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JFL if you think Islam can defeat feminism



Aug 28, 2018
why some incels rely on islam?
muslim countries of North Africa, SubSaharian Africa and middle East are economically and culturally undeveloped. (except Saudi and Turkey)
this is why old traditional values of marriage and family are still popular: people get married at young age and whoever commits adultery gets terrible sentencies (in some countries adultery is even punished with death penalty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zina)
in the most traditionalist muslim countries the "islamic law" coincides with the state law.

Are theese traditionalist laws still in force in all muslim countries?
in last century many progressive muslim politician started making laws to make their countries more secular and westernized.
in fact they removed most laws based on islamic law (sharia) and adopted new secular laws in family jurispriudence.
the turkish leader Mustafa Kemal banned the hijab in 1920, the tunisian president Bourghiba banned the islamic "talaq" (a divorce in which men can kick out their wife from their home), banned male polygamy, legalized abortion in 1960 and tried to stop female segregation. Morocco recently banned the hijab for female soldiers. Even the most conservative country, Saudi Arabia, is making gender equality laws, for example the laws that assert women cannot take a drive licence and cannot go out without their husband have been abolished.
many islamic leaders see westernization as sign of modernization
nowadays a big amount of women from Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan don't wear hijab.

Secular muslim countries
I don't need words to describe the society of theese countries. just look at the girls in theese locations: are they super-religious hijabi girls afraid of having extramarital sex or polygamous girls who dress like western women to attract chads?

why some incels rely on islam?
muslim countries of North Africa, SubSaharian Africa and middle East are economically and culturally undeveloped. (except Saudi and Turkey)
this is why old traditional values of marriage and family are still popular: people get married at young age and whoever commits adultery gets terrible sentencies (in some countries adultery is even punished with death penalty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zina)
in the most traditionalist muslim countries the "islamic law" coincides with the state law.

Are theese traditionalist laws still in force in all muslim countries?
in last century many progressive muslim politician started making laws to make their countries more secular and westernized.
in fact they removed most laws based on islamic law (sharia) and adopted new secular laws in family jurispriudence.
the turkish leader Mustafa Kemal banned the hijab in 1920, the tunisian president Bourghiba banned the islamic "talaq" (a divorce in which men can kick out their wife from their home), banned male polygamy, legalized abortion in 1960 and tried to stop female segregation. Morocco recently banned the hijab for female soldiers. Even the most conservative country, Saudi Arabia, is making gender equality laws, for example the laws that assert women cannot take a drive licence and cannot go out without their husband have been abolished.
many islamic leaders see westernization as sign of modernization
nowadays a big amount of women from Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan don't wear hijab.

Secular muslim countries
I don't need words to describe the society of theese countries. just look at the girls in theese locations: are they super-religious hijabi girls afraid of having extramarital sex or polygamous girls who dress like western women to attract chads?

they will eventually turn back hopefully tbh. probably once they start having weird gay pride parades were the men wear leather bdsm and dog collars and people bring their kids. it will be meme'd when it happens and they just might be the only people left who can feel tribalistic shame. I mean if some guy can get pissed enough at Hebdo making some cartoons surely faggotry in the streets will make them wake up.

it's probably just over.
islam = the instagram whores sometimes have a hijab

all men are cucks and will shit on their religion / culture for hairy used up cum filled infected pussy
they will eventually turn back hopefully tbh. probably once they start having weird gay pride parades were the men wear leather bdsm and dog collars and people bring their kids. it will be meme'd when it happens and they just might be the only people left who can feel tribalistic shame. I mean if some guy can get pissed enough at Hebdo making some cartoons surely faggotry in the streets will make them wake up.

it's probably just over.
Istanbul gay pride:

