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It's officially time to to drop the incels.me BLACKPILL



Jan 10, 2018
I didn't want to do this. I gave the mods and the admin a gazillion chances to avoid this day from coming upon our doorsteps. I seriously didn't want it to come, but as I was flying home last night in my private Boeing 747 airliner from Australia, after having visited my good buddy armadylbrah who is slaying it in the Bitcoin market over there scamming money from incels (lol I'm truecel but I have higher order thinking skills so I view myself as above incels in a way) in the great down under, I came to a realization, like in the movie The Revenant, when leonardo's character realizes that he must seek revenge for the man who robbed him of his native son, and I realized that there's a lot of treachery, sleaziness, and treason going on here on incels.is. I wanted to turn a blind eye, but I cannot turn the blind eye anymore, and I cannot turn a deaf ear, like when a father is trying to get his son to shut up and he puts mufflers on but he can still hear the little brat crying in the background. I knew this day would come eventually, the day that I would blackpill incels.is, and I tried to put it off for many days, but even then it still kept approaching an approaching, until eventually now it on our doorstep and we must open the door and greet the day because it is here now. 

Today, I drop the ultimate blackpill. I'm sorry lads, I really wanted to spare you all, truly, but I cannot be a coward anymore. It's time to annihilate everything. It's time for me to drop the ultimate hiroshima bomb on all your asses, bigger than the bomb my buddy armadylbrah dropped when he made his lookism thread on asian inferiority and conclusively proved that asians have the lowest testosterone levels of all men. 


My mesage to the admin:


Admin's response:


Then I sent actual evidence to the admin (aka user admitted he's @cuckcel from lookism in a message, what a retard, I sent him a pic from one of his threads on lookism where he said he was trying to fuck his JB gf's mom and he posted pics of the mom on his @cuckcel account):

Admin's second response after definitive evidence:

this is cuckcel: 

a 23/24 year old 5'11 latino from NY who doesn't have a job and still fucks milfs, JBs, trannies and hot girls regularly. 

LOL The other day he posted a thread about some girl talking to him on public transport and a lot of users here replied with astonishment asking why she would talk to him, spark up a convo with him... lol. Don't you guys understand? This guy is attractive, girls like him, they speak to him on the subway bc they're attracted to him. This guy is a mentalcel and still fucks girls. This guy lives a life you will never experience. 

some of his other threads for your perusal: 

his oneitis gf:




milf who gave him blowjob:


anyway. That's just one user lol. I could drop the pills on two other user on here as well who I could compile tons of evidence against but what's the fucking point. It already took me 30 minutes to make this dumb thread and now I feel like I wasted my time because in the end who gives a fuck. There is no website for "incels". This place is full of slayers and mentalcels who fuck on the side. I could expose some more people but at the end of the day i know that this website is 90% of their life so I don't want them to commit suicide and have their blood on my hands. 

the """""milf""""" that gave him a blow job is probally 10/10 material lol.
I really doubt the majority here are like him.
That said I do agree such posters should be banned on sight. Why is admin not banning him I have no idea. He needs to rethink this free for all approach.
Thank you. I’ve been waiting for this.
GenioplastyCel said:

Holy fucking shit.


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Solitarian_Walker said:
Holy fucking shit.

A fucking goddess gave him a blowjob jfl at this guy being allowed here.
@Sergeantincel this guy is clearly not an incel, hell he gets laid more than zyros why is he not banned?
It's over for me on that 3rd Picture. HOLY SHIT



It's only when looking @ old pictures that I realize how legitimately over it was for me back than. The difference 2-3 years can make. FUCK
Sub24inchSkull said:
It's over for me on that 3rd Picture. HOLY SHIT

It's only when looking @ old pictures that I realize how legitimately over it was for me back than. The difference 2-3 years can make. FUCK

how did you do it
ok. most of us already knew he was a fakecel from lookism. most people that post on here are actually incels or at the very least don't humblebrag like him, so what do you want us to do with this?

tbh this thread is nothing even close to hiroshima level blackpill. jfl @ you boyo. @incelman's 75 daily shitpost blackpills were harsher than this ngl
Damn... I'll just say that people like above are wasting time on the internet. Get help if you really need it, find a nice girl, do the things you've always wanted to and make take advantage of your blessings. If only you really knew what it was like to be in some of our shoes...
I’m sorry I can’t get over you saying you flew to Australia in a private jet.
The mods can finally execute Order 66 now right?

Have you dedicated your life to following me around bro what are you doing with yourself tbh
I already knew (not about cuckcel though), and to be honest, every truecel knows 95% incels.is consist of mentalcels.

List of truecels so far:


Any others?
remember guys as long as youre black pilled youre allowed jfl @ this site. Cant wait till Giga chad starts posting.
I already knew (not about cuckcel though), and to be honest, every truecel knows 95% incels.is consist of mentalcels.

List of truecels so far:


Any others?

Sub24inchSkull said:

Have you dedicated your life to following me around bro what are you doing with yourself tbh

Lol dedicated my life? i literally just put this together in half an hour. thing is, I'm kind of high IQ (autistically) so I have photoretentive memory and ccan pretty much subconsciously remember things such as as old old threads that I saw in the past. I can recite convos word for word that I had with people years ago. A simple search was all it took. 

