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It's over for slavs

To koniec

To koniec

Apr 14, 2020

Slav means slave and maybe that's why ours women chase over foreigners, cause we are at absolutely bottom of dating pol ( maybe SEA men are lower tho ).
Seriously what the fuck...many of this girls are decent looking or even really good looking and all of them goes under her looksmatch...and as you know women always goes above her looksmatch( unless you're betabux or rich ).


Last two are changlites tho...but rest are way under looksmatch of this foids...especially first one.
And still alt-right will say about muhh muh muh based eastern europe. Only reason why it still not completely cucked beacuse it's piss poor and ethnics only go to rich countries.
Last two are changlites tho.

No man they are all ugly by western standards, even the last ones - so either are very rich already or most will be replaced with the wealthy beta in the near future.

Slav means slave and maybe that's why ours women chase over foreigners, cause we are at absolutely bottom of dating pol ( maybe SEA men are lower tho )

They just the world's top gold diggers, with primary interest in wealthy beta(like security first, hehe), not chad.
it might be surprising to americels but females in eastern eu only want chad too. awalt
it might be surprising to americels but females in eastern eu only want chad too. awalt

All women want chad first but slavic ones tend to be realistic at the same time thus 90% whores settle for rich beta in his 40-s through sites like:

Females fucking above average dudes, what's new?

Slav means slave and maybe that's why ours women chase over foreigners, cause we are at absolutely bottom of dating pol ( maybe SEA men are lower tho ).
Seriously what the fuck...many of this girls are decent looking or even really good looking and all of them goes under her looksmatch...and as you know women always goes above her looksmatch( unless you're betabux or rich ).


Last two are changlites tho...but rest are way under looksmatch of this foids...especially first one.
And still alt-right will say about muhh muh muh based eastern europe. Only reason why it still not completely cucked beacuse it's piss poor and ethnics only go to rich countries.

Another cherry picking graycel.
>here's two videos and some photos bro, us Slavs are such cucks amirite hehe
Delusional cuckold fetishist race-baiting faggot. I'm almost convinced you're not eastern European, you're just here to race-bait. If you are EE, you're a delusional mentally ill cuckold.
Your ethnicity is not the problem: Your manlet stature, small dick and shit-tier face are.
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lifefuel for r/aznidentity and r/asianmasculinity

I don't get why people think non-chad males in relationships are having sex with their partners on a consistent basis. They aren't, females specifically made second wave feminism to remove that obligation years ago.

Their girlfriends aren't attracted to them on a sexual level, but they are willing to tolerate sex with unattractive males they are friends with a few times in exchange for social and economic benefits
Slavic females like whoever has money. Not like these girls are going to have a shred of loyalty to their betabuxxes in the long run.
Slavic females like whoever has money. Not like these girls are going to have a shred of loyalty to their betabuxxes in the long run.
this is what people dont get, they are just tolerating it out of convenience, not out of sexual attraction
this is what people dont get, they are just tolerating it out of convenience, not out of sexual attraction
Tolerating is the perfect word tbh
Slavpill is brutal

Slav means slave and maybe that's why ours women chase over foreigners, cause we are at absolutely bottom of dating pol ( maybe SEA men are lower tho ).
Seriously what the fuck...many of this girls are decent looking or even really good looking and all of them goes under her looksmatch...and as you know women always goes above her looksmatch( unless you're betabux or rich ).


Last two are changlites tho...but rest are way under looksmatch of this foids...especially first one.
And still alt-right will say about muhh muh muh based eastern europe. Only reason why it still not completely cucked beacuse it's piss poor and ethnics only go to rich countries.

EE is not based. Just look at the suicide rate difference between the genders. It’s an absolute hell for the local males(based on suicide statistics)
>here's two videos and some photos bro, us Slavs are such cucks amirite hehe
Delusional cuckold fetishist race-baiting faggot. I'm almost convinced you're not eastern European, you're just here to race-bait. If you are EE, you're a delusional mentally ill cuckold.
Your ethnicity is not the problem: Your manlet stature, small dick and shit-tier face are.
You're partially right...if you are chad then ethnicity does NOT FUCKING MATTER...and it's pretty much for every race. But when you search content on this forum there's so muhh muh JBW and that it never began for ex. curries rices that complain that every foid of their ethnicity go white chads while there's like gorillion of them in asia and there married to each other. And what will you call them ?
Just be BBC is legit in Eastern Europe. This isn't the first black youtuber I've seen with a slav girl. Dude looks like a troll. Keep cope alive.
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As a slav i'm going to say that slavpill is not legit. Slavic countries are poor so that's why slavic girls will throw themselves at anyone with money. 99% it's betabuxx relationship. On the other hand if you're attractive slav OR slav with money you can easily fuck or find a gf in EE.
As a slav i'm going to say that slavpill is not legit. Slavic countries are poor so that's why slavic girls will throw themselves at anyone with money. 99% it's betabuxx relationship. On the other hand if you're attractive slav OR slav with money you can easily fuck or find a gf in EE.
For white western boomers it's clearly betabux, but no so sure about blacks at least. I'm mean most slavic women don't like them but when someone likes this phenotype then it's genuinely attraction. And for rest when you're chad race money etc doesn't really matter.
It's over on so many levels. The just be exotic theory is real and especially in white western countries it's ubiquitous. White whores hate their own race and do their very best to avoid sub8 men from their own race. This does not apply to some smaller villages and rural areas where foids don't have that much of a choice.

