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Blackpill JFL at thinking that seccuring a nice office job and raising a family of your own is "making it in life"



Nov 8, 2017
JFL at studycelling half your life and going to collegue and getting an ostrageous amount of debt just to have the opportunity to wagecuck (because lets be realists, the VAST MAJORITY of endgames for studycels are being a white collar corporate employee) so you can pay said debt lmao. It's like buying a car to go to work to be able to pay such car lmao. And then with your already limited freedom from having a fixed location-fixed schedule wagecuck job and debt, you get married and have kids, so you now have also to raise your family, leaving you with absolite zero room for error: change. Want to move places? too bad, you have a family and responsibilities. Things are shit on your job and you would like to change to something with less income but less stress? Too bad, you have a family to sustain. Want to do anything with your life? Too bad, your life is now owned by your job and your family, both time and location wise.

What I understand of "making it in life", is to become self sufficient from any means that doesnt involve being an employee, while also avoiding the prospect of starting a family or any kind of formal partner like the plague. True success comes with the ability to choose. I don't give a shit you make six figures from your white collar job and live in a big house if you don't have any choice power or time to do anything because all your schedule and decisions are consumed by fixed work/family. I knew many managerial position people and they all lived like fucking slaves, despite being the "boss of someone" and having money. Even then, those who make it without being an employee usually earn even more money than them. Not gonna lie, this second route is much more difficult and luck-based to achieve, but still. Incels should aim if possible to "create" their own jobs, being that starting their own business (avoid aiming at having big company of youll consume yourself) or freelancing/indie-like work. Earning money from something that pays proportional to your performance and not a fixed salary, and also that doesn't require for a fixed schedule and place. Also I repeat, STAY AWAY FROM MARRYING OR STARTING A FAMILY EVEN IF YOU ASCEND, THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

This goes for incels who think having offspring means ascending.
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People can mock me for being a 38 yo NEET with a "messed-up" life... but, do you know what I have over 99.9% of males my age?


I can't wait to work in Tokyo and start a family with my waifu waifu waifu (Japanese, wife, waifu).


People can mock me for being a 38 yo NEET with a "messed-up" life... but, do you know what I have over 99.9% of males my age?


If you manage a comfy life with the neccesary to maintain yourself and internet without working, you are being the smart one

Hard work praise is just a modern slave brainwashing scheme.

I can't wait to work in Tokyo and start a family with my waifu waifu waifu (Japanese, wife, waifu).

View attachment 51962
holy shit you really don't want the family man worker lifestyle in fucking JAPAN. you really DON'T want that. Its worse even than in the US.
cope tbh

delete your account
explain why its cope being able to eat and have a roof without working meanwhile the Jones slave away daily without time for anything.
>not becoming a dictator with a harem. Gaddafimaxxing. Kadyrovmaxxing etc
I agree with some points you make. But I actually enjoy the subject im studying (engineering). Also studying is basically free in my country and my parents are off well enough to pay for the rest.

You are right though when it comes to time spent working in relation to freetime. I'm currently applying for a job, but really don't see myself working fulltime for the next 40 years.
JFL at studycelling half your life and going to collegue and getting an ostrageous amount of debt just to have the opportunity to wagecuck (because lets be realists, the VAST MAJORITY of endgames for studycels are being a white collar corporate employee) so you can pay said debt lmao. It's like buying a car to go to work to be able to pay such car lmao. And then with your already limited freedom from having a fixed location-fixed schedule wagecuck job and debt, you get married and have kids, so you now have also to raise your family, leaving you with absolite zero room for error: change. Want to move places? too bad, you have a family and responsibilities. Things are shit on your job and you would like to change to something with less income but less stress? Too bad, you have a family to sustain. Want to do anything with your life? Too bad, your life is now owned by your job and your family, both time and location wise.

What I understand of "making it in life", is to become self sufficient from any means that doesnt involve being an employee, while also avoiding the prospect of starting a family or any kind of formal partner like the plague. True success comes with the ability to choose. I don't give a shit you make six figures from your white collar job and live in a big house if you don't have any choice power or time to do anything because all your schedule and decisions are consumed by fixed work/family. I knew many managerial position people and they all lived like fucking slaves, despite being the "boss of someone" and having money. Even then, those who make it without being an employee usually earn even more money than them. Not gonna lie, this second route is much more difficult and luck-based to achieve, but still. Incels should aim if possible to "create" their own jobs, being that starting their own business (avoid aiming at having big company of youll consume yourself) or freelancing/indie-like work. Earning money from something that pays proportional to your performance and not a fixed salary, and also that doesn't require for a fixed schedule and place. Also I repeat, STAY AWAY FROM MARRYING OR STARTING A FAMILY EVEN IF YOU ASCEND, THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.

