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LDAR [JFL] [Soy] Why do numales call everything they dislike "edgy"?



Nov 25, 2017
Too many examples to list.

Why do cucks do this?





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it is also why they call everything cringy, they dont want to think and talk about the things they dislike so they find it a lot easier to give them labels and move on
It's so they can seem superior by making it seem as if your beliefs are outside of the norm ie edgy
Just be edgy theory
it is also why they call everything cringy, they dont want to think and talk about the things they dislike so they find it a lot easier to give them labels and move on
Most likely this.
"Well ur just a stoopid edgelord lmao not normal and rational liek us normal ppl :heybby::heybby:"
this annoys me even more than "cringe"
Better an edgelord than a soyboy
Because boring people want everybody else to be boring I guess. Granted there is a difference between teenage edgy and having a provocative opinion that you can actually back up but either way it's a buzzword
Because their opinions and actions are completely based off of the approval of others, they assume anyone going against the grain is simply trying to do the exact opposite for attention; in other words it's mere projection.
Basically to delegitimize a statement without needing to put in any effort. This shows their sheep mentality because they validate statements base on the popular vote rather than logic. So by saying that it’s edgy or “unpopular” it instantly makes your statement invalid or unwanted, just like incels
Because boring people want everybody else to be boring I guess.
So true. Always funny to see people saying "god, this is like sooo useless, why would someone do something like that?" while they rot at home doing all the same shit again and again. Even an Incel is more adventurous since we experience a world that normies could have never prepared us for.
god, this is like sooo useless, why would someone do something like that?
That's top 2 braindead cuck sentence, after "Why on earth would you do something like that".
Too many examples to list.

Why do cucks do this?

You gotta be a freagig cuck to buy this kind of undermotorized but over consuming and overpriced non 4x4 cars that cost the same as a real 4x4. Who buys this shit ???
It shows how low-T + feminism produces similar mindsets in men that women have as well. Using code words when they’re uncomfortable, shaming, warning you that something is offensive, etc.
It fucking pisses me off. Yeah, some things people say are dark, wow, big deal, don't try and invalidate them with nothing more than "lollz EDGE bro lol calm down"
It is the IRL downvote.
It fucking pisses me off. Yeah, some things people say are dark, wow, big deal, don't try and invalidate them with nothing more than "lollz EDGE bro lol calm down"
Exactly, a lot of things need to have dark thoughts, by following this logic of them, everything you try to discuss with them that has a more realistic thinking and that can be interpreted as negative or darker they will consider it to be "EdGy!!1" even though what you are talking about has a straightforward reasoning and has valid points, in the end any critical thinking about something that is considered delicate for them will be simply devalued by memes
it is also why they call everything cringy, they dont want to think and talk about the things they dislike so they find it a lot easier to give them labels and move on
This is the true answer. To delve deeper would be to point out the fact that normies (numales are just the uglier normies) lack the capacity for original thought, that's why things like movie critics exist. They need to get their opinions from outside sources because their own brains don't work, so they use labels like edgy, cringy, try-hard, boring, etc, etc to quickly label things that didn't stimulate their baby-food brains. Batman V Superman is edgy and boring because they didn't like it, while Deadpool is not edgy because they liked it despite it being the actual personification of what edgy was originally meant to describe.

All critic terminology is cancer which helps push forward the shitshow that is modern day blockbusters. DC didn't want to be edgy so they hired Joss Whedon to Disneyfy Justice League leading to their films being no different than what Marvel is making, thus further dumbing down the masses by giving them no new ideas or concepts to help solidify their liquid brains. It doesn't matter what ticket you buy when you go to the movie theater, every screen is playing the same thing.
Didn't we have this thread before?
Great thread.

The essence of the problem (feminine shame-based argumentation) has already been noted by several here, but I'd also say that the phenomenon arises out of a nihilistic postmodern ennui that levels all social and ideological differentiation. It is, at its core, a stupid person trying to wear the mask of blasé wisdom, the Rational Redditor in nuce:


Too low-T and self-conscious to stand by their convictions or have any to speak of in the first place, faggot normies conceive of themselves as having ascended a tripartite ladder when they're still stuck on the ground: consensus -> contradiction -> "enlightened consensus", a poor imitation of the dialectical development experienced by cognizing human beings. "Yeah, I used to be an edgy tryhard when I was a teenager until I woke up and realized that everyone else was right. But they don't put thoughts in my head anymore; they hand them to me and I put them in myself like an adult."
I would rather be edgy than a soyboy cuck who doesn't have the courage to challenge the status quo.
it is also why they call everything cringy, they dont want to think and talk about the things they dislike so they find it a lot easier to give them labels and move on
It shows how low-T + feminism produces similar mindsets in men that women have as well. Using code words when they’re uncomfortable, shaming, warning you that something is offensive, etc.
High IQ post brother, conforming with the crowd is a submissive trait rich in women.
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I wish I could go back in time a bit and experience a time where being edgy on the internet was actually cool.
This is really common on 4chan, ironically
4chan is a poor man's reddit at this point. Reddit is poverty-tier, too. That makes 4chan Liberia-tier.
It fucking pisses me off. Yeah, some things people say are dark, wow, big deal, don't try and invalidate them with nothing more than "lollz EDGE bro lol calm down"
low T makes them passive, so they consider any change to the status quo a threat
I use it every now and then but only if it’s something waaaay over-the-top. I almost use it as a term of endearment really, never as an insult. Not a normie though.
I'm really fucking sick of these soymaxxed reddit cucks, tbh.
In their brain, anything against postmodernist political correctness is being “too far” because it’s the current year.
Valuable bump.
If you've ever said "problematic", there's a 99% chance you're a numale

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