To my shame I've never heard of this ugly, complaining toilet before. Google has, though:
Her looksmatch is an ugly uncel who shouldn't be allowed to work in the I.T. industry... just ask her.
Pao first became known for filing a failed gender discrimination suit against her employer.. and has continued to express vocal criticism of the hiring and promotion practices in Silicon Valley.
So she didn't become known for creating anything or doing anything. Just for existing as a woman and complaining about stuff. (She sounds like the reddit caricature of an incel when you put it like that.)
In 2014, she became interim CEO of Reddit.
Qualifications: existed as an outraged toilet who felt she had been wronged.
I wonder... If the directors of reddit had hired somebody else instead of her, would that have been gender discrimination too?
In 2015, decisions made by the company during her tenure, such as the banning of controversial Reddit communities for harassment, generated a wave of controversy that culminated in her stepping down.
so that went well, then.
Is it "gender discrimination" to say a woman is shit at her job and she needs to resign?
The backlash she received sparked debates both on the treatment of women in technology and the need for transparency in a company that relies on volunteers.
People complained about things a woman did? Yikes sweaty, we need to unpack this.
Since 2016, she has been the co-founder and CEO of the non-profit diversity consulting organization Project Include.
Since her spectacular public failure at reddit, she has been basically unemployable, and fills her days with a hobby project where she gets outraged on behalf of all women, and writes diatribes of woke word-salad bullshit that magazines like Wired are afraid not to publish, lest they get pack raped and canceled by #metoo.
Fuck me.
Can we get a face-palm emoji on the site? I feel like we need one of those.
Where have allllllllllllllll the good men gooooooooone?