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Hypocrisy It's more than odd how lefty redditards advocate for controlling markets and reducing inequality in terms of finances but never in the context of sex



Feb 23, 2022
Seems so confusing that redditors project about reducing income inequality and pointing out how mcdonalds wagie making as much per year as billionaire can do in an few minutes is unfair, but whenever someone who hasn't had sex since 6 years ago or is still virgin concludes that chad fucking 200+ foids just by existing and others being unable to do it despite insane amounts of effort is not right that gets laughed out with cope harder inksell:foidSoy:
Inequality is good. Fuck lefties and their hypocrisy.
Nothing but virtue signalling. Most male leftis I know are ugly and sexual frustrated too = Incel. Still, they simp so hard for female attention, it is hilarious.
Nothing but virtue signalling. Most male leftis I know are ugly and sexual frustrated too = Incel. Still, they simp so hard for female attention, it is hilarious.
Yeah we all kinda know that they do it, not because of genuinely meaning it, but because they're bluepill copers hoping for the day some princess will find their whiteknighting attractive and spread her cunny
That's because they are like children that think they can keep their little comfort, degenerate way of life and consumerist tendencies while living in an egalitarian utopia, which isn't physically possible. You gotta get used to planned famine and local commissars abuses, to begin with.
Yeah we all kinda they do it, not because of genuinely meaning it, they're bluepill copers hoping eventually some princess will find their whiteknighting attractive and spread her cunny
All sub5 men should join together to advocate for sub5 men interests. Unfortunately most ugly men still think that acting like a male feminist would increase their SMVs:feelstastyman:
Yes, isn’t it interesting how they propagate the most liberal of free market capitalism for sex, but rather have socialism when it comes to money, commerce and work?
You legit think chad fucking mutiple times a month by doing nothing and us rotting despite putting in effort is fair?
I should have been fucking aborted and so should you. Women pick chads because it's a sign of good genetics. Any incel who is against eugenics is a retard. I didn't want to be born an ugly ethnic autist. I wanted to have been born a handsome Chad.

"Durrr Chad doing nothing" then why should you do anything yourself? Why are you so against nature? I'm just fucking saying nobody wants to be an ugly incel. You can't change human nature, and the blackpill is human nature. If you want to change that, you can't, and you are bluepilled. Would you like to be Chad or ugly truecel?

Women pick Chad because it is nature. Female nature is poisonous, so we must remove all of the female rights so that men, the logical gender, can make the decisions themselves and women won't have a say.

But it's not just women, it's everybody. Every single thing in your life is dictated by looks. If you are good looking you will get better grades, better job, you wil get into better colleges, you will even be treated better by your parents and treated better by the law.

By trying to remove "inequality" you yourself become the ultimate lefty, the ultimate hypocrite, and the ultimate bluepiller. By saying shit like "durrr it isn't fair why don't I get a participation medal :soy::soy:" you become even more insidious than those you claim are hypocrites.

The systematic solution to inceldom is eugenics and removing women's rights completely.
These people are right-wing reactionary hierarchists when it concerns toilets, they believe toilets to be above men, they don't want people to have freedom in their choices unless the choice is to abort the life of another human being inside of a toilet.

They are Libertarians when it comes to toilets, but Socialists when it comes to men, that is whatever good men get has to be redistributed except for female attention and rights, men are not entitled to rights.

Remember that even post-wall Chad's get the bad end of the deal with ANY toilet.
Women pick Chad because it is nature. Female nature is poisonous, so we must remove all of the female rights so that men, the logical gender, can make the decisions themselves and women won't have a say.
Thats right and why it was implemented in every society until last 50 years
But it's not just women, it's everybody. Every single thing in your life is dictated by looks. If you are good looking you will get better grades, better job, you wil get into better colleges, you will even be treated better by your parents and treated better by the law.
Grades argument is dumb, one does not get graded better from good looks atleast in STEM. Job highly depends on whether it's customer service (McCuck, starcucks, bank consultantor restaurant waitress) or not (plumber, mechanic, cs, calibrating machinery.) Colleges yeah because their gynocentric cuck facilities. Parents can still treat their child well because it's their child. Right about the law that police officers will treat you worse if you look like a goblin
bro, they are marxist retards. nothing marxist retards do is ever consistent, it's just about doing whatever the television tells you to

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