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Blackpill JBW can't explain this (Moroccans edition)

Zhou Chang-Xing

Zhou Chang-Xing

Feb 16, 2022
I came in here being a very strong believer in JBW, but the more that I look into things the more I believe that JBW isn't a fully genetic phenomenon but a mix between a genetic and mostly social phenomenon. Some aspects of it are due to other things more common among White men, such as White men being taller (though I think that the heightpill is exaggerated), more intelligent (though JBW is the strongest in countries where toilets are of superior to comparable intelligence than White men), and wealthy (but this wouldn't explain why non-White men of similar wealth would be less successful). Now, the reason I am doubting JBW more and more is because JBW is reportedly the strongest among NAWA (North African & West Asian) toilets, but Dutch statistics show very little exogamy among Moroccans and among Turks most exogamous relationships are between Turkish men and Dutch or other non-Turk toilets.

Today I stumbled across this article from an official Dutch government website:



This guy is obviously not a mogger, look:


This is a Moroccan man who married a Moroccan toilet who was naturalised Dutch citizen and got his Dutch passport through his marriage with the toilet on the right. Look how receding his hairline is, how short he is, how bad her jawline is, he has a disgusting mole near his lip, but he still found love twice and has a daughter.

Not his first visa, he first married another toilet but divorced and is now happily married with the above one. Regarding the first marriage, despite HIM being from the Kingdom of Morocco and SHE being born in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This was a Moroccan fisherman who first married a Dutch toilet, got the visa, after getting a permanent visa and a divorce got a Moroccan wife.

I also found this article:


I often read gossip papers by toilets for toilets, an interesting part is:

"Na de kwestie van Black Lives Matter, heb ik dialogen gehouden met mijn vriendinnen, maar ook met Marokkaanse kennissen. Met name met die kennissen heb ik het gehad over interraciale huwelijken en vooral met een donkere partner. Scheve gezichten werden er direct getrokken en ik werd zelf verbaal aangevallen door een dame die het een 100% NO-GO vond. Zij zou haar kinderen niet meer willen zien als zij met een donker persoon thuis kwamen…"

She talks about how there is a strong culture of Moroccan mothers telling their daughters to only ever marry a Moroccan man, and she talks about how if she would ever come home with a White Dutchman that her mother would go bonkers, but that if she would come home with a Sub-Saharan ("een donkere man", a dark-skinned man) how her mother and even most other Moroccans would go absolutely bonkers.

"Mocht ik een nieuwe man leren kennen die een andere etniciteit heeft, dan hoop ik stiekem een klein beetje op een man met een donkere huidskleur. Ik zal dan met trots en met vlinders in mijn buik naast hem lopen. Enne de (hatelijke) blikken die ik dan misschien toegeworpen krijg, zal ik dan maar wijselijk negeren.

L’amour est belle, trés belle !!!"

(If I meet a new man who has a different ethnicity, I secretly hope for a man with a dark skin colour. I will then walk next to him with pride and butterflies in my stomach. And I will wisely ignore the (hateful) looks that I may receive.

Love is beautiful, very beautiful!!!)

Basically she was socialised in only dating Moroccan men, was married for 20 years with a Moroccan man, felt unhappy in the marriage, and she now hopes that her next husband will be Black.

I wonder how much of JBW is just social conformity "either marry a man from the in-group or the dominant ethnic group, avoid niggers" is literally something Chinese and Indian mothers tell their daughters, and in the Netherlands most Curry toilets almost exclusively date Curry men, the exception are Hindustani-Surinamese who only mildly see themselves as Indian but the more that they identify with India the more likely they are to seek a man from Suriname who is also Indian. I know a Hindustani-Surinamese toilet with 4 half-White daughters, the White father was a handicapped man with a stoma, she has a huge obsession with Native Americans and has a totem pole and several wooden statues of Native American men in her house, not exactly a White fetish and it seems more circumstantial. Meanwhile all her daughters have Groninger accents and ¾ Dutch kids. They feel 0 connection with either India or Suriname other than saying "Ik ben een Surinamer/Hindoestaan" when people ask to identify their ethnicity.

I will get more into why JBW in the Philippines isn't what most people think it is in a different post, but the more that I actually read what toilets themselves write to other toilets and observe trends the more that I realise that JBW might not be as strong of an effect as I thought that it was, and it might also be that every category of toilets in Western countries have "own race or White man" as their only options, but this effect wouldn't be as strong in other places, which is also why White female immigrants to Japan or South Korea or Morocco or the Gambia or Nigeria typically marry locals as well.
Na de kwestie van Black Lives Matter, heb ik dialogen gehouden met mijn vriendinnen

Also notice that she specifically became open to dating Niggers after BLM, before that she didn't even think about it, which is more proof that a lot of interracial dating is social rather than purely fetishistic or looks-based.

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