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Experiment Just out of curiosity, which year would you rather have been born in and why?


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cope and seethe
Oct 1, 2018
Do you think you'd be happier if you were born in 1960 or 2000?

Say you would be born with the exact same physical appearance, personality, location, and into the same social class, in either case. When would you rather be born?

For additional context, do say where you're from, if you are OK with that.
Hope you and your dad get buttfucked by niggers in jail
Is that even a question? 1960

America only started the process of getting fully jew'd, will never have to worry about the internet and online dating fucking up my chances of finding a girl, get to live my teen age years in the 70s with just the right mix of degeneracy and traditionalism, and get to live in a white nation.
Hope you and your dad get buttfucked by niggers in jail
also this
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110 so I could be of military age during second Jewish revolt. JUDEA DALENDA EST

Being born in the 60's would mean experiencing post war moderntity. Hippies 2nd wave feminism and nigger rights activists were already a thing then.
in the 60's I'd be lobotomized for being an ,,antisemitic" maniac out of control.
Doesn’t matter, I probably would have autism either way and been a weirdo and been ostracized for it both years. In 1980 I wouldn’t have these forums to reach out to too
1960s I would live in a cmunnist shithole but i wouldn't have to deal with western degeneracy, internet, online dating and all other sickness of today. I would get laid and married easily.
Germany was based in the 60s, black sun glasses, suits and a remotely healthy so(y)ciety existed - would definetely prefer the 80s due to music and easier access to sex (basically "Just own a car"-theory applied back then). Everything over the 2000s, every period was at least partially based but in modernity everything is for rich chad only.
Germany was based in the 60s, black sun glasses, suits and a remotely healthy so(y)ciety existed - would definetely prefer the 80s due to music and easier access to sex (basically "Just own a car"-theory applied back then). Everything over the 2000s, every period was at least partially based but in modernity everything is for rich chad only.
Probably 2000s. The age of technology is just too tantalizing to turn down. I'd hate to be in my 40s and 50s by the time gpus are getting good.

Even a gorilla like me depends on technology.

Being born in the 1960s wouldn't make any noticeable difference anyway. Anyone who believes that is coping.

Yes, but wouldn't mind the DDR either (none of the copes I enjoyed were illegal there and sometimes they were even available for comparatively cheap prices). The problem with the DDR: The economy was shit, people had to wait for food and surveillance/prison time happened to dissidents, but the German culture remained unaffected. The problem with the West: The economy was good, but they mostly deconstructed German culture and brought in guilt complexes.
The same thing is today also the problem with inceldom in Germany: In the East the women move away (which leads to a surplus of men) but the few women that remained aren't as hypergamous/feminist/vile as the Western women, in the West you have many women but most of them are so hypergamous that they would rather remain perpetually single than live with an ugly male.
Am not quite sure whether I would prefer to live in the West/in the East nowadays. The east has less cucked laws about certain things, you need to have less money and you can easily get a bigger house, also some areas are quite beautiful like the Lüneburger Heide or the northern/eastern sea, in the West you have officially more money (but everything costs also more - in certain areas ranting a flat can even cost roughly 50% of the income of people in high-paying STEM jobs), there you have easier access to universities/employment, but you also have cucked politicians/laws, but the sights are also quite interesting with the alps for example.
Post-Y2K here, and I wish I was born in the late 1990s.

But I guess 1960 would be a good choice because then I would spend my teen and young adult years in the 70s and 80s. And I like the last few decades of the 20th century.
Is that even a question? 1960

America only started the process of getting fully jew'd, will never have to worry about the internet and online dating fucking up my chances of finding a girl, get to live my teen age years in the 70s with just the right mix of degeneracy and traditionalism, and get to live in a white nation.

also this
1960 without a doubt

I'd have to deal with racism, but atleast it wouldn't be 1920
1960 without a doubt

I'd have to deal with racism, but atleast it wouldn't be 1920
Just live and time travel somewhere that is not the US or South Africa.
Honestly i really do prefer video games and media of the technological age. I just really really wish it didn’t come with feminism and cuckdom
1960, because unemployment was ridiculously low here in France, like 1.4%. Nowadays it's 8% and employers ask for insane skills to do the most basic low-paid job. In 1960, there were so few employees available that employers had to pay them much more than now, and they also accepted literally anybody. If you were fired, you just had to ask any company for another job and you were taken. It was supernatural.

