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LifeFuel Jfl roasties gets catfished and starts crying when she DMs the real chad and gets fuckin left on “read” and ignored

  • Thread starter Reddit_is_for_cucks
  • Start date


Nov 10, 2017
Guys get left on “read” every day by 5-10 girls but we don’t cry. She gets left on read by 1 chad and water-works come out.

She also claims she grew feeling for the chad. If personality mattered she would have grew feeling for the catfish! But this bitch was in love with the looks all along.

Bitch bought tickets to LA to meet the guys, but tells her viewer she bought it because she wanted to visit LA.

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Is she white or asian ? I can tell tbh. If asian she deserves it tbh.
Good for the chad for not actually reciprocating her sexual advancements.
This made my day.
just smh. she had to make a whole video about that and prob made a couple hundred dollars off the video LMAO can't believe ppl watch this shit

"women have it so hard" my ass
She is 3/10 without makeup
This girl looks so strange and she actually thought she could have Chad.
Haha why do these female youtubers think we care about their minor inconveniences, so much so that they had to make a video on it? Narcissists

Wow. Imagine that out of hundreds of snapchats YOU are the one to catch her eye. And it’s all because of his looks
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Fucking tremendous. Jfl.

Which one of you catfishcels was this?

@Reddit_is_for_cucks was this you?
every one of these stupid whores looks and acts exactly the same. I wish I could slaughter them all
lol what a ugly cunt looks like she has extra chromosomes. She looks like she would be a 4/10 without fakeup. But she would still mercilessly reject each and every one of us
Zero sympathy. Sad thing is cucks are probably offering emotional support.
Holy fuck, the fact that she can make a youtube video about her FEELINGS and people will LISTEN and SUPPORT her just shows the difference between being a male and female. Just think about it. She talks about how she's FEELING, and people CARE. This is reality.
I hate mtv but I like this show, that guy lurks on this forum or /r/Braincels for sure.
Guys get left on “read” every day by 5-10 girls but we don’t cry. She gets left on read by 1 chad and water-works come out.

She also claims she grew feeling for the chad. If personality mattered she would have grew feeling for the catfish! But this bitch was in love with the looks all along.

Bitch bought tickets to LA to meet the guys, but tells her viewer she bought it because she wanted to visit LA.

Chadfishing is the best cope an incel can have. Easiest way to poison the waters for Chad.
I would burn down an orphanage to get that guy's looks.
cant believe I sat through 10 mins of the video... She deserved it tho. she is narcissistic AF... There is no intelligent in her speech at all its was unbearably hard to listen to.
why do girls do such weird shit with their eyebrows?
>153k subscribers
Who the fuck watched this annoying cunt?
Being a +7/10 woman is not tutorial mode, it's cheat sheet +a trainer program mode.
take off your makeup you fucking slag
Damn , she's so devastated by the incident that she already has a hickey right below her necklace
LMAO. I love it when femoids cry because chad rejected them.
And what,are we meant to feel sorry for you,attention seeking bitch
I would burn down an orphanage to get that guy's looks.


That bitch messaged the chad and freggin cried when he didn’t reply. Imagine being that good looking. Ffs

Roasties make me so angry. It’s all about fucking looks

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