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Serious kazakh language sounds incredibly subhuman



self-loathing misanthrope
Nov 22, 2022
sounds like a mix of mostly turkish , russian and just a tiny bit of arabic. Also sounds like they are roaring a chainsaw instead of speaking jfl. I hear those kazakhs teammates on cs2 and i'm like jfl that shits more subhuman than the tribe languages niggers communicate with in the amazon jungle.

If I were a kazakh i'd strictly speak and improve on my russian instead of my native language jfl. It is so inferior in every way.

Central Asians on average are hapas

They are like half ancient Aryan and half ancient turks
Also central asia countries are giga shithole compared to east asia

Ancient China have a historical record of ancient turks and mongols being the most destructive and trouble maker of all

That's why in the end they got kicked out of northern china
I personally called them the wetback of asia not because of being a reject but because of acting out like niggers in the ancient times
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Central Asians on average are hapas

They are like half ancient Aryan and half ancient turks
Also central asia countries are giga shithole compared to east asia

Ancient China have a historical record of ancient turks and mongols being the most destructive and trouble maker of all

That's why in the end they got kicked out of northern china
I personally called them the wetback of asia not brcause of being a reject but because of acting out like niggers in the ancient times
idc but those motherfuckers are literally all married like it's insane. The average KZ player always has his kids in the background. Those kavkaz churkas are living a good life meanwhile we rot. There is something magical in being low IQ and living in a shithole. Ascension is almost certain also most of those motherfuckers are usually very masculine and always act tough. @supersoldier They mog the shit out of the average Russian person not lookswise but lifestyle-wise
idc but those motherfuckers are literally all married like it's insane. The average KZ player always has his kids in the background. Those kavkaz churkas are living a good life meanwhile we rot. There is something magical in being low IQ and living in a shithole. Ascension is almost certain also most of those motherfuckers are usually very masculine and always act tough. @supersoldier They mog the shit out of the average Russian person not lookswise but lifestyle-wise
Giga cope boyo

Only kavkaz like armenian, georgian, chechen, adygei, kurdish, and white minorities live live that
Central asia fertility rates has decreased as of now
Turkic people fertility rates in turkey literally far below replacement levels
idc but those motherfuckers are literally all married like it's insane. The average KZ player always has his kids in the background. Those kavkaz churkas are living a good life meanwhile we rot. There is something magical in being low IQ and living in a shithole. Ascension is almost certain also most of those motherfuckers are usually very masculine and always act tough. They mog the shit out of the average Russian person not lookswise but lifestyle-wise
Only true when it comes to kurdish people
I'm not joiking
Giga cope boyo

Only kavkaz like armenian, georgian, chechen, adygei, kurdish, and white minorities live live that
Central asia fertility rates has decreased as of now
Turkic people fertility rates in turkey literally far below replacement levels
Georgians are giga zogged what do u mean ? Same with turks and that's the main reason why they are getting replaced. Especially the turks are insanely liberal and don't care about Islam. Most turks i've spoken to worship Ataturk and hate the fundaments of Islam.

Also many kazakh go to moscow in order to find a better paid job. Russia needs those refugees anyways since the native russian birth rate very, very low. Like it's beyond over for them.
Only true when it comes to kurdish people
I'm not joiking
I think you mean kurdish "people". They literally are sub80 IQ even a chimpanzee mogs them intellectually. They are like our balkan gypsies.
I think you mean kurdish "people". They literally are sub80 IQ even a chimpanzee mogs them intellectually. They are like our balkan gypsies.
Turkey demography is beyond saving
ten fold worse than average western countries

15 millions fakeugees sandnigger
30 million kurds with high fertility rates
Turkey demography is beyond saving
ten fold worse than average western countries
Does erdogan endorse them ? Why are there so many of them and why aren't they punished in any way for probably being responsible for the 90% of crimes in turkey jfl.
Does erdogan endorse them ? Why are there so many of them and why aren't they punished in any way for probably being responsible for the 90% of crimes in turkey jfl.
Erdogan is umma supporter