This goes for incels who think having offspring means ascending.

It is my dream to have my genetic line completely RICED and have my own hafu kids.

Btw I'm still waiting for your rating and assessment of how I'd do in Japan.

Were the pictures unable to load? Someone else had the same problem since I copy & pasted them and they didn't go through.

I can resend them to if you want. I really want to hear from you as I consider you one of the three legendary Sanin of Incels.me like Orochimaru (this would be you), Jiraiya, and Tsunade.
I have a pretty nice passive income from some intellectual property I own, and pretty much all my time is free time. The way I spend it though is no different than what I did 10-15 years ago - vidya, porn, gym and hating my life.
It is my dream to have my genetic line completely RICED and have my own hafu kids.

Btw I'm still waiting for your rating and assessment of how I'd do in Japan.

Were the pictures unable to load? Someone else had the same problem since I copy & pasted them and they didn't go through.

I can resend them to if you want. I really want to hear from you as I consider you one of the three legendary Sanin of Incels.me like Orochimaru (this would be you), Jiraiya, and Tsunade.
They didnt load. Can you send them hosted on another server or something.

But seriously listen to my advice. Dont listen to nature instinct to have kids. I dont have any but people qho got that instinct should not listen to it. Starting a family is the most life-ruining thing you can do.
I have a pretty nice passive income from some intellectual property I own, and pretty much all my time is free time. The way I spend it though is no different than what I did 10-15 years ago - vidya, porn, gym and hating my life.
Now imagine your life without said free time. Having a schedule or no freedom is 10 times worse as an incel (if you are one)
Agreed. Too bad majority of men are brainwashed into thinking they'll be happy w that life. The blackpill doesn't just give you knowledge about femshits, it also makes you view life in general in a more practical and smart way. You begin to question many of the things you were taught by the current establishment after realizing that they lied to you about female nature, and then begin to realize much of everything else they taught you were lies too
Agreed. Too bad majority of men are brainwashed into thinking they'll be happy w that life. The blackpill doesn't just give you knowledge about femshits, it also makes you view life in general in a more practical and smart way. You begin to question many of the things you were taught by the current establishment after realizing that they lied to you about female nature, and then begin to realize much of everything else they taught you were lies too

Tbh I was agaisnt the family man worker lifestyle waay before I got blackpilled on looks/women
Tbh I was agaisnt the family man worker lifestyle waay before I got blackpilled on looks/women
Haha having someone else determine how you should spend your weekly time and control your money doesn't exactly have the best ring to it
I have a pretty nice passive income from some intellectual property I own, and pretty much all my time is free time. The way I spend it though is no different than what I did 10-15 years ago - vidya, porn, gym and hating my life.
That sounds like the way to go. ;)
Agreed. Too bad majority of men are brainwashed into thinking they'll be happy w that life. The blackpill doesn't just give you knowledge about femshits, it also makes you view life in general in a more practical and smart way. You begin to question many of the things you were taught by the current establishment after realizing that they lied to you about female nature, and then begin to realize much of everything else they taught you were lies too
Legit, but most of us have no choice but to wagecuck
What's wrong with wanting to start a family?
I have a pretty nice passive income from some intellectual property I own, and pretty much all my time is free time. The way I spend it though is no different than what I did 10-15 years ago - vidya, porn, gym and hating my life.
Doesn't sound that bad to be honest, although it'd be 485932398x better with regular sex and relationships
Lmao i explain exactly whats wrong in the OP
yeah but that's what would make YOU happy based on your own personal experiences and views, it's hardly universal for everyone. It sounds like the MGTOW copers from reddit.

I bet having a family ie loving wife and 3 kids would make me very happy.
Ain't the American dream grand?
Choices = empowerment
Lack of choices = powerlessness
love > freedom

i'd rather be bound by love than to be free in solitude. love of wife, children etc.
love > freedom

i'd rather be bound by love than to be free in solitude. love of wife, children etc.
Believe me, you dont want it. Every one I know who started a family is mow an empty husk, a shadow of their former selves.
I remember I used to talk talk to this middle-aged Chad at my old warehouse job and when I see this guy is a fucking Chad he was a fucking Chad. Man the stories used to tell me.

