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JFL Just hide that you're a virgin bro



Nov 19, 2017

As if women couldn't tell at first glance :soy:
I did this when I was 16.
It was a major cope.

But some people believed me. But they were bigger losers than me.
"Waiting for the right person" is the biggest cope in the book. You're not waiting for the right person, you're rotting, your SMV is constantly decreasing while the dating pool at this point is non existent
"The women in your age group don't want the responsibility of teaching you about sex AND relationships. "
"Teaching about sex" Jfl, like it's so fucking hard to move forward and backward while she's just lay down or on all four. :feelsseriously:

At least there's some blackpilled comments too so they don't try to virtuesignial him. His response to them his "It doesn't makes me feel better, it makes me more depressed" Well you should fucking be, jesus fucking christ. He should read about the blackpill and join us.
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Tell him to come here.

He's an Incel.

Or an involuntary virgin but not Incel :soy:
It is because it signifies low genetic quality nothing to do with the nonsense they are telling him

"I have to teach you" JFL at this nonsense do you think these whores would turn down virgin chad if he asked for "teaching"? or "We view sex differently" Again would they turn down chad if he had a view opposing theirs?
It is because it signifies low genetic quality nothing to do with the nonsense they are telling him

It has nothing to do with "I have to teach you" Do you think these whores would turn down virgin chad if he asked for "teaching"? or "We view sex differently" Again would they turn down chad if he had a view opposing theirs?

The crux of the matter.
Waiting for the right person is only something a foid can get away with saying unless you're a good looking dude like Tim Tebow who was able to claim it based on religion. Once again proving the double standard is not a male thing since it's foids who punish men for not sleeping around.
"Waiting for the right person" is the biggest cope in the book. You're not waiting for the right person, you're rotting, your SMV is constantly decreasing while the dating pool at this point is non existent
Waiting for the right personn? More like waiting for the first girl to give you an ounce of attention
It is because it signifies low genetic quality nothing to do with the nonsense they are telling him

"I have to teach you" JFL at this nonsense do you think these whores would turn down virgin chad if he asked for "teaching"? or "We view sex differently" Again would they turn down chad if he had a view opposing theirs?
"Making it to 30 still being a virgin indicates that you've also never had a serious relationship. The women in your age group don't want the responsibility of teaching you about sex AND relationships. These are experiences that other people have in high school/college. "

"Because after 10-12 years of sexual experience, people develop skills, techniques, and other sensitivities concerning the act. It’s like looking to get hired for a job without any work experience. "

LMAO and yet we're still suppose to try and hope for a better future

If you are reasonably ok looking, have something going on in your life and aren't a weirdo getting laid is not rocket science. I don't know what you guys are doing but maybe you should try something different or you get the same results
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JFL at all the holes in the comment trying to rationalize their contempt towards virgins saying "teaching you about sex is too much work :(((". No you cunt you just get turned off by the fact that if no one ever wanted to fuck someone, then that person is deemed undesirable and foid as always, being as conformist as they are, just go with the flow
"Waiting for the right person" is the biggest cope in the book. You're not waiting for the right person, you're rotting, your SMV is constantly decreasing while the dating pool at this point is non existent
The only thing people that interact with me care about is that I show up for work. One time an older coworker asked me if I was married and I couldnt help but LOL
all foids in the comments exposing themselves as shallow superficial whores
Never say anybody u are virgin


"Because after 10-12 years of sexual experience, people develop skills, techniques, and other sensitivities concerning the act. It’s like looking to get hired for a job without any work experience. Sex is important in relationships, and that’s just the way it is. "
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"The women in your age group don't want the responsibility of teaching you about sex AND relationships. "
"Teaching about sex" Jfl, like it's so fucking hard to move forward and backward while she's just lay down or on all four. :feelsseriously:

At least there's some blackpilled comments too so they don't try to virtuesignial him. His response to them his "It doesn't makes me feel better, it makes me more depressed" Well you should fucking be, jesus fucking christ. He should read about the blackpill and join us.

