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JFL [Just LDAR] Majority of adults at ‘breaking point’ at work, study finds

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018

Research polling 2,000 professionals found the average working adult feels stressed for almost a third of their entire working day.

And five hours of sleep will be lost every week because of the pressures faced in their job.

It also emerged that in the average week, employees will complain about their boss for 31 minutes and their job in general for another two hours and 45 minutes.

“Some people cope by blowing off steam through physical activity like the gym or going for a run, while for some things like breathing exercises can help.

"Everyone will have a tactic that they find works better to help them release the pressure.

The study also found seven in 10 adults have vented about their workplace to a colleague, partner, family member or friend.

Although 46 per cent of those who have felt stressed at work didn’t end up doing anything about it, hoping the problem would go away on its own.

Of those who do take action, 38 per cent have told their manager about it, while 51 per cent have gone for a walk to cool down.

It also emerged three in 10 respondents have been pushed to the point of tears and a worrying one in five have turned to alcohol to try and mask their issues.

When stress became too much, 31 per cent have called in sick, while 14 per cent used their own children as an excuse to avoid the office.

But six in 10 feel better once they complain or vent about their workplace if their stress levels get too high.

Nearly three in five respondents, surveyed via OnePoll, even get stressed when they go on holiday as they worry about organising a handover and what they’ll miss during their break.
Wageslavery is hell and should be abolished
You wonder if there will be a mass suicide event at some point. Workers crashing their cars purposely during the morning commute.
of course, many people have a shitty time at work

women because they're dumb and don't do anything useful and are stressed out about it

men because they often end up as the moron that does everything, like juggling management and work and troubleshooting the bosses' computers and all that stupid shit all at once
I would really hate to be Billy Beta or Divorced Danny who absolutely must work inhumanely stressful jobs in order to support their ungrateful wives and children.

As a lifelong incel, do you know what I did when any job became too stressful? I quit and became NEET. Entrapped betas don't have that luxury.

It's one of the few advantages of being incel.
We are being oppressed by a liberal elite both sexually and economically
I don't know what I hate more, lookism or Capitalism.
It's one of the few advantages of being universally repulsive to females.

Indeed. It's part of the reason youngcels need to persevere and find solace in collective experiences expressed on this board. After college, the suifuel reduces greatly and being incel in no longer to lowliest role imaginable.
90% of jobs are crap.

You're probably right but working the 10% of jobs that don't completely suck (and probably don't pay as well as the more stressful ones) is a lot more feasible when you have only yourself to support. My current job is very tolerable but I wouldn't be able to survive on my current wage if I were in the shoes of the aforementioned Billy Beta or Divorced Danny.
Break already, lets get this show started!
You're probably right but working the 10% of jobs that don't completely suck (and probably don't pay as well as the more stressful ones) is a lot more feasible when you have only yourself to support. My current job is very tolerable but I wouldn't be able to survive on my current wage if I were in the shoes of the aforementioned Billy Beta or Divorced Danny.
Man here unemployment is so crazy that you literally have troubles getting hired as a dustman
Man here unemployment is so crazy that you literally have troubles getting hired as a dustman
It will only get worse with increasing automation. I wait for the moment boomers will yell at unemployed people get a job if there are none or not enough lol
The problem isn't working itself, it's the conditions that we have to work under. Everyone has a crabs in a bucket mentality, and I believe this is way more exhausting than the actual work itself. 9-5 is useless, as most people only do real work 3 hours out of the 8. Also contributing is the time it takes to prepare for work and commute there and back. And don't forget coming home to a nagging hambeast and bratty kids who don't appreciate you (and who are likely not even yours).
It will only get worse with increasing automation. I wait for the moment boomers will yell at unemployed people get a job if there are none or not enough lol
Give it ten years. You can't even betabuxx then
This is what happens when a society of low IQ Protestant cucks are controlled by shekel hoarding Zionosts.
Just seriously commit suicide if you're ugly, poor, and male.
Wageslavery is hell and should be abolished
of course, many people have a shitty time at work

women because they're dumb and don't do anything useful and are stressed out about it

men because they often end up as the moron that does everything, like juggling management and work and troubleshooting the bosses' computers and all that stupid shit all at once
I don't know what I hate more, lookism or Capitalism.
A job dignifies a person they say,yet I don't see any of these wagecucks feeling very proud of their lives JFL
40 hours a week is too much, especially without an ideal situation at home (feminine wife as property).
Work with no actual life goals will actually hurt you deep inside. No prospects for making a life of your own and creating your own destiny even though you are contributing to society.. rather stay NEET than subject myself to that embarrassing state of affairs. The tax system is biased towards disgusting Femistazi Rats so I don't think I will even bother.
Work with no actual life goals will actually hurt you deep inside. No prospects for making a life of your own and creating your own destiny even though you are contributing to society.. rather stay NEET than subject myself to that embarrassing state of affairs. The tax system is biased towards disgusting Femistazi Rats so I don't think I will even bother.
Retarded normalfaggots are going to destroy everything soon anyway, they could have been reasonable but it seems we're already completely locked out of any kind of real discussion. It's all going down soon because nobody is breeding, hope they enjoy their retarded political "victory".
Retarded normalfaggots are going to destroy everything soon anyway, they could have been reasonable but it seems we're already completely locked out of any kind of real discussion. It's all going down soon because nobody is breeding, hope they enjoy their retarded political "victory".
Damn. It is over.

