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RageFuel Jewflix releasing new show where white Chad cucks his curry stepson

Netflix loves greenlighting absolute garbage like this; anything to push an agenda, kikes will take their losses as long as the message gets out and they benefit in the long-term. Bet a bunch of currywhores are working on the show. :feelshaha:
brutal racepill
i am pretty sure this shit will make some controversy but it will definitely would be way bigger if the guy was a nigger.
That's a chadpreet though
probably HTN curry or chadlite, chadpreets are way more handsome
Bruh, if you think the fictional plot of that series is brutal, you should check out the stuff the actors starring in it have said when talking about it:worryfeels::feelsohgod: :feelsree:.

The thrust of Obsession is broadly as Armitage describes: “Has anybody ever stepped into your life who has given you that sense of overwhelming, indescribable physical obsession? If they have, did you end up in a relationship with them or did you choose to walk away? If they haven’t, I pity you. Because everyone should feel that.”
And some people will feel like: ‘I want to feel that.’ It’s a bit like … oh, I’d better not go there.” “You have to.” “Well, I’m sure there are people in the world who have never had an all-consuming orgasm. You’re missing a large part of being human.”

They were legit admitting in interviews that if you are missing out on overwhelming physical attraction and orgasms with the person you find so attractive, you are missing out on being human:feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee::feelsrope:.
Netflix loves greenlighting absolute garbage like this; anything to push an agenda, kikes will take their losses as long as the message gets out and they benefit in the long-term. Bet a bunch of currywhores are working on the show. :feelshaha:
yup tons of currywhores will probably masturbate to the curry seeing himself get cucked later in the show
Netflix loves greenlighting absolute garbage like this; anything to push an agenda, kikes will take their losses as long as the message gets out and they benefit in the long-term. Bet a bunch of currywhores are working on the show. :feelshaha:
Why is everything on netflix so degenerate and low quality?
Bruh, if you think the fictional plot of that series is brutal, you should check out the stuff the actors starring in it have said when talking about it:worryfeels::feelsohgod: :feelsree:.

They were legit admitting in interviews that if you are missing out on overwhelming physical attraction and orgasms with the person you find so attractive, you are missing out on being human:feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee::feelsrope:.
Fucker Chad actor bragging about his slays while we rot here. Hope he gets bombed
Absolute kekfuel
@Misogynist Curry 卐 @JayGoptri @ilieknothing @currycel⁰ thoughts on why kikes want to turn curries into cucks? imo curries are starting to mog them too much in tech jobs, so they are using the kike media to counter attack
@Grim_Reaper @wereq thogjts?
"If he was black"

Well yeah, a lot of curries are self-loathing and will allow this kind of nonsense without raising hell.

It's not entirely fiction unfortunately, I can totally see some deranged narcopath pigger doing something like this and then doubling down and cucking his own mixed-race son.

People don't believe me when I say caucusoids truly feel entitled to behave this way and no one checks them, so they just double down.
"If he was black"

Well yeah, a lot of curries are self-loathing and will allow this kind of nonsense without raising hell.

It's not entirely fiction unfortunately, I can totally see some deranged narcopath pigger doing something like this and then doubling down and cucking his own mixed-race son.

People don't believe me when I say caucusoids truly feel entitled to behave this way and no one checks them, so they just double down.
true blacks would probably do something if they saw this happening too often. curries are too cucked to protest
@Misogynist Curry 卐 @JayGoptri @ilieknothing @currycel⁰ thoughts on why kikes want to turn curries into cucks? imo curries are starting to mog them too much in tech jobs, so they are using the kike media to counter attack
Indeed when 50% of their population tries to get into acting modelling and singing all which are top 1% jobs curries take up all the rest so this is how they cope
Where's the series about a lonely Inkwell? Surely the kikes in Hollywood will make one eventually?
@Grim_Reaper @wereq thogjts?
Those filthy kikes are doing a bang up job making us bigger punching bags than we already are. They're doing the same thing with chinks, but at least chinks are trying to fight back using kpop to further popularize the prettyboy trend. Curries are too retarded and cucked to do shit.
Where's the series about a lonely Inkwell? Surely the kikes in Hollywood will make one eventually?
Even if they make something it will be anti-inkwell propaganda or it will include ending with former evil inkwell becoming landwhale single mom's betabuxx while she chugs Starbucks soy latte.
Netflix loves greenlighting absolute garbage like this; anything to push an agenda, kikes will take their losses as long as the message gets out and they benefit in the long-term. Bet a bunch of currywhores are working on the show. :feelshaha:
Globo homo
This is what normie cucks call entertainment? Like they spend their free time after work watching a movie about a dude who cucks his stepson? What terrific entertainment! They probably go onto Netflix's website and write a review about the cuckold movie. Is there a "cuckold" genre on Jewflix yet? There should be.
"If he was black"

Well yeah, a lot of curries are self-loathing and will allow this kind of nonsense without raising hell.