If anything, it's better when an experienced older man teaches a younger virgin female
all foids in the comments exposing themselves as shallow superficial whores
That signature is pure cuckholdry.
Luckily you can gain sex experience through rape, and then discard the used goods for good (in GTA V)
Anyone who talks to me IRL can tell I'm a virgin
"Waiting for the right person"

It means either standardcel, making no effort (waiting for the women to initiate) or the most likely option for a 30 year old virgin - that he's undesirable.
I think people have a sixth sense about things like sex life or social lives people have just based on appearances. You're not hiding anything.
It just shows that nobody wants you and you're a pathetic guy "waiting for the right person" at age 30
"Waiting for the right person" is the biggest cope in the book. You're not waiting for the right person, you're rotting, your SMV is constantly decreasing while the dating pool at this point is non existent
This, there's not a single pure soul out there.
If you've been outside for at least twenty seconds you'll realize how awful women and people are in general.
This might be the single most blackpilled reddit post. Wow.

Women admitting they do not want you if you are a virgin at 30 with a dead, straight face.

Just wow.

I hate women.
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LMAO that dude is a prime candidate for being blackpilled

that thread was suifuel btw.
This might be the single most blackpilled reddit post. Wow.

Women admitting they do not want you if you are a virgin at 30 with a dead, straight face.

Just wow.

Women are evil.
LMAO that dude is a prime candidate for being blackpilled

that thread was suifuel btw.

Women are evil.

What gets me is this:
They have no idea what he looks like, what his "personality" is, what his build is, how much money he makes, what ethnicity he is, how religious he is, whatever.
Just because he's a virgin, they immediately know "oh okay, he can't be good looking, he can't be successful, he can't be a good ethnicity, he can't be making a lot of money"
“Waiting for the right person” huge cope , you’re just ugly and no one wants you
What gets me is this:
They have no idea what he looks like, what his "personality" is, what his build is, how much money he makes, what ethnicity he is, how religious he is, whatever.
Just because he's a virgin, they immediately know "oh okay, he can't be good looking, he can't be successful, he can't be a good ethnicity, he can't be making a lot of money"

One thing I wonder: Lets just say there is a Chad with handsome face and great body and he's a virgin at 30... Would they be saying the same things as they are saying now?
One thing I wonder: Lets just say there is a Chad with handsome face and great body and he's a virgin at 30... Would they be saying the same things as they are saying now?
Doesn't exist, and never will exist.
If you have a handsome face and great body, women will gravitate to you naturally and you will have sex. Even if you are "religious" for whatever reason, you will have sex at some point.
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Doesn't exist, and never will exist.
If you have a handsome face and great body, women will gravitate to you naturally and you will have sex. Even if you are "religious" for whatever reason, you will have sex at some point.

I'm a 28 year old khhv so this thread was pretty much some serious suifuel for me. Stuff like this is why I 100% unconditionally support Elliot Rodgers.
I remember on the PlentyOfFish forum sub getting crucified when I asked what women think of inexperienced males, who've never had a relationship.

Had replies like

"it's a red flag and shows he must have mental illness or problems in some way".

"Never had sex also? My teaching days are over, it'd be like high school fumbling and that'd be so uncomfortable and creepy"

"I would avoid such a man"

Then some bluepilled guys were like

"Don't worry bro, some of us take longer than others, she's out there somewhere.
I'm a 28 year old khhv so this thread was pretty much some serious suifuel for me. Stuff like this is why I 100% unconditionally support Elliot Rodgers.

I've seen this happen all the time. I've been in Catholic circles before (escapism from myself), and each time there's always a handsome guy who, if you press hard enough, will admit to having sex, and is probably only there for his parents.

I asked a guy how he met his wife. He went out gambling and partying, had sex with three women at once, and then chased one of them. One guy said his "serious sinful temptation" was getting repeated handjobs from his gf. The guy who led one Bible study group had problems getting wasted on the weekends and having too much relationships based on sex.

Life is such a fucking joke.
"Waiting for the right person" is the biggest cope in the book. You're not waiting for the right person, you're rotting, your SMV is constantly decreasing while the dating pool at this point is non existent
I've seen this happen all the time. I've been in Catholic circles before (escapism from myself), and each time there's always a handsome guy who, if you press hard enough, will admit to having sex, and is probably only there for his parents.

