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It's Over Kavenaugh admits to a crime worse than rape, it's over for him

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2047
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Deleted member 2047

Deleted member 2047

Dec 8, 2017

Kav is now saying that he was an incel.





JFL. He doesn't realize that the only thing women and normies hate more than rapists, it's incels. He's done.
Chads are the most dangerous to women, not incels, most incels are extremely introverted.
When will the attacks fucking end. I've never done anything wrong in my entire life. Juvenile? Chad shits in her mouth. They deserve death. I'm being a good person for proclaiming it.
I haven't followed this shit, because I don't care, but any virgin man is more likeable to me than anyone else.
so happy trump is president to trigger these faggots. i hope this guy makes it through all this and pisses off these normie leftists even more.
Jfl at these retards that think incels are a threat.
If I could go around raping bitches then I wouldn't even be here.
Stupid Jew thinks there is an incel "movement". All these cucks should be gassed.
Kavanaugh has gone from having 100% of my support to 110%.

Damn though, it would have been a lot better for him to never have brought up anything related to "sexual frustration" or virginity. Watch the swarm of harpies and cucks tear at this guy like a pack of buzzards now.

I was listening to Fash the Nation the other day, where the hosts mentioned this foid Republican strategist advocating for Kavanaugh's nomination to be rescinded because, "even if he's completely innocent and the story was fabricated, it's still like problematic and rape is like awwwwful so he has to withdraw and we should present an endless series of choices for public scrutiny until we find one acceptable enough not to be tarred with lies".


If they latch on that firmly to fictions, imagine how tortuously they'll twist these words.

JFL @fattyglesias and the Bluecheka. I see why these people are loathed in the worthwhile corners of Twitter.
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When will the attacks fucking end. I've never done anything wrong in my entire life. Juvenile? Chad shits in her mouth. They deserve death. I'm being a good person for proclaiming it.

We are despised for literally NO REASON despite having shitty genetics. They act like it’s about our “misogyny,” but that’s just a reaction to the hatred women feel towards us.

I can’t fucking take it anymore, man. Chads and normies beat, rape, and murder their girlfriends all the time, and we’re the ones who get blamed.

This shit is just too much. Hand me the rope, a gun, anything. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
This is such fucking ragefuel. Forget random mass shootings. I want to see these cunts put on liveleak or deathaddict. It's time we started targeting the people who specifically attack us.
Oh gawd, what a fucking Cuckservative...

This idiots just don't understand anything.
RIP my nigga.
This is such fucking ragefuel. Forget random mass shootings. I want to see these cunts put on liveleak or deathaddict. It's time we started targeting the people who specifically attack us.
This is such fucking ragefuel. Forget random mass shootings. I want to see these cunts put on liveleak or deathaddict. It's time we started targeting the people who specifically attack us.
I just ignore them when they call us racist virgin rapist pedo murderers, but to seriously imply we are more of a threat to females than guys that can actually get girls is literally retarded when a majority of assault, sexual or not, is committed by an intimate partner (https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence, https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/07/homicides-women/534306/). It seems the left first tried to take down big liberal figureheads to act like MeToo was bipartisan and now they are going after conservative people. What they forgot is that no conservative is going to get upset at shoddy allegations of sexual misconduct. MeToo was a mistake. Aside from Kavanaugh, I kept hearing about Cosby today. 5 years ago I would have been convinced Cosby was a rapist, now I'm unsure especially when these fems willingly agreed to have sex and take a mind altering pill.
If I were him, I would feel tempted to resign and LDAR, although I suppose it's better for the country if someone at some point takes a stand against the feminists.

I think a lot of times, once a nominee sees how seriously the press, the politicians, etc. take these kinds of uncorroborated allegations, it sours them on the idea of public service.

