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Blackpill JBW Only Works for Pretty Boys



Jan 31, 2018
By pretty boy, I mean somebody with NW1 hair and clear skin. This is especially true when retarded ethnic copers want to convince white guys on here to just go to Asia and slay. Asian bitches praise white features, yes, but that's only when it's paired with a full head of hair, faggot looking pale skin, perfect teeth, and soft looking features. Noodlewhores worship degenerate things like k-pop which admires femininity, so a white guy that shys away from that is invisible. Not every white guy is flawless. They still have to be a 4/10 at the very least to find success with anything.

Outside of gooks, the typical white guy only succeeds with women due to good looks. Sure, whites are more attractive on average, but there's still the bottom of the barrel which consists of tons incels that suffer in silence. Why do you think this site is filled to the brim with white KHV incels?

Ethnic copers need to gain some perspective and take their heads out of their asses.
JBW is a giga cope in the West. It was invented by ugly ethnics to blame "whitey" and "race" for not getting laid, instead of directly blaming their looks.
I'm a fucking ogre, wheres the JBW theory now? Anything based on race is just bullshit jewish scheming.
Nah ugly whites can get some sexy tings in south east Asia and sometimes even places like Korea and Japan.
Most people where I live hate white people. JBW is a fucking joke.
JBW is tumblr tier cope.
JBW is a giga cope in the West. It was invented by ugly ethnics to blame "whitey" and "race" for not getting laid, instead of directly blaming their looks.



Finally some actual logic on this forum

Just Be Black Or Non-Asian/Indian Ethnic
No, all whites are automatically chads.
Most people where I live hate white people. JBW is a fucking joke.
Hatred of whites stems from envy. From an objective analysis there is nothing to hate about them other than that they are racist and tribal just like every other race. Why do people care that whites are racist and not Chinese? Because they only care about whites. Even Chinese don't care about other Chinese. When you realize the world only cares about whites and white men, it will become clear why JBW is not a joke. Why can't sjws/liberals/media get white males out of their heads? Because they're obsessed with them at a pathological level because they represent success and power, things that liberals hate.

South Texas. The entire white side of my family under the age of 30 dates and has kids with black/hispanic, even asian. Kids got beat up here and stuff knocked out of their hands in middle school for being white. White is genuinely an insult here. You'll get openly shit talked in a workplace, just for being white, etc.
South Texas. The entire white side of my family under the age of 30 dates and has kids with black/hispanic, even asian. Kids got beat up here and stuff knocked out of their hands in middle school for being white. White is genuinely an insult here. You'll get openly shit talked in a workplace, just for being white, etc.

I believe that, it's probably like 80+% Mexican down there.
I believe that, it's probably like 80+% Mexican down there.
Yeah. It got a bit worse since a lot of black people after hurricane Katrina move here. Which meant low income, low skill, low IQ people who pretty much couldn't afford to do anything other than what the government provided for them. Hispanic>White>Black here, and asians here generally stick to themselves. Most of the Mexican people are incredibly hateful to anyone that isn't their own kind and pretty much decide everything.
I see. Are you saying they treat blacks bad? I grew up in the southwest (but no longer live there) so I understand the mexican-white dynamic a little bit.
The entire white side of my family under the age of 30 dates and has kids with black/hispanic.

How does this disprove JBW? It means whites are highly sought after as sexual partners.
South Texas. The entire white side of my family under the age of 30 dates and has kids with black/hispanic, even asian. Kids got beat up here and stuff knocked out of their hands in middle school for being white. White is genuinely an insult here. You'll get openly shit talked in a workplace, just for being white, etc.

Lifefuel for a non-white like me.
How do u know this tbh? Have you tried. This 5 foot 6 manlet fucked many hot women in Asia and got a few pregnant and I'm pretty sure you mog him even with your terrible acne (seen your pic)
I've never been to Asia so I wouldn't know what it's like,but if this fucking framecel bobblehead looking cunt can slay virgin jbs:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree: then it's gotta be legit,better be its my last hope.
Mogs me into the ground. Would swap looks in a heartbeat
Are you white?
Genius IQ thread.

Ugly is ugly regardless of race.
Lifefuel for a non-white like me.
Think again boyo. White females have the lowest rate of intermarriage of all women.

Mostly white men marrying those black/Hispanic women in the Southwestern USA. I see it firsthand everyday.
Think again boyo. White females have the lowest rate of intermarriage of all women.

Mostly white men marrying those black/Hispanic women in the Southwestern USA. I see it firsthand everyday.