I asked a guy how he met his wife. He went out gambling and partying, had sex with three women at once, and then chased one of them. One guy said his "serious sinful temptation" was getting repeated handjobs from his gf. The guy who led one Bible study group had problems getting wasted on the weekends and having too much relationships based on sex.

Life is such a fucking joke.

Religious people who do this stuff have a special place waiting for them in hell.
Religious people who do this stuff have a special place waiting for them in hell.
I hope so.
But according to that same religious standard, I'm going to hell for sloth, laziness, porn, gluttony, lust, and depression.

Religion was made by chads for chads, run by chads, such that whenever something bad happened to them, they could feel better about themselves.
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I hope so.
But according to that same religious standard, I'm going to hell for sloth, laziness, porn, gluttony, lust, and depression.

Religion was made by chads for chads, run by chads, such that whenever something bad happened to them, so they could feel better about themselves. It then became a magnet for ugly people like myself to not want to kill themselves.

I believe that there is a true religion but it does not follow mainstream religion. All of those people that you mentioned are false believers and heretics.

If mainstream religion was true then I would rather go to hell than be religious because a God that created a world just for Chads and women would be a very cruel and evil God.
Reading those kind of responses, just makes me desire foids even less.
I believe that there is a true religion but it does not follow mainstream religion. All of those people that you mentioned are false believers and heretics.

If mainstream religion was true then I would rather go to hell than be religious because a God that created a world just for Chads and women would be a very cruel and evil God.

What religion, if you don't mind me asking? I follow one for cultural value and self-betterment, and the community it provides (I have a sort of godfather who has helped better myself, and I have a couple of friends from it), but nothing more. I don't think I really believe in it. Mine isn't mainstream in the West; most people when they hear it think it's another religion.

Religion was made by chads for chads, run by chads, such that whenever something bad happened to them, they could feel better about themselves. "Oh, my mom died, why did this have to happen to me? Oh okay, she's in Heaven now and having eternal bliss and happiness, and I can thank God for that. Back to sex, drugs, and all kinds of hedonic behavior." It then became a magnet for ugly people like myself to not want to kill themselves, because we are perpetually in that mindset of "why did this have to happen to me."

It's our feeble attempts to create some artificial justice or meaning in this world; perhaps despite how unjust this world is, there is ultimately some justice; perhaps how evil and disgusting people are, perhaps we have some intrinsic good about ourselves, and we can measure "goodness" or "badness" based on that. Perhaps all those people who never face any consequences for their actions, they will face it after death.

This world is a cruel and evil place, and it's why all the religions of the world - almost every single one of them - have laughed at the idea that someone could find true justice, true peace, true love, or true content in this world. Buddhism; "life is nothing but suffering, and the goal of this life is to break away from the world and achieve Nirvanna" Christianity, "the god of this world is the devil, and it's corrupted by original sin." Hinduism, "This world is an illusion; it's something that's actually much greater than we can comprehend it to be, beyond concepts of justice, morality, etc."

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and even Sikhism have all failed to answer why it is that God has allowed evil and injustice in the world. Even Dostoevsky in the Brothers Karamazov admits defeat here. What God would allow infants to get injured for something they did not do? Why does God give infants cancer?

His response: "I don't know. There's probably something we can't understand that's greater than us."
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What religion, if you don't mind me asking? I follow one for cultural value and self-betterment, but nothing more. I don't think I really believe in it.

Religion was made by chads for chads, run by chads, such that whenever something bad happened to them, they could feel better about themselves. "Oh, my mom died, why did this have to happen to me? Oh okay, she's in Heaven now and having eternal bliss and happiness, and I can thank God for that. Back to sex, drugs, and all kinds of hedonic behavior." It then became a magnet for ugly people like myself to not want to kill themselves, because we are perpetually in that mindset of "why did this have to happen to me."

It's our feeble attempts to create some artificial justice or meaning in this world; perhaps despite how unjust this world is, there is ultimately some justice; perhaps how evil and disgusting people are, perhaps we have some intrinsic good about ourselves, and we can measure "goodness" or "badness" based on that. Perhaps all those people who never face any consequences for their actions, they will face it after death.