It's not entirely fiction unfortunately
If we're being blunt, most of curry history starter when a bunch of proto-white men fucked a bunch of proto-curry women. So youre right its not entirely fictional
I can totally see some deranged narcopath pigger doing something like this and then doubling down and cucking his own mixed-race son.
Yep, happens all the time just without the mixed race bit. Seen tons of white men fuck their sons GF in reddit posts or news stories
People don't believe me when I say caucusoids truly feel entitled to behave this way and no one checks them, so they just double down.
They feel this way because indians worship whitness, most indians would be happy to be cucked by a white man if it means having a lighter child
Even if they make something it will be anti-inkwell propaganda or it will include ending with former evil inkwell becoming landwhale single mom's betabuxx while she chugs Starbucks soy latte.
True jfl
Where's the series about a lonely Inkwell? Surely the kikes in Hollywood will make one eventually?
they'll probably make one and then make him into a faggot/tranny as well.
This is what normie cucks call entertainment? Like they spend their free time after work watching a movie about a dude who cucks his stepson? What terrific entertainment! They probably go onto Netflix's website and write a review about the cuckold movie. Is there a "cuckold" genre on Jewflix yet? There should be.
yup and these Netflix loving libtards call us disgusting. They literally watch the most depraved shows that they can. And buy merchandise and other shit too.
Netflix loves greenlighting absolute garbage like this; anything to push an agenda, kikes will take their losses as long as the message gets out and they benefit in the long-term. Bet a bunch of currywhores are working on the show. :feelshaha:
Netflix started off as a good business idea, made it big, and now hemorrhages money to put out globohomo garbage like this. They don’t even profit off these shows. They don’t even care if anyone watches it. They will spend billions promoting degeneracy just because they can.

It doesn’t matter if it’s medieval nobility story full of black people, or a movie about twerking elementary schoolers, or a show about a woman cheating on her husband, or a cartoon about puberty. The plot doesn’t matter, the story doesn’t matter, the budget doesn’t matter, all that matters is how much grotesque filth they can stuff into one production.

big mouth missy GIF by NETFLIX

It makes you wonder how long Hollywood can continue running in the red, pumping out garbage, that their credit score tanks so much they can’t borrow enough money to keep churning out trash. Top Gun: Maverick fucking exploded because people finally got to watch a cool movie with explosions and no tranny buttsex.

Tom Cruise Yes GIF by Hollywood Suite
brutal racepill
i am pretty sure this shit will make some controversy but it will definitely would be way bigger if the guy was a nigger.

probably HTN curry or chadlite, chadpreets are way more handsome
It won’t make any controversy because nobody will watch it. They don’t care. They pump out this shit into the universe just so that it exists. They’re like shitposters writing paragraphs on the Chan that nobody will ever read.

Just like that shitshow Sex/Life.

View: https://youtu.be/jCS-Y6Sp7CI

Nobody watched this cinematic vomit, but it got greenlit for a second season anyways. Hell, just fucking Google “Netflix Sex” and you’ll see 10+ different Netflix originals that literally have sex in the name.
>Sex Education

They shit out a new one every year.
I like how the media destroys the already abysmal curry and rice SMV. They do everything they can to raise black SMV though. Hollywood and porn love blacks.
What fucking bullshit. Imagine if he was like “hey nigger I’ve fucking your bitch” everybody would cry but when it’s a curry
Based it’s funny af ngl also that’s his son in the show
It won’t make any controversy because nobody will watch it. They don’t care. They pump out this shit into the universe just so that it exists. They’re like shitposters writing paragraphs on the Chan that nobody will ever read.

Just like that shitshow Sex/Life.

View: https://youtu.be/jCS-Y6Sp7CI

Nobody watched this cinematic vomit, but it got greenlit for a second season anyways. Hell, just fucking Google “Netflix Sex” and you’ll see 10+ different Netflix originals that literally have sex in the name.
>Sex Education

They shit out a new one every year.