White men allowed this to happen.
cope the word slave comes from the word slav not the other way around.
Didnt watch the video but i know for a fact slav girls dont like asians.

the main reason they chase foreigners is because they have money but either way we dont get many foreigners here so they cant cuck us anyway.

Most of the times girls want a thuggmaxxed slav chad that will physically abuse them.
It's over on so many levels. The just be exotic theory is real and especially in white western countries it's ubiquitous. White whores hate their own race and do their very best to avoid sub8 men from their own race. This does not apply to some smaller villages and rural areas where foids don't have that much of a choice.

White men allowed this to happen.
Dunno western women seems to not be attracted to ethnic males. Probably because many of them are sub 8-7 and cause exotic pill really works. No matter if you're in slavlands latin america or vietnam...if you're bit exotic and not completely undesired ethnicity ( curries ) you can try.
Screenshot 2
Another slavpill ( + she says interesting things about brown eyes tbh( and ethnic copers will say that you can't be incel with blue eyes )).
Slavs should just go back to the Baltic, it’s over for them. The only semi decent Slavs in terms of looks are the Southern Slavic Bosnians and Croats and even then their Dinaric phenotypes can be a death sentence if they aren’t attractive.
It's mostly because Russia is a shithole dump so the women use their tits to get out of it as fast as possible.
slav pill is partly this:

The guys all look the exact same

Women only like one type of dude
Lmao stfu retards average height in slavlands ranges from 5'11 to 6'1 depending on country but "it's over for them" :soy: :soy: :soy:
This thread makes me rage but you're probably right. A notion of slav guys being better looking than say europeans is a meme. Slav guys have no looks nor money to attract even their own foids. Even if they move to another country they still look for slav girls because they know they've got nothing to offer to a mid class western woman. Asiamaxxing is still legit for some, but only in a form of betabuxxing and not that of a living in a union of two equals.
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waiting for @San Salvador to respond to this thread
Imagine cherrypicking this hard. Next he will say curries are the top race for slaying.
Lmao stfu retards average height in slavlands ranges from 5'11 to 6'1 depending on country but "it's over for them" :soy: :soy: :soy:
Thats only in the Balkans.

And as we all know average isn't good enough so that doesn't mean shit anyway.
prawda incelu, nigdy nie zaruchamy, zero szans na cokolwiek
The only semi decent Slavs in terms of looks are the Southern Slavic Bosnians and Croats and even then their Dinaric phenotypes can be a death sentence if they aren’t attractive.

Slav normies are like this:

brutally over
It has never begun for slavcels tbh.
Over for gymcelilng, now im into alcohol, never ever gonna win, face>everything
Imagine cherrypicking this hard. Next he will say curries are the top race for slaying.
Nah curries have really it bad, worse than us clearly ( in terms looks of course ). They biggest problem that if you're curry in west you can gain money, go back to india and search for some curry foid. But in reality for them they worship white blonde women and they wonder why they are virgins. As for slavpill no idea which slavic country do you live, but here in poland i heard a lot about southern european men + foid complaing about their compatriots. Btw when i lurked on this site i saw a lot threads about how all women on this planet love blonde nordic aryan chads while in reality most white women prefer dark haired tanned med.
prawda incelu, nigdy nie zaruchamy, zero szans na cokolwiek
Trzymaj się...kiedyś nasze cierpienie się skończy. Btw oczywiście udzielasz się na #przegryw ?
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Nah curries have really it bad, worse than us clearly ( in terms looks of course ). They biggest problem that if you're curry in west you can gain money, go back to india and search for some curry foid. But in reality for them they worship white blonde women and they wonder why they are virgins. As for slavpill no idea which slavic country do you live, but here in poland i heard a lot about southern european men + foid complaing about their compatriots. Btw when i lurked on this site i saw a lot threads about how all women on this planet love blonde nordic aryan chads while in reality most white women prefer dark haired tanned med.

Trzymaj się...kiedyś nasze cierpienie się skończy. Btw oczywiście udzielasz się na #przegryw ?
I'm from Croatia and here your only requirement for not being an incel is to be at least a 5/10, which I still fucking failed lmao.
I'm from Croatia and here your only requirement for not being an incel is to be at least a 5/10, which I still fucking failed lmao.
What's your height ? croats are one tallest people on earth.
Slavs need rise up
What's your height ? croats are one tallest people on earth.
187 cm, but face >>>>>>>>>>> height. I've seen 170 cm manlet prettyboys with Stacy gfs, while I'm still a KV.
187 cm, but face >>>>>>>>>>> height. I've seen 170 cm manlet prettyboys with Stacy gfs, while I'm still a KV.
Would kill for this height but i prob won't help me due to my autism.

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