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SuicideFuel Jordan Peterson says the true purpose of university is to find a mate (career copers do not enter)

  • Thread starter Copexodius Maximus
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Copexodius Maximus

Copexodius Maximus

Mentally destroyed by reality
Jul 21, 2020
According to Jordan Peterson, the reason universities get away with charging so much is because people are likely to meet their future spouses there, and claims that is the unintended reason going to college is so important for a huge majority of people without them consciously realizing it.

If you didn’t go to college missed out on the best chance for ascension. If you went there and just rotted alone, you already know what this means. You paid tens of thousands of dollars for an institution who’s primary unintended purpose is to find a mate, and you still failed. It’s completely over.
According to Jordan Peterson, the reason universities get away with charging so much is because people are likely to meet their future spouses there, and claims that is the unintended reason going to college is so important for a huge majority of people without them consciously realizing it.

View attachment 894059

If you didn’t go to college missed out on the best chance for ascension. If you went there and just rotted alone, you already know what this means. You paid tens of thousands of dollars for an institution who’s primary unintended purpose is to find a mate, and you still failed. It’s completely over.
:feelsrope:university are the most blackpilled places on earth except tinder
That's a terrible statement, I feel sad for the incels like me who have student debts or milked their parents for nothing
One of the bigger issues of normies playing the dating game outside of Tinder (chads’ domain) is that they can’t meet new people. University accommodates and provides them with what they need. If you’re not healthy-looking enough to find someone there, then chances are, you’re never gonna find anyone anywhere.
Five years of uni in classes with majority of foids, yet I'm still khhv :lul:
unis are orgy stations for chads and stacies
According to Jordan Peterson, the reason universities get away with charging so much is because people are likely to meet their future spouses there, and claims that is the unintended reason going to college is so important for a huge majority of people without them consciously realizing it.

View attachment 894059

If you didn’t go to college missed out on the best chance for ascension. If you went there and just rotted alone, you already know what this means. You paid tens of thousands of dollars for an institution who’s primary unintended purpose is to find a mate, and you still failed. It’s completely over.
There was this one girl, but I’ve given up on women. If you want to provide for a foid that’s a mental issue and you should get that checked
Jordan Cuckerson just echos simple shit we produce here. I would listen to Incel Peterson if they existed.
FWIW, universities are established brainwashing centres, and they have institutional support, which is why they get away with BS

As recently as the boomer generation, degrees were still valuable in the job market

Parents still view them as important

A few centuries ago, they were institutions of learning

Claiming that their 'true purpose' suddenly changed is nonsense, they failed at their other purposes but they're still embedded in the social system + useful to TPTB
That's a terrible statement, I feel sad for the incels like me who have student debts or milked their parents for nothing
The second most important thing is networking. Grades and such is a cope for inkwels who no woman wants and no want wants to he friends with.

One of the bigger issues of normies playing the dating game outside of Tinder (chads’ domain) is that they can’t meet new people. University accommodates and provides them with what they need. If you’re not healthy-looking enough to find someone there, then chances are, you’re never gonna find anyone anywhere.
Exactly, it’s already far too late for all of us oldercels who have no chance anymore due to not even being in the vicinity of foids. Never mind any of them actually finding us attractive.

Five years of uni in classes with majority of foids, yet I'm still khhv :lul:
Are you still in uni?
unis are orgy stations for chads and stacies
Huge number of normies are in relationships where the foid is cucking him and having sex with chad and high tier normies in parties and fraternities.

There was this one girl, but I’ve given up on women. If you want to provide for a foid that’s a mental issue and you should get that checked
Peterson definitely has many mental issues, and one of them is being a beta buck cuck coper.

FWIW, universities are established brainwashing centres, and they have institutional support, which is why they get away with BS

As recently as the boomer generation, degrees were still valuable in the job market

Parents still view them as important

A few centuries ago, they were institutions of learning

Claiming that their 'true purpose' suddenly changed is nonsense, they failed at their other purposes but they're still embedded in the social system + useful to TPTB
He meant it in terms that systems end up existing for other reasons instead of the intended ones. He was talking about how normal schools train people to become sedentary and not physically active, even though that was not their intended function.
He meant it in terms that systems end up existing for other reasons instead of the intended ones. He was talking about how normal schools train people to become sedentary and not physically active, even though that was not their intended function.
The primary purpose of the uni system rn is to brainwash kids for the Jews

Kids go there for all sorts of reasons, including parental expectations, careers, etc. But they're not the ones pulling the strings
When your classes are 80-85 percent male it's hard to find someone and I'm too high inhib to join clubs/societies because they feel too cliquey and you never know when you'll randomly sperg out and they find out you're inkwell. Even if the university was all female I wouldn't get anywhere, they would still stay metres away from me like they do right now. I'm only here because of the degree so I can get a somewhat okayish salary for the future because I don't want to work at death labour camp for the rest of my life. It's hard so it's somewhat a good cope for dealing with inceldom, I have an unlimited list of things to rage about which can divert the thoughts on what a truecel I am.
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i do not care about that idiot
I had my last orals last week, now i'm neeting
Orals? You getting bj’s from foids? :feelsgah:

