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SuicideFuel It's over for apartmentcels.



Nov 7, 2017
>Live right above a couple with three "fur babies" that bark constantly
>You'd think eventually they'd get tired of barking, but no
>Live right below someone who vacuums every single day for like an hour straight
>Share a wall with a boomer neighbor that watches movies with the volume all the way up
>Apparently he falls asleep with the TV on because he's practically deaf
>One of my roommates is a NEET who is always home, lives on disability
>He spends an absurd amount of time in the bathroom everyday
>There's no way he has to use the bathroom that much, i think he just goes in there when he's sick of being in his room
>Other bathroom is inside my other roommates bedroom
>NEET roommate watches twitch streamers all day
>Loud obnoxious ones that yell every few minutes apparently
>Full volume, of course
>Get 6 hours of sleep on a GREAT day
>Think about moving but realize i'd just be trading one set of problems for another
>A quiet apartment is almost as much of an oxymoron as an ugly chad
>Will never be a home owner
>Even renting a house is out of my budget

What a fucking joke of a life. I would have gone into more detail and put more effort into this thread but I have to get ready to go to work. Please pray for a quick and painless death for me, thanks.
Shenmue was trash.
Why can’t you get an apartment for yourself? Are you financially struggling and that’s why you have to share an apartment?
I'm scared to death that I'll get some shitty apartment with thin walls and bad neighbours when I'm moving. Peace and quiet is vital for me tbh. Right now I live in student corridor with 8 other people but the walls are thick af because I never hear anything from the other rooms, only problem is that the door lets in some noise so I can hear clearly whenever they are talking in the corridor.

I'd like to have my own house one day. Apartments are a lottery as you don't know who's going to end up in the same building as you, plus in general I'm very introverted and reclusive - I'm far more suited to being alone.
>Live right above a couple with three "fur babies" that bark constantly
>You'd think eventually they'd get tired of barking, but no
JFL, I know, fur babies need to be used for moving targets at the shooting-range.
Add to that an earthquake risk and rotten building you're pretty much fucked. Fortunately, I don't need to try to kill myself. Natural selection will do its job. :feelsokman:
Just blow up your appartment with homemade Dynamite and live in an abandoned building in the toxic waste part of town tbh.
I feel you OP. I don't mind living in a shack as long as I don't share walls.
Brutal. People suck so bad.
Id take the risk and move if its so bad
is there BBC at least?
apartments suck !

at least the cheap ones
My upstairs neighbor has cancer or something and has been puking his guts out several times a day for about a year now. His bathroom must me right above my bedroom because i can hear everything. Jfl at me.
Mogs our housing by 300%. At least there isnt a fear of being killed by random drunk guy busting down your door or maybe a random mortar shell landing in your mattress since a bed frame is too expensive.

>A quiet apartment is almost as much of an oxymoron as an ugly chad
You must live in an uncivilised country like the United States, in decent places this doesn't happen, where I live is very quiet and everyone cares about the comfort of the neighbours.
im glad im not a poorfag
Sounds awful. Ambient noises like that are one of my biggest pet peeves. If you can get a basement apartment it might be quieter.
And no BBC around
Been living at my "new" apartment for the past 1.5 years. The first six months were amazing. I didn't have neighbors and my apartment is positioned near the end of the whole complex so really no noise and nobody walks over my way. At most we would sometimes get stray dogs loitering and barking outside the window. Then the six months of heaven passed and some trashy Mexican spics moved next door. Blaring their music until 3 in the morning. During the day it pisses me off more because they leave their dog on the balcony all day and it keeps barking and barking every minute (though I only hear the dog if I don't work that day thus obviously stay home.)

In my previous apartments I lived there for around 8 years. Legit I'm not kidding about this next part. For 6 years my upstairs neighbors were this married couple(early30swife/early40shusband) with 3 kids. EVERY Friday night. Let me repeat it. EVERY.FRIDAY.NIGHT I could hear them drinking/listening to music on their balcony then they would start puking or laughing and I knew that is when they were hammered. The apartment layout was the same for all the apartments in the same building so I knew their bedroom was directly above me. Next I'd literally hear them fucking every goddamn Friday night. She would moan like a banshee and I'd hear the bed squeaking. Half the time I wanted to kill myself. I'd listen to the radio on full blast with my earbuds. I'd sleep early on Fridays so I'd be fast asleep by the time they stopped drinking. I'd try and do something out the house to get away from the situation it got so bad. The other half of the time I'd jerk off listening to her moans. Wishing that was me doing that to her. Trying to endurance-fap to see if I could last as long as the bed kept squeaking (I never did.) She was a beautiful woman. She didn't look like a THOT. Classically beautiful. She was obviously out of his league and I often wondered why she was with him but my Mom would speak with her on occasion and they were semi-friends. She told my Mom he made 6k a month so obviously all that money got her wet. Felt a bit bad for the kids though. If I could hear them in my downstairs bedroom imagine what they could hear!

