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JFL Joe Rogan “stumped” how more young men can be single VS young women (JFL)



Dec 3, 2020

View: https://youtu.be/pcE1_Obl-U8?si=J-NdK0MzmE58wvOh

What is hilarious to me is how they’re 1) surprised and doubtful of the statistic to begin with (as if they had no idea somehow Jesus man) and 2) they sit there for several minutes acting like it’s impossible not being able to put together how more young men can be single compared to young women and their conclusion is basically that they think it’s a misunderstanding or misreporting on the survey even at one point.

Jesus Christ guys use your head. Either 1) A few top men are effectively “sharing” all the women or 2) older men outside the surveyed range are “borrowing” women from the younger surveyed range.

It’s so fuckin obvious how in gods name are normies this fucking stupid?
I don't know, they just took the blue pill.
Side note this honestly reminds me of a time my sister said the most stupid fucking shit to me I’ve ever heard. She claimed that men would always be advantaged in the dating market because they’re the ones that do the approaching. As if that somehow means men are the ones choosing. How the fuck does that make any sense nigga? If you approach 100 times and 100 women reject you how is that “better” than being approached by several men and choosing to reject them or not? But women don’t get it at all because their “experience” is being pumped and dumped by Chad so they think because Chad rejects them sometimes that men are the choosers JFL. It all starts to make sense when you realize the bulk of men just totally invisible and “don’t count” to women.
Men dating down is not even the entire issue but its just another card stacked against us, alot of inceldom is these tiny cascading effects that end up compounding into complete sexlessness.
I don't know, they just took the blue pill.
Boomer men are fucking crazy on average. They “got theirs” so for one they just don’t care about young men’s struggles now that the system has changed beyond their comprehension (though funny how they start to scratch the surface and go MGTOW once they divorce raped). Where I live they all also huff glue claiming bullshit like how male genital mutilation is actual a good thingTM. As an American I hate most Americans. We are a stupid fat greedy people where nobody cares about anybody but themselves and the “culture” involves sucking off every brand and corporation as well as just pure uncut globohomo garbage. At least other civilized countries have fuckin healthcare not tied to your employment. Most Americans are impoverished serfs within their own country. Humans seriously weren’t meant to live like this. But I’ve gotten off topic again…
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Imagine listening to joe rogan
A cuck in the comments:
I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 1 year who I thought I was in love with and was going to propose to. She was very ungrateful and didn’t reciprocate anything I did for her. She was very toxic and had that mentality of “I am a woman therefore I am a prize and I’m not obligated to do anything for you because women are not your slave. If you don’t do certain things for me I can find 100 other guys that can”.Anytime she came over to my house I had food ready for her, I ran errands for her, picked up and dropped off her mail, taught her how to workout and eat healthy, would drive 30 minutes each way to her house to check up on her cats while she’s at work, fixed her car and put new brakes on it myself, bought her gifts, always treated her to going out to restaurants and bars, etc…One day I had worked a 12 hour shift and hadn’t really eaten anything. I called and asked her if she could make dinner ready for when I got home because I’m starving (I already had chicken washed, cut, and marinated in a pan with vegetables. All she had to do was put it in the oven).You know what she said to me? “Hahaha are you kidding me? I’m not going to let a MAN tell me to cook for him. I am not your slave. This isn’t the 1920’s where women are only reduced to being in the kitchen. Go find you another BITCH that will let you disrespect her and boss her around with your toxic masculinity”
claiming bullshit like how male genital mutilation is actual a good thing
I hate that, I mostly hate it when it comes from foids though.
I hate most Americans. We are a stupid fat greedy people
I hate most Americans too. I also hate fat people, doesn't matter where they're from. I'm leaner than most Europeans so it annoys me when the call us fat. I think only about a third of Americans are really stupid.
where nobody cares about anybody but themselves and maybe their own family.
I really don't care much about other people, most people are assholes, if they aren't assholes, or at least they haven't been from what I can tell, then I hope good things happen to them. I think I hate people way too easily. If anyone seems like they have a problem with me or look down on me, I hate them.
A cuck in the comments:
Yeah I saw that damn son. The core issue it seems to me really is that “If you don’t do exactly what I want there are 100+ other guys willing to take your place at the drop of a hat”. The sexual market place is completely fucked because of modern feminism and the destruction of the “old way” with gender roles and monogamy which fucking worked. Islam culture for example works in the sense that you see men and women getting married and having kids. Women were not on average “abused” by the system before we’re just told that they were as an argument. Being a stay at home parent is the easiest shit you could do these days. Most men would probably do that over working their soul crushing 9 to 5 if they could but of course it’s only an option for women. Nobody ever talks about how men had to do their role too back then and didnt have a choice either.
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I hate that, I mostly hate it when it comes from foids though.