All this ended in 1973. But when you talk with boomers they all say you "You stupid young guys, unable to work, you just have to ask anyone and you have a job !" :feelshaha: It makes me laugh but sometimes I want to kill them :feelsdevil:
My uncle is essentially an older version of me born in 1961 and a socially reclusive autist. I think the difference is that having no computers back then meant that you were a bit more sociable and had more friendships even as an autist.
2000,me would get mental illness any way I think, but born later means I can enjoy better living standard and better technologies,at 1960 my people in my shithhole were starving
Do you think you'd be happier if you were born in 1960 or 2000?

Say you would be born with the exact same physical appearance, personality, location, and into the same social class, in either case. When would you rather be born?

For additional context, do say where you're from, if you are OK with that.
1960 so I could have property millionaire billionaire maxxed via stocks, tech boom etc.
I'd prefer not to be born at all, regardless of the day and age.
60s for sure. Everything was better. First world copers cope with muh teknology. In my shithole everything is too damn competitive and people are jobless and depressed well into their late 20s and that too after studying like slaves for years.

In 80s[UWSL] I'd get a nice cushy job, a loli wife, conservative society, I'd read a lot of books especially science and won't have any distractions. Life would be simple. Plus I'll be old enough to experience technology that we have right now. So best of both worlds.[/UWSL]
I have To say 2000 because of the copes.
Germany was based in the 60s, black sun glasses, suits and a remotely healthy so(y)ciety existed - would definetely prefer the 80s due to music and easier access to sex (basically "Just own a car"-theory applied back then). Everything over the 2000s, every period was at least partially based but in modernity everything is for rich chad only.
It was more based in the 40s
1960, I would get to live the terrorism years
1960. Would try hippiemaxxing and fucking counterculture women.
Probably 2000s. The age of technology is just too tantalizing to turn down. I'd hate to be in my 40s and 50s by the time gpus are getting good.
my thoughts exactly :feelsokman:
[UWSL]Being born in the 1960s wouldn't make any noticeable difference anyway. Anyone who believes that is coping.[/UWSL]
It would have made all the difference. Zero social media or computers and no feminist bullshit.
60 cuz I'd wanna live in the 80s as a grown up. :feelsautistic:
If you're non-white and think 1960 would have been better, then you are coping hard.
It would have made all the difference. Zero social media or computers and no feminist bullshit.
That wouldn't stop you from being ugly, and it wouldn't stop women from picking men better looking than you
That wouldn't stop you from being ugly, and it wouldn't stop women from picking men better looking than you
Even the biggest subhumans reproduced back then, stop the cope
Even the biggest subhumans reproduced back then, stop the cope
It seems like you're the only one coping here, believing you'd have a chance if you were born 61 years ago.

1980 would be the perfect year.

Not too far back and not too far forward.

Reasoning behind this is a male born from 1985 - 1990 would still have experienced the social media takeover beginning around 2010 - 2013. At an age where theyre in their prime and options are relatively more.
1960 my country lived under a dictatorship but I definitely had more chances to fuck
20000 B.C. ooga booga
i would rather be born in 2000, so I would experience more inventions and less traditions.
2000 because 2000s was based and awesome. Also I would die if I was born in 60.
Today honestly. Far fewer copes back then :feelsXmas:
2000 is just superior, no nigger hippie shit and the golden age lies ahead.
60s easily. I would have to survive early childhood starvation but beyond that I'll be married by early 20s and have children by late 20s.
2000 is just superior, no nigger hippie shit and the golden age lies ahead.
Lol. No nigger hippie shit because the nigger hippie shit won and has now become the default state of society. So much you don't even notice it.
60s easily. I would have to survive early childhood starvation but beyond that I'll be married by early 20s and have children by late 20s.

Lol. No nigger hippie shit because the nigger hippie shit won and has now become the default state of society. So much you don't even notice it.
Yea but on the internet you still had spaces and also foids were whores but not chad only
Yea but on the internet you still had spaces and also foids were whores but not chad only
Anyone born in 2000 would turn 15 in 2015, a few years after tinder was launched. And by 2021 they are 20-21 and you see them lurking here

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