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SuicideFuel Just a normal/typical day of mine: first two couples I saw today were immigrant man with local woman

  • Thread starter AutisticMonstrosity
  • Start date


34 y.o. KHHV dateless, 169 cm skincel autist NEET
Feb 29, 2020
I did not even leave the house: just decided to watch the news from TV. See yourself (can be watched worldwide): https://areena.yle.fi/1-50331857

Time 05:47. Short curry with a blond woman. 6 seconds later another Finnish blond woman with foreign man, this time Russian (he is good-looking Russian man and can be seen in the end of that article).

My streak of seeing organically couples is much more than 80 couples without seeing any foreign woman, Finnish man couples. Must be hundreds. I don't even remember when I last time saw Finnish man/foreign woman couple. Not this year at least. And it is always only with Asian women, Thais, Filipinos, Chinese etc. Never with Arab or African women or other white foreign women except betabuxxing poor Eastern European women, a phenomenon which has seen a big decrease since their economies have grown well while our economy is still (before the coronashock) smaller per capita than it was in 2007.

When writing this, some smell of burning appeared. I opened my window the first time today. And totally randomly, what I saw? Tall, handsome, muscular mulatto man talking on the phone using hands-free earphones. He was walking alone, maybe talking to his Finnish girlfriend. He appeared using videocall feature, FaceTime or something, because he looked all the time to the phone screen while talking.

It is calming and jealous to watch the protester masses in Belarus in the news. Finland used to be like that. No foreigners to be seen in the masses of people.

My situation is worse than the ricecel's situation in San Francisco Bay Area. My block of flats and the nearby ones have something like 80 percent men, 20 percent women living in them. The single women are all old pensioners whose husband has passed away. These buildings are full of young and middle-aged single men. The only couples I know nearby are invader man/local woman ones.

I am literally starving here because I have not had the mental peace to go buy food in Lidl. Because the last a few times (since spring actually!) in a row I have seen every time Arab/(Iraqi), Afghan, British, African man, Finnish young woman couples. One time couple weeks ago the Finnish woman really watched me long in the eyes with a mien to signal her message of contempt for normal Finnish men. It is seen as cool to date foreign men and speak English. But these same women have utmost contempt for men that have a foreign spouse and call them losers. And the women-run mass-media agrees.
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this is what you get when you give foids autonomy
Not gonna watch, post screens
how did u even notice the short curry jfl
Not gonna watch, post screens

I don't know how and it would be copyright-crime. Easy to just go to 05:47 and see yourself.
I thought Finland wasn't as cucked as sweden
I did not even leave the house: just decided to watch the news from TV. See yourself (can be watched worldwide): https://areena.yle.fi/1-50331857

Time 05:47. Short curry with a blond woman. 6 seconds later another Finnish blond woman with foreign man, this time Russian (he is good-looking Russian man and can be seen in the end of that article).

My streak of seeing organically couples is much more than 80 couples without seeing any foreign woman, Finnish man couples. Must be hundreds. I don't even remember when I last time saw Finnish man/foreign woman couple. Not this year at least. And it is always only with Asian women, Thais, Filipinos, Chinese etc. Never with Arab or African women or other white foreign women except betabuxxing poor Eastern European women, a phenomenon which has seen a big decrease since their economies have grown well while our economy is still (before the coronashock) smaller per capita than it was in 2007.

When writing this, some smell of burning appeared. I opened my window the first time today. And totally randomly, what I saw? Tall, handsome, muscular mulatto man talking on the phone using hands-free earphones. He was walking alone, maybe talking to his Finnish girlfriend. He appeared using videocall feature, FaceTime or something, because he looked all the time to the phone screen while talking.

It is calming and jealous to watch the protester masses in Belarus in the news. Finland used to be like that. No foreigners to be seen in the masses of people.

My situation is worse than the ricecel's situation in San Francisco Bay Area. My block of flats and the nearby ones have something like 80 percent men, 20 percent women living in them. The single women are all old pensioners whose husband has passed away. These buildings are full of young and middle-aged single men. The only couples I know nearby are invader man/local woman ones.

I am literally starving here because I have not had the mental peace to go buy food in Lidl. Because the last a few times (since spring actually!) in a row I have seen every time Arab/(Iraqi), Afghan, British, African man, Finnish young woman couples. One time couple weeks ago the Finnish woman really watched me long in the eyes with a mien to signal her message of contempt for normal Finnish men. It is seen as cool to date foreign men and speak English. But these same women have utmost contempt for men that have a foreign spouse and call them losers. And the women-run mass-media agrees.
Didn't read, but I'll conclude that it means ricecel ethnics like me have a chance right..?
I want to believe
Not sure if this is lifefuel or suicidefuel?
Are Finnish men ugly or something??