the government has tried to ban the gay pride, but the pride marches go on
most young """muslims""" are feminists anyway
Religion dies in the face of 1st world comforts
Islam is a low IQ cope, it's not stable, and doesn't work in the long run. We know what does work in the long run when there's no interference, and a proper patriarchy, and it's not Islam. However I can understand why people might be led to it. Simple people who are suffering think Islam is the simple solution.
Islam is a low IQ cope, it's not stable, and doesn't work in the long run. We know what does work in the long run when there's no interference, and a proper patriarchy, and it's not Islam. However I can understand why people might be led to it. Simple people who are suffering think Islam is the simple solution.
Agreed. Any society that starts out as an Islamic patriarchy will simply devolve into an Islamic leftist shithole. Incels should not rely on religion to solve their problems because religion has the major flaw that it can be interpreted in many different ways which means that Islam can also be interpreted from a modern, pro-feminist perspective.
You can this see for yourself by how after every terrorist attack there are people saying that the terrorists weren't "real muslims" after which they start quoting the peaceful parts of the Quran. But the terrorists themselves committed their acts because there are also violent verses in the Quran. So neither of these two people are technically wrong because the Quran is full of contradictions. This is partly because it was written over a timespan of many different years with the earlier, peaceful texts being written when Islam was just a small minority religion and the more violent verses being written when it had already overtaken Arabia.
Many Muslims are extremely moderate and don't take their religion too seriously anyway, same as Christians in the West. They are more loyal to whatever customs are popular at the time than strictly to Islam. This is the way of most religions, in fact. Civilization and technological progress always dilutes religious authenticity, always.
Agreed. Any society that starts out as an Islamic patriarchy will simply devolve into an Islamic leftist shithole. Incels should not rely on religion to solve their problems because religion has the major flaw that it can be interpreted in many different ways which means that Islam can also be interpreted from a modern, pro-feminist perspective.
I disagree on this part in the sense that I do think for example a Religion that is, Traditionalist, Patriarchal, and Authoritarian can and has worked. For example Christianity can work very well if people didn't fall for the modern Prot or Catholic churches, both mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches were infiltrated harder by Marxism and Jews than any other Religion. You gotta wonder why Christianity in particular was attacked and subverted so hard.

I think that a Christianity that is Authoritarian, maybe in a NatSoc or Monarchy type environment, would work out very well, especially if there were blatant anti marxist and infiltration counter measures. Western Society was evolving just fine under Christianity until Jews flooded the Catholic church with homosexuals, and made protestants passive Israel worshippers.

The way I view it is, what do the people at the top hate the most? Christianity is at the top. I noticed this when I was an Atheist studying evolutionary biology, and then when I noticed a patriarchal system based on evolutionary biological determinism lines up perfectly with a traditionalist Christian system, I thought this probably wasn't a coincidence.
I disagree on this part in the sense that I do think for example a Religion that is, Traditionalist, Patriarchal, and Authoritarian can and has worked. For example Christianity can work very well if people didn't fall for the modern Prot or Catholic churches, both mainstream Protestant and Catholic churches were infiltrated harder by Marxism and Jews than any other Religion. You gotta wonder why Christianity in particular was attacked and subverted so hard.

I think that a Christianity that is Authoritarian, maybe in a NatSoc or Monarchy type environment, would work out very well, especially if there were blatant anti marxist and infiltration counter measures. Western Society was evolving just fine under Christianity until Jews flooded the Catholic church with homosexuals, and made protestants passive Israel worshippers.

The way I view it is, what do the people at the top hate the most? Christianity is at the top. I noticed this while I when I was an Atheist studying evolutionary biology, and then when I noticed a patriarchal system based on evolutionary biological determinism lines up perfectly with a traditionalist Christian system, I thought this probably wasn't a coincidence.
A society can only be tradionalist and patriarchal if its leaders and people wish it to be and actively fight against subversion. Religion will not defend you against degeneracy, it can be used to teach people a sense of right and wrong but in the end morals need to be enforced by a non-religious entity (like the government).