When your classes are 80-85 percent male it's hard to find someone and I'm too high inhib to join clubs/societies because they feel too cliquey and you never know when you'll randomly sperg out and they find out you're inkwell. Even if the university was all female I wouldn't get anywhere, they would still stay metres away from me like they do right now. I'm only here because of the degree so I can get a somewhat okayish salary for the future because I don't want to work at death labour camp for the rest of my life. It's hard so it's somewhat a good cope for dealing with inceldom, I have an unlimited list of things to rage about which can divert the thoughts on what a truecel I am.
Just the clubs you pussy. And don’t be a retard and sperge out. Keep control of your tongue and think before you speak.

i do not care about that idiot
Fair enough, he is a bluepilled cuck. But it’s just a brutal unintended blackpill for oldcels (older than college age).
Actually based comment from him, but it might send some incels to suicide. I don't think it applies in today's culture though.

The problem is that the worst parts of society and culture are at their strongest forms in universities. College is peak hypergamy, cock carousel, degeneracy, bullying, lifemogging, feminism, polygamy, chad's harem, etc. Colleges are also temples of ignorance and brainwashing. Over 90% of the shit you learn there will be useless for an actual job too.
Juden Petersimp.

In his generation, this is why WOMEN went to university. They wasted a perfectly good university seat that could have educated a man to be an engineer or doctor, so that they could try to marry one before he starts earning money and realizes what he's worth. This was a blip in history and was long over before we were born.

Now, MEN go to university to get a career. Men are better off to delay marriage until they realize what they're worth and can negotiate harder for a better woman. Pushing men to find a mate in university is, even in this short period when it was viable, pushing men to get the worst deal available to them. A doctor is worth infinitely more than a doctor in training.
I don't think this man realizes the atomic blackpill he just dropped on his normie audience.

Beckies think college is for riding the cock carousel, common sense clearly tells you college is a woman's best opportunity to find a long term mate. Not only is she at her peak fertility and appearance wise, but it's likely the highest concentration of eligible mates she will ever be around in her entire life. Couple this with the fact that women across the board prefer men in their age group.

Most men would be happy to find a girlfriend or wife during college but the simple fact is that most women, even with things like the "golden penis syndrome" supposedly making dating easier for men in college, women are still gravitating to the top percentage of men. And they're not interested in long term monogamy of anything of the kind this stage in life, certainly not with the average male.

Colleges are becoming more and more dominated by women and hookup culture is a part of that.

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Nah :feelshaha:
An oral presentation of the internship I did during the last few months
We don’t have that here. Btw when you are applying for a job don’t mention that it was an internship. Employers will use this to undercut your salary.

+ another oral presentation on my thesis
Didn’t realize it was your masters or ph.D. What subject was it?
Orals? You getting bj’s from foids? :feelsgah:

Just the clubs you pussy. And don’t be a retard and sperge out. Keep control of your tongue and think before you speak.

Fair enough, he is a bluepilled cuck. But it’s just a brutal unintended blackpill for oldcels (older than college age).
alot of people meet at work or event or wedding or friend of a friend or even at the gym. What kinda of retard says that its either college or its over even if it wasnt him that statement is simply wrong
alot of people meet at work or event or wedding or friend of a friend or even at the gym. What kinda of retard says that its either college or its over even if it wasnt him that statement is simply wrong
Work = inappropriate workplace relationship and will get fired
Wedding = normie trait. No one invites me anywhere.

Thx for the advice bro

Masters in translation
I’ve never heard of this field. What’s kind of stuff is the field about generally?
I’ve never heard of this field. What’s kind of stuff is the field about generally?
Basically you learn how translators work.

We had theorical courses on linguistics, practical exercises where we had to translate texts, oral comprehensions, interpretation, etc.
Basically you learn how translators work.

We had theorical courses on linguistics, practical exercises where we had to translate texts, oral comprehensions, interpretation, etc.
Sounds highly specialized

Welp, if that's true then it's absolutely over for me. I go to university and repulse every single foid there. I have made exactly 0 friends there, let alone a "future spouse"
At least you are still there and can try something. Once it’s done, all hope is gone.
Welp, if that's true then it's absolutely over for me. I go to university and repulse every single foid there. I have made exactly 0 friends there, let alone a "future spouse"
If you failed to go on even one date in university the chances that you will do so afterwards are near zero :fuk:
I understand what you're saying but what can I do? Any tips or suggestions?
1) Join some clubs or hobby things to make male friends first and social circle maxx.

2) Try going to community events at your uni (sounds scary, but better than rotting alone forever 100%)

3) Try sitting next to males in class and talk to them if you can. Try to be funny. If you can make social groups in class, maybe a girl might try to get close to the group. If not, at least you made some male friends. If the male doesn’t want to talk to you much, sit next to someone else next class and try with them.