I have to agree. Most normal people aren't watching all this shit. Netflix is just so big that even with all types of trash being greenlit, they earn fat stacks to fund trash
So his white father ducking his son fiancee
The accountants in Hollywood have done the math and figured out that all the growth and potential movie revenue in the future will come from either sex workers,trannies, cucks, and incels - the 4 fastest growing segments of society.

So naturaliy they jump on these trends and start producing content to target one or more of these markets.

And of course sometimes they'll do crossover movies that target 2 or more segments. Like the new Jennifer Lawrence movie where she plays a prostitute who gets hired by the parents of an incel.

View: https://youtu.be/pzvQAg9FkX8

This is the future of movies. Soon Marvel and DC will get in on the action and we'll have transexual superheroes who fight supervillians who happen to be incels.
@Misogynist Curry 卐 @JayGoptri @ilieknothing @currycel⁰ thoughts on why kikes want to turn curries into cucks? imo curries are starting to mog them too much in tech jobs, so they are using the kike media to counter attack
The Jews at Netflix did their market research. They know foids hate currys the most and their fantasy is to cuck the curry with a BDSM white Chad.

The cucking will be worth it though if the curry murders the whore and Chad at the end
The accountants in Hollywood have done the math and figured out that all the growth and potential movie revenue in the future will come from either sex workers,trannies, cucks, and incels - the 4 fastest growing segments of society.

So naturaliy they jump on these trends and start producing content to target one or more of these markets.

And of course sometimes they'll do crossover movies that target 2 or more segments. Like the new Jennifer Lawrence movie where she plays a prostitute who gets hired by the parents of an incel.

View: https://youtu.be/pzvQAg9FkX8

This is the future of movies. Soon Marvel and DC will get in on the action and we'll have transexual superheroes who fight supervillians who happen to be incels.

Absolute fucking degenerate cringe, instead of addressing the inceldom problem they would rather mock it with their shitty goyslop
@Misogynist Curry 卐 @JayGoptri @ilieknothing @currycel⁰ thoughts on why kikes want to turn curries into cucks? imo curries are starting to mog them too much in tech jobs, so they are using the kike media to counter attack
Assuming you are talking about the Western world? Kikes and Curries (specifically Brahmins) in the upper middle class have always had somewhat of
close relationship, especially in academia, medicine (and now days) maybe business, sales and IT related outfits. Brahmins and Kikes in the U.S. become butt buddies. So it's nothing new. Kikes have always been on the cutting edge of saying whatever is trendy and Curry Brahmins in the West (in America) like to follow their examples in behavior. That = Cuckery. In India this doesn't happen much, there are very very few Kikes.

@Misogynist Curry 卐 is an Indian. He doesn't know jack about how Jews and Brahmins in America truly cooperate etc. He's not from the right family either.

@ilieknothing is Australian. So I wouldny mind hearing his opinion on the Jew diaspora of Jews and Brahmins there today if he knows anything about it.

@currycel⁰ - where do you live? Wouldn't mind getting your thoughts either if you are a Desi Westerner.
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Netflix loves greenlighting absolute garbage like this; anything to push an agenda, kikes will take their losses as long as the message gets out and they benefit in the long-term. Bet a bunch of currywhores are working on the show. :feelshaha:
Not just Netflix, HBO, Showtime, etc. And of course, Amazon = One of the worst.
Assuming you are talking about the Western world? Kikes and Curries (specifically Brahmins) in the upper middle class have always had somewhat of
close relationship, especially in academia, medicine (and now days) maybe business, sales and IT related outfits. Brahmins and Kikes in the U.S. become butt buddies. So it's nothing new. Kikes have always been on the cutting edge of saying whatever is trendy and Curry Brahmins in the West (in America) like to follow their examples in behavior. That = Cuckery. In India this doesn't happen much, there are very very few Kikes.

@Misogynist Curry 卐 is an Indian. He doesn't know jack about how Jews and Brahmins in America truly cooperate etc. He's not from the right family either.

@ilieknothing is Australian. So I wouldny mind hearing his opinion on the Jew diaspora of Jews and Brahmins there today if he knows anything about it.

