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Brutal JBW in full effect

I just want all ethnic men to know how over it is for you
I just want all ethnic men to know how over it is for you
Being ethnic is strike 1 and 2. If you have any other flaws, you get struck out. It's ovER coomskins should be banned from this forum tbh
Looks fay af
Either way he's tall and probably NT. Stop shitting up the forum w this garbage
Don't tell me what to do bitch this guy is not considered tall you coping fakecels need to GTFO this forum inceldom is an ethnic man's problem
Whites can't be incel unless they are under 5 feet tall or horribly disfigured and even then they still might have a better chance than your average shit skin
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Looks hapa tbh
He does honestly.
His ethnic looksmatch roped

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@vanibarrioss/video/7273878482961108266?lang=en

Here's a better look at him. He literally looks like your average tik-tok zoomerfag. I also do somewhat suspect him of being partly Asian or Hispanic like @Rotter said.

Either way he's tall and probably NT. Stop shitting up the forum w this garbage
Exactly. Without the glasses he is fairly normie looking, which when combined with a good height & being NT will guarantee success albeit with a lower-tier foid.
:blackpill:All whites are fakecel unless they are under 5 feet tall or horribly disfigured.
Don't tell me what to do bitch this guy is not considered tall you coping fakecels need to GTFO this forum inceldom is an ethnic man's problem
Whites can't be incel unless they are under 5 feet tall or horribly disfigured and even then they still might have a better cancer than your average shit skin
Nigger faggot
Here's a better look at him. He literally looks like your average tik-tok zoomerfag. I also do somewhat suspect him of being partly Asian or Hispanic like @
Like I said his ethnic looksmatch roped the only reason he can get that is the white halo.
and even then they still might have a better cancer than your average shit skin
t. shitskin fakecel who is saying this because he is a normie fag who blames his "inceldom" on muh shitskin
"whitecels" have no right to be complaining if they haven't at least geomaxxed yet
"whitecels" have no right to be complaining if they haven't at least geomaxxed yet
Just betabuxx an ugly gook who will cuck you and possibly end up on a gore site theory.
t. shitskin fakecel who is saying this because he is a normie fag who blames his "inceldom" on muh shitskin
I'm not fakecel kill yourself fakecel cracker
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Being ethnic is strike 1 and 2. If you have any other flaws, you get struck out. It's ovER coomskins should be banned from this forum tbh
You think the average ethnic man is a retard you are probably some ethnic normie
I'm an incel 100% because I'm a non thugmaxxed manlet ethnic
So you admit your volcel
No for one thing I have no way of getting to a third world country and no have money to betabuxx with. Two that is basically no different from escortceling and escortcels are allowed on this forum.
I'm an incel 100% because I'm a non thugmaxxed manlet ethnic
You saying we're "volcels" for not going to some third-world shithole & running visa, passport, and money/first-world game(which any normie of any race can do with cash) can also be applied to your not choosing to thugmaxxing. Not saying you are a fakecel for this, but I am just speaking objectively.
No for one thing I have no way of getting to a third world country and no have money to betabuxx with. Two that is basically no different from escortceling and escortcels are allowed on this forum.
Geomaxxing only works for whites no women wants ethnic men because of his race. Only ethnic men they want is Tyrone meanwhile average white man is treated like a God.
Geomaxxing only works for whites no women wants ethnic men because of his race.
They are doing it for money and a greencard it has nothing to do with race
You saying we're "volcels" for not going to some third-world shithole & running visa, passport, and money/first-world game(which any normie of any race can do with cash)

meanwhile average white man is treated like a God.
This isn't true and even if it was you said average white man and the whites users here aren't average.
Like I said his ethnic looksmatch roped the only reason he can get that is the white halo.
An ethnic normie is still a normie. Yes, a white normie may have it slightly easier than an ethnic normie, but that ethnic normie still will be able to ascend due to his average looks & NT factors.
inceldom is an ethnic man's problem
You are failing to see the bigger picture here. Inceldom is basically a side-effect of the Kikes, ZOG, WEF, etc. to lower the global population, create a more depressed populace of males, encourage race mixing, etc.

Inceldom affects individuals of all races, since the Kikes are the enemies of all peoples but especially whites.
They are doing it for money and a greencard it has nothing to do with race
Whites have global power and ethnic foids see white males as a ticket to that power they will always choose a cumskin over an ethnic of they get the chance no matter how subhuman he is just like that user itsover
An ethnic normie is still a normie. Yes, a white normie may have it slightly easier than an ethnic normie, but that ethnic normie still will be able to ascend due to his average looks & NT factors.
That guy in the video is no more neurotyipical than any blackcel on this forum
You are failing to see the bigger picture here. Inceldom is basically a side-effect of the Kikes, ZOG, WEF, etc. to lower the global population, create a more depressed populace of males, encourage race mixing, etc.
The only people race mixing is whites and Tyrones with all races of women
Why can't these fakecels admit being white gives you a global halo to women
Him being white Latino just shows how ethnic foids favor ethnics who are mixed with white
Whites have global greencard and ethnic foids see white males as a ticket to that first world country they will always choose a cumskin but cuck him with ethnic Chads from her country
@Adolf Hitler GTFO the thread dumbass
Whites have global power
Not true, this is the kikes & their allies. Which includes Leftists, most governments, etc.
That guy in the video is no more neurotyipical than any blackcel on this forum
He seems fairly neurotypical, and even then, he is average normie looking. Do you really think any true autist would be able to get a GF, or let alone be some Tik-Tok E-Boy?

The only people race mixing is whites and Tyrones with all races of women
Not entirely true. Some black Tyronelites, HTNs, and even tall normies who thugmaxx or statusmax by playing on black stereotypes have been able to get Latina, Noodlewhore, or even white foids and racemix with them.

I have also seen this happen with plenty of Hispanic males being able to get black or white women, whilst also having distinctly hispanic features(brown-dark brown skin, jet black hair, flatter nose, etc).

Why do whitecels get racist when they have no comeback
You have also said your fair share of racial insults on here
I'm not fakecel kill yourself fakecel cracker
and you also directly accused anyone who is white of being a fakecel, based upon the fact some(likely mixed hapa or white latino) with normie looks & Mogger NT levels who looks like a shitty Tik-Tok zoomerfag is dating an ethnic foid.
Normies with look at this and still cope about jbw not being true.
Rnt they essentially both white kek? Oh no shes latina oh dear god shes latina latinas r mostly white get real man
Rnt they essentially both white kek? Oh no shes latina oh dear god shes latina latinas r mostly white get real man
She's ethnic

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