Thankfully, looks like he's not at all deterred:

It'll probably become a rote feature of preparing for high office in a few years - rehearsing how to deal with the inevitable sexual assault allegations issued forth from some dried-up wine aunt.
I can hardly stand reading tweets from these femshits and soy boy faggots. My head physically hurts from losing brain cells.
Just lol if you believe he was incel.
Wow, he admitted to being a virgin for "many years after" he graduated college. I was on the fence about Brett Kavanaugh but now he has my full support.
I think his strategy now is to say, "I was a good beta male; I waited my turn all those years while alphas were having sex all around me, so I should get credit for that!" But they won't give him credit for it. They're going to treat him like a sexual aggressor rather than patting him on the head and saying, "Good boy," as he was expecting. It's probably going to severely mindfuck him for awhile by destroying his bluepilled conception of how the world works.

He probably believed that he was being smarter and more virtuous than other guys by waiting till he was 39, and then getting with a 29-year-old chick who had fucked enough badboys to be able to contrast them with him and appreciate his willingness to commit to her. He thought, "See, all through college I ignored those stupid young girls, who didn't see the value I offered; and now I get the reward of marrying this mature older chick who loves me for who I am."

But it turns out that those chicks who didn't want to open their legs to him back in high school and college STILL are trying to fuck him over by making false accusations.

Yup, it NEVER ends. The fairytale bullshit about women having a change of heart and falling in love with "the good guys" and "nerds" is such rage inducing crap. Those women never stop lusting over handsome bad boys or studs ever, and they continue to be disgusted your kind. Given a moment's notice they will cheat on your behind your back. They have no respect for you.
This whole thing has been Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas all over again. Whether or not Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, I'm predicting a resurgence of sexual harassment "sensitivity training" from every corporate entity and college campus in America. The Democratic party will also try to make the 2018 elections about gender, just like they did in 1992 which was later dubbed by the media as "The Year of the Woman."

Kav is now saying that he was an incel.





JFL. He doesn't realize that the only thing women and normies hate more than rapists, it's incels. He's done.

"As the modern incel movement proves, it's the frustrated virgins who are often the most dangerous to women."

Curious statement, considering that the controversy at hand is one involving an alleged sexual assault. The implication, of course, is that the frustrated virgin is the most likely candidate to rape. If sexual affection isn't given to him, if he can't win it through his charm or beauty, he'll seize a nasty parody of it. The incel is a ravenous beast, desperate and starving, forever on the verge of ravaging every fair maiden that catches his sleepless, bloodshot eye.

What a strange indictment against our sad little tribe. Yes, we have to bear the burden of men like Minassian and Rodger. Now, the bizarre fantasy our enemies harbor regarding us, the notion that we're all killers, is utterly absurd. If every incel was to follow in the footsteps of the tiny minority among us who took lives, one would be hard-pressed to find a spot of earth unstained with blood. If every ugly and unlovable man took up the knife or the gun, there would be calamity. Fortunately for those so apparently eager to defame us and make us the villains of their sleazy little fantasies, we are infinitely more likely to take up the noose.

Yet, I'll concede that men like Rodger belonged to our clan. Not a happy admission but, if we're to retain even a hint of integrity, we have to be more honest than those who lie about us. However, devils though these men may have become, they were never incubi. The demon they ultimately swore themselves to was not Lust but Wrath. Rodger murdered with his gun, committed assaults with his car. He didn't rape or strangle his victims because such acts, brutal though they may be, are intimate. Desperate though he was for intimacy, he didn't want his sole experience of it to be coerced. We see the same behavior in men like Minassian, Cho and the rest. They are killers, not rapists.

Now why may that be?

All too often, rape is not committed by the "frustrated virgin" but a man accustomed to having women consent to his advances. He gets his way more often than not, isn't used to hearing the word "no". And yet, wonder of wonders, one day he does. The spoiled little child, used to having sweets handed to him whenever he demands them, inexplicably has his hand slapped away when he reaches into the candy tin. He's confused, he's hurt. So used to being given what he wants, when our little brat is at long last denied it he simply takes it.
Well, we wicked incels are more than acquainted with the word "no". We entered adolescence hearing it, became adults with it ringing in our ears. Not so much as the cheapest penny candy touched our lips, because even the tiniest hint of loveliness was considered too good to be profaned by the mouth of a monster. Instead of sweets we were fed ashes, our nostrils were filled with smoke rather than perfume. One won't find a gluttonous rapist among our ranks, because we emaciated ghouls have learned to starve.

