Why is it always disagreeing with, disliking her shit, thinking she's full of shit when she is, just not wanting to deal with her dumb shit, hey she's not sucking my dick!!!!, why do they always say it's "MYSUTHOGONUHNEEYAH!!!! WYMNZ HATENZ!!!!! AAAARRRRGGGHHHZZZZ!!!!!"
There's hatred, and a fucking jew would know about that! and then there is not wanting to deal people's dumb shit.
So the jew doesn't want to redistribute sex, but oh of course he wants to redistribute the money......
From his twitter, or (((his))) twitter, but when the jew is ignored, it's a different story.....
"This is a guy who sees a girl, falls in love, and then doctors are saying he's going to die unless he has sex with the girl. It's a weird obsessive creep. Why should she even have to disturbed by knowing he exists?