To be fair, being picky about race makes you a volcel, regardless of your race. But yeah I see that mostly with whitecels, I fail to comprehend racial allegiance when your race has abandoned you. Also when a whitecel says he only wants to be with whitefoids, all it does is give ammunition to those against us, whether it be the media, inceltears etc. and considering that the alt right sites have been shutdown it makes me worry that this forum may possibly be shut down due to the media and IT smearing us as alt right due to stormfrontcels and whitecels only wanting white foids, when in reality this forum is full of ethnics, but they never pay attention to that since they want to push a narrative.
But whatever I guess, still continuously calling out whitecels isn't going to help your cause either, if anything it alienates them, causing them to hate ethnics more, and when they show their distaste towards ethnics, it will give those against us that much more ammo. So I honestly don't know what to tell you. As for me I have no problem with whitecels only wanting their own race since whites are dying out, however whenever they're open about their displeasure with racemixing I just say to myself "oh boy something for the media and IT to use against ALL of us"
Whew I said alot more than I intended and I just woke up.