This was back when I was still in the mgtow community. He had a beta dad who used to work for Bank of America and his mom used to shit his dad and treat him like crap all the time despite the fact that he was always working hard while she hadn't worked in 30 years.

That shit molded him to the point where he wasn't going to have a family if it meant dealing with that shit. by the time we met he hadn't spoke to his mom in 8 years because despite being Chad women still try to control you and he wasn't having that shit.

He ended up getting his third baby mama pregnant who was 15 at the time while he was 29 and her dad told him either marry her or go to prison. He told her dad lock me up bitch and said that while he's locked up she won't get shit from him. The dad ended up pussing out on locking him up.

He said if he was gonna lose his freedom then he might as well go to prison now and get the square meals and a roof because if he lived with a woman long term he would end up killing her once she started acting like his mom did and that he understood why husband's go nuts and murder their wives.

he ended up getting a job at Walgreens warehouse as a manager making 23 an hour.
like I said a fucking Chad.

another thing funny is that he had all the symptoms and I even brought him into red pill terminology because despite having all the traits he didn't even know what the red pill or mgtow was. Hell he wasn't even much of a computer person.

Like I said Chad don't use computers or be obsessive with them. They're too busy living life.
>True success comes with the ability to choose.

This is a point I resonate with. I’ve always felt power = options.

But regarding the main points brought up in the op - I don’t think most ppl care. I think absolute freedom brings in too much chaos and uncertainty that ppl are not ready for. Ppl want to follow the social narrative (essentially a script) because its a good anchoring point to cope with the absolute indifference of everything and the inevitability of dying. Having kids give some ppl a purpose. More pragmatic ppl might admit it’s so the kids can take care of them in old age. It’s all self preservation, which is essentially cope.
I often wonder if I would went to university in USA. My parents are rather poor, so I quess they would be poor in USA too. But in my country studying is free. Hell, they even paid me a little bit because I was above average student. Not enough to sustain yourself, but enough to buy food for whole month, and montly ticket for public transportation.

Also I 100% agree, actually I'm working pretty hard and long hours but just to have some savings + money to invest. In the future I want to work indepedently(I did this before). People shame me when they hear I don't want EVEN MORE overtime, because even if I want to save money I need time to rest and preserve my health. Many people in my country(and especially in my work) would jump to every occasion they have to earn some money, even if it would be bad for their health. Stupid fucks, but they have to do it because their precious wifes will dump them if they don't work like slaves. My mom actually blackpilled me when I was a kid, always nagging and always complaining how she is the only one doing the work. Imagine I as a kid would come back from 8 or more hours of school, and her only work was to prepare dinner. Then after the dinner she would go to garden to do some dumb shit and always complaining that only she works and I don't do anything. FOR FUCK SAKE I WAS IN SCHOOL 8 HOURS AND YOU WERE CHILLING IN THE HOME. It's been always like that, but at least I can move out. With wife I would be done, if I had wife like my mother I would kill myself or more probably escape to some shithole like Mexico where nobody would found me(and before that emptying all my accounts. I don't care if that's a dick move, we only live once)
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Agreed. Too bad majority of men are brainwashed into thinking they'll be happy w that life. The blackpill doesn't just give you knowledge about femshits, it also makes you view life in general in a more practical and smart way. You begin to question many of the things you were taught by the current establishment after realizing that they lied to you about female nature, and then begin to realize much of everything else they taught you were lies too

People can mock me for being a 38 yo NEET with a "messed-up" life... but, do you know what I have over 99.9% of males my age?


You're doing God's work!

I would only knock a degenerate NEET. But if you use that freedom to partake in semi-positive pursuits then you've got my support.

All government employees are basically NEET too. They just fool themselves (and others) into thinking they are actually doing a real job.
hat I understand of "making it in life", is to become self sufficient from any means that doesnt involve being an employee, while also avoiding the prospect of starting a family or any kind of formal partner like the plague. True success comes with the ability to choose. I don't give a shit you make six figures from your white collar job and live in a big house if you don't have any choice power or time to do anything because all your schedule and decisions are consumed by fixed work/family.
Well said
I have a pretty nice passive income from some intellectual property I own, and pretty much all my time is free time. The way I spend it though is no different than what I did 10-15 years ago - vidya, porn, gym and hating my life.
i'd love to be in your position tbh

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