It makes sense they get low value noodles because they wil go crazy for the white hair and blue eyes, plus Finn's are rich I believe, and I think they are Nordic so should have that Nordic harmony in their features and robust Nordic frame?
Not sure if this is lifefuel or suicidefuel?
Are Finnish men ugly or something??

It makes sense they get low value noodles because they wil go crazy for the white hair and blue eyes, plus Finn's are rich I believe, and I think they are Nordic so should have that Nordic harmony in their features and robust Nordic frame?
Finns are Ugric and have tendency to look like hapas (sometimes). They are still good looking though.
I did not even leave the house: just decided to watch the news from TV. See yourself (can be watched worldwide): https://areena.yle.fi/1-50331857

Time 05:47. Short curry with a blond woman. 6 seconds later another Finnish blond woman with foreign man, this time Russian (he is good-looking Russian man and can be seen in the end of that article).

My streak of seeing organically couples is much more than 80 couples without seeing any foreign woman, Finnish man couples. Must be hundreds. I don't even remember when I last time saw Finnish man/foreign woman couple. Not this year at least. And it is always only with Asian women, Thais, Filipinos, Chinese etc. Never with Arab or African women or other white foreign women except betabuxxing poor Eastern European women, a phenomenon which has seen a big decrease since their economies have grown well while our economy is still (before the coronashock) smaller per capita than it was in 2007.

When writing this, some smell of burning appeared. I opened my window the first time today. And totally randomly, what I saw? Tall, handsome, muscular mulatto man talking on the phone using hands-free earphones. He was walking alone, maybe talking to his Finnish girlfriend. He appeared using videocall feature, FaceTime or something, because he looked all the time to the phone screen while talking.

It is calming and jealous to watch the protester masses in Belarus in the news. Finland used to be like that. No foreigners to be seen in the masses of people.

My situation is worse than the ricecel's situation in San Francisco Bay Area. My block of flats and the nearby ones have something like 80 percent men, 20 percent women living in them. The single women are all old pensioners whose husband has passed away. These buildings are full of young and middle-aged single men. The only couples I know nearby are invader man/local woman ones.

I am literally starving here because I have not had the mental peace to go buy food in Lidl. Because the last a few times (since spring actually!) in a row I have seen every time Arab/(Iraqi), Afghan, British, African man, Finnish young woman couples. One time couple weeks ago the Finnish woman really watched me long in the eyes with a mien to signal her message of contempt for normal Finnish men. It is seen as cool to date foreign men and speak English. But these same women have utmost contempt for men that have a foreign spouse and call them losers. And the women-run mass-media agrees.
@FinnCel What is going on in your country dude
If you slaughtered the subhumans coming to your shores your women would be mad as hell and protesting but they would be soaking wet in their panties.

If you apologize for being invaded, and hand over your money and country to foreigners.. women rightfully go for the foreigners.
Didn't read, but I'll conclude that it means ricecel ethnics like me have a chance right..?
I want to believe
No, white european pussy is reserved for emigrants
Wth are BBC and curries in Finland for?? They aren't Muslim rapefugees (I guess Finland like them as much as Germany and Scandinavia does), so why r they in Finland? Is it due to skills shortage??

Btw how did the curry subhuman Deepak Wayne move to Germany??

Wth are BBC and curries in Finland for?? They aren't Muslim rapefugees (I guess Finland like them as much as Germany and Scandinavia does), so why r they in Finland? Is it due to skills shortage??

Btw how did the curry subhuman Deepak Wayne move to Germany??
Skills shortage is codeword for not wanting to increase pay for the labor, so bringing in workers from shithole countries willing to work for cheap.
And who is that curry subhuman?
it's a landwhale lol
Didn't read, but I'll conclude that it means ricecel ethnics like me have a chance right..?
I want to believe
no man

only brown and black ethnics can run rapefugee game
I hope all the blondes get raped by packs of manlet curries
Didn't read, but I'll conclude that it means ricecel ethnics like me have a chance right..?
I want to believe

Average ricecels no. I've seen here Indians and Pakistanis much more with Finnish women than Chinese men. Once in the supermarket queue the cashier was a muscular and somewhat tall Chinese man with good face and happy and social and he was speaking all the time with a 10/10 HOT Finnish young woman who was BEHIND ME in the queue and never even looked at me or said anything, not even how much I had to pay. They were little known to each other (maybe studied in the same university) and she gave her number to the Chinese man and I am sure they fucked soon after. She was really into him. One other case I know is a Finnish woman in her 60's that has been married to a Chinese man for decades. They met in Sweden and lived in Hong Kong but when they got too old and had not paid/saved to be able to retire they just moved to Finland to live on benefits the rest of their lives. The Chinese man was lazy and according to the woman had zero interest to even learn Finnish. They had spoken English among themselves always. This woman was in the same training place as myself.
Not sure if this is lifefuel or suicidefuel?
Are Finnish men ugly or something??