The apartments before that I lived as a kid/early teen for about 9 years or so. We always have to be super quiet. Our downstairs neighbor was an old 90yo fuck that didn't like ANY noise. I remember I was making something to eat and dropped some pots and pans. My Dad got a call because the office called him up because the old fuck called the office and said I was having a party upstairs. Literally could not make any sounds at all with that old fuck around he would complain every week. My parents didn't want to rock the boat because they were poor and couldn't afford a better place to go so we just stayed quiet as much as possible. Oh and I lived in a complex that had a good 5-8 kids from my school and none of them ever talked to me or wanted anything to do with me so that was nice. Coming home on the bus to see all the kids gathering and hearing all the plans they had for the evening. Sometimes I'd wait nearby a little while to see if maybe they would invite me. They never invited me. Wouldn't want anybody to think you were friends with the ugly kid I guess. So that was my own little hell in and of itself.
Mogs our housing by 300%. At least there isnt a fear of being killed by random drunk guy busting down your door or maybe a random mortar shell landing in your mattress since a bed frame is too expensive.

I'm so ghetto i don't even see this part as a big deal. I slept on a mattress on the floor (no bed frame) for a year about 5 years ago and I didn't even think much of it.

Not only that but I slept on an inflatable mattress for 3 years, during my early adolescence because my cousin moved in and she got my bedroom. What sucked far more is that I lived in the dining room with no doors in between the kitchen and living room, which meant no privacy. Which is rough for a high T 13 year old because it meant having to wait until EVERYONE went to bed to do the thing that LastGerman wants me to temp ban him for whenever he does it. It was a time consuming process so it meant sacrificing sleep to do. I remember I had a folder full of printed out hentai pics under the mattress. Good times. Never thought I'd be nostalgic for such a thing, but I digress.

Anyway, I don't know where you live (Ukraine?) but contrary to the stereotype shared by pretty much everyone in the "third world", America is not the land of milk and honey that it's made out to be. There are parts of some cities in America that are worse than you can imagine. Rows and rows of homeless people, used needless everywhere, human excrement on the sidewalks... In fact sanitation has gotten so bad in some cities that typhus (literally the bubonic plague) has made a comeback.

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You can get cucked in a house too. I live in a house and on Friday and Saturday the cuck soyboy next door likes to watch movies with big sound and bass. I can hear it in my room and our houses are not even connected.

When I lived in apartment the guy below me was a drug addict and went to rehab. His adult daughter stayed in his apartment while he was away. Chad would loudly fuck the bejeezus out of her at night. Was not starfish sex for sure.
wouldnt mind living in an urban apartment, but i'd hate to have roomates though.
I live with my parents, I sleep on a twin XL because a Queen size won’t fit in my room. I literally live in spare closet my parents don’t use. The average cost of an apartment is $950 here. I make $1400 a month, soon to be $1000 if I get my NEETbux. I’m financially, mentally and physically screwed.
I'm so ghetto i don't even see this part as a big deal. I slept on a mattress on the floor (no bed frame) for a year about 5 years ago and I didn't even think much of it.

Not only that but I slept on an inflatable mattress for 3 years, during my early adolescence because my cousin moved in and she got my bedroom. What sucked far more is that I lived in the dining room with no doors in between the kitchen and living room, which meant no privacy. Which is rough for a high T 13 year old because it meant having to wait until EVERYONE went to bed to do the thing that LastGerman wants me to temp ban him for whenever he does it. It was a time consuming process so it meant sacrificing sleep to do. I remember I had a folder full of printed out hentai pics under the mattress. Good times. Never thought I'd be nostalgic for such a thing, but I digress.

