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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

just a reminder: fapcels=volcels



Nov 28, 2017
truecels who cannot looksmaxx to borderline normie or low tier normie at the very least are excluded.

nofapmaxx is easily one of the most underrated maxxes in this community. if you are mentalcel/autistcel and have not at least ATTEMPTED nofap then you are a shameless volcel that deserves the banhammer. although it is mainly beneficial for NTmaxxing, it can also make subtle but important improvements such as getting rid of acne, losing your eye bags and makes your skin much smoother and fairer which can raise you up at least one or two PSL points. it also helps you lose weight much faster to make looksmaxxing quicker and easier. but most importantly is the pheromones that being abstinant produces. these pheromones are only able to be picked up on by femoids and they will subconsciously be drawn towards you granted that you are at least normie tier. there have been countless testimonies on it allowing normies to get laid if you look it up. a lot of normie fapstronauts also report more female attention. and its also backed by science very heavily.

dont believe me? think im coping?


keep in mind 90% of the reddit userbase are low tier normies if not, incels in denial tier. the fact that there are so many success stories on there speaks measures. i didnt link reddit since it pops up and fucks up the post but go look it up /r/nofap and you'll see what i mean.


and theres countless more articles out there saying the same thing.


1. yet its backed by scientific evidence and numerous top scientists.
2. even assuming it was a placebo, if it works then why does it matter?


then play vidya then and stop wacking off.

there are no excuses unless you are truecel unable to looksmaxx to reap the benefits of nofap or you have already tried it and it didnt work(the odds of which are very unlikely). especially if you are mentalcel. if you are normie tier in looks and mentalcel but refuse to nofap you are low IQ volcel and should off yourself.
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About to read the peer review study. The thing is you should be called a volcel if you dont follow a healthy life in general. I dont think you will be able to think about fapping when you spend a productive day with exercise and mental stimulation.
it actually helps my skin and energy levels (srs). But I also go batshit crazy
I tried 2 years ago, 3 weeks worked really well (energy and confidanz). But now, 2 weeks just gave me a flat line. I started again 4 days ago, but you need to be out of passive depression, which is almost impossible when ur incelish and can't avoid society
I tried 2 years ago, 3 weeks worked really well (energy and confidanz). But now, 2 weeks just gave me a flat line. I started again 4 days ago, but you need to be out of passive depression, which is almost impossible when ur incelish and can't avoid society

if you believe strongly enough in it the hope should cancel out your depression.
if you believe strongly enough in it the hope should cancel out your depression.
How can I believe that nofap will bring me out of inceldom? Inceldom is obsession in my head which actually make me passively depressed almost all time. I wanted to learn something about reptilian brain and mind power, but that shit won't make attractive anyway, I just will think that I am a.k.a. be creepy
How can I believe that nofap will bring me out of inceldom? Inceldom is obsession in my head which actually make me passively depressed almost all time. I wanted to learn something about reptilian brain and mind power, but that shit won't make attractive anyway, I just will think that I am a.k.a. be creepy

which means you're a mentalcel. nofap is the cure for mentalceldom.
which means you're a mentalcel. nofap is the cure for mentalceldom.
Anyway, I'm on streak now, hope something will change in my organism to the better side. Thank you for a little piece of hope. Can pollution ruin all of that actually? If u won't fap, your body will kek
truecels who cannot looksmaxx to borderline normie or low tier normie at the very least are excluded.

nofapmaxx is easily one of the most underrated maxxes in this community. if you are mentalcel/autistcel and have not at least ATTEMPTED nofap then you are a shameless volcel that deserves the banhammer. although it is mainly beneficial for NTmaxxing, it can also make subtle but important improvements such as getting rid of acne, losing your eye bags and makes your skin much smoother and fairer which can raise you up at least one or two PSL points. it also helps you lose weight much faster to make looksmaxxing quicker and easier. but most importantly is the pheromones that being abstinant produces. these pheromones are only able to be picked up on by femoids and they will subconsciously be drawn towards you granted that you are at least normie tier. there have been countless testimonies on it allowing normies to get laid if you look it up. a lot of normie fapstronauts also report more female attention. and its also backed by science very heavily.

dont believe me? think im coping?


keep in mind 90% of the reddit userbase are low tier normies if not, incels in denial tier. the fact that there are so many success stories on there speaks measures. i didnt link reddit since it pops up and fucks up the post but go look it up /r/nofap and you'll see what i mean.


and theres countless more articles out there saying the same thing.