I hate most Americans too. I also hate fat people, doesn't matter where they're from. I'm leaner than most Europeans so it annoys me when the call us fat. I think only about a third of Americans are really stupid.

I really don't care much about other people, most people are assholes, if they aren't assholes, or at least they haven't been from what I can tell, then I hope good things happen to them. I think I hate people way too easily. If anyone seems like they have a problem with me or look down on me, I hate them.
The problem is a society like the US creates selfish people who don’t trust each other and who would kill their neighbor’s grandma for a buck (if they could get away with it). Because that’s just the way the system is setup to work. Everyone is incentivized to earn as much money and wealth for themselves as possible everyone else be damned. Corporations would literally pay you $0 dollars per hour if they could. You can’t reasonably blame people too much I guess when they’ve been screwed their whole life by the man and just follow the optimal pattern but that is honestly a horrible way to live and construct your society seems to me.

Smaller close knit communities where you knew people for their whole life, had a real say in how you were governed, and where people were basically neighbors in a high trust environment — that is the dream. You still need to reward people for working hard and contributing more than others but this culture of just pure greed at the expense of others is gross to me.

Maybe I’ve become a selfish person too but only because if you’re not in this environment then you’re a sucker basically. Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist and all that.

I don’t get why people act like low status young men are “evil” for being so angry. No shit were angry there are fewer and fewer decent opportunities left for us even after doing everything they told us to do and we also have no prospects of a wife/family/house etc. Our own society sold out or futures for an easy buck.
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idk what real world is anymore, I am not part of life club.
Women were not on average “abused” by the system before we’re just told that they were as an argument.
It's the fiction at the foundation of all of feminist narratives. They literally made it up.
Boomer men are fucking crazy on average. They “got theirs” so for one they just don’t care about young men’s struggles now that the system has changed beyond their comprehension (though funny how they start to scratch the surface and go MGTOW once they divorce raped). Where I live they all also huff glue claiming bullshit like how male genital mutilation is actual a good thingTM. As an American I hate most Americans. We are a stupid fat greedy people where nobody cares about anybody but themselves and the “culture” involves sucking off every brand and corporation as well as just pure uncut globohomo garbage. At least other civilized countries have fuckin healthcare not tied to your employment. Most Americans are impoverished serfs within their own country. Humans seriously weren’t meant to live like this. But I’ve gotten off topic again…
Talk To Me GIF by A24

American whites are the dumbest whites on the planet by far. Completely braindead in every way. American boomers had life handed to them on a silver platter, and they fucked it up. I would give anything to live life as my grandfather.

>4in taller than me

It drives me fucking insane that all of my major problems in life are because I’m 2in too short, my dick is 1in too small, and my cock was mutilated to worship a desert religion my parents don’t even believe in. I was so close, and yet I’m here.

View: https://youtu.be/pcE1_Obl-U8?si=J-NdK0MzmE58wvOh

What is hilarious to me is how they’re 1) surprised and doubtful of the statistic to begin with (as if they had no idea somehow Jesus man) and 2) they sit there for several minutes acting like it’s impossible not being able to put together how more young men can be single compared to young women and their conclusion is basically that they think it’s a misunderstanding or misreporting on the survey even at one point.

Jesus Christ guys use your head. Either 1) A few top men are effectively “sharing” all the women or 2) older men outside the surveyed range are “borrowing” women from the younger surveyed range.

It’s so fuckin obvious how in gods name are normies this fucking stupid?

Hate this braindead dago roidniggermonkey


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Joe Rogan have always been such a retard :feelskek:
You can't expect people over 30 to understand. Social media has absolutely destroyed dating and sex in the last 10 years.
Jesus Christ guys use your head. Either 1) A few top men are effectively “sharing” all the women or 2) older men outside the surveyed range are “borrowing” women from the younger surveyed range.

It’s so fuckin obvious how in gods name are normies this fucking stupid?
It's definitely mostly the first. I actually wrote a multi-paragraph post about this when that study first started making rounds (can't find it now), but when you look at the graphs by age, there's much more single men than single women even in the 30-49 age cohort, with the gender gap only reversing in the 50-64 age group. However, 50s and 60s are generally the ages where in any given community/state/country/whatever, women start to outnumber men as men die earlier then women, so there's a genuinely pretty good chance that the only reason why that even reverses is because there are simply so much more women than men in that group, and that, whenever there's an equal number of them, women have a cler advantage in the dating market.