Lamentably, one may find a murderer. Rarely, to be sure, and far more so than our critics would like. Yet sometimes one among us will call out to the Devil because both God and Man returned our cries of supplication with mockery and scorn. Weary of being denied the fruit of the Garden even the worst of men is permitted to taste, one of our fellow monsters may take the torch pressed into his palm by Wrath and try to burn Paradise to the ground, rendering all the sweet things he will never taste indistinct from the ash he spent an entire lifetime choking on.

If the virtuous want to hunt rapists, let them search their own ranks for the fallen angels trying to storm Heaven and regain it by force. Leave us monsters born down in Hell alone; lowest of the low and born beyond the light of Grace, we never fell. How could we have? We were never given an opportunity to.
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^^^ IQ meter broken, off the scale
Kavanaugh being an incel once makes me like him more lol.
"As the modern incel movement proves, it's the frustrated virgins who are often the most dangerous to women."

Curious statement, considering that the controversy at hand is one involving an alleged sexual assault. The implication, of course, is that the frustrated virgin is the most likely candidate to rape. If sexual affection isn't given to him, if he can't win it through his charm or beauty, he'll seize a nasty parody of it. The incel is a ravenous beast, desperate and starving, forever on the verge of ravaging every fair maiden that catches his sleepless, bloodshot eye.

What a strange indictment against our sad little tribe. Yes, we have to bear the burden of men like Minassian and Rodger. Now, the bizarre fantasy our enemies harbor regarding us, the notion that we're all killers, is utterly absurd. If every incel was to follow in the footsteps of the tiny minority among us who took lives, one would be hard-pressed to find a spot of earth unstained with blood. If every ugly and unlovable man took up the knife or the gun, there would be calamity. Fortunately for those so apparently eager to defame us and make us the villains of their sleazy little fantasies, we are infinitely more likely to take up the noose.

Yet, I'll concede that men like Rodger belonged to our clan. Not a happy admission but, if we're to retain even a hint of integrity, we have to be more honest than those who lie about us. However, devils though these men may have become, they were never incubi. The demon they ultimately swore themselves to was not Lust but Wrath. Rodger murdered with his gun, committed assaults with his car. He didn't rape or strangle his victims because such acts, brutal though they may be, are intimate. Desperate though he was for intimacy, he didn't want his sole experience of it to be coerced. We see the same behavior in men like Minassian, Cho and the rest. They are killers, not rapists.

Now why may that be?

All too often, rape is not committed by the "frustrated virgin" but a man accustomed to having women consent to his advances. He gets his way more often than not, isn't used to hearing the word "no". And yet, wonder of wonders, one day he does. The spoiled little child, used to having sweets handed to him whenever he demands them, inexplicably has his hand slapped away when he reaches into the candy tin. He's confused, he's hurt. So used to being given what he wants, when our little brat is at long last denied it he simply takes it.
Well, we wicked incels are more than acquainted with the word "no". We entered adolescence hearing it, became adults with it ringing in our ears. Not so much as the cheapest penny candy touched our lips, because even the tiniest hint of loveliness was considered too good to be profaned by the mouth of a monster. Instead of sweets we were fed ashes, our nostrils were filled with smoke rather than perfume. One won't find a gluttonous rapist among our ranks, because we emaciated ghouls have learned to starve.

Lamentably, one may find a murderer. Rarely, to be sure, and far more so than our critics would like. Yet sometimes one among us will call out to the Devil because both God and Man returned our cries of supplication with mockery and scorn. Weary of being denied the fruit of the Garden even the worst of men is permitted to taste, one of our fellow monsters may take the torch pressed into his palm by Wrath and try to burn Paradise to the ground, rendering all the sweet things he will never taste indistinct from the ash he spent an entire lifetime choking on.

