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Brutal JBA in Poland

@To koniec @turbocuckcel_7000
The girls around 5 minute mark are actually Ukrainian
It would be interesting to visit Ukraine post war as a rice tbh
I don't get why slavs get cucked so hard by non-western euros. They should be second tier in dating market but seems they are almost curry tier.
BAN ALL RICE""""""""""CELS""""""""""
just export your media


@Transcended Trucel
polish women are so ugly

That's atleast a 7/10 rice
I don't get why slavs get cucked so hard by non-western euros. They should be second tier in dating market but seems they are almost curry tier.
poor, rounder faces on average ( gorid, danubian phenos ), bad reputation and lack of cultural export
i promise that ethnics don't believe that they mog slavs let alone high status asians and of course western euros and mutts
poor, rounder faces on average ( gorid, danubian phenos ), bad reputation and lack of cultural export
Cultural export and reputation are two MAJOR things when it comes to attraction. That's the reason why I think Black guys do so well, and Black American guys slay in Europe....white foids don't grow up around them, so they base it on what they see in movies, and think black guys are these cool, funny, suave badasses. If realistic Black behavior were portrayed in mainstream media (spoiler: they are fucking awful and vile, I grew up in a black neighborhood), they'd fare as poorly as curries in the dating market
The recent news out of Russia and Ukraine doesn't help reputation matters, either
I don't get why slavs get cucked so hard by non-western euros. They should be second tier in dating market but seems they are almost curry tier.
I don't get it either. They ought to be below Western White guys and Meds, but above Mestizos, Curries, Rice, and Blacks. Normies are blinded by the warmongering, drunk Slav, when in fact, Slav men are simpy and beta to the point of cringe
I don't get why slavs get cucked so hard by non-western euros. They should be second tier in dating market but seems they are almost curry tier.
International dating and everything surrounding it is much more about how wealthy and influential your country is than anything else. Pretty much the entire planet watches anime and listens to K-Pop, and even the Chinese are now wealthier than Slavs, so all of them have an edge over us.

Also, a lot of women have a fetish for "exotic" guys, so that helps the ethnics who, unlike East Asians, aren't richer than us.
Poland. The only country in Europe where pajeet mogs every domestic incel.
I don't get it either. They ought to be below Western White guys and Meds, but above Mestizos, Curries, Rice, and Blacks. Normies are blinded by the warmongering, drunk Slav, when in fact, Slav men are simpy and beta to the point of cringe
I think you are right about the simping. Overseas I have seen numerous slav men talk about how superior their women are and how everyone should fuck them (not in those exact words, but it was basically implied). Whereas I have never seen a Rice (whether immigrant or second gen) or Curry (mind you our women are ugly) talk about how everyone should fuck their women. I think that kind of simping is only OK if its symmetrical e.g. Italian men can maybe simp for Italian women as Italian women will say Italian men are hot. But Slav women I have never seen show anything but contempt for their men (similar to rice and curries).
International dating and everything surrounding it is much more about how wealthy and influential your country is than anything else. Pretty much the entire planet watches anime and listens to K-Pop, and even the Chinese are now wealthier than Slavs, so all of them have an edge over us.

Also, a lot of women have a fetish for "exotic" guys, so that helps the ethnics who, unlike East Asians, aren't richer than us.
The wealth/influence thing would be true if it weren't for the fact that it seems EVERY nationality cucks slavs. Even in Thailand they have many Slav prostitutes. Is there a single nationality that say Poles cuck (other than other Slavs like Ukrainians)? Cuck meaning more Polish men with X women than X men with Polish women.
Even in Thailand they have many Slav prostitutes. Is there a single nationality that say Poles cuck (other than other Slavs like Ukrainians)? Cuck meaning more Polish men with X women than X men with Polish women.
I think we're actually pretty even with SEAs on this front, but apart from them, nah, it's only stronger EEs cucking weaker EEs. Westerners cuck us pretty consistently and easily, while the other groups massively benefit from their "exotic" halo.