I think Christianity is too far gone now, Europeans on the right already realised this at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century; Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, potentially Hitler, Mussolini, Evola. These were all people who were looking for alternatives to fill the void that Christianity could no longer fill. Me personally, I think the reason for that is because Christianity was simply not made for Europeans but Semitic peoples, just like Islam. So Europeans need a religion that reflects their own racial characteristics more. Many Europeans on the right are turning to forms of Neo-Paganism so I wouldn't be surpised if that became a major religion in the west someday.
A society can only be tradionalist and patriarchal if its leaders and people wish it to be and actively fight against subversion. Religion will not defend you against degeneracy, it can be used to teach people a sense of right and wrong but in the end morals need to be enforced by a non-religious entity (like the government).
Completely agree, in some parts of Europe males are still the ones in control and will shame anything that steps out of line and is degenerate. Of course in return nowadays if you speak up against some things you will get jail time, but there are some based countries in Europe that still hold traditionalist values.
I think Christianity is too far gone now, Europeans on the right already realised this at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century; Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, potentially Hitler, Mussolini, Evola. These were all people who were looking for alternatives to fill the void that Christianity could no longer fill. Me personally, I think the reason for that is because Christianity was simply not made for Europeans but Semitic peoples, just like Islam. So Europeans need a religion that reflects their own racial characteristics more. Many Europeans on the right are turning to forms of Neo-Paganism so I wouldn't be surpised if that became a major religion in the west someday.
Christianity is lost, but I am still coping with the fact that it will come back. But I know for a fact it wont, especially with western influence and (((catholics))) taking over Eastern land and putting the younger generation through brainwashing media influence. Maybe a collapse is needed to wake up and make Christianity rise up again without soy idiots polluting the religion. But the conclusion still is we will be ruled under Satanists. But yea, Christianity is lost and I am looking for other options even though I will some day turn back to my Christian roots.
A society can only be tradionalist and patriarchal if its leaders and people wish it to be and actively fight against subversion. Religion will not defend you against degeneracy, it can be used to teach people a sense of right and wrong but in the end morals need to be enforced by a non-religious entity (like the government).
A Society will not defend itself against subversion, and degeneracy unless there is a solid foundation to base it on. I agree that Religion itself cannot do it, you need a government or system to back it up. You do need a Government to hold it up, however again if you imbue this Government with Religious tier tenants, almost as if the Government itself becomes a part of the Religion, this is how you gurantee its longevity and success.
I think Christianity is too far gone now, Europeans on the right already realised this at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century; Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, potentially Hitler, Mussolini, Evola. These were all people who were looking for alternatives to fill the void that Christianity could no longer fill.
Hitler specifically, and the third Reich were going to do exactly what I said, even tho some of them were less fond of Christianity than others, there was a plan for a Unified Protestant Reich Church.

Some people like to pretend they were avidly pagan or they were just being deceptive, but I mean I can pull up quotes nearing the end of the war, aswell.
Me personally, I think the reason for that is because Christianity was simply not made for Europeans but Semitic peoples, just like Islam. So Europeans need a religion that reflects their own racial characteristics more.
That's not true depending on what your definition of Semetic is. Because for example, Galileans originated from Europe. A Judahite/Descendant of the Tribe of Judah. What we know of as Jews today have nothing to do genetically with Galileans, or the 12 Tribes mentioned in the bible, they're descendants of Canaanites, Edomites, and Babylonians, and they actually originate from the south of Israel. The genetic difference between Jews, and Galileans is the difference between a European and a Middle Easterner. Even Romans who had no reason to describe Jesus this way, a Galilean man, described him as this, "If you ever meet him [Yeshua] you will know him. While he is nothing but a man, there is something about him that distinguishes him from every other man. He is the picture of his mother, only he has not her smooth, round face. His hair is a little more golden than hers, though it is as much from sunburn as anything else. He is tall, and his shoulders are a little drooped; his visage is thin and of a swarthy complexion, though this is from exposure. His eyes are large and a soft blue, and rather dull and heavy....' This Jew [Nazarite] is convinced that he is the Messiah of the world. ...this was the same person that was born of the virgin in Bethlehem some twenty-six years before..."

I don't really know of any Semites that fit that description, do you?
Many Europeans on the right are turning to forms of Neo-Paganism so I wouldn't be surpised if that became a major religion in the west someday.
The Modern pagan meme is part of the downfall of Europeans. Most Paganism is just Atheism, very very minor spirituality or values inherent to it, tons of rampant degeneracy, no core foundation, is typically from the same branch of infiltrators that brought (((siegefags)))
Siege in one image

