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Cope Jesusmaxx

  • Thread starter IamJacksBrokenHeart
  • Start date


May 7, 2018
God doesnt exist .

And if he exists , he hates us .
If he exists , he despises us .
Maybe we are just failed experiments meant to suffer without a reason and having to fight so hard to cling on to hope and find some sense of purpose by invest our Ego into stupid Ideologies .

Maybe i should have become religious tbh , its extremely easy to delude yourself and prey on desperate people .
Spin Reality on its Head and just say that suffering is strength and that being born ugly makes you a chosen one .
Tell yourself those lies everyday , until youre starting to believe them yourself .

Maybe Jesus existed ,
but if he did , he was just a mortal man .
He tried to cope with the fact that his mother was a cheating , lying whore and his father was a desperate cuck .
So he tried all his Life to grow beyind the pathetic shadow of his father , to become something greater , someone to be respected .
Kept telling himself he is the Son of God until he believed it and once he believed it , he started preaching his Ideology with Fanatism , it was easy to convince desperate bluepillers to blindly follow his ideology .

He wasnt some kind of blue eyed Chad


At best he was a desperate Ethnic , trying to be
a better person than his cucked father
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But i bet he had a good time pretending to be the son of God and preaching his bluepilled Ideology .
He may have ended up on the cross ,
but it was worth it .

Just Jesusmaxx bro .
Just Mental Illnessmaxx .
Just tell yourself youre the son of God theory .
Just low inhibmaxx and start your own Religion .
Just rise from the dead and lift giant boulders .
hello and bye
Just be the son of God bro!
mogs me cus jesus
Downloadfile 25

"who is this ugly subhuman?
not my Jesus that's for sure, my Jesus was a blue eyed Chad" teehee
brutal Jesuspill tbh
People wouldn't even believe in Jesus if they knew he was genetic trash... especially toilets
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I disagree.

Jesus was an ugly sand creature. Related to the Palestinians.

He was also an incel. Or at least incel tier. The paintings were done by Greeks and Romans who had no idea what he looked like. In Africa the depict him as black in their churches.

Ugly people got laid back in his time. He chose not to because he did the spiritual path. Not here to debate religion at all, but bashing Jesus is really pointless when you look at the facts.
I disagree.

Jesus was an ugly sand creature. Related to the Palestinians.

He was also an incel. Or at least incel tier. The paintings were done by Greeks and Romans who had no idea what he looked like. In Africa the depict him as black in their churches.

Ugly people got laid back in his time. He chose not to because he did the spiritual path. Not here to debate religion at all, but bashing Jesus is really pointless when you look at the facts.
im not bashing him .
im just saying that he had a troubled upbringing but he decided to focus his energy on something greater than himself .
Im also saying that he controlled his brain and endulged in controlled mental illness also know has religion to motivate himself and tried to change the world for the better .
its a motivating thought .
Only one way to find out I suppose
im not bashing him .
im just saying that he had a troubled upbringing but he decided to focus his energy on something greater than himself .
Im also saying that he controlled his brain and endulged in controlled mental illness also know has religion to motivate himself and tried to change the world for the better .
its a motivating thought .
Not everyone is an atheist like you are man.

That is the problem with atheists. Zero respect for people of differing opinion. Just none.

You say that you are angry at religious people for prostyletising but atheists do the same thing. All the time. Constantly.

Why dont you just let people believe what they want to? I don't see how that is a difficult thing to do. You live in a part of the world where you are free to believe what you want, so treasure that freedom instead of lambasting everyone who has a different view than you do.

Normally this happens every election cycle in the U.S., much less in the UK, in Ireland it happens a fair but but nothing like it does in the USA. Atheists think that their rights are somehow being infringed on by the other party, but that simply doesn't happen in this country. Or in Canada. Or in the UK. Or in Ireland. Or anywhere in the West. It's only an issue in the middle east and Africa and it's not the Christians who are normally the problem.

"Live and let live". The last generation that really lived by that slogan were the boomers. The generation that millennials hate for almost no reason.
Not everyone is an atheist like you are man.

That is the problem with atheists. Zero respect for people of differing opinion. Just none.

You say that you are angry at religious people for prostyletising but atheists do the same thing. All the time. Constantly.

Why dont you just let people believe what they want to? I don't see how that is a difficult thing to do. You live in a part of the world where you are free to believe what you want, so treasure that freedom instead of lambasting everyone who has a different view than you do.

Normally this happens every election cycle in the U.S., much less in the UK, in Ireland it happens a fair but but nothing like it does in the USA. Atheists think that their rights are somehow being infringed on by the other party, but that simply doesn't happen in this country. Or in Canada. Or in the UK. Or in Ireland. Or anywhere in the West. It's only an issue in the middle east and Africa and it's not the Christians who are normally the problem.

"Live and let live". The last generation that really lived by that slogan were the boomers. The generation that millennials hate for almost no reason.
i support that .
i can understand people who believe and i highly respect that .
But that doesnt mean i cant talk freely about what comes to my mind .
Maybe im a little bit harsh with my absolutist statements , but sometimes i let my autism get the better of me .
Its just my opinion .
And you have yours .
In the end we are both right cause we cant prove each other wrong .
Thats the beautiful thing about Religion .
You cant deny it completely , cause " God works in mysterious ways " .
i support that .
i can understand people who believe and i highly respect that .
But that doesnt mean i cant talk freely about what comes to my mind .
Maybe im a little bit harsh with my absolutist statements , but sometimes i let my autism get the better of me .
Its just my opinion .
And you have yours .
In the end we are both right cause we cant prove each other wrong .
Thats the beautiful thing about Religion .
You cant deny it completely , cause " God works in mysterious ways " .
Don't worry. I'm on the spectrum too. My religion has gone back and forth, too. I used to be an atheist at one time, also. Just be glad that you live in a country where you are free and no one will cut your head off just because you don't believe in something. Because there are places like that in 2020. Hard to believe, but true.
kind of but up to you

It is Over
Mogs me at looking manly
High IQ post. Even if this god existed he isn't all that ppl are painting him to be.
religion cope
i can understand people who believe and i highly respect that .
I can't, religion is cope and the fact that there are people in the first world , in the modern era, still believing in ancient and medieval era fairytales is insanity.
I can't, religion is cope and the fact that there are people in the first world , in the modern era, still believing in ancient and medieval era fairytales is insanity.
its a good cope and thus i respect it .
I can reepect any good cope except being a cuck .
He was an unconventional Rabbi who only preached to jews and got sacked for it. He spoke of God and the Jewish ethno-state, mostly not morals or philosophy.

Saul/Paul who was a jew changed it and started preaching to the gentiles. This was before the gospels were written by the end of the first century. Trinity and innate sin instead of innate blessing came with Athanasius in the 3rd century in an attempt to centralise the control of the dogma and be able to brand those who disagreed with the determined faith as destined for hell. The resurrection was edited in after 500 AD as shown by a miraculously preserved east-roman bible from 500 AD without resurrection in the gospels. It is the oldest preserved bible. They thought it would be better if he resurrected and gave a warming speech instead of just being a martyr who voluntarily died for our wrongdoings.
The resurrection could have been edited in just before the creation of Islam which partially grew out of Arab Christianity and denies resurrection.

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