1. yet its backed by scientific evidence and numerous top scientists.
2. even assuming it was a placebo, if it works then why does it matter?


then play vidya then and stop wacking off.

there are no excuses unless you are truecel unable to looksmaxx to reap the benefits of nofap or you have already tried it and it didnt work(the odds of which are very unlikely). especially if you are mentalcel. if you are normie tier in looks and mentalcel but refuse to nofap you are low IQ volcel and should off yourself.
Ummm in theory wouldnt the pheremones of fapping make you more attractive to other women? Women tend to prefer experienced partners, as their genetic quality already has a stamp of approval
Ummm in theory wouldnt the pheremones of fapping make you more attractive to other women? Women tend to prefer experienced partners, as their genetic quality already has a stamp of approval

its subconscious. they dont link it to celibacy or are even aware of what the pheromones suggest. they just subconsciously sense the pheromones that nofappers emit.
Truth is in ancestor's life. They didn't fap as much as we do, so it's at least worth trying.
I have just remembered one story: my friend like 4 years ago said that he tried to fap at porn with disabled people... And he actually had and have girls. Can't say that he is a slayer, but he is blond and blue eyes, was a manlet, now taller a bit than me, girls have some fetish on this type of guys. So, nofap is on the verge of being considered broscience. Some people just always have hope and will to progress in some ways. Still worth of trying though.
I've been jerking off 3x a day for 5 years straight

How i supposed to just cold turkey
I've been jerking off 3x a day for 5 years straight

How i supposed to just cold turkey
Jerkcel from like 6 years LOL, but im not that type who jerked more than once a day
No proof this garbage does anything. Also, you're not a rat
No proof this garbage does anything. Also, you're not a rat
Anyway, fap isn't 100% as same as sex in mental way, so it can somehow affect you. What i'm really sure, that it's better to abstain from porn. Abstaining from fap isn't that obvious, but, as i said fucking billion times before, worth trying.
Fuarkk is fapping really that bad for your looks?

I fap like 3 times a day and have eye bags so that might explain things
You overfap anyway, so yes, it can lead to some problems with looks. But don't expect to become much more attractive from abstaining, especially if you're done growing (no eye bags pretty minor improvement, but still improvement).
You guys realize the vast majority of people who do nofap are doing it to have more sex with their gf?
You guys realize the vast majority of people who do nofap are doing it to have more sex with their gf?
If it's true, they're fucking retards to fap when they have girls. Or not, because vast majority of them don't get as much pleasure as Chad gets because girls is tryharder for them naturally.
I did no fap for about 6-7 weeks one time and i wanted to beat the shit out of anyone who started shit and wanted to fuck just about anything. It made me more aggressive.
Lookmax= diet, exercise and/or surgery. Nofap may have some psychological benefficts but they are exaggerated by redpillers. The same could be said about cold showers.
Lookmax= diet, exercise and/or surgery. Nofap may have some psychological benefficts but they are exaggerated by redpillers. The same could be said about cold showers.
I really want to ask someone pilled, who tried nofap and GOT SUCCES. Fuck, it feels so bad. You want to improve yourself and abstain and at the same moment you think that it might not really beneficial and u won't to relapse
Lookmax= diet, exercise and/or surgery. Nofap may have some psychological benefficts but they are exaggerated by redpillers. The same could be said about cold showers.
yeah if there are any benefits they've been highly exaggerated.
writing this with one hand at the moment
But I've already jerked off 7 or 8 times today.
yes, take away the only substitute of sex you have, your organism will thank you
Nofap is dumb and so is this thread.
Why? Did you try it?
Why would I, it's retarded. Masturbation relieves the tension I get from not having sex. Sex is a biological imperative. You're only gimping yourself for no reason and plus, nofap is a PUA bullshit creation to make you "hungry" for foids. One of our greatest minuses is our libido, the fact that we think with our dicks, and nofap turns it up to eleven. Have fun cumming in your pants when sleeping as well.
PS foids would ban fapping if possible, as they would sexbots, so they get total sexual monopoly. OP is a foid slave.
Why would I, it's retarded. Masturbation relieves the tension I get from not having sex. Sex is a biological imperative. You're only gimping yourself for no reason and plus, nofap is a PUA bullshit creation to make you "hungry" for foids. One of our greatest minuses is our libido, the fact that we think with our dicks, and nofap turns it up to eleven. Have fun cumming in your pants when sleeping as well.
I can suggest now that my libido isn't that high, but i suffer from understanding that i'm unwanted for girls. I think so because i can fap for 5 days everyday and than im not horny about porno like at all.

