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K pop chad kills himself



Dec 8, 2017

Apparently, a life of validation, adulation from girls of all ethnicities, and an endless stream of pussy was not all that it was chalked up to be for this guy. Why do people like this kill themselves?  

I wonder if the same fate awaits some of us if we ever manage to escape inceldom. What if, after years of yearning for a hedonistic chadlike lifestyle, we somehow manage to achieve it only to end up feeling the same void that we wanted to escape from, kind of like how a drug addict would feel after coming down from a euphoric state? What if our problems are not rooted in inceldom but stem from a dopamine deprived brain which negatively colors our perception about the world and induces a very binary/black and white way of thinking? What if all these blackpill bombs, that are perpetually dropped here, caused even more irreversible damage to our already fucked up brains? What if this constant brooding, over the lack of female attention because of some major deficiency in facial harmony or aethetics, is ultimately meaningless if our default state is nihilism? What if there really is no light at the end of the tunnel even after all the worldy desires are fulfilled? Perhaps this mother of all blackpills is what killed the Kpop star who apparently had everything we ever wanted.
I still think it's highly delusional to assume that mental illnesses are limited to ugly people.
Mentalcel does exist, but in my case I’m genuinely unattractive.
After all, we are just humans. Even Chad must obey laws of nature.
If he killed himself then what prevents you to not follow his path?
Probably secret homosexual
Homosapicuckus said:
If he killed himself then what prevents you to not follow his path?

LOL its almost like you want me to rope myself. Family is what is still keeping me around.
NekoStance said:
Probably secret homosexual

^^^ Fuck him anyway.  The world is better off with one less faux-fag-Chad in it
panzerfury said:
^^^ Fuck him anyway.  The world is better off with one less faux-fag-Chad in it

why you hate him? aren't we all closet fags just still not realized it yet?
jamho22 said:
I wonder if the same fate awaits some of us if we ever manage to escape inceldom. What if, after years of yearning for a hedonistic chadlike lifestyle, we somehow manage to achieve it only to end up feeling the same void that we wanted to escape from

Hahaha keep coping boyo, none of us are ever getting out.
Homosapicuckus said:
why you hate him? aren't we all closet fags just still not realized it yet?

You're still in the closet?  Damn, queen. Edit: Also, why not hate him? He has wealth, fans, admiration, legions of pussy.. And kills himself. The gene pool is better off.
itsOVER said:
Hahaha keep coping boyo, none of us are ever getting out.

You're a normal looking guy. Unless you have some serious mental issues, I don't know why you are even here.
jamho22 said:
You're a normal looking guy. Unless you have some serious mental issues, I don't know why you are even here.


5ft 7, horrible subhuman NW2 hairline, lack of any defined facial features despite only being 55kg. I am legit subhuman not like all these semi-Chads posting here that they're 3/10s lol.
itsOVER said:

5ft 7, horrible subhuman NW2 hairline, lack of any defined facial features despite only being 55kg. I am legit subhuman not like all these semi-Chads posting here that they're 3/10s lol.

I have crazy high standards when it comes to looks and in my book, you are a 5.5/10. There is no reason why you cant be with a 7/10 girl unless your personality is gutter tier.
jamho22 said:
I have crazy high standards when it comes to looks and in my book, you are a 5.5/10. There is no reason why you cant be with a 7/10 girl unless your personality is gutter tier.

Oh god the muh personality cope.

Girls only care about FACE and HEIGHT.

Also only girls get to trade up under normal circumstances. The only time a guy gets a girl hotter than himself is if he has major status (i.e. celebrity level) or is crazy rich. I guess going to Thailand as a white guy works too since I got a non-looksmatched girlfriend there, but then again just fucking look at me, my looksmatch is a fucking troll crossed with an ogre.

No one 5ft 7 can EVER be above a 6. And you're only a 6 at 5ft 7 if you're male model tier face and frame which obviously I aint. With a below average face and SERIOUSLY BELOW AVERAGE height, I'm a 4 at best, lookism confirmed this too (general consensus was 4). Honestly I kinda think they were too generous, I'm more like a 3 with maybe 4 potential if I sorted my hair out.

No one here is getting out, let's stop coping. Well maybe Sparky is getting out if he sorts out his mental issues, but no one else is.
itsOVER said:
Oh god the muh personality cope.

Girls only care about FACE and HEIGHT.

Yeah because a brawny 6'5 chad who just grunts all day like a caveman is going to really get all the pussies wet. Why is it that everytime i leave my fucking house I see sub 5 manlets with 6-7/10 girls. Every single time.
jamho22 said:
Yeah because a brawny 6'5 chad who just grunts all day like a caveman is going to really get all the pussies wet. Why is it that everytime i leave my fucking house I see sub 5 manlets with 6-7/10 girls. Every single time.

You're either underrating the guys, overrrating the girls, or both. Either that or the guy is really rich, which isnt true attraction.
Fucking asshole.

Dude gets given a winning lottery ticket and proceeds to buy himself a rope. Although, 27. Probably been slaying for a decade.
There's all that dark side of kpop stuff that happened. Maybe his agency was fucking him over.
jamho22 said:
What if all these blackpill bombs, that are perpetually dropped here, caused even more irreversible damage to our already fucked up brains? What if this constant brooding, over the lack of female attention because of some major deficiency in facial harmony or aethetics, is ultimately meaningless if our default state is nihilism? What if there really is no light at the end of the tunnel even after all the worldy desires are fulfilled? Perhaps this mother of all blackpills is what killed the Kpop star who apparently had everything we ever wanted.

i totally agree, me and you are very similar in the mentalcel regard. reversing the damage is the hard part though
modus_coperandi said:
I still think it's highly delusional to assume that mental illnesses are limited to ugly people.

If I had the opportunity for pulling some hot broads, I think I have the self-discipline to indulge in some overdue sexual hedonism just enough to feel competent at this aspect of dealing with women, then I would throttle down and concentrate on other projects. 

Just having a few such women under my belt (heh, yeah, I know it's a pun) could revolutionize my life for the better because women in general would be more likely to respect me. And the men I know would definitely view me with more respect as well.
My oneitis was almost in tears about this
modus_coperandi said:
I still think it's highly delusional to assume that mental illnesses are limited to ugly people.


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