates, and his one or two friends to sink into grief and uncontrollable rage whenever he saw any man with an attractive, specifically blonde girlfriend around him. This happened frequently at restaurants. On 3 occasions in My Twisted World, ER claims to have stalked couples afterward, spilled his drink on them, and sped off in his car, before going home and weeping bitterly for hours. He referred to this as “striking back at my enemies.” But it still was never satisfactory, since the man who got a drink spilled on him was still having “heavenly sex" with the kind of girl ER couldn't get, hence why ER kept crying afterward. On 2 other occasions, he claims he was prevented from staging a soda assault by the presence of his father or a security guard.
All these injustices prove that human society and the female sex at large unprovokedly doomed ER to a life of virginity, misery and loneliness. Therefore ER had the right to exact deadly retribution, against all women and against all male sex–havers.

My Twisted World is a masterpiece of profound reflection. It ranks next to Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy.

I'm sure Lenin, Tesla, Ataturk, Francisco Pizarro, Steve Jobs, Ernest Hemingway, Patrice Lumumba, etc. found themselves just as perplexed and totally disabled by these injustices as ER was, and only through the intervention of God and the Universe were they able to build the lives they did."
Add the real link I want to see the reaction to this :feelshehe::feelswhere:
I love the classic "life isn't fair" trope, I wonder if I can say the same thing to the families of victims of people who go ER.
Yeah life isn't fair but no one weeps for the sexless incels, the weep for chads and stacies taken from this world too early instead of getting to enjoy life on story mode
More gems

"If you are unattractive, getting a girl is hard.

Losers are those that cheat, beat up or kill their spouses"

"And yet men get laid and married all the time with average or below average looks, disabilities, and psychological issues.

It’s on you to better you. You have to be in good working order, mentally and emotionally. Therapy is the number one solution for self-identified incels. Breaking negative thought patterns, learning to accept themselves and improve themselves.

Being an incel is a state of mind"

"That all makes some sense, provided the person is somewhat close to average looking, has a good sense of self, reasonable social skills and a social network. They’re an impossible ask if the person in question has spent his childhood being bullied, ridiculed, excluded and rejected, has a significant physical defect, or a psychological issue such as social anxiety."

"When did anything that was good come easy. If you are unattractive make yourself attractive if you want the body of god go to the gym and sort out your diet. If you have an unattractive face try losing weight you ll be surprised what losing weight and adding a bit of definition to your jawline can make. If you are short then approach short girls. If you want money learn a skill and invest your higher pay wisely. If the local ladies only like bad boys then learn how to fight learn boxing mma etc. If you are unattractive but cant be bothered to do any of this then simply approach unattractive women. Too many men are nt prepared or willing to better themselves and complain that alicia keys or rihanna are not knocking at there door asking to have there babies."

Saviours of incels!!! Kek.
Read every word.

Now I'm waiting for this quoran to apply the same logic of his answer to ANY other group with grievances against the social order.

Does he conclude that the grievances of:
--- negroes
--- kikes
--- foids
--- fags
--- trannies
--- whatever oppressed religion, political party etc.

are automatically invalid because those groups are not 100% committed to internalizing the oppression they suffer and redirecting their entire coping strategy to "self improvement" or whatever neoliberal analog of "pull yourself by your bootstraps, bucko" he believes suits the class he wishes to remain oppressed?

This quora answer could be humorously rewritten replacing "incel" for "saudi foid" or "18th century American negro" or "1930s german kike" or "yazidi/kurd in Iraq/Syria" or "tibetan buddhist" or "Uyghur of Xinjiang" or any other marginal group.

Again: I'm waiting for this quoran to apply the same logic of his answer to ANY group other than incels.

To conclude in a Molyneuxian tone: "your preference for incel's grievances to remain unaddressed is not an argument".
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