It makes sense they get low value noodles because they wil go crazy for the white hair and blue eyes, plus Finn's are rich I believe, and I think they are Nordic so should have that Nordic harmony in their features and robust Nordic frame?

I have rather dark hair like is typical for many Finnish men and green eyes. Finno-Ugrics aren't Nordic (the Germans did not consider us Aryans), only politically. There definitely are those also, but they are immigrants from Sweden. I have ancestry researched at least to the 1700's from both of my parents' sides and I am only Finnic.

I am autistic and poor also. And 169 cm. And framelet and lately I found out that my penis is very thin and short in length. No woman of course has seen it erect. I weigh under 50 kg. But these are small issues compared to these: https://incels.is/threads/green-veins-under-eyes-and-undereye-darkness-and-roughness.218751/

Most of all I am skincel.

How did you do this? (Briefly the man's face was shown at least partially, so not the best screenshot. It was shown in the main news program at the start of news in 20:30 also, with about million spectators). The next woman that is seen immediately after this couple has Russian surname, even though he is blond, has Finnish forename and speaks native-level Finnish. His Russian man can be seen later. (also in news of 20:30, but at the start, they changed that article for the later news program). Lately I've seen several Russian man, Finnish woman couples successively. Average Russian immigrant (immigrants/emigrants are filtered group, emigration is in practice always dysgenic for the country that loses population) man mogs average Finnish man and now that the economic gap is much smaller than it was in the 1990's, even Russians are taking our women. But with Russians (unlike Western immigration to Finland which is very male-dominated) I am not that angry, because there are about the same number of Russian men here than women. But Russian women used to outnumber Russian men, now Russian men have catched up.

BTW, this is just one example of curry having blond Finnish woman. I've seen several this summer and I've actively dodged places where there are people, especially young people. I don't remember seeing ever even one couple where the woman was curry and man Finnish. Once I looked and listened while Pakistani exchange student hooked up with decent-looking, young Finnish woman. They were complete strangers but the women apparently was eager to practice English. I saw them together later also.
@FinnCel What is going on in your country dude

People always tag him even though I know there are here at least something like 20 Finns registered and who have posted more than a few messages.
It's run by women

Hyvä tiivistys.
why are they chasing everyone else but finish men?

I don't understand.

Women are only chasing the top-looking NT men. And being an exotic foreigner is a plus, not a hindrance.
If you slaughtered the subhumans coming to your shores your women would be mad as hell and protesting but they would be soaking wet in their panties.

If you apologize for being invaded, and hand over your money and country to foreigners.. women rightfully go for the foreigners.

I do and did what I could. I had no machine-gun in 2015. I was protesting and the women (and the women-run mass-media) called all those "Rajat kiinni!" protesters loser men. There is some truth to it. Because the protesters were mostly incel men. Those men that struggle to get pussy in normal times. Those men that the immigration of tens of thousands of extra, good-looking NT men hurts the most. Literally getting women where I live has been extra hard since 2015. Because there are a lot of overweight middle-aged women who still have young, good-looking Arab boyfriends. Those are the women that I could maybe have, but not anymore.
Wth are BBC and curries in Finland for?? They aren't Muslim rapefugees (I guess Finland like them as much as Germany and Scandinavia does), so why r they in Finland? Is it due to skills shortage??

Btw how did the curry subhuman Deepak Wayne move to Germany??

Black men are here for white pussy and free money. When I go to sex chat (chat.livechat.fi) there are always a few black men (never encountered a black woman there) there and many women there only fuck black and Arabs according to their looking-for messages.

Indians are for tech jobs. And lots of Pakistani students because we provide free, English-language higher education (which should not be a thing!).
it's a landwhale lol

Not that overweight. I would be happy with her.
no man

only brown and black ethnics can run rapefugee game

The ones that are dangerous are those that don't need to rape, because they are good-looking enough to get a willing woman.
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Now even men want me to to get shot :cryfeels:

I've never wanted to kill any women. I want to kill the men that have taken our women. I would tie the foreigner man and have an intercourse with her Finnish girlfriend in front of him and then torture the foreigner man before finally killing him. Then I would try to get the woman be my girlfriend. Or let her have another Finnish man. Foreigners would be killed.

