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Blackpill It's Saturday Night and we're browsing forums

  • Thread starter NotQuiteChadLite
  • Start date


The Meeks shall inherit the Earth
Mar 19, 2018
FUKMYLYF!! I think I need to force myself to go and make friends or get back into world of CopeCraft weekends are trash for me. FUQ.
maybe next weekend will be better.

I'm on a vacation that I spent over $1,000 on and I would rather rot in my hotel room than go outside in this fucking shithole of a state. Less than 24 hours in and I'm already having fantasies of going ER on everybody I see, especially foids.

This is the last time that I will ever travel anywhere with the possible exception of SE Asia. Might as well go full hikikomori at this point.
Do not play fucking retail WoW I renewed my sub played a new char to 110 and holy fuck it’s borijg after playing max level. Legendary system is stupid and class identity is gone.

After watching streams and a lot of vids about Battle for Azeroth the game is not any better.
I wish I had some incel friends irl, and go out triggering roasties.
I wish I had some incel friends irl, and go out triggering roasties.
same, I sometimes just want to talk to all the ugly guys I see in my classes and try to blackpill them but I think they probably are all bluepilled as fuck and would think I'm the weird one
same, I sometimes just want to talk to all the ugly guys I see in my classes and try to blackpill them but I think they probably are all bluepilled as fuck and would think I'm the weird one
I would embarrass all of them with a simple question, "why are all you sub6's single but those attractive chads have all the girls?" If they are smart and logical, that will help put them on the blackpill journey. I'm hoping in the future, the members on here can have skype calls and possibly meetup if everything is safe, so we can know some irl friends who are blackpilled incels.
Its 2:08am here. Jfl at my life.
I would embarrass all of them with a simple question, "why are all you sub6's single but those attractive chads have all the girls?" If they are smart and logical, that will help put them on the blackpill journey. I'm hoping in the future, the members on here can have skype calls and possibly meetup if everything is safe, so we can know some irl friends who are blackpilled incels.
although meeting up would be a cool idea I don't think it will be possible since I feel not everyone lives close to each other. If it were to happen very few people would show up.
although meeting up would be a cool idea I don't think it will be possible since I feel not everyone lives close to each other. If it were to happen very few people would show up.
That's why in the next year or two if we keep dropping golden blackpills, the community will be big enough where it can be possible. I want this place to be the next reddit for non-cucked blackpilled men.
That's why in the next year or two if we keep dropping golden blackpills, the community will be big enough where it can be possible. I want this place to be the next reddit for non-cucked blackpilled men.
Same, hopefully no media outburst causes this place to shut down anytime soon
Same, hopefully no media outburst causes this place to shut down anytime soon
We need to post a thread where we can all drop in our emails, so the mods can direct us to the new site, and back up all the posts on this site and move them there.
We need to post a thread where we can all drop in our emails, so the mods can direct us to the new site, and back up all the posts on this site and move them there.
With the nature of how the internet is and how the media can just destroy anything they choose to, i do think the mods having some sort of mailing list would make sense. The biggest issue with the death of this place would be the loss of community and the difficulty of forming together somewhere else. Discord is good as a backup, but i wouldn't fully trust that personally.
The biggest issue with the death of this place would be the loss of community and the difficulty of forming together somewhere else.
We're incels and we aren't like normies, we will congregate again because this is our only support group. Normies don't depend on websites as much as us, because they have options to disperse to other similar sites.
We're incels and we aren't like normies, we will congregate again because this is our only support group. Normies don't depend on websites as much as us, because they have options to disperse to other similar sites.
That's true of course, though there is always going to be those that will end up cucking it over at reddit. Though i doubt any truecels are over there now.
I'm on a vacation that I spent over $1,000 on and I would rather rot in my hotel room than go outside in this fucking shithole of a state. Less than 24 hours in and I'm already having fantasies of going ER on everybody I see, especially foids.
damn, that's brutal. I know the feeling :(
Chad has never heard of reddit, can’t remember the last time he touched a computer and never fapped I’m his life
That's true of course, though there is always going to be those that will end up cucking it over at reddit. Though i doubt any truecels are over there now.
If they go to reddit, we can snag them back easily by dropping links to the new site. If they want to stay on reddit then they are probably cucks and we don't need them.
We're incels and we aren't like normies, we will congregate again because this is our only support group. Normies don't depend on websites as much as us, because they have options to disperse to other similar sites.
This is so true. Some how we will find our way back from one forum to the next. Even if we are forced to bounce around looking for each other we will do it cause we all have the same views.....and a shit ton of time to surf the web to find a safe haven kek
This is so true. Some how we will find our way back from one forum to the next. Even if we are forced to bounce around looking for each other we will do it cause we all have the same views.....and a shit ton of time to surf the web to find a safe haven kek
Lol, that's right we have nothing else to do but to look for each other again.
damn, that's brutal. I know the feeling :(

With the amount of money I foolishly spent on this trip, I could have gone to SE Asia where I at least had some luck on Tinder. Instead, I'm stuck in a place where people throw rocks at my head, call me "faggot" as they pass me in their cars, laugh at me, treat me like a second-class citizen in stores and such, and in the case of women, go out of their way to avoid me. I could have received this treatment in my own city without having to spend a penny.

Just to think of all the wageslavery I had to endure to pay for this miserable trip enrages me. The only silver lining is that I won't waste even more money moving to a place like this. I would rather mooch off my parents for as long as possible because I have NO motivation to ever work another day in my life. I would rather die at this point.
I don't work, everyday is a weekend for me, just waiting for the weekEND.
Just to think of all the wageslavery I had to endure to pay for this miserable trip enrages me. The only silver lining is that I won't waste even more money moving to a place like this. I would rather mooch off my parents for as long as possible because I have NO motivation to ever work another day in my life. I would rather die at this point.

totally get u. how can people endure wageslaving knowing that they're gonna spend the money like that...... I don't get it

it's not like ur working hard knowing that in the end of the tunnel you'll get rich, like in 5 or even 10 years.
it's working knowing that you'll need to keep doing that until the end of your life.

yeah, it's better to be NEET- provided you get NEETbux. if not- it's better to NEET and look for at least a normal job
totally get u. how can people endure wageslaving knowing that they're gonna spend the money like that...... I don't get it

it's not like ur working hard knowing that in the end of the tunnel you'll get rich, like in 5 or even 10 years.
it's working knowing that you'll need to keep doing that until the end of your life.

yeah, it's better to be NEET- provided you get NEETbux. if not- it's better to NEET and look for at least a normal job

I can understand if someone truly likes what they do and are paid a fair wage. Me? I worked in stressful professions that I loathed every minute of (accounting, finance, and banking) and quickly concluded that it wasn't worth the mental toll. Maybe if I were born a few generations ago when guys like me had more of an incentive to work long hours under stressful conditions.
I can understand if someone truly likes what they do and are paid a fair wage. Me? I worked in stressful professions that I loathed every minute of (accounting, finance, and banking) and quickly concluded that it wasn't worth the mental toll. Maybe if I were born a few generations ago when guys like me had more of an incentive to work long hours under stressful conditions.

I u like what u do & get a fair wage so off course you'll have the motivation...
also- previous generations had job security. u could have worked in the same job for 40 years and it was almost impossible to fire u

now? job stability is a far dream for our generations. I know ppl who were fired at 50.

so unless u get some union job (and for that u need connections)- there's no point working

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