I'm talking about the 'beat-up in high-school' part.
I'm a fucking ogre, wheres the JBW theory now? Anything based on race is just bullshit jewish scheming.
I think it's a way to divide and conquer us. Most JB theories are either X race can be ugly and get femoids, or Y race can be ugly and get femoids. If anything, all it proves is the majority of rosties are racist on top of being lookist. I don't know why people here are mad at each other when it's the rosties to blame.
By pretty boy, I mean somebody with NW1 hair and clear skin. This is especially true when retarded ethnic copers want to convince white guys on here to just go to Asia and slay. Asian bitches praise white features, yes, but that's only when it's paired with a full head of hair, faggot looking pale skin, perfect teeth, and soft looking features. Noodlewhores worship degenerate things like k-pop which admires femininity, so a white guy that shys away from that is invisible. Not every white guy is flawless. They still have to be a 4/10 at the very least to find success with anything.

Outside of gooks, the typical white guy only succeeds with women due to good looks. Sure, whites are more attractive on average, but there's still the bottom of the barrel which consists of tons incels that suffer in silence. Why do you think this site is filled to the brim with white KHV incels?

Ethnic copers need to gain some perspective and take their heads out of their asses.

Most of that shit is easy as fuck. Want a full head of hair? Take finasteride/dutasteride. Want clear skin? There are a thousand good acne treatments.

It's not like being a bald acne ridden ethnic is easier in any way whatsoever.

And changing your race is impossible, while treating hair loss and acne is entirely possible.
Every Asian bitch I've seen has had the features of King Kai off Dragon Ball Z.

I'd rather rope, go ER or LDAR than even speak to an Asian hole.
Most of that shit is easy as fuck. Want a full head of hair? Take finasteride/dutasteride. Want clear skin? There are a thousand good acne treatments.

It's not like being a bald acne ridden ethnic is easier in any way whatsoever.

And changing your race is impossible, while treating hair loss and acne is entirely possible.
Right... A white guy with harsh balding genes on both sides of the family will maintain a full head of hair with some shitty drug that destroys their manhood.

And a guy with this face will clear up his skin and get laid

This was literally me a year ago

Every Asian bitch I've seen has had the features of King Kai off Dragon Ball Z.

I'd rather rope, go ER or LDAR than even speak to an Asian hole.
Wrong,king kai is funny.
Think again boyo. White females have the lowest rate of intermarriage of all women.

Mostly white men marrying those black/Hispanic women in the Southwestern USA. I see it firsthand everyday.

keyword intermarriage

This was literally me a year ago

Nigga you 15. Go outside and ride bikes with your friends.

keyword intermarriage
Still, even outside of marriage I don't think white women are going for ethniks. I literally never see white women with ethnik guys other than the occasional BBC. I'd like to see some stats tho.

I find your picture kind of ironic. She's disgusting but still, the only reason she chose Kalerthon was because he's white.
Anti JBW theory is gigacope, JBW is validated by statistics, anti JBW is validated by ethnic LARPers. JFL if you think a white chad isnt the very top of the foodchain in hookups and marriage
Right... A white guy with harsh balding genes on both sides of the family will maintain a full head of hair with some shitty drug that destroys their manhood.

And a guy with this face will clear up his skin and get laid

This was literally me a year ago

Guy look like a better looking supremepatty, JFL just get ur acne therapy pleb
dude sorry but you don't look white

you sure you are wasp ? and not one of the mr.56% ?
Blonde and blue eyed since the day I was born
blonde and blue eyed ?

can you dm me a picture ? I wont share. the pictures you posted on my thread looked like spic/asian
Bro, I have the worst cystic acne imaginable. I'm not trying to lower my self esteem with anoher photo of my pizza face.
Right... A white guy with harsh balding genes on both sides of the family will maintain a full head of hair with some shitty drug that destroys their manhood.

And a guy with this face will clear up his skin and get laid

This was literally me a year ago


Did you try accutane? And yes dutasteride works for over 99% of men. If you choose to go bald dont blame anyone else for that.

Balding and acne kill SMV for men of all races. It's not specific to whites.
JBW is a giga cope in the West. It was invented by ugly ethnics to blame "whitey" and "race" for not getting laid, instead of directly blaming their looks.
JBW works in SEA as @itsOVER has shown and you yourself even said that lebanese foids will jump on the first with sob they see.
In the west it gives you a small advantage, not saying that if i were white i could pass for low tier normie,
but what i mean it gives you a small advantage cause "white" traits are considered attractive.

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