Following on what @andinocel said:

That's the reason why I think Black guys do so well, and Black American guys slay in Europe....white foids don't grow up around them, so they base it on what they see in movies, and think black guys are these cool, funny, suave badasses. If realistic Black behavior were portrayed in mainstream media (spoiler: they are fucking awful and vile, I grew up in a black neighborhood), they'd fare as poorly as curries in the dating market
I'd add that there are almost no ethnics in Slavlands, so just like Western European foids don't really have any real experience with American blacks, not only do the foids here not have any real experience with Meds, Mestizos, MENAs, blacks, etc., that would get them to hate those groups, there's also a lot of romanticizing them as passionate lovers and whatever. For example, the most successful Polish erotic movie, 365 days, is about a Polish woman kidnapped and seduced/Stockholmed by a dark triad Italian mafia guy. Meanwhile, here in Slovakia, we had this Cuban actor in the latest version of our Dancing With the Stars, and the women there were simping for him so hard that one of the female judges even said that her not giving him the full score was proof that she doesn't judge by looks jfl. In the other Slavic countries, there's pretty much the same fetishizing of Meds, which Latin Americans and MENAs also benefit from since to Slavic women, those groups are pretty much Med-adjacent, for a lack of better term, while black guys benefit from the same stuff they benefit in the rest of Europe.
kpoop brainwashing is real
I hate gooks so much it's unreal
The girls around 5 minute mark are actually Ukrainian
It would be interesting to visit Ukraine post war as a rice tbh
Taking advantage of a poor country's women is not race dependent.
I don't get it either. They ought to be below Western White guys and Meds, but above Mestizos, Curries, Rice, and Blacks. Normies are blinded by the warmongering, drunk Slav, when in fact, Slav men are simpy and beta to the point of cringe
slav's is not only due to recent war, germans colinized central and eastern europe for centuries
i remember back then that before whole kpop boom asian men who wanted to take revenge against white men and cuck us would just go for EE, now it's likel that japanese and korean society view their men with EE women just like swedish society view swedish men with SEA women
Cultural export and reputation are two MAJOR things when it comes to attraction. That's the reason why I think Black guys do so well, and Black American guys slay in Europe....white foids don't grow up around them, so they base it on what they see in movies, and think black guys are these cool, funny, suave badasses. If realistic Black behavior were portrayed in mainstream media (spoiler: they are fucking awful and vile, I grew up in a black neighborhood), they'd fare as poorly as curries in the dating market
The recent news out of Russia and Ukraine doesn't help reputation matters, either
whole racepill is massively overhyped on this forum, it's all about media coverage
I think you are right about the simping. Overseas I have seen numerous slav men talk about how superior their women are and how everyone should fuck them (not in those exact words, but it was basically implied). Whereas I have never seen a Rice (whether immigrant or second gen) or Curry (mind you our women are ugly) talk about how everyone should fuck their women. I think that kind of simping is only OK if its symmetrical e.g. Italian men can maybe simp for Italian women as Italian women will say Italian men are hot. But Slav women I have never seen show anything but contempt for their men (similar to rice and curries).
tbh latinos do this to smaller extent too, brazilian men bragging about pardas, colombians etc, also saw east asian bragging about their wimminz too ( especially they compare them to white ones )
but agree with you 100% slavs should be like arabs or turks who HEAVILY mateguard their women
I'd add that there are almost no ethnics in Slavlands, so just like Western European foids don't really have any real experience with American blacks, not only do the foids here not have any real experience with Meds, Mestizos, MENAs, blacks, etc., that would get them to hate those groups, there's also a lot of romanticizing them as passionate lovers and whatever. For example, the most successful Polish erotic movie, 365 days, is about a Polish woman kidnapped and seduced/Stockholmed by a dark triad Italian mafia guy. Meanwhile, here in Slovakia, we had this Cuban actor in the latest version of our Dancing With the Stars, and the women there were simping for him so hard that one of the female judges even said that her not giving him the full score was proof that she doesn't judge by looks jfl. In the other Slavic countries, there's pretty much the same fetishizing of Meds, which Latin Americans and MENAs also benefit from since to Slavic women, those groups are pretty much Med-adjacent, for a lack of better term, while black guys benefit from the same stuff they benefit in the rest of Europe.
100% truth broski

everybody talk's here about gooks but it's meds who are ultimate sex symbol in slavlands
it's over

kpoop brainwashing is real
i stalk one chang/changlite who lives in warsaw on insta...his first reason for being in this hellhole known as poland is obvious :feelsUnreal: of course 'beautiful women'

also here many will say that whitecels are fakecels while there's literal no hope for me, while i see foreigners in bigger cities mogging me to oblivion despite my muh blonde hair and blue eyes

And other ethnics mog us on foids eyes
Stop race baiting:feelsree:

Those guys are changs ffs...

if a foid goes out of her way to talk to you in public u live in a different reality to most men.
I think none of us have experienced that.