4) try going to some volunteering events at your uni.

5) try studying in a library where there are a lot of people, and maybe go to the parts where you are allowed to talk.

There’s probably other ways as well, but these are some that came to the top of my head right now.
It was quite specialized yeah, but it wasn't really difficult neither
There’s google translate and stuff now, so what kind of jobs and roles would you be able to get with this degree?

If you failed to go on even one date in university the chances that you will do so afterwards are near zero :fuk:
:cryfeels: :feelsrope:
There’s google translate and stuff now, so what kind of jobs and roles would you be able to get with this degree?
Translation / interpretation, or basically everything else around languages.

I wanted to do something not too hard but tbh I regret a bit doing this field bc there are less and less jobs and more and more people in the market, so I'll probably be a NEET for a long time idk
That all sounds very difficult for me tbh.
It is, but it’s way better than finishing college and living your life with regret because you didn’t take then risk. Probably regret it until the die we die.

Translation / interpretation, or basically everything else around languages.

I wanted to do something not too hard but tbh I regret a bit doing this field bc there are less and less jobs and more and more people in the market, so I'll probably be a NEET for a long time idk
Even with a masters and job experience? You gotta get your foot in the door brocel, that’s more than what many people have.
According to Jordan Peterson, the reason universities get away with charging so much is because people are likely to meet their future spouses there, and claims that is the unintended reason going to college is so important for a huge majority of people without them consciously realizing it.

View attachment 894059

If you didn’t go to college missed out on the best chance for ascension. If you went there and just rotted alone, you already know what this means. You paid tens of thousands of dollars for an institution who’s primary unintended purpose is to find a mate, and you still failed. It’s completely over.
He’s right I think — most women go to Uni to land a high earning Chad. Men are also hoping to find a partner. Almost every couple I knew in high school the girl dumped the guy at high school graduation so they could “find themselves” and not miss out on the Chad train come Uni.
:feelsrope:university are the most blackpilled places on earth except tinder
Yup Peterson’s also talked about on Uni campuses even with women outnumbering men a small handful of the top guys still wind up sharing most of the women. It’s over. The only solution is we go back to moderating female mate choice. Islam is basically right about women if your goal is to pair people off roughly with their value match and build family units.
He’s right I think — most women go to Uni to land a high earning Chad. Men are also hoping to find a partner. Almost every couple I knew in high school the girl dumped the guy at high school graduation so they could “find themselves” and not miss out on the Chad train come Uni.
I know a few people who married their highschool sweethearts (they will probably find out all the kids are Chad’s).
Huge number of normies are in relationships where the foid is cucking him and having sex with chad and high tier normies in parties and fraternities.
the type of "men" in these relationships are worthless cucks who give their life savings to onlyfans girls
the type of "men" in these relationships are worthless cucks who give their life savings to onlyfans girls
Most don’t know they are getting cucked. They always cope and think it is someone else.
Most don’t know they are getting cucked. They always cope and think it is someone else.
it's not that hard to tell their "gf" doesnt like them. they're just pathetic enough to put up with abuse
it's not that hard to tell their "gf" doesnt like them. they're just pathetic enough to put up with abuse
I’ve heard of a brutal cases at uni where the girl acted like an angel, and he caught her fucking some giant black dude that gigamogged him despite the bf being 6’2”.
Just the clubs you pussy. And don’t be a retard and sperge out. Keep control of your tongue and think before you speak.
I have already agreed it's over this year (I'm 5'5, 4/10 and Curry) so I don't think I will regret it much after this all ends, there's no point trying or doing anything about it, even when the opportunity is there. I would just think it would have never gone right in the first place so wanting to time travel is futile. I'm coping with Whitepill material and it's going fine so far but I wonder how sustainable it is, as they say every cope as an end but I honestly think whatever I've learned has helped me so much. Again, it's easy in the younger years, when I approach my 30s, lose my parents and have absolutely nobody it could be a whole other story.
I know a few people who married their highschool sweethearts (they will probably find out all the kids are Chad’s).
JFL how is it going for them now, I thought most HS relationships are a meme and never end up working but there's the occasional story of it working out somehow, even as they change and grow in their 20s
I have already agreed it's over this year (I'm 5'5, 4/10 and Curry) so I don't think I will regret it much after this all ends, there's no point trying or doing anything about it, even when the opportunity is there. I would just think it would have never gone right in the first place so wanting to time travel is futile. I'm coping with Whitepill material and it's going fine so far but I wonder how sustainable it is, as they say every cope as an end but I honestly think whatever I've learned has helped me so much. Again, it's easy in the younger years, when I approach my 30s, lose my parents and have absolutely nobody it could be a whole other story.
Yeah, it’s easy now but when you are older it will be game over.

JFL how is it going for them now, I thought most HS relationships are a meme and never end up working but there's the occasional story of it working out somehow, even as they change and grow in their 20s
They are doing fine it seems from the outside mostly. Although one of them got divorced.
Can someone show this guy data on how many college flings actually end up in long term marriage

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