It is not white people in general. Just keep in mind, here in Germany, currently FRG, it is not allowed to have any weapons to protect yourself. Plenty of females voted for leftist parties, while only white men go for real rightwing parties or only white men are in pro-white scenes. There is no support from our own women. The jews are in control or at least influence the mass media like females, by playing the victim role. They are on a moral high ground, pusehd by their own agenda. They have the police, curts and general cucks on their side. It is hard to throw them over.
No, it is a composition of plenty of things. You have to keep several things in mind. You are not allowed to have a weapon. Our own women go for leftist parties. Only men tend to real rightwing. In the rightwing scene you will only find white men, no females around. Females are preferred in any kind of way, just like handicaped people and foreigners. They will be preferred in workplace. So white men have to compete with foreign people, even handicaped people and their own women. Therefore white men going for a craftmanship jobs and will earn little money, while females can just make a living with being female.
Also they are all protected by police, curts and cucks in general. There is literally no starting point to solve these kind of problems. It is a self-contained system.