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Venting "Just go out and speak to people"



Autism is a death sentence for ugly men
Jun 28, 2018
Go out where? Nobody wants some ugly man loitering around and disturbing them in public.
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u need to pass the Normie TRESHHOLD
I’m 26, had my last friend when I was 13. I’m ugly and short, autistic and have a disability. My mum knows I’ll never get a girlfriend (one above a 5 at least). She also knows I have social anxiety. She tells me first step if I want a gf is to go outside but she knows I won’t do that, I can’t; I’m too ugly, I’m short, not taken seriously and I can’t talk normally, I have a weird voice and I stutter and my tone is nervous. My sick is above average but no girl could ever guess, not that it matters either way, but they probably think I have a micro-penis but in reality it’s more than 6 inches, I also have a weird body/back shape and have difficulty building muscles. “Go outside to get a go girlfriend” is like telling a disabled homeless person to “go inside to find a job and get money”. I know she doesn’t think that way but she’s insulting my intelligence. I’m also boring and never know what to say so what good does going outside do??? Huh?! Mum?!
For making friends, they want you to try finding something like an instrument or martial arts class (or any other interests you may have). Approaching random strangers won't work
Tell her it's her fault for breeding a genetically inferior male, it's not your fault.
Oh not quite, read this: ironically he wasn’t and is not genetically inferior and neither was/is my mom, that’s the thing. My dad is 1.88m tall, which is like 6’2”, he was good looking (was a chad literally) and so was my mom 26 years ago. I was a good looking kid then from ages 11-13 puberty kicked in early and my head and face changed dramatically (this is very rare, doctors said). So, you could say my story is ‘the rise and fall of gray Wolf’

My dad was carrier of a gene which can cause a disorder (he wasn’t impacted physically), but he knew that his children will have a 50% chance of getting it. So it is arguable to say if he’s “genetically inferior”. It’s ironic: he gave me this disorder, but he was a tall chad 26 years ago at 35 years of age. I sometimes feel surges of anger towards him (and my mom for not caring about my loneliness or if I ever get a gf), but he doesn’t live here anymore.
Well said, standing somewhere alone and being invisible won't change anything.
u need to pass the Normie TRESHHOLD
I’m 26, had my last friend when I was 13. I’m ugly and short, autistic and have a disability. My mum knows I’ll never get a girlfriend (one above a 5 at least). She also knows I have social anxiety. She tells me first step if I want a gf is to go outside but she knows I won’t do that, I can’t; I’m too ugly, I’m short, not taken seriously and I can’t talk normally, I have a weird voice and I stutter and my tone is nervous. My sick is above average but no girl could ever guess, not that it matters either way, but they probably think I have a micro-penis but in reality it’s more than 6 inches, I also have a weird body/back shape and have difficulty building muscles. “Go outside to get a go girlfriend” is like telling a disabled homeless person to “go inside to find a job and get money”. I know she doesn’t think that way but she’s insulting my intelligence. I’m also boring and never know what to say so what good does going outside do??? Huh?! Mum?!
Mums are deluded when it comes to their genetic failure sons, then you've got cousins telling you things like "you've just gotta put yourself out there, you're not an ugly looking lad" when all their boyfriends have been 6ft 2"+ Chad's since 14.
For making friends, they want you to try finding something like an instrument or martial arts class (or any other interests you may have). Approaching random strangers won't work
Problem is you become some guy from the club, it won't lead to a gf that's for sure.
I was a good looking kid then from ages 11-13 puberty kicked in early and my head and face changed dramatically (this is very rare, doctors said)
Does this have a clinical name? I wasn't good looking by any means but puberty fucked me up big time in terms of face and head shape.
summed it up perfectly
Well said, standing somewhere alone and being invisible won't change anything.
Yep, and even if you go to bars on a weekend night you'll still be that ugly lone guy going around bothering people. A foid could get away with such a move however.
Everyone who says that shit has prolly never actually interacted with strangers on the street themselves, let alone make friends with them
People are more than delusional now
Everyone who says that shit has prolly never actually interacted with strangers on the street themselves, let alone make friends with them
Unless it's a foid and Chad started giving her the eye in the street.
I guess you have to invite them to hang out afterwards. Idk i'm non-NT as fuck :forcedsmile:

True dat
Tried it, most want to get off home or politely make something up as they don't want to hang out with you.
People are more than delusional now
Many just want the ugly guy to stop talking about his frustrations with them and give you some copy and paste low effort reply, it's like a hit of anti-dopamine when ugly guys want to talk about lack of sex.
The oldest bluepill "advice" of the book.
Going out doesn't do anything when you're non NT and autistic. Normies and foids just mock you for being quiet and weird.
The oldest bluepill "advice" of the book.
And the laziest.
Going out doesn't do anything when you're non NT and autistic. Normies and foids just mock you for being quiet and weird.
Even if you're not trying to be quiet people still think you look anxious and shy, ugly autistic male faces give off that impression by default.
Going out doesn't do anything when you're non NT and autistic. Normies and foids just mock you for being quiet and weird.
If anything it only proves how soulless the world has become.
At least in this degenerate atheistic society, where narcissism runs unchecked.
Interaction purely based on lookism can only lead into a purgatory filled with sociopaths, and men who act like women.
There´s absolutely nothing to defend.
Interaction purely based on lookism can only lead into a purgatory.
Purgatory for some, pleasure for others (mostly foids and good looking guys).
Purgatory for some, pleasure for others (mostly foids and good looking guys).
But even that pleasure is fake.
The easiest way to prove this, drop a bottle of sulfuric acid on their faces, and see their "social value" drop like a icefall.
There´s no real empathy here.
We are not progressing, we are turning into monstrous robots.
But even that pleasure is fake.
The easiest way to prove this, drop a bottle of sulfuric acid on their faces, and see their "social value" drop like a icefall.
There´s no real empathy here.
We are not progressing, we are turning into monstrous robots.
Suddenly they'll care about personality then.
Unless it's a foid and Chad started giving her the eye in the street.

Tried it, most want to get off home or politely make something up as they don't want to hang out with you.

Many just want the ugly guy to stop talking about his frustrations with them and give you some copy and paste low effort reply, it's like a hit of anti-dopamine when ugly guys want to talk about lack of sex.
the problem is even if you go to some nerd hobby thing, it's exactly the same popularity contest as in highschool

doesn't matter when, where and what, it's all the same
the problem is even if you go to some nerd hobby thing, it's exactly the same popularity contest as in highschool

doesn't matter when, where and what, it's all the same

Our work is not done, then.

I'll offer my quotes when able and use quotes from fellowcels as coverage when I cannot.
Our work is not done, then.

I'll offer my quotes when able and use quotes from fellowcels as coverage when I cannot.
Can’t I’m autistic
I think they're indirectly asking you to wage war against the US navy if that's the case then I'm more than happy to " Go out and speak with them "

DCS 1 14 2023
Just take a shower and people will walk up to you and strike up conversations in no time

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