I just find it funny tbh. shows the state of the incel community. i imagine cucktears will have a ball with this
I thought we all knew it was a fag from lookism.
Facade said:
I already knew (not about cuckcel though), and to be honest, every truecel knows 95% incels.is consist of mentalcels.
List of truecels so far:
Any others?

Any pics of him?
I'm sincerely tired of lookism faggots, zyros and grotesque are enough, pls go back to Chadism and stay there
I already knew (not about cuckcel though), and to be honest, every truecel knows 95% incels.is consist of mentalcels.

List of truecels so far:


Any others?

oh man im so tempted to.... but i won't because i know he loves this place.
The sad part is, these fakecel faggots scare away incels that contribute quality
GenioplastyCel said:

oh man im so tempted to.... but i won't because i know he loves this place.

Oh boy this is getting good
GenioplastyCel said:

oh man im so tempted to.... but i won't because i know he loves this place.

Are you referring to invisible or?
Any pics of him?

He'll probably send you some pics if you request it.I won't "leak" his pictures without his consent / permission. He is a certified 5'4 subhuman,bullied in school and in his late 20s. Man  I feel so sorry for this guy....
I already knew (not about cuckcel though), and to be honest, every truecel knows 95% incels.is consist of mentalcels.

List of truecels so far:


Any others?

Me. Just ask @FACEandLMS for confirmation.
Can someone exactly define fakecel? I was called a fakecel in the past even though I'm a KV. Is a fakcel now someone who gets laid or someone who could escape if he wanted to?
Autists are the disgrace to humanity I hate them!
Facade said:
Can someone exactly define fakecel? I was called a fakecel in the past even though I'm a KV. Is a fakcel now someone who gets laid or someone who could escape if he wanted to?

Fakecel = normie-tier looking incel. Arguably, mentalcels are fakecels because they look like normies, but then again, they're legitimately retarded that it hurts them.

GenioplastyCel said:
I already knew (not about cuckcel though), and to be honest, every truecel knows 95% incels.is consist of mentalcels.
List of truecels so far:
Any others?

oh man im so tempted to.... but i won't because i know he loves this place.

It's @FACEandLMS, tell us more. We all know he's a fellow ethnic, black to be specific. But he's the only one I haven't seen yet.

Facade said:
Any pics of him?
He'll probably send you some pics if you request it.I won't "leak" his pictures without his consent / permission. He is a certified 5'4 subhuman,bullied in school and in his late 20s. Man I feel so sorry for this guy....

Sure thing, I'll pm him. I don't leak pics either when sent.

Solitarian_Walker said:
I already knew (not about cuckcel though), and to be honest, every truecel knows 95% incels.is consist of mentalcels.
List of truecels so far:
Any others?
Me. Just ask @FACEandLMS for confirmation.

Can you send me your pic? I won't share. I've gotten others to trust me, they could vouch for you. Well actually they can't, @NegroKing got himself banned voluntarily, another user confided in me that he's not incel, and he has a girlfriend to boot. The last one is @Twisted but he has already shared his pictures on this board, so he wouldn't be able to vouch for me in that regard. Oh, and @knajjd considering he sent me other pics of him, specifically after I requested them.
Fakecel = normie-tier looking incel. Arguably, mentalcels are fakecels because they look like normies, but then again, they're legitimately retarded that it hurts them.

It's @FACEandLMS, tell us more. We all know he's a fellow ethnic, black to be specific. But he's the only one I haven't seen yet.

Sure thing, I'll pm him. I don't leak pics either when sent.

Can you send me your pic? I won't share. I've gotten others to trust me, they could vouch for you. Well actually they can't, @NegroKing got himself banned voluntarily, another user confided in me that he's not incel, and he has a girlfriend to boot. The last one is @Twisted but he has already shared his pictures on this board, so he wouldn't be able to vouch for me in that regard. Oh, and @knajjd considering he sent me other pics of him, specifically after I requested them.

Maybe I'm a fakecel then. Nobody here ever rated me so I can't be sure though...... I'm just addicted to self hate. It's the only drug I have
Facade said:
Fakecel = normie-tier looking incel. Arguably, mentalcels are fakecels because they look like normies, but then again, they're legitimately retarded that it hurts them.
It's @FACEandLMS, tell us more. We all know he's a fellow ethnic, black to be specific. But he's the only one I haven't seen yet.
Sure thing, I'll pm him. I don't leak pics either when sent.
Can you send me your pic? I won't share. I've gotten others to trust me, they could vouch for you. Well actually they can't, @NegroKing got himself banned voluntarily, another user confided in me that he's not incel, and he has a girlfriend to boot. The last one is @Twisted but he has already shared his pictures on this board, so he wouldn't be able to vouch for me in that regard. Oh, and @knajjd considering he sent me other pics of him, specifically after I requested them.
Maybe I'm a fakecel then. Nobody here ever rated me so I can't be sure though...... I'm just addicted to self hate. If's the only drug I have

PM me your pic! I'll rate you. I give the most realistic ratings on here and formerly on truerateme, but I got banned because I don't agree with the hilarious idea that Zayn is a 7/10 when other cucks on that sub get rated an 8 just because they're white.

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