I believe Christianity has been corrupted and converted into some cheap hyper grace message. Christians no longer preach about repentance and turning away from deviant behaviors. They accept homosexuality even though it has been forbidden in the Bible. They accept feminism and allow women to lead congregations when the Bible has expressly forbidden this, "No man shall ever be subjected to a woman's authority." They accept sexual immorality as if it was no longer a big deal even though THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF PASSAGES MAKING IT PERFECTLY CLEAR THAT THE SEXUAL IMMORAL WILL NOT GO TO HEAVEN. They accept drinking alcohol, cursing, porn, drugs, etc. as if they are no longer a big deal.

I believe that the true religion is turning away from your sin to Jesus Christ. This is the "born again" experience. Once you have achieved this, you cannot continue to sin because you have the new nature that views sin as disgusting and immoral. If someone continues to sin after claiming to experience this born again experience, this person is not saved because the Bible has clearly said, "If he has been born of God, he cannot continue to sin." and there are plenty of passages warning against false believers, "wolves in sheep's clothes."

Anyone who preaches that you can be saved and continue to sin are false prophets and heretics. However in order for Christianity to be mainstream, they compromised on the gospel to make it more acceptable to the masses. They stopped preaching repentance. They started preaching "eternal security" and started to preach about communion magically turning into Christ's body(JFL). They completely abandoned the first message which was repentance and Jesus Christ. They have fallen away from the faith.

Hebrews 6

4 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6 and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.
It eventually comes up in every conversation at some point, it cannot be hidden
Also, looks are a dead-giveaway every time and you can't hide looks
I'm a 28 year old khhv so this thread was pretty much some serious suifuel for me. Stuff like this is why I 100% unconditionally support Elliot Rodgers.
Luckily you can gain sex experience through rape, and then discard the used goods for good (in GTA V)

This is clearly the path that femoids want 80% of men to take, as evidenced by their actions.
This, there's not a single pure soul out there.
If you've been outside for at least twenty seconds you'll realize how awful women and people are in general.
Extremely based. While some toilets might seem “cute” and “innocent” you’d be shocked to know that they are too choking on chads dick on a regular Tuesday night (unless your blackpilled, then things like that shouldn’t be surprising at all.
"Making it to 30 still being a virgin indicates that you've also never had a serious relationship. The women in your age group don't want the responsibility of teaching you about sex AND relationships. These are experiences that other people have in high school/college. "

"Because after 10-12 years of sexual experience, people develop skills, techniques, and other sensitivities concerning the act. It’s like looking to get hired for a job without any work experience. "

LMAO and yet we're still suppose to try and hope for a better future

If you are reasonably ok looking, have something going on in your life and aren't a weirdo getting laid is not rocket science. I don't know what you guys are doing but maybe you should try something different or you get the same results

When people said this on Braincels and other subreddits it got them and entire communties banned from reddit
Like people on here are saying, the 'he's inexperienced, I don't want to teach him etc.' is jusy an excuse since the mechanics of all this are very basic, it's a signifier of low genetic quality. The problem is that rates of virginity (as we have discussed before) are probably nearing 30% for men in their 20's in countries like the U.K. and I know many of these men personally, they believe that they can one day decide to have a relationship when they are in their 30's but obviously that shit won't fly.
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When people said this on Braincels and other subreddits it got them and entire communties banned from reddit
Like people on here are saying, the 'he's inexperienced, I don't want to teach him etc.' is jusy an excuse since the mechanics of all this are very basic, it's a signifier of low genetic quality. The problem is that rates of virginity (as we have discussed before) are probably nearing 30% for men in their 20's in countries like the U.K. and I know many of these men personally, they believe that they can one day decide to have a relationship when they are in their 30's but obviously that shit won't fly.
The 30% is a joke considering men lie up. It's probably at least 40%. But yeah you're right
Doesn't help that redpill copers always talk about muh wall and "men age like wine" nonsense
As if women couldn't tell at first glance :soy:

They can't tell for SURE but if they talk to you for awhile and you seem to lack confidence and be nervous, it will seem more likely to them.

I had a foid ask me this after I was following around her group of friends all day.

She didn't immediately run away when I said yes, instead explained she was a nympho because of some past abuse, but told me I couldn't touch her because she would get 'too excited' around her friends, so I tried calling her to do something along later but she ghosted me.

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