Full of degenerate Sex Havers, Drug Users, Communist Sympathizers, Jewish Satanists, etc. People from the past who actually believed in ancient nordic mythology would be disgusted by what these larpers have turned it into.
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Many Muslims are extremely moderate and don't take their religion too seriously anyway, same as Christians in the West. They are more loyal to whatever customs are popular at the time than strictly to Islam. This is the way of most religions, in fact. Civilization and technological progress always dilutes religious authenticity, always.
most muslims in Albania give a fuck about religion, they eat pork and drink beer
also the sons of muslims immigrants in europe don't follow the quran correctly: most of them have a social life like westerns (binge drinking, going to clubs, being polygamous for chads and stacies)
most muslims in Albania give a fuck about religion, they eat pork and drink beer
also the sons of muslims immigrants in europe don't follow the quran correctly: most of them have a social life like westerns (binge drinking, going to clubs, being polygamous for chads and stacies)
Lots of clean shaven Muslims too I've noticed.
Some people like to pretend they were avidly pagan or they were just being deceptive, but I mean I can pull up quotes nearing the end of the war, aswell.
I'm not saying Hitler himself was a Pagan, he was even annoyed at certain times by the attempts at Pagan revivals of members such as Himmler. He was most likely a deist or agnostic, based on quotes from Hitler's Table Talk. I'm saying that because the way he talks about religion in those quotes reminds me of my own views on spirituality and such. I am almost sure he did not regard himself as a Christian but simply saw the religion as an useful tool to unify the German people and combat degeneracy.
This page contains some excerpts from the book: http://www.renegadetribune.com/adolf-hitler-religion/ Quotations:
Originally, religion was merely a prop for human communities. It was a means, not an end in itself. It’s only gradually that it became transformed in this direction, with the object of maintaining the rule of the priests, who can live only to the detriment of society collectively.
An educated man retains the sense of the mysteries of nature and bows before the unknowable. An uneducated man, on the other hand, runs the risk of going over to atheism (which is a return to the state of the animal) as soon as he perceives that the State, in sheer opportunism, is making use of false ideas in the matter of religion, whilst in other fields it bases everything on pure science.
In any case, we shall learn to become familiar with the laws by which life is governed, and acquaintance with the laws of nature will guide us on the path of progress. As for the ‘why’ of these laws, we shall never know anything about it. A thing is so, and our understanding cannot conceive of other schemes.
Fundamentally in everyone there is the feeling for this almighty, which we call ‘God’ (that is to say, the dominion of natural laws throughout the whole universe). The priests, who have always succeeded in exploiting this feeling, threaten punishments for the man who refuses to accept the creed they impose.
The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practices a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its keynote is intolerance.
It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to reestablish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund. At that period the ancient world was divided between the systems of philosophy and the worship of idols. It’s not desirable that the whole of humanity should be stultified — and the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.
One may ask whether the disappearance of Christianity would entail the disappearance of belief in God. That’s not to be desired. The notion of divinity gives most men the opportunity to concretize the feeling they have of supernatural realities. Why should we destroy this wonderful power they have of incarnating the feeling for the divine that is within them?
I envisage the future, therefore, as follows: First of all, to each man his private creed.

The Modern pagan meme is part of the downfall of Europeans. Most Paganism is just Atheism, very very minor spirituality or values inherent to it, tons of rampant degeneracy, no core foundation, is typically from the same branch of infiltrators that brought (((siegefags)))
Yeah, a lot of Pagans view Paganism as a purely materialistic religion and think that the Gods are supposed to be nothing more than symbolism for the elements of nature. Others get into it purely for the aesthetic value. They basically go into Paganism with the mindset of what an Abrahamist views as Paganism.
But I don't think all Pagans are like that, there are people who do their research and realise it should be treated as an actual worldview, like all religions, and not just as some form of historical reconstructionism. If you want to be serious about practicing it, you need to look at the spiritual foundations it was based on and not the pretty statues and rituals. That goes for all religions of course, there's lots of westerners who convert to Buddhism or Islam as well because of its 'exotic' aesthetic. If you want to look at a modern Pagan who does take his faith quite serious, I recommend a youtube channel called Survive the Jive who does videos on Indo-European religion and similar topics.

most muslims in Albania give a fuck about religion, they eat pork and drink beer
also the sons of muslims immigrants in europe don't follow the quran correctly: most of them have a social life like westerns (binge drinking, going to clubs, being polygamous for chads and stacies)
Yeah, it's quite ironic, I'm not Muslim yet my lifestyle is more 'correct' according to Islamic law than that of a lot of people who do consider themselves Muslims. Most Muslims are massive hypocrites who constantly talk shit about the "non-believers" while breaking every rule of their own faith. That's what you get when a religion is mostly spread among low-IQ mongrels.
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this is only a cope, there are not Western Muslim-majority countries and the tiny minorities of Muslim in Western countries is seen as a threat, there is no way to impose Sharia and however even in Muslim countries feminism and modernity hit, therichkidsofteheran are an example of this
Secular "muslims" are as much muslims as fag worshiping "christians" are christians. The Gulf states are still based in comparison and they would not be as rich as they are now if they were feminist because foids would ruin everything then.

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