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JFL JFL at the incels that respect Chad



Evil angel/Righteous demon
Apr 24, 2018
>b-b-but some are blackpilled
And? They're not thinking of you or how much we suffer and would probably beat the shit out of all of us if a girl pretty enough told them to. The fact that they're red and blackpilled make it worse. They know we're in trouble but don't even try to help? All of them are no better than foids. This means you're actively supporting a guy who doesn't care about you? We call that cuckshit.

>inb4 low IQ
What's low IQ about this? What do I gain when I respect someone that doesn't care about me or the struggles we face in the slightest? As I post this some Chad you consider red/blackpilled is having sex with your ideal women and isn't even giving you or any other virgin a thought.

>m-muh brother/best friend is a chad
If you've read my previous post then you would know that I believe sex changes your friends for the worse. As soon as whoever you're close to gets a taste of that Chad life he will be dead to you. You don't have to believe me but when you make a thread about how your brother/friend bailed on you when his broad accused you of abuse then I'll be there posting a smug I-told-you-so image.

Never help Chads unless you're 100% certain you can get something out of the deal.
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Chadcels are legit incels?
muh brother is a chad

I have mixed feelings on Chad. I’m jealous and resentful of him but I’ve never really been harmed by one. My school bullies were normies.
Fuck Chad. He's never been on our side
Solid thread. Sub 4s and beta incels know that chads are the biggest assholes alive.

Only bluepilled fakecels defend chad
Biologically speaking it’s natural to respect Chads similar to how alpha males in the wild are practically worshiped by betas and omegas. Of course we’re a few steps above animals (though not by much in a behavioral sense) so we can choose not to give them extra praise and validation
Fuck Chad. He's never been on our side

He's just as good as the cucks feeding into females needs, just in a different way.
Help us? How? Pay for our surgeries? Low IQ thread
Help us? How? Pay for our surgeries? Low IQ thread
Women go crazy for Chads. They could make them do anything and there's evidence all over the web of women making fools of themselves that prove this. If a Chad was as redpilled as you claim they would help us in our situation.
Women go crazy for Chads. They could make them do anything. If a Chad was as redpilled as you claim they would help us in our situation.
Explain how? Tell them to fuck us? Even if it would happen it would be extremely occasional which still doesn't improve our situation significantly.
There are a lot of Chads on this very site who use this forum to vent their own insecurities and really, passionately profess their hatred for the foid. Its against forum rules to brag on about sexual conquests which is why you dont realize it.

The real enemy of the incel is the normie and especially the cuck who have gleefully enabled hypergamy and specifically target and victimize the incel to salvage even a tiny amount of self-esteem. Chad does not hate the incel. Chad and incel are of the same mind and worldview, both enemies of the foid, the cuck and the nromie. There is ZERO doubt that incels bear the hardest burden of the struggle against this modern degenerate western hellculture and anyone posting here with genuine intentions knows that. But please dont let the frustration of that burden turn you against your blackpilled allies in this struggle.
Even if it would happen it would be extremely occasional which still doesn't improve our situation significantly.
It's still an upgrade over how we've been treated which is the entire point.

If Chads are really worth the respect incels give them then they would make an attempt to help us out of our situation. Not only do they not...They also ignore us. Our problems don't matter to them at all.

There are a lot of Chads on this very site who use this forum to vent their own insecurities and really, passionately profess their hatred for the foid. Its against forum rules to brag on about sexual conquests which is why you dont realize it.
I knew this completely when I signed in. This is one of the reasons why I almost pulled back.

But please dont let the frustration of that burden turn you against your blackpilled allies in this struggle.
Allies help their allies.
Chad does not hate the incel. Chad and incel are of the same mind and worldview, both enemies of the foid, the cuck and the nromie.
A Chad could pretend to hate the incel if a foid's sex was good enough.
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It's still an upgrade over how we've been treated which is the entire point.

If Chads are really worth the respect incels give them then they would make an attempt to help us out of our situation. Not only do they not...They also ignore us. Our problems don't matter to them at all.

I knew this completely when I signed in. This one of the reasons why I almost pulled back.

Allies help their allies.

A Chad could pretend to hate the incel if a foid's sex was good enough.
How is Chad supposed to recalibrate the wildly unrealistic standards of sub-6 foids? The problem is normies betabuxx them and put them one a pedestal and cucks delight in pawning off their foids on Chad or Tyrone in some sick, self-hate ritual.