Any muslim regardless their racial background should come to turkey and something like that
Erdogan is umma supporter

Any muslim regardless their racial background should come to turkey and something like that
he's an actual retard. Has he never seen the terrorist attacks, rapings, stabbings and many other things that are being done by primarily sand refugees and kurds ? He wants to turn his country into Pakistan. Literally. Or india but islamic one.
he's an actual retard. Has he never seen the terrorist attacks, rapings, stabbings and many other things that are being done by primarily sand refugees and kurds ? He wants to turn his country into Pakistan. Literally. Or india but islamic one.
Karabuk university Lol

They arrest some locals for racist remaks not the niggers
Karabuk university Lol

They arrest some locals for racist remaks not the niggers
I would honestly laugh because they're turks but I feel bad for them because I know how bad the kurds truly are. I've had unpleasant experiences with gypsies and they are the equiValent of them in Turkey except much more violent and willing to cut your throat.
I would honestly laugh because they're turks but I feel bad for them because I know how bad the kurds truly are. I've had unpleasant experiences with gypsies and they are the equiValent of them in Turkey except much more violent and willing to cut your throat.
Turkey future will be like Rwanda where the kurds majority took over and mass beheading all the remaining turks
They mog the shit out of the average Russian person not lookswise but lifestyle-wise
+ government helping them a lot, they get financial aid from the state for having children. Vladimir Shelomov is very happy about raise of Muslim population. Immigrants from central Asia can freely bring their families in Russia and goverment will even pay pensions to elderly from there, despite them never working in Russia.

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Turkey future will be like Rwanda where the kurds majority took over and mass beheading all the remaining turks
also the rise of turkcels. Turkey may be one of the leading incel factories in the world due to being genetically screwed on average on top of everything many are liberal. They are usually short, brown, small dick. Giga over for them unless they do some uprising and "dethrone" (((Erdogan))).
+ government helping them a lot, they get financial aid from the state for having children. Vladimir Shelomov is very happy about raise of Muslim population.


The Russian empire should have emptied the entire central asia in the past

The worst mistake is letting your enemy alive and breed
+ government helping them a lot, they get financial aid from the state for having children. Vladimir Shelomov is very happy about raise of Muslim population.

Jfl the more engaging this thread becomes, the more I convince myself that the entire world is cucked and it sucks for the natives pretty much in any part of the world. Just be a minority theory. If you're a local it's over for you. Your own government hates you, the minorities hate you and would assault you simply for being a native. The government on top of everything supports all of that.
also the rise of turkcels. Turkey may be one of the leading incel factories in the world due to being genetically screwed on average on top of everything many are liberal. They are usually short, brown,
Turks on average are mongrel kalergi trash
There is nothing to conserve if your people are racially disfigured

The Russian empire should have emptied the entire central asia in the past

The worst mistake is letting your enemy alive and breed
but man you don't get it it's because of muh inequality :soy: meanwhile they're taught every single day since little kids how bad le russians are.Their culture and religion is rooted in Russophobia.
Jfl the more engaging this thread becomes, the more I convince myself that the entire world is cucked and it sucks for the natives pretty much in any part of the world. Just be a minority theory. If you're a local it's over for you. Your own government hates you, the minorities hate you and would assault you simply for being a native. The government on top of everything supports all of that.
Compared to western nations
Only ireland have it better than the rest
Compared to western nations
Only ireland have it better than the rest
I live in a shithole yet what @supersoldier said applies here too. At least 60% of the gypsies are unemployed if not more and the tax payers pays for their electricity. Why would I hypothetically want to wage for such vermin ? They'll NEET meanwhile I'll suffer. Fuck this shit.
but man you don't get it it's because of muh inequality :soy: meanwhile they're taught every single day since little kids how bad le russians are.Their culture and religion is rooted in Russophobia.
Just look at China now
They kicked out all the mongrel weeds out of the northern part of the region in the ancient times and now they enjoy the demographics
Jfl the more engaging this thread becomes, the more I convince myself that the entire world is cucked and it sucks for the natives pretty much in any part of the world. Just be a minority theory. If you're a local it's over for you. Your own government hates you, the minorities hate you and would assault you simply for being a native. The government on top of everything supports all of that.
there's something in common between most European countries and ex-British colonies like US/Canada/Australia. All of them are anti-White anti-European, pro immigration, pro multiculturalism.