Anyway, I don't know where you live (Ukraine?) but contrary to the stereotype shared by pretty much everyone in the "third world", America is not the land of milk and honey that it's made out to be. There are parts of some cities in America that are worse than you can imagine. Rows and rows of homeless people, used needless everywhere, human excrement on the sidewalks... In fact sanitation has gotten so bad in some cities that typhus (literally the bubonic plague) has made a comeback.
Yea, inflatable mattress are shitholes, I had to sleep on one for a few months. Let alone fucking years, damn dude.

Ya, iv seen some areas in the USA are literally third-world tier and I am assuming you live there. Must be rough. I heard you made quiet a bit of money though? I guess its not as easy to move out since the prices are pretty sky high anyways.

I have seen instances where homeless might be given heroin to stay off the roads. But that issue is hard to solve.
Been living at my "new" apartment for the past 1.5 years. The first six months were amazing. I didn't have neighbors and my apartment is positioned near the end of the whole complex so really no noise and nobody walks over my way. At most we would sometimes get stray dogs loitering and barking outside the window. Then the six months of heaven passed and some trashy Mexican spics moved next door. Blaring their music until 3 in the morning. During the day it pisses me off more because they leave their dog on the balcony all day and it keeps barking and barking every minute (though I only hear the dog if I don't work that day thus obviously stay home.)

In my previous apartments I lived there for around 8 years. Legit I'm not kidding about this next part. For 6 years my upstairs neighbors were this married couple(early30swife/early40shusband) with 3 kids. EVERY Friday night. Let me repeat it. EVERY.FRIDAY.NIGHT I could hear them drinking/listening to music on their balcony then they would start puking or laughing and I knew that is when they were hammered. The apartment layout was the same for all the apartments in the same building so I knew their bedroom was directly above me. Next I'd literally hear them fucking every goddamn Friday night. She would moan like a banshee and I'd hear the bed squeaking. Half the time I wanted to kill myself. I'd listen to the radio on full blast with my earbuds. I'd sleep early on Fridays so I'd be fast asleep by the time they stopped drinking. I'd try and do something out the house to get away from the situation it got so bad. The other half of the time I'd jerk off listening to her moans. Wishing that was me doing that to her. Trying to endurance-fap to see if I could last as long as the bed kept squeaking (I never did.) She was a beautiful woman. She didn't look like a THOT. Classically beautiful. She was obviously out of his league and I often wondered why she was with him but my Mom would speak with her on occasion and they were semi-friends. She told my Mom he made 6k a month so obviously all that money got her wet. Felt a bit bad for the kids though. If I could hear them in my downstairs bedroom imagine what they could hear!

The apartments before that I lived as a kid/early teen for about 9 years or so. We always have to be super quiet. Our downstairs neighbor was an old 90yo fuck that didn't like ANY noise. I remember I was making something to eat and dropped some pots and pans. My Dad got a call because the office called him up because the old fuck called the office and said I was having a party upstairs. Literally could not make any sounds at all with that old fuck around he would complain every week. My parents didn't want to rock the boat because they were poor and couldn't afford a better place to go so we just stayed quiet as much as possible. Oh and I lived in a complex that had a good 5-8 kids from my school and none of them ever talked to me or wanted anything to do with me so that was nice. Coming home on the bus to see all the kids gathering and hearing all the plans they had for the evening. Sometimes I'd wait nearby a little while to see if maybe they would invite me. They never invited me. Wouldn't want anybody to think you were friends with the ugly kid I guess. So that was my own little hell in and of itself.
They probably jack it to their mom
Yea, inflatable mattress are shitholes, I had to sleep on one for a few months. Let alone fucking years, damn dude.

Ya, iv seen some areas in the USA are literally third-world tier and I am assuming you live there. Must be rough. I heard you made quiet a bit of money though? I guess its not as easy to move out since the prices are pretty sky high anyways.

I have seen instances where homeless might be given heroin to stay off the roads. But that issue is hard to solve.
America doesn't give a fuck about the homeless until their dead bodies generate too much stink
I lived in different apartments during my life and yes, dogs barking and neighbor's TVs at 100 volume are constant ragefuel. If you happen to live where there are no dogs around, there are children or drunk ogre slavs bringing whores and making all kind of noise. In one of my previous apartments romanians (who had the only way to get on the rooftop...) sabotaged everyone's antennas to create some kind of connection between the wires to get TV for themselves, I had no TV for days.

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