If the virtuous want to hunt rapists, let them search their own ranks for the fallen angels trying to storm Heaven and regain it by force. Leave us monsters born down in Hell alone; lowest of the low and born beyond the light of Grace, we never fell. How could we have? We were never given an opportunity to.

giga iq post
"As the modern incel movement proves, it's the frustrated virgins who are often the most dangerous to women."

Curious statement, considering that the controversy at hand is one involving an alleged sexual assault. The implication, of course, is that the frustrated virgin is the most likely candidate to rape. If sexual affection isn't given to him, if he can't win it through his charm or beauty, he'll seize a nasty parody of it. The incel is a ravenous beast, desperate and starving, forever on the verge of ravaging every fair maiden that catches his sleepless, bloodshot eye.

What a strange indictment against our sad little tribe. Yes, we have to bear the burden of men like Minassian and Rodger. Now, the bizarre fantasy our enemies harbor regarding us, the notion that we're all killers, is utterly absurd. If every incel was to follow in the footsteps of the tiny minority among us who took lives, one would be hard-pressed to find a spot of earth unstained with blood. If every ugly and unlovable man took up the knife or the gun, there would be calamity. Fortunately for those so apparently eager to defame us and make us the villains of their sleazy little fantasies, we are infinitely more likely to take up the noose.

Yet, I'll concede that men like Rodger belonged to our clan. Not a happy admission but, if we're to retain even a hint of integrity, we have to be more honest than those who lie about us. However, devils though these men may have become, they were never incubi. The demon they ultimately swore themselves to was not Lust but Wrath. Rodger murdered with his gun, committed assaults with his car. He didn't rape or strangle his victims because such acts, brutal though they may be, are intimate. Desperate though he was for intimacy, he didn't want his sole experience of it to be coerced. We see the same behavior in men like Minassian, Cho and the rest. They are killers, not rapists.

Now why may that be?

All too often, rape is not committed by the "frustrated virgin" but a man accustomed to having women consent to his advances. He gets his way more often than not, isn't used to hearing the word "no". And yet, wonder of wonders, one day he does. The spoiled little child, used to having sweets handed to him whenever he demands them, inexplicably has his hand slapped away when he reaches into the candy tin. He's confused, he's hurt. So used to being given what he wants, when our little brat is at long last denied it he simply takes it.
Well, we wicked incels are more than acquainted with the word "no". We entered adolescence hearing it, became adults with it ringing in our ears. Not so much as the cheapest penny candy touched our lips, because even the tiniest hint of loveliness was considered too good to be profaned by the mouth of a monster. Instead of sweets we were fed ashes, our nostrils were filled with smoke rather than perfume. One won't find a gluttonous rapist among our ranks, because we emaciated ghouls have learned to starve.

Lamentably, one may find a murderer. Rarely, to be sure, and far more so than our critics would like. Yet sometimes one among us will call out to the Devil because both God and Man returned our cries of supplication with mockery and scorn. Weary of being denied the fruit of the Garden even the worst of men is permitted to taste, one of our fellow monsters may take the torch pressed into his palm by Wrath and try to burn Paradise to the ground, rendering all the sweet things he will never taste indistinct from the ash he spent an entire lifetime choking on.

If the virtuous want to hunt rapists, let them search their own ranks for the fallen angels trying to storm Heaven and regain it by force. Leave us monsters born down in Hell alone; lowest of the low and born beyond the light of Grace, we never fell. How could we have? We were never given an opportunity to.
10th dimension IQ.
It's funny how millimeters of skin and bone on your face and the extreme sadness and misery that comes from not having those millimeters of skin and bone arranged in a pleasant way makes you bad guy by default and pretty much a suspect for life. Being an incel and being blackpilled is worse than what 99% of people have lived through. Being ugly is a medical condition, period.
He was volcel, not Incel

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