@currycel⁰ - where do you live? Wouldn't mind getting your thoughts either if you are a Desi Westerner.
Well I don’t really know how the Brahmins are. Whenever I am around currys, I am usually with Muslims cause my family and all my connections so I don’t know any Brahmins. The Jews are immensely rich and I have only ever encountered them at uni or the workplace and they have never been interested in being friends. So I have no idea of the relations between Jews and Brahmins
The media will always portray curries in a negatively light

Us curries will always be portrayed as poorfag low iq rapists or weak beta nerds, simps, soycucks etc.
Well I don’t really know how the Brahmins are. Whenever I am around currys, I am usually with Muslims cause my family and all my connections so I don’t know any Brahmins. The Jews are immensely rich and I have only ever encountered them at uni or the workplace and they have never been interested in being friends. So I have no idea of the relations between Jews and Brahmins
Yeah so then he^ is not qualified to speak on the matter @Transcended Trucel. Jewish upper middle class folk usually don't associate with Muslims. Also, I'm not even sure if this kind of social structure even exists in Australia. I don't know if there are Australian Brahmins and Australian Jews, clinking glasses together and having their children associate and being apart of this sort of community together...

It's quite possibly only in America and Europe large scale.
The media will always portray curries in a negatively light

Us curries will always be portrayed as poorfag low iq rapists or weak beta nerds, simps, soycucks etc.
This is not at all how the media portrays curries in the U.S. at the moment. They portray noteworthy curries with respect. Ex: Vivek Ramaswami and Cash Patel. Both the Left and the Right wings show them respect. And in cuckservstive circles, even for low level has station curries (like Tucker Carlson did for that curry who shot that black robber, I forgot his name) they portrayed him as the "hero" of the situation.

Of course, no name curries usually don't get mentioned at all.
The media will always portray curries in a negatively light

Us curries will always be portrayed as poorfag low iq rapists or weak beta nerds, simps, soycucks etc.
libtards seem to hate us more than cuckservatives at the moment due to curries taking lots of the high paying white collar jobs.
This is not at all how the media portrays curries in the U.S. at the moment. They portray noteworthy curries with respect. Ex: Vivek Ramaswami and Cash Patel. Both the Left and the Right wings show them respect. And in cuckservstive circles, even for low level has station curries (like Tucker Carlson did for that curry who shot that black robber, I forgot his name) they portrayed him as the "hero" of the situation.

Of course, no name curries usually don't get mentioned at all.
left wing people support affirmative action which fucks curries/rice/whites. but especially rice/curries get fucked. Not sure if you can call that supportive. Also on many leftist subreddits/spaces. Insulting blacks/spics is 100% no go but attacking rice/curries is completely tolerated
Assuming you are talking about the Western world? Kikes and Curries (specifically Brahmins) in the upper middle class have always had somewhat of
close relationship, especially in academia, medicine (and now days) maybe business, sales and IT related outfits. Brahmins and Kikes in the U.S. become butt buddies. So it's nothing new. Kikes have always been on the cutting edge of saying whatever is trendy and Curry Brahmins in the West (in America) like to follow their examples in behavior. That = Cuckery. In India this doesn't happen much, there are very very few Kikes.

@Misogynist Curry 卐 is an Indian. He doesn't know jack about how Jews and Brahmins in America truly cooperate etc. He's not from the right family either.

@ilieknothing is Australian. So I wouldny mind hearing his opinion on the Jew diaspora of Jews and Brahmins there today if he knows anything about it.

@currycel⁰ - where do you live? Wouldn't mind getting your thoughts either if you are a Desi Westerner.
I live in pajeetland
libtards seem to hate us more than cuckservatives at the moment due to curries taking lots of the high paying white collar jobs.

left wing people support affirmative action which fucks curries/rice/whites. but especially rice/curries get fucked. Not sure if you can call that supportive. Also on many leftist subreddits/spaces. Insulting blacks/spics is 100% no go but attacking rice/curries is completely tolerated
Your thinking here is too stiff. Your facts are correct but that's not what I mean. Forget the Incel community for a sec (and yes many idiots quibbling over these things on reddit or similar spaces are in the minority like Incels). The normie and high tier career successful curries are not all disliked in the U.S. or chastised or mocked. They are supported. Leftist NGO curries (yes most are women but they have their army of cucked men) and then cuckservstive curries and Sikhs and gujju business people are mostly liked by republicans. So it's not as simple as just where someone falls on the affirmative action question.

The curries and normies you are talking about are all sewer people arguing on the internet..that's only like 20% of the curry population. Rest are not engaged in that as much.

Yes left Winger might be hurting curries, but they don't openly state or display their prejudice, that's what I meant. Cuckservstives in the middle and upper classes don't either. In the ghetto, yes everyone acts like animals. This will increase as the middle class dissipates in America due to the failing economy..

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