Sweden was sane in the not-so-far in the past: they made a law in 1637 that every foreigner man should be hanged and everybody was free to do it. It did not apply to foreign women. Finland was then part of Sweden, so it was law of the land also here.
Prophet mohammed said:

"لَنْ يُفْلِحَ قَوْمٌ وَلَّوْا أَمْرَهُمْ امْرَأَةً"

translated to:

"A people will not succeed who are commanded by a woman."

Is this in Qur'an? Where exactly can I found it?
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I have rather dark hair like is typical for many Finnish men and green eyes. Finno-Ugrics aren't Nordic (the Germans did not consider us Aryans), only politically. There definitely are those also, but they are immigrants from Sweden. I have ancestry researched at least to the 1700's from both of my parents' sides and I am only Finnic.

I am autistic and poor also. And 169 cm. And framelet and lately I found out that my penis is very thin and short in length. No woman of course has seen it erect. I weigh under 50 kg. But these are small issues compared to these: https://incels.is/threads/green-veins-under-eyes-and-undereye-darkness-and-roughness.218751/

Most of all I am skincel.

How did you do this? (Briefly the man's face was shown at least partially, so not the best screenshot. It was shown in the main news program at the start of news in 20:30 also, with about million spectators). The next woman that is seen immediately after this couple has Russian surname, even though he is blond, has Finnish forename and speaks native-level Finnish. His Russian man can be seen later. (also in news of 20:30, but at the start, they changed that article for the later news program). Lately I've seen several Russian man, Finnish woman couples successively. Average Russian immigrant (immigrants/emigrants are filtered group, emigration is in practice always dysgenic for the country that loses population) man mogs average Finnish man and now that the economic gap is much smaller than it was in the 1990's, even Russians are taking our women. But with Russians (unlike Western immigration to Finland which is very male-dominated) I am not that angry, because there are about the same number of Russian men here than women. But Russian women used to outnumber Russian men, now Russian men have catched up.

BTW, this is just one example of curry having blond Finnish woman. I've seen several this summer and I've actively dodged places where there are people, especially young people. I don't remember seeing ever even one couple where the woman was curry and man Finnish. Once I looked and listened while Pakistani exchange student hooked up with decent-looking, young Finnish woman. They were complete strangers but the women apparently was eager to practice English. I saw them together later also.

People always tag him even though I know there are here at least something like 20 Finns registered and who have posted more than a few messages.

Hyvä tiivistys.

I don't understand.

Women are only chasing the top-looking NT men. And being an exotic foreigner is a plus, not a hindrance.

I do and did what I could. I had no machine-gun in 2015. I was protesting and the women (and the women-run mass-media) called all those "Rajat kiinni!" protesters loser men. There is some truth to it. Because the protesters were mostly incel men. Those men that struggle to get pussy in normal times. Those men that the immigration of tens of thousands of extra, good-looking NT men hurts the most. Literally getting women where I live has been extra hard since 2015. Because there are a lot of overweight middle-aged women who still have young, good-looking Arab boyfriends. Those are the women that I could maybe have, but not anymore.

Black men are here for white pussy and free money. When I go to sex chat (chat.livechat.fi) there are always a few black men (never encountered a black woman there) there and many women there only fuck black and Arabs according to their looking-for messages.

Indians are for tech jobs. And lots of Pakistani students because we provide free, English-language higher education (which should not be a thing!).

Not that overweight. I would be happy with her.

The ones that are dangerous are those that don't need to rape, because they are good-looking enough to get a willing woman.
Why the hell do you provide free education for Pakistanis?? They're the biggest shithole failed state in the world, they don't even go to proper schools, they just go to Madrasas.

If you just provided it to your own people, or maybe to EU tax payers (cos u know, those teachers, laptops, books, need to be PAID for), then the Pakistanis would have to stay and actually build a proper university.
Why the hell do you provide free education for Pakistanis??

It's not specifically for Pakistanis, but they are here maybe the biggest group. Chinese also. All the fucking Paki students are males. At least with Chinese the clear majority are male, but there are female students also.
It's not specifically for Pakistanis, but they are here maybe the biggest group. Chinese also. All the fucking Paki students are males. At least with Chinese the clear majority are male, but there are female students also.
Yeah but it's still super cucked. Don't you have stormfronters in Finland? I'd guess they can do shit to kick these people out?

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