But at the same time why stop there.
Does a 3/10 have a valid reason to complain if there exists a 2/10 guy who would give everything to be 3/10.
See it is why complaining trully is pointless for guys. For girls when she complains someone will.help her or at least validate her. For guys,complaining is kinda pointless. Yeah you might be a 5/10 and a mentalcel and you have it really hard,but there is a 4/10 mentalcel behind the corner. It is a race to the bottom.
And yeah it is ridiculous for guys to complain.about being sub8,it is like complaining youvwerent born as a trustfund Chad. But if you want true love I would say you trully need to be at least a 6 or 7,no way around it.
But with money and preservance you could probably get some uglish girl to settle for you. Obviously it comes down to luck,there are many semi rich cels who end up alone as well,but I would say it still a chance.
But you will NEVER have the top tier life as an ugly person,no matter what,it wont happen to you,sans maybe being a legit millionare. But at that point you wouldn't even be here.
But why complain,again it.comes down to are you enjoying your life or not. If you are enjoying it then even if you are with a 2/10 girl or even alone you are still in the positive value because well.you are enjoying it. But if you are not enjoying it I would say rope is your only real.solution as you are in the negative value.
Ie your life is producing more sadness than happiness so it makes sense to end it.
dr-problematic said:
yeah, right. BECAUSE OF MY LOOKS. That shit is much easier to tell yourself as a bluepill then admitting the real blackpill and realizing you were born with inferior brain genetics and you can not normally intergrate in the current society and achieve any professional success.
Coming from.someone that has had gfs in the past I can tell you that looks really are the most important thing to getting and especially keeping one.
Now I will say other factors do come in play,but most of those are way beyond you,things like are you born in a rich family,are you high status etc. These things are much more undefined as looks as well.
Looks are like a basic thing,while those other are special perks whp are out of reach for most people.
Especially being a mentalcel or being introvert means you will NEVER be able to have a social circle. Trust me whatever circle you make you will fuck.it up eventually. But there comes looks who can save you there.
Im the end whatever your personal combination of low value,be it poor cel,height cel,looks cel etc etc,(usually it is more of them combined) seals your fate and while you might say,oh if only I was richer,or if only I had a good job,or if only I had been born better looking...
Oh yeah no shit,if only you were someone else with different parameters of value you wouldn't be you making entire process pontless.