I really wish Normfags weren't so fucking retarded to make the system collapse.. but I suppose it doesn't matter at the end of the day.. I hope society does a backflip before it smashes itself at the bottom of the abyss though.
this clown world will soon collapse
that is the only justice that exist in this universe.
Retarded normalfaggots are going to destroy everything soon anyway, they could have been reasonable but it seems we're already completely locked out of any kind of real discussion. It's all going down soon because nobody is breeding, hope they enjoy their retarded political "victory".

average white person in the USA is like 48 years old and obese

it's already over, lol

imagine being old as fuck and obese and still defending women
That's why i stay neet
Damn. It is over.
View attachment 157228
I really wish Normfags weren't so fucking retarded to make the system collapse.. but I suppose it doesn't matter at the end of the day.. I hope society does a backflip before it smashes itself at the bottom of the abyss though.

Normfags unfortunately figured out political brinksmanship and decided to apply it everywhere they could. I also hope that it holds on at least until I make some money but fuck knows if it will last that long.

average white person in the USA is like 48 years old and obese

it's already over, lol

imagine being old as fuck and obese and still defending women
Lib propaganda has been so successful that you can end up with some fat senile old man in a poor commie country screaming about how homos are based.

I don't see a recovery from this, we would need to have a reasonable debate on what is going on like immediately, won't happen.
this clown world will soon collapse
that is the only justice that exist in this universe.
Cosmic Rebalance.
average white person in the USA is like 48 years old and obese

it's already over, lol

imagine being old as fuck and obese and still defending women
The next generation.. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
Normfags unfortunately figured out political brinksmanship and decided to apply it everywhere they could. I also hope that it holds on at least until I make some money but fuck knows if it will last that long.
I honestly feel like 2020 is it.. that is the end of it all. Soon as we get there.. that is the time when it is Over.
I honestly feel like 2020 is it.. that is the end of it all. Soon as we get there.. that is the time when it is Over.
Me too even though there's no reason besides it being a round number lol.
Parasitic chews speculating with the Labour of the people.
We should be living in the forest, spending the day lazily resting with our families before the men depart on a hunting trip, the women go out to forage for edibles whilst looking after the children.

Tribal societies have it pretty good, the only problems they face is food insecurity and sickness, problems mostly caused by outsiders.
Wageslavery was invented in an era when traditional gender roles were the norm. As a man, you slaved your 8h a day, came home to a happy family, dinner was ready, clothes were washed, house was clean, everything was fine. Today, with messed up gender roles and alot of singles, it's just not possible anymore.
You can't excpect people to wageslave 8-9 hours a day and expect them to still have time to wash their clothes, clean their house, cook a meal etc. ... it's simply not possible anymore. Wageslaving only works with traditional gender roles.
I don't know how "most of the" people cope with working?
For me it's NEET or rope.
I'm "only" wageslaving for 3 years now and it completely broke my sanity.
Wageslavery was invented in an era when traditional gender roles were the norm. As a man, you slaved your 8h a day, came home to a happy family, dinner was ready, clothes were washed, house was clean, everything was fine. Today, with messed up gender roles and alot of singles, it's just not possible anymore.
You can't excpect people to wageslave 8-9 hours a day and expect them to still have time to wash their clothes, clean their house, cook a meal etc. ... it's simply not possible anymore. Wageslaving only works with traditional gender roles.

Added this to my wageslave folder, because it's so fucking true.

Wageslavery was invented in an era when traditional gender roles were the norm. As a man, you slaved your 8h a day, came home to a happy family, dinner was ready, clothes were washed, house was clean, everything was fine. Today, with messed up gender roles and alot of singles, it's just not possible anymore.
You can't excpect people to wageslave 8-9 hours a day and expect them to still have time to wash their clothes, clean their house, cook a meal etc. ... it's simply not possible anymore. Wageslaving only works with traditional gender roles.
Yeah, the government and the people stopped protecting their labor rights because women work now. :feelshaha:

This is just the typical cuckservative propaganda the elites tell to distract from their own decision tto implement these changes. "Bruh, it's the free market bruh, nothing we can do. Be angry on those evil evil leftists and the women!1!!11!"

Daily reminder, that there are economically left right wingers, who are no tradcucks.

The money is there, no matter if women work or not. (Thanks to economy of scale even more than back then). JFL. So it is very well possible. It is just a question of distribution. There is a reason why the Scandinavian countries have the highest wages, that is unions. But even there the more and more powerful corporations slowly achieve making the people forget their past through manipulating the media, politicians, culture and education system.
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Wageslavery was invented in an era when traditional gender roles were the norm. As a man, you slaved your 8h a day, came home to a happy family, dinner was ready, clothes were washed, house was clean, everything was fine. Today, with messed up gender roles and alot of singles, it's just not possible anymore.
You can't excpect people to wageslave 8-9 hours a day and expect them to still have time to wash their clothes, clean their house, cook a meal etc. ... it's simply not possible anymore. Wageslaving only works with traditional gender roles.
I couldn't have said it better. Even married wageslaves have it bad nowadays because their wives work as well to keep up with the increasing costs of living in the west which means that they'll have to do the household chores after work and have to deal with their wife's bullshit and if they have children, deal with their bullshit as well. So the workday for the average married man in the west doesn't really end until they go to bed.
Wageslavery was invented in an era when traditional gender roles were the norm. As a man, you slaved your 8h a day, came home to a happy family, dinner was ready, clothes were washed, house was clean, everything was fine. Today, with messed up gender roles and alot of singles, it's just not possible anymore.
You can't excpect people to wageslave 8-9 hours a day and expect them to still have time to wash their clothes, clean their house, cook a meal etc. ... it's simply not possible anymore. Wageslaving only works with traditional gender roles.
incredibly true holy fuck

i get so much shit from family because i don't keep my studio apartment spick and span even though i'm out of the house for 10-11 hours every day with work, this place never even gets that dirty i just don't have the energy to keep everything in perfect order all by myself, this shit is unbearable after several years

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