And anyway, people say they get some cons from it + even oldschool boxers and sportsmen used to abstain to make themselves stronger a bit.

Some conclusion is you MAYBE can fap, but not often. Im still not sure about what is truth, but im getting more scared to get ED because of it. who the fuck knows, maybe it's not flatline/....
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And anyway, people say they get some cons from it + even oldschool boxers and sportsmen used to abstain to make themselves stronger a bit.

Yes they get cons from it because it interacts badly with their normal sexual lives. Them death gripping their chicken to porn makes them less inclined to fuck their wives. What panders to normies and gorillas doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you.
Yes they get cons from it because it interacts badly with their normal sexual lives. Them death gripping their chicken to porn makes them less inclined to fuck their wives. What panders to normies and gorillas doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you.
I'm also not sure that im total incel, maybe im some kind of normie, lower or mid tier, who knows (talking about looks; im not ready for facerate now i think anyway - im not deformed, that's why i can't tell im truecel), but does it really matter when being normie isn't enough and you just cope with all that bullshit to get some pussies in half-ineedbetabux mode?
I'm also not sure that im total incel, maybe im some kind of normie, lower or mid tier, who knows (talking about looks; im not ready for facerate now i think anyway - im not deformed, that's why i can't tell im truecel), but does it really matter when being normie isn't enough and you just cope with all that bullshit to get some pussies in half-ineedbetabux mode?

I don't get how this relates to nofap. Nofap won't increase your chance with foids, it will decrease it because instead of being cool and chill and not paying them much attention like a confident Chadlite would do you'll be visibly flustered and a bit of a tryhard, and foids loathe tryhards. At least that's my opinion.

Also on the topic you brought up, you can't be "partially incel". You're either celibate or you're not, and usually men are involuntarily celibate, because who wouldn't prefer sex to fapping. I'm not an adept of the retarded notion that incel is always life stigma and those that ascend weren't true to begin with, a lot of these highschool incels will get laid somewhere in their 20s and that doesn't make them less incel now or their suffering less real, and also one can relapse into being incel, what, you think if you're bald and 40 and divorced you can't be indefinitely locked out of the sexual market?
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I've been jerking off 3x a day for 5 years straight

How i supposed to just cold turkey

first off what is your PSL? are you a 4? are you able to looksmaxx to normie? if so then its crucial so you have to do whatever you can to break off that habit.
I don't get how this relates to nofap. Nofap won't increase your chance with foids, it will decrease it because instead of being cool and chill and not paying them much attention like a confident Chadlite would do you'll be visibly flustered and a bit of a tryhard, and foids loathe tryhards. At least that's my opinion.

Also on the topic you brought up, you can't be "partially incel". You're either celibate or you're not, and usually men are involuntarily celibate, because who wouldn't prefer sex to fapping. I'm not an adept of the retarded notion that incel is always life stigma and those that ascend weren't true to begin with, a lot of these highschool incels will get laid somewhere in their 20s and that doesn't make them less incel now or their suffering less real, and also one can relapse into being incel, what, you think if you're bald and 40 and divorced you can't be indefinitely locked out of the sexual market?
Ok, then we should differ people who are temporarly incel for some reason, and people, who were born this way.
Nofap is dumb and so is this thread.

says the low IQ closed minded volcel not willing to try it because he clearly isnt too bothered by his inceldom.
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Fuarkk is fapping really that bad for your looks?

I fap like 3 times a day and have eye bags so that might explain things

you are mainly a mentalcel. if you go nofap for a year you could get laid dude
I did no fap for about 6-7 weeks one time and i wanted to beat the shit out of anyone who started shit and wanted to fuck just about anything. It made me more aggressive.
try relapsing whenever you feel like that
Totally agree with you OP. All the points you made are true. You need to be healthy and doing some strength training for it to have a noticeable effect though ime.
I'm sorry, but "nofap.com" is not a fucking scientific source lmao. Nofappers are deluded, none of the "benefits" you see are real. I know a guy who used to whack it daily and he's NT as fuck, smooth skin, tall, etc. He's a slayer here.

I tried it for like a week and it was pure torture. You get an intense feeling of wanting to fuck everything. If you want to struggle through all that for benefits that don't exist, then go ahead. Have fun.

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