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LDAR Just Made A Big Log In The Toilet Bowl

Romello Gaghan 2

Romello Gaghan 2

No Descriptor
Aug 6, 2018
For the last few days I've been pooping kinda liquidey. Half diarrhea half solid chucks of this and that- tomato peels, oxalate residue from the almonds I've been snacking on, and the poop floated a lot which means the fats weren't breaking down right.

Then just now I shitted out a good piece. Long,dense, mahogany brown, came out smooth like moist playdough. Feels good man.
good job
pee pee poo poo
Taking large, solid shits with big log turds that look like BBCs is considered masculine and dominant to femoids. The sad part is when your giant turds are bigger than your dick and could please a foid more.
Solid shitposting :feelsYall:
Taking large, solid shits with big log turds that look like BBCs is considered masculine and dominant to femoids. The sad part is when your giant turds are bigger than your dick and could please a foid more.
It's over if your shit mogs your dick.
It's over if your shit mogs your dick.
I've pushed out single turds that were bigger than a manlet's forearm. When I shit huge logs like that, I know what it feels like to be an IT poster leaning forward.
Best thread on .co tbhngl
Brutal. Non-chads have less smv than chad shit in 2020.
Right now, there is an average looking wagecuck stuck in his apartment with his ugly landwhale wife who cheats on him regularly. He's at the foot of the bed crying while his wife dildos herself with a chad turd she bought online with his money and solidified in the freezer. She's threatening him with divorce rape and false rape accusations/beating accusations if he doesn't financially support her craving for both chad cock and chad shit. In America, knowing our culture and the state of our men... this is literally actually happening somewhere right now.
Right now, there is an average looking wagecuck stuck in his apartment with his ugly landwhale wife who cheats on him regularly. He's at the foot of the bed crying while his wife dildos herself with a chad turd she bought online with his money and solidified in the freezer. She's threatening him with divorce rape and false rape accusations/beating accusations if he doesn't financially support her craving for both chad cock and chad shit. In America, knowing our culture and the state of our men... this is literally actually happening somewhere right now.
This level of cuckhood was never possible to even be imagined 20 years ago.
This level of cuckhood was never possible to even be imagined 20 years ago.
In a few years, it will be enforced at gunpoint by the police.
In a few years, it will be enforced at gunpoint by the police.
There would be no point to stay alive at that point if that's how things will be. We need to do something now before it gets that bad.
There would be no point to stay alive at that point if that's how things will be. We need to do something now before it gets that bad.
It's so fucked up to know that in the struggle against oppression by feminists... low value males, who should be our brothers, are our biggest enemies.
It's so fucked up to know that in the struggle against oppression by feminists... low value males, who should be our brothers, are our biggest enemies.
We need to show them tough love and blackpill them, and cuck shame the soys.
We need to show them tough love and blackpill them, and cuck shame the soys.
As long as blackpilled LVMs are demonized and being a soycuck is normalized, things will keep going the ways they are going. They won't even think about accepting the truth until feminism literally leaves them homeless and starving with police buttstocks breaking their faces.
As long as blackpilled LVMs are demonized and being a soycuck is normalized, things will keep going the ways they are going. They won't even think about accepting the truth until feminism literally leaves them homeless and starving with police buttstocks breaking their faces.
We have to stop it from being normalized. There's still a good portion of men who refuse to be cucks.
We have to stop it from being normalized. There's still a good portion of men who refuse to be cucks.
There are literal cucks, and ideological cucks. Combined, they make up the majority of men in The West, the vast majority. It's only a matter of time until protestant churches start supporting "polyamory" and start shaming men who chose to be volcels rather than cuckolds/polybetas.
There are literal cucks, and ideological cucks. Combined, they make up the majority of men in The West, the vast majority. It's only a matter of time until protestant churches start supporting "polyamory" and start shaming men who chose to be volcels rather than cuckolds/polybetas.
I see normies starting to cuck shame them and fight back against it though. Most the ideological cucks are old or homos, the young men are still able to be uncucked.
I see normies starting to cuck shame them and fight back against it though. Most the ideological cucks are old or homos, the young men are still able to be uncucked.
There are different forms of ideological cuckoldry. To me, anyone who supports something that is negative for him because authority/consensus say so is ideologically cucked, whether or not it involves actual cuckoldry or feminism. As long as men aren't seriously ready to be martyred for liberation and a better tomorrow... they are ideologically cucked.
sounds like a satisfying shit

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