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Blackpill JBW: 48 year old literal neanderthal has women paying him for sex



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
I see why they would like him. He has a very rugged and masculine look. Big red beard, tall with a strong but not lean body. A "real man" if you will. This would not have been possible if he wasn't White. If he was ethnic with a beard, women wouldn't even let him pay them for sex!

Male escort, 48, who's slept with 1,000 women reveals how he went from software engineer to sex worker earning up to £1,200 per NIGHT - and insists his partner supports his career
  • Seani Love, 48, was born in Australia but is now based in London
  • Former software engineer changed careers after attending a sex workshop
  • Began learning about Tantra and bondage and was asked for a private session
  • Says he now has a strong base of clients - mostly women in their 30s and 40s
  • Seani, who has slept with over 1,000 clients, charges up to £1,200 for a night
Link to the full article
Just be masculine theory is underrated.
fake news, that guy is ugly as fuck, he looks like your average redditor, nobody would pay money for that, but if his dick is big then it can be true
Do you really think he is ugly? :feelsmega:
Seriously i hope he fucking dies. Someone kill him please.
JFL @ you if you're not running 'Midnight Cowboy' game tbh
Seriously i hope he fucking dies. Someone kill him please.
He has probably contracted some sort of STD from all these foids, so it's highly possible that he could die from that within the next few years.
Probably has a giant dick.
Just be masculine theory is underrated.

I agree, the guy looks like a damn caveman. Huge ugly nose, but it is masculine.

Its why I told one guy here who was complaining about his big ugly nose and wanted to get surgery to get it reduced, he will probably just be further incelling himself by removing his only masculine feature. Masculine type of ugliness is attractive to women.

As a babyfaced Incel I have it the absolute worst, the only masculine part of my head is my ears. Masculinity = Women jumping on your dick. Makes sense too, because the ugliest kind of women are women who look masculine, like those masculine lesbians. Us guys who have feminine/young facial features look just as ugly to women. Thats how I know its over
Just be masculine theory is underrated.
That guy is no where close to masculine, he is a fat slob and obnoxiously ugly. Look at his beer-belly.


Outlaw Hollywood movies, Outlaw porn, and let the rest sort itself out.
Here comes the copers
So much coping in this thread. Neanderthal game is legit. Also most of the women he bangs are in their 30s and 40s. I'd be willing to bet more are in their 40s.
LOL @ that guy being considered Neanderthal-tier masculine, I thought we were talking Overeem or something.
Maybe it's because the older foids can't any young Chad's so they pay for it:lul::lul::lul:
I agree, the guy looks like a damn caveman. Huge ugly nose, but it is masculine.

Its why I told one guy here who was complaining about his big ugly nose and wanted to get surgery to get it reduced, he will probably just be further incelling himself by removing his only masculine feature. Masculine type of ugliness is attractive to women.

As a babyfaced Incel I have it the absolute worst, the only masculine part of my head is my ears. Masculinity = Women jumping on your dick. Makes sense too, because the ugliest kind of women are women who look masculine, like those masculine lesbians. Us guys who have feminine/young facial features look just as ugly to women. Thats how I know its over
You should try for an Asian, they like small faces and small features
There are blacks that legit are paid to fuck women as well. These cases are exception to the rule.
He’s tall.

JBT theory confirmed again.
look at those fucking comments, probably can't believe a FOID is paying for sex fucking cucks
Lol, this guy could be the ugliest imaginable caveman, but not in 10000000000 years will you ever see a manlet in his position.

fake news, that guy is ugly as fuck, he looks like your average redditor, nobody would pay money for that, but if his dick is big then it can be true

My theory is that

1. He's lying. 1200 is the most he's ever made in a night, and probably averages like 300 on nights he does work.

2. He's running advanced beta bux game on women well past the wall

See, women really do switch to the beta bux desire because deep down they know they want someone to take care of them when they fall apart, and they need someone to spend money on their kids. But they don't admit this to themselves.

Women Actually DO WANT Nice Guys. They want men that say all the right things, listen to their feelings PROVIDED that, that guy makes a lot of money. See, the money is the first step that ties it all together.

They're willing to pay for it because most guys that are making top 15% money are not available, and the ones that are, aren't willing to commit, or they're looking at younger women.

Even if he is ugly, men who are around their age (the 40+ year olds) who make (or had the potential to make : Software Engineer) a lot of money, who aren't already married who are socially presentable are almost non-existent.

I'd argue that, this guy is exactly the sort of guy a 40 year old woman dreams about.

Imagine you're a woman. You took Chad cock. Then you took more Chad cock. Then you took more Chad cock. Uh oh, you're 29, well, it's time to get serious, you're just going to have to demand that Chad committ or not waste your time. So then you take more Chad cock. And then more Chad cock. Uh oh, you're 33. Hmmmm, this isn't working. Huh, well, what else do you really care about? Oh! Material Wealth. Hmmm....but he has to be tall still. And brown haired. Ah, this guy isn't like those other guys I used to date. 5 years later : WHY WON'T HE PROPOSE. I'M BREAKING UP. And then you take some Chad Cock to feel better for 2 years, but really you're just damaged. And then you convince yourself that you're a strong independent woman who don't need no man, and start paying some beta bux looking faggot that tells you things you want to hear so you can pretend that you'd gone after the guy you should of when you were 29 and first coming off the carousel.

I think that's probably the typical life of the career woman that doesn't find a beta.
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