I had a classmate in school that constantly got asked for lighters and cigarettes by foids in school. I didnt get it at the time but he basically took their contacts and fucked them later.....
Chads live on another planet:feelsrope:
polish women are so ugly

Mogged hard by fakeupmaxxed rices. Slavic girls cringe when i look in their direction.
just don't be polish
You're saying just be asian, meanwhile only 1% of asians have this bone structure and top tier soft features.
The other gookcel gets mogged so hard. The girls only care for the one with the better eye area and collagen.
The girls around 5 minute mark are actually Ukrainian
It would be interesting to visit Ukraine post war as a rice tbh
This is so cope, your oversimplifying JBA

If it was this easy most Asian men would get GF

I doubt millions of Europeans are lusting after Asian men, most women only lust after top 5 %
he has a chad face and it looks like he's at least 6'0. man it's crazy what life is like for a man who has both of these things. it's not just about getting women at that point. EVERYONE treats you better. the courts treat you better. getting good jobs is easier. your quality of life is so much better in every way. you just coast through life because you make everyone envy and want you. men wish they were you and respect your masculine looks, and women desire you sexually. I've always wondered why the few Chads and chadlites i've met in my life were always so naive and easy going before i stumbled upon the blackpill. it's because they don't know what it's like to live for 1 minute without having a halo over your head.
This guy is a mogger though. Doesn’t really make any sense as he mogs 99% of Asian men.
You're saying just be asian, meanwhile only 1% of asians have this bone structure and top tier soft features.
I’m saying, this guy is literally a pretty boy Chang. How does that prove JBA? When he is picking the best looking guys and wondering why they do well.
KPop maxxing is legit in slav shitholes

but u need that kpopmaxx look, most asiancels cant pull that off.
That’s a chang jfl
I think we're actually pretty even with SEAs on this front, but apart from them, nah, it's only stronger EEs cucking weaker EEs. Westerners cuck us pretty consistently and easily, while the other groups massively benefit from their "exotic" halo.

Following on what @andinocel said:

I'd add that there are almost no ethnics in Slavlands, so just like Western European foids don't really have any real experience with American blacks, not only do the foids here not have any real experience with Meds, Mestizos, MENAs, blacks, etc., that would get them to hate those groups, there's also a lot of romanticizing them as passionate lovers and whatever. For example, the most successful Polish erotic movie, 365 days, is about a Polish woman kidnapped and seduced/Stockholmed by a dark triad Italian mafia guy. Meanwhile, here in Slovakia, we had this Cuban actor in the latest version of our Dancing With the Stars, and the women there were simping for him so hard that one of the female judges even said that her not giving him the full score was proof that she doesn't judge by looks jfl. In the other Slavic countries, there's pretty much the same fetishizing of Meds, which Latin Americans and MENAs also benefit from since to Slavic women, those groups are pretty much Med-adjacent, for a lack of better term, while black guys benefit from the same stuff they benefit in the rest of Europe.
There was a slav user here who mastered the "exotic theory"
I will let @Newbie17 answer that. He developed and mastered the "exotic pill" theory.
He'd still get mogged by average white guys in the west. Rice tax is brutal here.
Being a good looking ethnic makes one stand out so much and he’s guaranteed to get actions within his niche group which is small in relative numbers but definitely large enough in absolute numbers, kek
Polish girls fuck everybody who is not polish, if you don't count crooks and bandits. The worst dating market in the world, a sea word in europe. Jebać p0lki
Polish girls fuck everybody who is not polish, if you don't count crooks and bandits. The worst dating market in the world, a sea word in europe. Jebać p0lki
I'm sorry it sounds like this has been bad for you.

But it makes me want to go there. Although I have a comfy life in the US, anything to escape inceldom.
tbh latinos do this to smaller extent too, brazilian men bragging about pardas, colombians etc, also saw east asian bragging about their wimminz too ( especially they compare them to white ones )
I'm colombian and I'm one of the few (perhaps only) Latino that does not brag about colombian foids and even tries to dissuade guys from getting with them, and my reasons are very contradictory:
1 - I sincerely mean it when I say colombian foids are slutty, shallow, and stupid, but .....

2 - I'm trying to mateguard. Colombian men are the Slavs of Latin America, and colombian women are disgusted by their own men
Viet-moggers have been there for half a century
Bro polish girls fuck any race they don’t care
just export your media


@Transcended Trucel
yup Easy cheat code to respect, foids and more.
That's atleast a 7/10 rice
Stop race baiting:feelsree:

Those guys are changs ffs...

if a foid goes out of her way to talk to you in public u live in a different reality to most men.
I think none of us have experienced that.

I had a classmate in school that constantly got asked for lighters and cigarettes by foids in school. I didnt get it at the time but he basically took their contacts and fucked them later.....
Chads live on another planet:feelsrope:
yup brutally different lives
This guy is a mogger though. Doesn’t really make any sense as he mogs 99% of Asian men.
true he is top 1% rice which helps a lot
Invade Poland
i have no fucking idea why an asain would wanna be in a community with white power lossers

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