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I've been gymcelling for 30 days straight



Nov 10, 2017
I had a bad injury, finally recovered and in the gym again. Already have noticed a difference thanks to muscle memory. Was 178 at 6 foot 2 just 30 days ago now at 192. Gonna start a test e cycle in the New Year to save my inceldom.
existentialhack said:
Gymcel is cope

I'd rather be intimidating and huge than skinny and weak. I can bully skinny Chads
Good for you. If you can keep going, do it, at least you have the possibility of having a decent body and such. Not that it will matter for most Incelish purposes (it's like cope) but you'll have something better than before.
RE: I've been gymcelling for 30 aye straight

No patience to milk out your natty gains?

I heard Enanthante takes a while to kick in? No wanting to do ace?

I guess good luck with the tren cycle. I personally can't do roids because I'm a poorcel and the side effects (hair loss and deca dick). If I were to a steroid cycle; I'd love to run deca see all the crazy size gains you could make with it (without the side effects). I've researched it a bit and realized its not worth it...
DAFMFP said:
Good for you. If you can keep going, do it, at least you have the possibility of having a decent body and such. Not that it will matter for most Incelish purposes (it's like cope) but you'll have something better than before.

Gymcel is good cope. If my injury was permanent I would've roped for sure.

idkwattodowithlife said:
No patience to milk out your natty gains?

I heard Enanthante takes a while to kick in? No wanting to do ace?

I guess good luck with the tren cycle. I personally can't do roids because I'm a poorcel and the side effects (hair loss and deca dick). If I were to a steroid cycle; I'd love to run deca see all the crazy size gains you could make with it (without the side effects). I've researched it a bit and realized its not worth it...

Sorry I meant test e, not tren. Bit impatient since my injury had me unable to lift for 1.5 years. I used to study steroids on r/steroidsourcetalk all the time and It's worth the risks for me
personal. I don't want to live past 50 or have kids. I just want to do everything I can to get out of this shithole.
Heroincel said:
Sorry I meant test e, not tren. Bit impatient since my injury had me unable to lift for 1.5 years. I used to study steroids on r/steroidsourcetalk all the time and It's worth the risks for me
personal. I don't want to live past 50 or have kids. I just want to do everything I can to get out of this shithole.
There are some peds that could speed up your recovery and injuries.

Yeah, I guess one of the down falls for gymcelling too seriously could sometimes result you into getting an injury. Yeah, because of that every now and then I had to stray away from powerlifting types of workouts because of that (and me also having tiny weak joints don't help).

Some people rather live fast and die young, doing what you enjoy. I guess its normal for most incels to have accept their fate that their not going to have children, which is the sad truth (because of women not wanting to have kids with you or wanting to pass down on your shitty genes).
Good luck oh and also forgot to say... major cope.
Don't you need to take rest days even if you isolate every day? I don't know much about isolation and such but I imagine I'd get sick of going to the gym and sick in general if I went every day.
Gymcelling is so cope. i gymceled+roidmaxed a few years ago and NOTHING changed.

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