I mean, the IFS tried to cope by saying that it's just older men dating younger women skewing that, but they didn't include this breakdown by age group in their article, because seeing that that gender gap goes up to people in their 50s would've destroyed the cope they were trying to sell:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

The problem is a society like the US creates selfish people who don’t trust each other and who would kill their neighbor’s grandma for a buck (if they could get away with it). Because that’s just the way the system is setup to work. Everyone is incentivized to earn as much money and wealth for themselves as possible everyone else be damned. Corporations would literally pay you $0 dollars per hour if they could. You can’t reasonably blame people too much I guess when they’ve been screwed their whole life by the man and just follow the optimal pattern but that is honestly a horrible way to live and construct your society seems to me.

Smaller close knit communities where you knew people for their whole life, had a real say in how you were governed, and where people were basically neighbors in a high trust environment — that is the dream. You still need to reward people for working hard and contributing more than others but this culture of just pure greed at the expense of others is gross to me.

Maybe I’ve become a selfish person too but only because if you’re not in this environment then you’re a sucker basically. Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist and all that.

I don’t get why people act like low status young men are “evil” for being so angry. No shit were angry there are fewer and fewer decent opportunities left for us even after doing everything they told us to do and we also have no prospects of a wife/family/house etc. Our own society sold out or futures for an easy buck.
Male communitarianism is the key, a society based on the values of camaraderie, community, nationalism and anti-gynocentrism. We have to spread a revolt against the prevailing system whose origins were born in the United States and then spread to the rest of the world.

It was obvious that capitalism would end up leading to the corruption of the sexual market that we see today.
Side note this honestly reminds me of a time my sister said the most stupid fucking shit to me I’ve ever heard. She claimed that men would always be advantaged in the dating market because they’re the ones that do the approaching.
Did she develop on this? It really is one of the major absurdities a person could speak. Did she further the absurdity by saying that because men approach they choose whom they date? :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown:
What is hilarious to me is how they’re 1) surprised and doubtful of the statistic to begin with (as if they had no idea somehow Jesus man) and 2) they sit there for several minutes acting like it’s impossible not being able to put together how more young men can be single compared to young women and their conclusion is basically that they think it’s a misunderstanding or misreporting on the survey even at one point.

Jesus Christ guys use your head. Either 1) A few top men are effectively “sharing” all the women or 2) older men outside the surveyed range are “borrowing” women from the younger surveyed range.

It’s so fuckin obvious how in gods name are normies this fucking stupid?
It's a willing ignorance. It's very prevalent on boomers and gen x. It comes from their privileged lives. They are also completely outside the dating scene so they believe it doesn't affect them.
Joe was never a superhero at math or statistics. Too many bumps to the head (I can sympathize)
Redpill copers refuse to accept things have changed and now women see non chads as disposable useless trash
It's definitely mostly the first. I actually wrote a multi-paragraph post about this when that study first started making rounds (can't find it now), but when you look at the graphs by age, there's much more single men than single women even in the 30-49 age cohort, with the gender gap only reversing in the 50-64 age group. However, 50s and 60s are generally the ages where in any given community/state/country/whatever, women start to outnumber men as men die earlier then women, so there's a genuinely pretty good chance that the only reason why that even reverses is because there are simply so much more women than men in that group, and that, whenever there's an equal number of them, women have a cler advantage in the dating market.


I mean, the IFS tried to cope by saying that it's just older men dating younger women skewing that, but they didn't include this breakdown by age group in their article, because seeing that that gender gap goes up to people in their 50s would've destroyed the cope they were trying to sell:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Great comment man
Did she develop on this? It really is one of the major absurdities a person could speak. Did she further the absurdity by saying that because men approach they choose whom they date? :feelsclown: :feelsclown: :feelsclown:
That was her claim. No data or anything of course but she was convinced that because men do the approaching they automatically are the choosers. Honk honk

I’m convinced women talk to their friends about this stuff and they all just bounce their retarded ideas back and forth til they all believe it with certainty. Outsiders would say that’s what we do here, but honestly that is an insulting comparison to make since there is a ton of real data supporting the blackpill. Not even comparable.
It's a willing ignorance. It's very prevalent on boomers and gen x. It comes from their privileged lives. They are also completely outside the dating scene so they believe it doesn't affect them.
Yeah, I think you’re right. In general older men who aren’t actively affected by the dating hellscape of modern society don’t care or understand.
Redpill copers refuse to accept things have changed and now women see non chads as disposable useless trash
That’s one of the more interesting parts of all this to me — in the past many decades ago so long as you average or certainly above average a man could get a wife and family. Today it seems like the standards just going up and up such that even being above average often isn’t enough and most men wind up trading down significantly unless they’re part of that primo elite Chad tier. My understanding is it’s gotten worse and worse where more young men are being affected than before hence the recent uptick in blackpill content.
I’m convinced women talk to their friends about this stuff and they all just bounce their retarded ideas back and forth til they all believe it with certainty. Outsiders would say that’s what we do here, but honestly that is an insulting comparison to make since there is a ton of real data supporting the blackpill. Not even comparable.
Seems about right. Don't know they don't see that they are rejecting several guys. As someone who approached women, this is indeed insulting. I didn't choose anything at all, barely the women. Just tried a lot hoping something worked.
Yeah, I think you’re right. In general older men who aren’t actively affected by the dating hellscape of modern society don’t care or understand.
They are oblivious at best and they are affected. Their sons struggle a lot and their daughter are whores.
boomers trying to understand young mens problems will always be hilarious