Look at how men are treated in media by normies and cucks. They are trying to tear down Chad just as much as they are trying to humiliate the incel. If you want proof of who the incel's friends are in this thing just look at the focus of the enemy.
How is Chad supposed to recalibrate the wildly unrealistic standards of sub-6 foids? The problem is normies betabuxx them and put them one a pedestal and cucks delight in pawning off their foids on Chad or Tyrone in some sick, self-hate ritual.

Look at how men are treated in media by normies and cucks. They are trying to tear down Chad just as much as they are trying to humiliate the incel. If you want proof of who the incel's friends are in this thing just look at the focus of the enemy.
So Chads know full well what's going on and do nothing to prevent it? Even the ones that go here? Men can do great things when they band together and focus all of their energies against a common foe and no one wants to even tackle this because us incels are too weak on our own and the Chads enjoy their comfy little spot too much to lift a finger.
And? They're not thinking of you or how much we suffer and would probably beat the shit out of all of us if a girl pretty enough told them to. The fact that they're red and blackpilled make it worse. They know we're in trouble but don't even try to help? All of them are no better than foids. This means you're actively supporting a guy who doesn't care about you? We call that cuckshit.

I don't care about Chads, even if I would have wanted to be one, of course. I feel indifference for them, probably also a little of distrust tbh. The femoid who they routinely fuck, usually have the hobby of mocking incels and I believe they don´t say a word in our defense. Well, they don't need it. Luckily the new crop of Chads is coming up quite facially feminine in comparison to the past Chads, so they would be a less severe threat in a fight (hopefully).
So Chads know full well what's going on and do nothing to prevent it? Even the ones that go here? Men can do great things when they band together and focus all of their energies against a common foe and no one wants to even tackle this because us incels are too weak on our own and the Chads enjoy their comfy little spot too much to lift a finger.
Who is taking on foid empowerment more head-on than Chads?

Its not as simple as Chad saying to some 6 "fuck this incel I command you"...the foid wont do it. She'll think the Chad is playing hard to get or, if he's a Chadlite, the foid will lose interest and move on. Its the system and culture that is poisoned and needs to be fixed. I'm not saying there aren't bluepilled Chads out there who have no idea what they are doing and likely posses not even the slightest care in the world, but the proportion of blackpilled Chads is pretty damn high and it grows every single day because of things like this board.

When an incel mocks a foids insane double standards or goofy feminist ideology the foid stops and listens for a second. The cucks and normies get all indignant but who gives a shit about them. Unfortunately the system as it is today insulates foids from any sort of criticism (not matter how valid) from the incel. The foid is told that "aw sweetie, he's just a bitter nasty virgin dont listen to him", the only way to break down this ideological wall they've built is with cooperation between Chad and Incel.

Lets get real Chad is not typically the brightest bulb in the circuit, he's not independently figuring out the blackpill on his own. That's where boards like this come in.
Luckily the new crop of Chads is coming up quite facially feminine in comparison to the past Chads, so they would be a less severe threat in a fight (hopefully).
I've seen this new crop. They're no different to me.

They're apish malcontents.

They're Fiendish dimwits

They're bloodthirsty vermins in every sense of the two words.

Read my signature. That should give you a decent grasp at how I see every single chad that spoils my gaze.

Its not as simple as Chad saying to some 6 "fuck this incel I command you"...the foid wont do it. She'll think the Chad is playing hard to get or, if he's a Chadlite, the foid will lose interest and move on. Its the system and culture that is poisoned and needs to be fixed. I'm not saying there aren't bluepilled Chads out there who have no idea what they are doing and likely posses not even the slightest care in the world, but the proportion of blackpilled Chads is pretty damn high and it grows every single day because of things like this board.
It's not just about sex. They could get them to give us pity contact or even request that they "ease up" on us. They don't though. They ignore us and actively participate in our torture. They don't even send us gift baskets or apology cards. Most of them like it.

the only way to break down this ideological wall they've built is with cooperation between Chad and Incel.
They won't cooperate until the new Chad is literally inhuman. He could be some alien or some genetic freak like that thing the Chineese are working on. I don't really care, it's gonna be funny seeing 10/10 models get bullied though.

Lets get real Chad is not typically the brightest bulb in the circuit, he's not independently figuring out the blackpill on his own. That's where boards like this come in.
The fact that I share this board with nonvirgins fills me with seethe. Adding more of them here is just going to piss everyone off. They're useless and will continue to be useless for a long long time. Foids have them wrapped around their finger like a yoyo string and will treat them like that damn toy until they find something new. I don't want the roastie's sloppy seconds.
It's not just about sex. They could get them to give us pity contact or even request that they "ease up" on us. They don't though. They ignore us and actively participate in our torture. They don't even send us gift baskets or apology cards. Most of them like it.
First off, you're right. There are quite a few Chads out there who act like this and its fucked. But there are many who dont. Many who sympathize with incels and try and implore foids to ease up their evil behavior but...