Just look at China now
They kicked out all the mongrel weeds out of the northern part of the region in the ancient times and now they enjoy the demographics
They were never willing to integrate in fact China is giga based for taking the right measures. If china was liberal like turkey the uyghyrs would act the exact same way as the Kurds.
there's something in common between most European countries and ex-British colonies like US/Canada/Australia. All of them are anti-White anti-European, pro immigration, pro multiculturalism.

Turkey although non-white country follows the same model it seems like jfl. China is the only based developed country in the world. Japan and Korea are too but they'll eventually ZOG out too and import islamic shitskins to ruin their beautiful countries.
The birth rate , inceldom crisis in Eastern Japan is giga brutal. They'll have to do something eventually. They are dying out.
They were never willing to integrate in fact China is giga based for taking the right measures. If china was liberal like turkey the uyghyrs would act the exact same way as the Kurds.
Uighur people are also giga mongrel

They are like half tocharian half ancient turks
Hapas mongrel
Turkey although non-white country follows the same model it seems like jfl. China is the only based developed country in the world. Japan and Korea are too but they'll eventually ZOG out too and import islamic shitskins to ruin their beautiful countries.
could be also a fault of capitalism, the richest bourgeoise only care about profits so they don't give a shit who will work for them, the cheaper the labor the better. Why pay local workers when you can import millions of shitskins who will work for less payment.
Uighur people are also giga mongrel

They are like half tocharian half ancient turks
Hapas mongrel
Mongrels in general tend to be really aggressive take as an example latinos too. LATAM has more murder than anywhere else in the world.
could be also a fault of capitalism, the richest bourgeoise only care about profits so they don't give a shit who will work for them, the cheaper the labor the better. Why pay local workers when you can import millions of shitskins who will work for less payment.
definitely. Also do you have the video where some russian women are complaining about churkas in their small town? In the video they filmed some dagestani in a car and he said "Dagestanis do whatever they want" or something along the lines.
definitely. Also do you have the video where some russian women are complaining about churkas in their small town? In the video they filmed some dagestani in a car and he said "Dagestanis do whatever they want" or something along the lines.
I have but i forgot in which folder
definitely. Also do you have the video where some russian women are complaining about churkas in their small town? In the video they filmed some dagestani in a car and he said "Dagestanis do whatever they want" or something along the lines.
don't have this video

✡︎Shelomov bowing down to Muslims, new titular nation of Russia ︎ﷲ ︎

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The birth rate , inceldom crisis in Eastern Japan is giga brutal. They'll have to do something eventually. They are dying out.
Something I honeslty don't want to happen only of because of "muh noodlewhores". I get an intense dopamine hit, whenever I see their hot-round-little faces (aged 18 or over).:ahegao:
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sounds like a mix of mostly turkish , russian and just a tiny bit of arabic.
Turkic language, just during soviet period they switched to Cyrillic maybe that's why you think it has something in common with russian. They have a plan to change back to Latin alphabet until 2031
Turkic language, just during soviet period they switched to Cyrillic maybe that's why you think it has something in common with russian. They have a plan to change back to Latin alphabet until 2031
What does "kar, kar , kar" mean jfl. All of them say this shit.
What does "kar, kar , kar" mean jfl. All of them say this shit.
don't know, their languages sound like gibberish salad to me, can't break it down into words
don't know, their languages sound like gibberish salad to me, can't break it down into words
They often use words like dolbaeb ( which is the most used word by them from what ive seen so far in cs2) , blyat and pidoras
They often use words like dolbaeb ( which is the most used word by them from what ive seen so far in cs2) , blyat and pidoras
what do you expect when they were part of Russian empire and then USSR, obviously russian language had a serious impact on them. Knowing russian you can live in Kazakhstan without much problem, almost everyone there knows it.
Don't know how Kazakh sounds.

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