This statistic shocks me everytime I see it like just wow. No words and I can not even comprehend it sometimes.
I’m convinced women talk to their friends about this stuff and they all just bounce their retarded ideas back and forth til they all believe it with certainty. Outsiders would say that’s what we do here, but honestly that is an insulting comparison to make since there is a ton of real data supporting the blackpill. Not even comparable.
Yeah foids live in an echo chamber alot of people do, its my one concern of using this place. I don't like echo chambers and to a degree you could argue this forum is a little but I always like to play devils advocate or try not to fall into that. Sometimes though people will just call me a "cuck" or retarded if I don't agree to rape every foid in a 10 mile radius or something stupid. This place should not be a side of the same coin of feminists that want all mean below 5'8 to die or something.
dating hellscape of modern society
It's not even a hellscape for me often times, its like a completely barren land, a black hole, my dating life does not exist.
redpill retards will acft like this doesnt bother them yet they are insecure af.
Jesus Christ guys use your head. Either 1) A few top men are effectively “sharing” all the women or 2) older men outside the surveyed range are “borrowing” women from the younger surveyed range.
hmmm... let me think...... erm..... yeaaah..... probably because young men arnt confident or something wait let me think oh wait that makes sense yeah yeah yeah ok i get it yeah heres another reason great point alright guys lessoned learn just put yourself out there its yeah basicaaly mhm
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This statistic shocks me everytime I see it like just wow. No words and I can not even comprehend it sometimes.
I’m convinced women talk to their friends about this stuff and they all just bounce their retarded ideas back and forth til they all believe it with certainty. Outsiders would say that’s what we do here, but honestly that is an insulting comparison to make since there is a ton of real data supporting the blackpill. Not even comparable.
Yeah foids live in an echo chamber alot of people do, its my one concern of using this place. I don't like echo chambers and to a degree you could argue this forum is a little but I always like to play devils advocate or try not to fall into that. Sometimes though people will just call me a "cuck" or retarded if I don't agree to rape every foid in a 10 mile radius or something stupid. This place should not be a side of the same coin of feminists that want all mean below 5'8 to die or something.
dating hellscape of modern society
It's not even a hellscape for me often times, its like a completely barren land, a black hole, my dating life does not exist.
Men dating down is not even the entire issue but its just another card stacked against us, alot of inceldom is these tiny cascading effects that end up compounding into complete sexlessness.
joe rogan is dumb ass boomer with condesending just pull yourself by the bootstraps mentality. He doesnt know shit about shit.
joe rogan is dumb ass boomer with condesending just pull yourself by the bootstraps mentality. He doesnt know shit about shit.
It's just some boomer that was able to just be first with podcasts and monopolised it and gets good guests on his podcast.
Anyone could do what he does so long as you are able to just be first with something.
It's definitely mostly the first. I actually wrote a multi-paragraph post about this when that study first started making rounds (can't find it now), but when you look at the graphs by age, there's much more single men than single women even in the 30-49 age cohort, with the gender gap only reversing in the 50-64 age group. However, 50s and 60s are generally the ages where in any given community/state/country/whatever, women start to outnumber men as men die earlier then women, so there's a genuinely pretty good chance that the only reason why that even reverses is because there are simply so much more women than men in that group, and that, whenever there's an equal number of them, women have a cler advantage in the dating market.


I mean, the IFS tried to cope by saying that it's just older men dating younger women skewing that, but they didn't include this breakdown by age group in their article, because seeing that that gender gap goes up to people in their 50s would've destroyed the cope they were trying to sell:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Brootal has anyone tried to explain this, you said that its not older men dating younger skewing the data and it can be polygyny just yet, so is it just serial monogamy or guys being included in relationships when they aren't in one
Brootal has anyone tried to explain this,
As far as I know, no.

you said that its not older men dating younger skewing the data and it can be polygyny just yet, so is it just serial monogamy or guys being included in relationships when they aren't in one
Probably a mix. I don't have a sedx life obviously, so I can only hypothesize so much, but I can definitely imagine that a very large part of this is caused both by Chads switching between relationships with various women, with those women still seeing themselves as their girlfriends even after a breakup, and actually being in relationships with multiple women at the same time:feelsjuice:.

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