Foids are almost impossible to get through to. They will pretend to listen while thinking to themselves "fuck this shit, I'm not doing a thing this Chad says but I'll pretend so he hangs out with me a little longer", because its gotten so out of control that 7's and 8's are sure they can just find another Chad who wont make them feel uncomfortable about their behavior.

Shit's pretty bad. Everyone knows this.
Never help Chads unless you're 100% certain you can get something out of the deal.

Agreed, this is why I hate all this "black pilled normie" and "based Chad" BS. I will not align myself with anyone who doesn't share my plight or try to actively help me.
I see some newfags worship Chad under this thread
There is no such thing as a black pilled normie. It's an oxymoron.
And nobody says incels should bow like cucks and worship Chad, just work together with Chad against our common foes.
work together with Chad against our common foes.

>Work together with Chad
>against our common foes

Please tell me you see how this argument makes no sense.

1. Chad is a foe
2. Women aren't Chad's foes, they are his partners
"I love see my chad friend pump and dump all my oneitis"
>Work together with Chad
>against our common foes

Please tell me you see how this argument makes no sense.

1. Chad is a foe
2. Women aren't Chad's foes, they are his partners
Differentiate between blackpilled Chad's and bluepilled Chads and this becomes a more muddled. In any case even bluepilled Chads seldom actively try to victmize incels the way normies or cucks do.
Differentiate between blackpilled Chad's and bluepilled Chads and this becomes a more muddled./QUOTE]

Again what difference does it make, Chad doesn't do shit for us, there is no such thing as a "black pilled Chad".
>no such thing as a blackpilled Chad

Categorically false.
blackpilled chad just use that knowledge in his favor. He wont help anybody. As soon as you become his threat he would fight you. It is all good when you are not threat to him in any way
blackpilled chad just use that knowledge in his favor. He wont help anybody. As soon as you become his threat he would fight you. It is all good when you are not threat to him in any way
How often do you see Chad fight other Chad's? I mean it happens, oftentimes alcohol being involved, but it's not common.

Modern foids are almost never worth coming to blows over or even competing for.
Help us? How? Pay for our surgeries? Low IQ thread
Chad could, you know, not fuck every girl that comes is way and thereby monopolize sex? If Chad just took one Stacy and stuck with her, hypergamy would be impossible, but instead he is greedy and leaves nothing for incels.
Chad really isn't fucking sub-7's with any regularity. A few 6's here or there but lower than that it's just not happening.

The problem is sub-7 foids have got it in their head that they shouldn't "settle" and either take a carpet bombing approach to Chad or Chadlites scoring a few sporadic hits or just remain mostly celibate themselves complaint how they can't find a good man.
JFL @ you, low IQcel. Chadness is determined by SMV, it has nothing to do with "not helping us". Stop with the low-IQ generalizations, Chads are not some anti-incel police, they are simply attractive. Sure, most of them are what you described, but that is simply a byproduct of their Chadness, and not necessary for Chadness.
How often do you see Chad fight other Chad's? I mean it happens, oftentimes alcohol being involved, but it's not common.

Modern foids are almost never worth coming to blows over or even competing for.
I dont see them fighting each other. They know that they are at the top and it is not the problem because there are a lot of girls waiting for them and both of them will fuck something.
ikr it's like the same as respecting someone who won the lottery. It's all luck
Chad could, you know, not fuck every girl that comes is way and thereby monopolize sex? If Chad just took one Stacy and stuck with her, hypergamy would be impossible, but instead he is greedy and leaves nothing for incels.
That makes sense. I can see what you mean now.
Respecting Chad is like peasants kissing the feet of the rich

I have mixed feelings on Chad. I’m jealous and resentful of him but I’ve never really been harmed by one. My school bullies were normies.
This. My bullies were normies too. They had to try harder to get a foids attention, so they picked on the ugly short virgin.
Fuck Chad. He's never been on our side
This. My bullies were normies too. They had to try harder to get a foids attention, so they picked on the ugly short virgin.
Yep. Chad already gets constant validation and attention from foids. They didn’t even care about me.
Chads are to me what random Jews were to Ralph Fiennes in Schindlers List: They "neither offend nor please me".
Chadcels don't exist. They're just Chads that get a sick kick out of torturing us.

Curry "chads" are the only legitimate chadcels. The moment a Chad tells a foid he's curry, its over.

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